Roma Stillinski- Teen Wolf fa...

By BuckysDoll24

94.6K 2.3K 691

A teen wolf fanfic where Stiles has a twin sister called Roma Stillinski who is quite shy and very smart. She... More

📖Intro to the book📖
⚛️The book S1 Aesthetics⚛️
🎶Part One-Season One🎶
🪭S1.Pilot Part One🪭
🐺S1. Pilot-Part Two🐺
⌚️S1.Pilot part three⌚️
🏵S1. Second chance at 1st Line🏵
⌚️S1. 2nd chance at 1st line P2⌚️
💥S1. Pack Mentality Part 1💥
🐺S1.Pack Mentality Part 2🐺
🚥S1. Magic Bullet Part 1🚥
🚥S1. Magic Bullet Part 2🚥
🎠S1. The Tell Part 1🎠
🎠S1. The Tell Part 2🎠
📝Author Note📝
♦️S1.Heart Monitor Part 1♦️
♦️S1.Heart Monitor Part 2♦️
💱S1. Night School Part 1💱
💱S1. Night School Part 2💱
🕵‍♀️S1. Lunatic Part 1🕵‍♀️
🕵‍♀️S1.Lunatic Part 2🕵‍♀️
✴️S1.Wolfbane Part 1✴️
✴️S1.Wolfbane Part 2✴️
🧁S1.Co-Captain Part 1🧁
🧁S1.Co-Captain Part 2🧁
♾️S1. Formality Part 1♾️
♾️S1. Formality Part 2♾️
➕️S1.CodeBreaker Part One➕️
➕️S1.CodeBreaker Part 2➕️
💠Season Two Aesthetics💠
💮Part Two-Season Two💮
🐨S2. Omega Part One🐨
🦁S2. Omega Part Two🦁
🌫S2. Shape Shifted Part 1🌫
🐲S2. Shape Shifted Part 2🐲
‼️New Ocs Alert‼️
🪐S2. Ice Pick Part 2🪐
🪢S2.Abomination Part 1🪢
👥️S2.Abomination Part 2👥️
🎖S2.Venomous Part 1🎖
🎖S2.Venomous Part 2🎖
📷S2. Frenemy Part 1📷
📸S2. Frenemy Part 2📸
🩰S2.Restraint Part 1🩰
🔗S2.Restraint Part 2🔗
🎙S2.Raving Part 1🎙
🎶S2.Raving Part 2🎶
🪔S2.Party Guessed Part 1🪔
🕯S2.Party Guessed Part 2🕯
⚜️S2.Fury Part 1⚜️
🔯S2.Fury Part 2🔯
♓️S2.Battlefield Part 1♓️
🦋S2.Battlefield Part 2🦋
🦊S2. Master Plan Part 1🦊
🐱S2. Master Plan Part 2🐱
🦋The Whole S3 Aesthetics🦋
🌺Two Months Of Summer🌺
📸Part Three-Season Three A📸
🪸Roma Supernatural Side🪸
🪡S3A.Tattoo P1🪡
🪬S3A.Tattoo P2🪬
🎑S3A.Chaos Rising P1🎑
🎎S3A.Chaos Rising P2🎎
⚖️S3A.Fireflies P1⚖️
🎆S3A.Fireflies P2🎆
🧸S3A.Unleashed P1🧸
♨️S3A.Unleashed P2♨️
☀️S3A.Frayed P1☀️
❄️S3A. Frayed P2❄️
❗️New Oc Introduction❗️
🏨S3A.Motel California P1🏨
☝️S3A.Motel California P2☝️
🦚S3A.Currents P1🦚

🪸S2. Ice Pick Part 1🪸

1.3K 37 3
By BuckysDoll24

We're all in gym class today and Scott and Allison are first up the wall.
I'm going up with a girl named Erica who is a known epileptic so I'm gonna keep an eye on her.

We see Scott fall off the wall and land on the mat. Coach goes up to him."McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy," Coach smirks

"Right? All right, next two," Coach says looking around."Erica, Roma, let's go. The wall." Coach says he faces me and Erica.

I get harnessed up and I hear Erica hyperventilating. We're only halfway up the wall and I hear her."Oh please," She says in panic. I go near her and I grab her hand. I hear everyone talking, but I concentrate on Erica mainly.

"Erica. Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" Coach asks."Vertigo is a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia snarky responses

"Erica." Coach shouts up."I'm fine." Erica shakily responds."Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison points out."Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff? I have to get - Erica, y - you're fine." The coach freaks out.

"Hey Erica, Look at me." I softly speak to her. She shakily looks at me."I got you okay? I'll come down with you keep your eyes on me and trust me." I softly told her.

We began to climb down and our feet hit the mats."See, you're fine. You're on the ground. You're all right. Let's go. Shake it off. You're fine." Coach says. Everyone started laughing and I got mad."Next person to laugh and make a snarky comment. I will rip off your goddamm balls and shove them down your throats until you choke," I snapped in their faces.

"And as for the girls, I will personally rip up all your fancy fucking clothes and ram them down your throats," I shouted. The room went silent and Coach didn't even attempt to stop me from leaving to go after Erica.

I found her crying in the girl's locker room and I went over to comfort her. I sat by her and pulled her into a hug.

"Erica don't pay attention to them. You are amazing in your way." I softly said. I heard her chuckle slightly, "Thank you Roma for being here," Erica says looking at me.

"It's no problem, I wasn't going to leave you alone," I say softly putting my hand on her cheek. She gets up and hugs me before leaving the locker room fills up with other girls.


I was getting ready and I looked for Erica and she was nowhere to be seen. I went into the gym hall and I saw Erica climbing up the wall with no harness she was falling and Scott knew something was wrong as he came in running.

He caught and placed her side and held her tightly as she seized up. I let her grab my hand as she seized up."How did you know?" Allison asks."I felt it," Scott answered.

The paramedics came for her," Wait! I want Roma to come with me please?" Erica pleads. The paramedics looked at me." She's not allowed to go," They tell her.

"I'm her friend and the sheriff's daughter, I am telling you to allow me to go," I said sternly." Yes madam sorry," They say softly.

We leave for the hospital together and Erica leans into my side and I keep her calm and comfortable.

I was on Erica's gurney holding Erica as she leaned into my arms as we were being wheeled into a room."It's been a while since we saw you, Erica. You were being so good about taking your medication," Melissa says softly

"Are you gonna tell my mom?" Erica wonders."Well, I swear I don't want to, but there's this team of lawyers in the back who would break my legs," Melissa jokes.

"And I don't know if you've seen my legs, but for a girl my age? They're still pretty hot. So the doctor's gonna be in in a minute, okay?" Melissa says jokingly."Okay," Erica nods." Bye Mama McCall," I said with a smile.

"See you, Roma, you okay?" Melissa asked." Been better," I said softly smiling." You know where am if you need me," Melissa says softly kissing my head." Always, have a good day," I said with a smile.

Melissa heads out and Derek enters the room." What are you doing?" I asked him." I wanted to see if Erica here would want the bite?" Derek says with a smile.

I faced Erica, "What do you want Erica?"I asked her gently." Will it stop all this?" Erica asked." Yes, if it accepts your body," Derek says with a smile.

"I'm here if you want to discuss it alone?" I said softly stroking her hair." I want it," Erica nods." Lean against me and he'll bite you on your side," I said softly and Erica leaned against me. Derek shifts and bites Erica's side," All done, let's go as you can't let anyone see that," Derek says with a look.

I go to get off the gurney and Derek quickly comes around and lifts me off." I can walk," I sassed." My baby girl doesn't walk when I'm around," Derek winks and nuzzles against me." Soft alpha," I said with a smile.

Derek helps Erica off," Get dressed," Derek tells her and she goes to get dressed." Just one more and I'm done," Derek says with a grin. Erica came back dressed and we all headed back to the train station where Derek gave Erica new clothes to show off.


Me and Erica returned to school and went to the canteen." Ready for this?" I smiled at her." I think so," Erica says smiling." Let go!" I said walking with her hand in hand and I let her walk solo. I skipped around Stiles, Scott, Lydia, and Allison's table with a grin on my face.

"Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster. Run little girl, run little girl, bang, ha. Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster. Run little girl, run little girl, faster. Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster," I sang as I skipped around the table and headed back towards Erica and we left the canteen.

We headed to Derek's car and got in just as Scott and Stiles rushed outside to see us." Bye!" I waved with a smile. Derek and I smirked at the duo and we headed back to the train station where Issac was still residing.

"Now that was fun," I giggled." I'm probably gonna have him whinging down my ears later on tonight," I said with a smile." Stay the night then, I love having you here, and I don't think Issac wants you to go," Derek says with a smile.

"Issac loves me that's why," I giggled as Isaac hugged me and nuzzled against me and scented marks me." Hey, mine!" Derek growls baring his teeth at Isaac." All yours," Isaac backs up.

"So Chinese or pizza?" I said with a smirk." Pizza!" Erica and Issac say with a smile." Got it, what sort? Cheese, meat feast, pepperoni?" I wondered." All three?" Isaac cheekily asks with a smile. Derek went and got the pizza order as he wouldn't let me go.

He returned an hour later and me and Isaac were training and I used my weapons to fight him. I am quite skilled like a natural-born warrior.

I beat him to the ground and Erica was watching us."You're good at this baby girl," Derek says softly kissing my head." What can I say I had a good teacher," I winked.

"I'll be doing more training sessions once I've picked my third beta," Derek says softly smiling at me." Good, I intend on whipping your butt," I winked." Let's see brave Princess," Derek smirks."Oh, you will soft puppy," I teased him.

"Not a puppy," Derek grumbles. I skipped up to him and kissed his cheek." Yes, you are," I hummed in contentment.

Erica, Isaac and I continue to eat our pizza as Derek watches over us but more me with a playful glint in his eyes." You love me," I mouthed to him." Yes, I do," Derek mouthes back with a smile.

Erica left for home and I lay next to Issac Derek made his way next to me and pulled me into his chest." Night boys," I said with a smile." Night Roma," Isaac says with a smile and falls asleep holding my hand." Night baby girl," Derek says softly kissing my neck.


Part one of Ice Pick is done ✔️ sort of AU❤️

Who is in love with Roma?

Do we like her scenes with the characters?

When should Derek pluck the courage to ask her out?

Ready for some smut?

Continue Reading

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