Roma Stillinski- Teen Wolf fa...

By BuckysDoll24

94.7K 2.3K 691

A teen wolf fanfic where Stiles has a twin sister called Roma Stillinski who is quite shy and very smart. She... More

📖Intro to the book📖
⚛️The book S1 Aesthetics⚛️
🎶Part One-Season One🎶
🪭S1.Pilot Part One🪭
🐺S1. Pilot-Part Two🐺
⌚️S1.Pilot part three⌚️
🏵S1. Second chance at 1st Line🏵
⌚️S1. 2nd chance at 1st line P2⌚️
💥S1. Pack Mentality Part 1💥
🐺S1.Pack Mentality Part 2🐺
🚥S1. Magic Bullet Part 1🚥
🚥S1. Magic Bullet Part 2🚥
🎠S1. The Tell Part 1🎠
🎠S1. The Tell Part 2🎠
📝Author Note📝
♦️S1.Heart Monitor Part 1♦️
♦️S1.Heart Monitor Part 2♦️
💱S1. Night School Part 1💱
💱S1. Night School Part 2💱
🕵‍♀️S1. Lunatic Part 1🕵‍♀️
🕵‍♀️S1.Lunatic Part 2🕵‍♀️
✴️S1.Wolfbane Part 1✴️
✴️S1.Wolfbane Part 2✴️
🧁S1.Co-Captain Part 1🧁
🧁S1.Co-Captain Part 2🧁
♾️S1. Formality Part 1♾️
♾️S1. Formality Part 2♾️
➕️S1.CodeBreaker Part One➕️
➕️S1.CodeBreaker Part 2➕️
💠Season Two Aesthetics💠
💮Part Two-Season Two💮
🦁S2. Omega Part Two🦁
🌫S2. Shape Shifted Part 1🌫
🐲S2. Shape Shifted Part 2🐲
‼️New Ocs Alert‼️
🪸S2. Ice Pick Part 1🪸
🪐S2. Ice Pick Part 2🪐
🪢S2.Abomination Part 1🪢
👥️S2.Abomination Part 2👥️
🎖S2.Venomous Part 1🎖
🎖S2.Venomous Part 2🎖
📷S2. Frenemy Part 1📷
📸S2. Frenemy Part 2📸
🩰S2.Restraint Part 1🩰
🔗S2.Restraint Part 2🔗
🎙S2.Raving Part 1🎙
🎶S2.Raving Part 2🎶
🪔S2.Party Guessed Part 1🪔
🕯S2.Party Guessed Part 2🕯
⚜️S2.Fury Part 1⚜️
🔯S2.Fury Part 2🔯
♓️S2.Battlefield Part 1♓️
🦋S2.Battlefield Part 2🦋
🦊S2. Master Plan Part 1🦊
🐱S2. Master Plan Part 2🐱
🦋The Whole S3 Aesthetics🦋
🌺Two Months Of Summer🌺
📸Part Three-Season Three A📸
🪸Roma Supernatural Side🪸
🪡S3A.Tattoo P1🪡
🪬S3A.Tattoo P2🪬
🎑S3A.Chaos Rising P1🎑
🎎S3A.Chaos Rising P2🎎
⚖️S3A.Fireflies P1⚖️
🎆S3A.Fireflies P2🎆
🧸S3A.Unleashed P1🧸
♨️S3A.Unleashed P2♨️
☀️S3A.Frayed P1☀️
❄️S3A. Frayed P2❄️
❗️New Oc Introduction❗️
🏨S3A.Motel California P1🏨
☝️S3A.Motel California P2☝️
🦚S3A.Currents P1🦚

🐨S2. Omega Part One🐨

1.5K 32 11
By BuckysDoll24

I've just been cleared to go home and I have burn wounds from the iron shackles and three wounds with stitches but I was mostly bruised up.

The rape kit came back positive but I haven't lost my virginity so some positives I guess? They concluded the hunter had just touched me up and he's been done for aggravated assault and sexual assault.

I had just found out that Lydia is in hospital as she got bitten by Peter Hale on the night of the formal. So I know Stiles is here and I find him fast asleep on a row of seats.

I shake my head at him and I go exploring as I don't want to be sitting down. Me and Scott are not on talking grounds anymore and Allison keeps far away from me as I'm ready to kill her with my bare hands.

Me and Melissa bumped into each other and we heard a scream we headed back to Lydia's room and she was gone.

"Naked? As in nude?" Dad says uncomfortably.

"I'm pretty sure they mean the same thing, but, yes, as far as we know, she left here clothing - optional," Melissa tells him.

"All right, you checked the whole hospital, right?" Dad says.

"Every last corner." She tells him

"Nothing suspicious?" Dad asked

"Nothing. She just took off." Melissa tells him

"All right, let's get an APB out on a 16-year-old redhead. Any other descriptors?" Dad asked

Stiles then barges into the conversation.

"5'3", green eyes, fair-skinned, and her hair is actually strawberry blonde." Stiles rambles out.

"Is that right?" Dad asked

"Yeah." Stiles nods.

"Uh - come here. What the hell are you still doing here?" Dad says dragging him

"Um, providing moral support?" Stiles questions.

"Uh-huh. How 'bout you provide your ass back home, where you should be. Take Roma home." Dad tells him.

"Okay, I can do that too." Stiles nods.

"Bye Dad," I said with a smile

"Yeah, Bye Roma," Dad says waving us off.


I sat in the Jeep with Stiles just as Scott turned up and I climbed into the back and ignored his presence.

"This is the one she was just wearing? I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again." Scott tells him.

"No let Roma get molested and tortured she doesn't matter to me at all she has only been in my life since I was born!" I snarked out.

Scott had a sad look on his face."Fuck off Scott, don't act like you care about me now!" I glared at Scott.

"Alright!" Stiles says defusing the situation." Just shove the thing in your face and let's find her." Stiles states.

We were about to drive off when Allison appeared.

"Woah!" Stiles exclaims

"What are you doing here? Someone's gonna see us." Scott says.

"I don't care - she is my best friend, and we need to find her before they do," Allison says.

"I can find her before the cops can," Scott informs her.

"How about before my father does?" Allison counters

"He knows?!" Stiles exclaims.

"Yeah. I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs." She tells us.

"Search party," Scott says.

"It's more like a hunting party," Allison says

"Get in," Scott says letting her in.

I glared at Allison as she came to sit in the back with me.

"So if Lydia turns, would they kill her?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know. They won't tell me anything. Okay, all they say is, "We'll talk after Kate's funeral when the others get here." Allison says.

"What others?" Stiles questions

"I don't know, they won't tell me that yet," Allison says.

"Probably all psychos like your auntie," I muttered angrily.

Allison glares at me," Glare at me one more time and I will break your fucking nose and rip your fucking hair out," I snarked out.

"Okay! your family's got some serious communication issues to work on." Stiles says. Stiles turns his head to see Scott sticking his head out the window.

"Scott, are we going the right way?" Stiles questions."Take the next right!" Scott shouts.


We arrived at the Hale house and I walked far away from Scott, Stiles and Allison. I'm too angry and too full of hate for them two right now.

"She came here? Are you sure? "Stiles asks sceptically.

"Yeah, this is where the scent leads," Scott tells him

"All right, but has Lydia ever been here?" Stiles questions Allison.

"Not with me. Maybe she came here on instinct like she was looking for Derek." Allison says shrugging her shoulders.

"You mean - looking for an Alpha," Scott concludes

"Wolves need a pack, right?" Allison says.

"Obviously," I muttered.

Everyone looks at me and I give a glare to Scott and Allison.

"Not all of them," Scott mutters.

"But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?" Allison says.

"Ding ding ding we have a winner(!)," I said walking towards the Hale house.

"Yeah, we're - we're stronger in packs. Scott says from behind me.

"Like strength in numbers?" Allison wonders.

"No, like - like, literally stronger, faster, better in every way," Scott tells her.

"That the same for an Alpha?" Allison stupidly asked.

"Yes!" I snapped.

"That'll make Derek stronger too," Scott replies

Scott is still pissed about Derek killing Peter.

"Derek was already strong and super hot," I said with a smirk.

All three looked at me with a what the fuck Roma look but Scott had a look on his face.

"What? Just being honest, I've had the pleasure of seeing all of him," I smirked walking away.


I walk towards the house with Scott not far behind me."Hey look see this I think it's a tripwire." Stiles says from behind me and Scott.

He then yanks and me and Scott ended upside down."Stiles?" Scott says."Yeah, buddy." Stiles says and turns around." Oh." Stiles says.

He and Allison are trying not to laugh at us.” Don't you dare laugh!” I warn them."Next time you see a tripwire." Scott says."Don't trip it!" I said with annoyance.

"Noted." Stiles says as they move to cut us down."Wait! Someone is coming! hide!" Scott says.

"Scott? Roma?"  Chris asks

"Mr. Argent." We greet the older hunter.

"How are you doing?" Chris questions

"Good. You know, just hangin' out." Scott says.

"Is this one of yours? It's, uh, good. Nice design. Very constricting." Scott asks

"What are you doing out here, Scott? Roma?" Chris asks

"Looking for my friend," Scott responds

"Helping the two village idiots," I say.

"Ah, that's right. Lydia's in your group now, isn't she? Part of the clique? Is that the word you use? Or is there another way to put it? Part of your pack?" Chris questions

"Actually, clique sounds about right to me," Scott says

"I'm not even a werewolf so don't threaten my life." I snarked out

"I hope so. 'Cause I know she's a friend of Allison's, and one special circumstance, such as yourself - one." Chris says

"I can handle but not two," Chris says.

"No," Scott says

"Roma, Scott, do you know what a hemicorporectomy is?" Chris questions.

"I have a feeling I don't want to," Scott says

"It's a medical term for amputating somebody at the waist. Cut them in half." I reveal.” Disgusting way to die, it's gruesome,” I said

"Let's hope a demonstration never becomes necessary," Chris says, looking at Scott.

"Threaten me again and I will have you," I said harshly. Chris nods and walks away. Allison and Stiles reappear from their hiding place.

"You okay?" Allison asked.“Are you stupid? What sort of question is that?” I said with a look.

"Roma!” Scott warns.”It's just another life-threatening conversation with your dad,” Scott says."Stiles, help me with this." Allison says.

I shake my head and I cut us down with my knife."We got it thanks." I said landing on my feet. We then head off towards the house to see if Lydia is there.


Part one of Omega is done ✔️ Part Two is coming up next ❤️

How was the start of Season Two?

Derek comes into the next chapter!

Scott and Roma aren't on talking grounds!

Ready for some Issac and Roma Scenes?

Continue Reading

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