The Female Musketeer

By DarcyArnott

3.2K 89 6

Daria La Vielle was just a farm girl. The Three musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis were just soldiers. But... More

Chapter 1 | La Maladie
Chapter 2 | L'au Revoir
Chapter 3 | La Mort D'un Père
Chapter 4 | Un Enterrement
Chapter 5 | Adieu mon enfance
Chapter 6 | Route Des Voleurs
Chapter 7 | La Nouvelle Patrie
Chapter 8 | Règles
Chapter 9 | Le Premier Mousquetaire
Chapter 10 | Le Deuxième Mousquetaire
Chapter 12 | Ma Garde Rouge
Chapter 13 | Un Plan Bien Préparé
Chapter 14 | La Garnison
Chapter 15 | La Femme Combattante
Chapter 16 | Une Rencontre
Chapter 17 | la Garde Rouge Jalouse
Chapter 18 | Le Dîner Catastrophe
Chapter 19 | Le Cadavre
Chapter 20 | Séparer La Famille
Chapter 21 | Le Seigneur Sans Nom
Chapter 22 | Rubans Et Haches
Chapter 23 | L'avis Des Rois
Chapter 24 | La Piste Et Le Procès
Chapter 25 | Jour D'Entrainement
Chapter 26 | Au Revoir Mon Amoureux
Chapter 27 | Une Grande Préoccupation
Chapter 28 | Les Vicomtes S'Inquiètent
Chapter 29 | Une Leçon Apprise Non Enseignée
Chapter 30 | Ainsi Commence L'Histoire
Chapter 31 | La Tentative Meurtrière
Chapter 32 | Enfin Chez-Soi
Chapter 33 | La Lettre Des Seigneurs
Chapter 34 | Mon Amie La Reine
Chapter 35 | Tuer Ou Être Tué
Chapter 36 | les Imbéciles Dansent
Chapter 37 | Un Cadeau D'un "Ami"
Chapter 38 | Le Mousquetaire Dansant
Chapter 39 | En Route Pour Le Bal
Chapter 40 | Introduction Par Effraction
Chapter 41 | Nouveaux Indices
Chapter 42 | Un Affrontement
Chapter 43 | Chat Effrayant
Chapter 44 | Dans L'Obscurité De La Nuit
Chapter 45 | Bisou Bisou
Chapter 46 | Mener Une Bataille Perdue
Chapter 47 | J'aime Te Détester
Chapter 48 | Bonjour Mes Amis
Chapter 49 | l'ultimatum
Chapter 50 | Tuer Ou Ne Pas Tuer
Chapter 51 | Le Retour En Arrière

Chapter 11 | Le Troisième Mousquetaire

93 5 0
By DarcyArnott

Once again, I am chasing a man. Im rather sick of chasing them, but here I am.

He weaves down the alley and onto a very busy street. He pushes through the crowd and I maneuver past people. There's a small clearing and he takes the chance to quicken his pace. I follow suit but just as I get close to him, he dips to the side and I collide into a man. We both hit the ground, though it's the man I land on that takes the majority of the impact. I am pressed on top and face to face with him. The fall knocked the wind from both of our lungs, so for a moment we focus on trying the breathe. The man's hands rest on my hips, they are warm even through the fabric. His eyes are a pale blue, and his long dark hair is tousled but still frames his handsome face. Not that I matters, or that I find him attractive. I'm a spoken for woman. I find myself lingering much too long on his features. But when I focus back on his eyes, I see he's doing the same. I clear my throat and stand, then help him up.

"I am so sorry." I look forward to the thief's retreating figure and move towards him. "I'm sorry again, got to go!"

The man also looks to the thief's running figure. I don't dwell and continue my chase. I notice the Man I ran into follows us. His face stony.

The thief runs down another street but is cut off by a carriage coming down the road. Leaving me enough time to catch up to him.

"Hand it over" I stick out my hand.

He shakes his head "No." then he runs to a nearby soldier and steals his sword. The Solider tries to grab it back but the man knocks him out cold. He holds it out in front of himself. I look over to the man who followed, he a has a sword in its sheath.

"Hey!" He shouts after me but I drown him out. I've never actually used a sword against anybody. Only ever in sparring with My father and brother, on occasion Frederick. I took a deep breath and step towards the man, my sword also in front of me. We circle each other for a moment and he try's to swing his sword at me. But I bring mine up to block him. We exchange blows. I hear people egging us on, the praise encouraging me, For a few minutes he has the upper hand, but eventually I over power him. Using the little tricks my father taught me, here and there. After exchanging a few more hits, I'm able to knock his sword out of his hand. His knees hit the ground and I hold the tip of the sword up to his neck.

"The Ring. Now." I hold out my hand.

He slips the ring from his finger and shoves it into mine. I ball my hand into a fist and swing my hand backwards across the thief's face. He falls the the ground unconscious.

Cheers and boos erupt from the crowd. The public seems to love a good fight. I turn back to the man and hand him his sword.

"I believe this is yours."

He takes it back, his hand brushing mine in the process. My hand tingles.

"How kind, stealing is a crime you know."

"Borrowing isn't." I flutter my eyebrows jokingly.

"Where did you learn to fight like that. You're quite skilled."

I scoff "For a woman, you mean."

He reiterates "I can not deny it's not a common sight, seeing a woman take down a man in such a manner but I'm not one to underestimate a swordsman. No matter their gender. I meant what I said. You fought rather well. "

I slump my shoulders a bit, all energy depleted. The adrenaline from the day wearing on me finally.

"Thank you. I have my Father to thank for that."

"He's a fine teacher than."

"He was."

The man gives me an understanding look. I wipe my hand on my dress to clean dirt off it, and slip the ring back on my finger.

"This was his."

I show the man the ring.

"He was a soldier?"

"A Captain yes, how did you know?"

He points to my hand with the ring on it.

"May I?"

I put my hand up and he takes it in his, taking a close look at the ring. His hand is rough but holds mine gentle, detached. I could have taken the ring off, but that was an idea that came to me a minute too late. He points to a small symbol engraved beside the stone.

"This was a symbol of the 4th regime. They fought in the kings personal guard in the last war, so he gifted each of his higher up men a ring as a token."

I heard every word, but the familiar tingling in my hand was a bit distracting. I clear my throat and pull back my hand.

"My Father didn't like to talk much about that time. Said it was too painful. He didn't talk about many things."

"War is pain. A Soldier does what he can but when the battles are done, it can leave a Man changed."

"And you know this because...?"

"I'm a Solider. A Musketeer."

I can't help but laugh.

The man clears his throat, confused. I probably look like an unsane person, but the irony of it all bewilders me.

"I've never had that reaction."

"I truly don't mean to laugh but, let's just say you're not the first of your title to view my escapades today."

"Ah well, I'm Athos."

"Daria. Daria La Vielle"

"Well Miss La Vielle, I guess I should take care of him." He points to the passed out thief.

"And I should be on my way."

The sky above us darkens, and I curse under my breath. Athos goes to shake the Theif awake.

"Do you know where the Red Guards training yard is by any chance?"

He turns back to me and motion down the street.

"Take a left down this street and walk about three blocks. You can't miss it. It's got a giant red shield on the front gates." He rolls his eyes.

"Thanks for the help."

He bids me farewell and I hurry down the street. I was so ready for this day to be over.

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