Hers Is The Fury

بواسطة AneesaBadu

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Princess Morgana Baratheon is the eldest daughter of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister. She is... المزيد

Morgana Baratheon
Winterfell Feast
Broken Lord
Journey To The Capital
Kingsroad Trouble
Arriving In The Capital
Lady Stark In King's Landing
Tourney Preparations Begin... As Do Questions
Hand's Tourney
Word Reaches King's Landing
More Trouble In King's Landing
Dream... Or Nightmare Come True
The King Is Dead
Imprisoned Lord
Starks Receive Word & Call The Banners
Stark War Camp
Dismissing The Last True Knight & Pleas
Visiting The Twins
Sept of Baelor
War Is Here
King's Nameday
Robb Stark
Bastard Massacre
King Renly
Battle Responses
Hidden In Plain Sight
Return Of The Mother & News Of Winterfell
Wedding Of A Doe And Wolf
Stark Forces Occupy Harrenhal & News From Riverrun
Death Of Innocents
News Of Starks Reaches The Capital
Red Wedding
News Of Red Wedding Reaches The Capital
Returning To King's Landing
Prince Of Dorne
Sad Conversations
Pre Wedding Banquet & Purple Wedding
Another King Is Dead
A New King & Tyrion's Trial
Unlikely Ally
The Mountain And The Viper
Death Of The Lannister Patriarch
Old Lion No More
Powers Of Prophecy
Dornish Conversations
More Dreams
Letters & A Wedding
Unexpected Visit
High Sparrow
News Of A Crumbling Dynasty
Faith Militant
Fears Realized
Setbacks In Dorne
Arrival In Dorne & Feast
Queen Of Thorns
Imprisoned Dowager Queen
Did You Do It?
Walk Of Atonement
For The Watch
Heir Arrested
News Brings Hope
Return Of The Sister
Missing Again
Lord Commander
Arise Lord Commander
Reunited... And It Feels So Good
Trekking To The Wall
Planning Begins
Reunions At The Wall
Setting Sail
Battle Preparation
Gathering Allies
Battle Of The Bastards
The Great Sept
Battle Aftermath & Surprise Return
Northern Plans
Another Claimant Emerges & Alliances
Dragon Soulbinder & Shocking Reveals
Rallying In The Capital
Reprieve From Politics
Bastard Of Winterfell
Hostages In The Capital
Dornish-Northern Alliance?
A Lady, A Knight, And A Mockingbird
Last Stark Returns
Taking Casterly Rock
Lost Allies
We All Have A Part To Play
The Spoils Of War
Retaliation & Resiliance
Parley Requests
Returning To The North
Beyond The Wall
Invitations & Revelations
Dragon Assist
Dragonpit Summit
Attempted Alliance
Mockingbird In The Capital
Attempts In Winterfell
True Heritage Reveals & Plans
Dragonstone Response
Business In King's Landing
Journey To Winterfell
Feasting In Winterfell
Dragon Bonding & A Wedding
Shocking Discoveries
Origins Of The Night King
Greenhouse & Visions
Strategies For The Undead
Letters In Dorne
Isle Of Faces
Voices & A Potential Ally
Warging & Dangerous Discoveries
Defense Preparations
Tables Have Turned
Allies & A Fragile Alliance
Golden Company
A Second Lannister In Winterfell
Dornish Mission
Other Daughter
Vision For The Future
Attempted Abduction
Battle Of Winterfell
Retreat To The Capital
Red Wolf & A Mockingbird
Preparing For Final Stand
They're Here
Renewed Efforts
Delirium & Betrayal?
The End In Sight
Set Her Free
A Brief Reprieve
Mockingbird's Downfall
Second Wave
I Need To End This
A Prophecy Begun
Final Stand
End Of The Nightmare
Empty List
A New Queen
Death To The Mockingbird

Battle Of The Goldroad Aftermath

260 4 1
بواسطة AneesaBadu

[Highgarden - The King's Road]

The road leading from Highgarden was filled with men and carriages. Lannister soldiers were mqrching back to King's Landing after sacking the castle, and looting its food and gold.

Jaime yelled out to a passing wagon. "Halt that wagon!" He opened the carriage. It was filled with gold bars and coins. He picked up a large sack and handed it to Bronn.

"You just won the biggest prize in the world. What could you possibly have to be upset about? Come on. You can tell me. Queen of Thorns give you one last prick in the balls before saying goodbye?"

"I'll save my confessions for the High Septon."

"There is no more High Septon."

"No, there isn't, is there?"

"There is still the question of my prize."

Jaime was putting a padlock on the wagon bearing the gold. He stopped and turned to Bronn. "That's a lot of money I just gave you."

"It's not a castle." Bronn turned and pointed to Highgarden.

"You don't want to remain in Highgarden."

"I beg to differ."

"We're at war. Daenerys Targaryen could come take it back the day after you move in. Besides, think of the upkeep. The more you own, the more it weighs you down."

"Oh, is that why you're so fucking glum, eh? All your new riches weighing you down?"

Jaime pounded on the back of the carriage and the horses started trotting. "They're not mine. The gold belongs to the Iron Bank. We pay our debts."

"Right. Just not to me."

"Bronn of the Blackwater, formerly of whatever nameless shit heap you're from with a saddlebag full of gold complaining about not getting paid. When we win this war all the castles in the Seven Kingdoms will be yours to choose from with no one left to take them away from you."

"Yes, I'm sure Queen Cersei's reign will be quiet and peaceful."

"Yes, I'm sure Queen Cersei's reign will be quiet and peaceful."

"Stranger things have happened.

"Like what?"

Before Jaime could answer, Randyll Tarly and his son Dickon approached on horseback.

"The granaries are being emptied and loaded into wagons, My Lord." Randyll told him.

"The current harvest?" Jaime asked.

"We have teams of men collecting it and more farmers in the Reach." Dickon answered.

Jaime looked over to Bronn. "Ser Bronn, will you accompany the Tarleys and help them accelerate this process?"

"I'm not much for shoveling weight."

"No, but motivating reluctant farmers to hand over their harvest, I've heard you guys have a real talent for that."

Father and son both regarded Jaime.

"My Lord."

"My Lord."

Randyll, Dickon and Bronn broke away from the Lannister army and rode into the distance. Horse drawn carts are carrying spoils from Highgarden and Lannister men were mqrching down the road.

[King's Landing - Fields]

As the Lannister army was returning from sacking Highgarden, they were delivering gold and food to King's Landing. There were carts and men that haven't made it into the city gates yet.

Jaime and Bronn were supervising the procession.

Randyll Tarly rode up on his horse. "All of the gold is safely through the gates of King's Landing."

"Good." Jaime said.

"We need to get the last of these wagons over the Blackwater Rush before nightfall. If the head of the line is ambushed, the tail will nevr be able to reinforce in time."

"We are stretched a bit thin."

"With your permission, flogging stragglers has a marked effect on mobility." Randyll requested.

"Let's give them fair warning first. These men fought well at Highgarden."

Randyll was clearly disappointed. He turns and rides off back to the line of soldiers.

Jaime and Bronn exchanged glances, then followed Randyll. They rode through the ranks.

Dickon Tarly saw Jaime and decided to strike up a conversation. "Ser Jaime."


"Dickon." He corrected

Bronn openly laughed in Dickon's face and looked at Jaime, who remained stoic.

"I hear you fought bravely at Highgarden. Your first battle?" Jaime asked.

Dickon nodded.


"It was glorious."

"Come on. Your father's not here." Bronn quipped.

"All my lifr we've been pledged to House Tyrell. I knew some of those men. I hunted with them." He turned to Jaime. "Do you hold no guilt? She was the great grandmother of your niece's son. His entire family is gone."

"Those men didn't deserve to die. But Lady Olenna chose to betray the queen and support the Targaryen girl. So here we are." Jaime told him.

"I didn't expect it to smell like that."

"Men shit themselves when they die. Didn't they teach you that at fancy lad school?" Bronn asked.

Jaime looked over at him.

"Well, I learned it when I was five." Bronn paused and strained to hear a noise far in the distance.

"What?" Jaime asked.


Horses and high pitched war cries were heard beyond the hill in the distance.

Jaime took off at a gallop and began yelling orders to the soldiers on the road. "Spears and shields! Spears and shields!"

The men jumped into action and started arming themselves.

"Spears and shields!"

"In line now!" Bronn bellowed.

Randyll was riding across the battlefield yelling orders to men. "Come on, lads. Not those wagons. Fall in line. Fall in line."

The Lannister army got in formation to repel the invading horde. Lannister archers lined up behind the pikemen.

The horde was drawing closer. The Dothraki came riding over the hill with curved swords held overhead and screaming. There were a thousand of them or more.

Dickon drew his sword.

Randyll was still yelling orders to the men. "Spears armed!"

The Lannister pikemen dropped their spears into a fighting position and readied their shields.

Bronn rode up to Jaime. "Get back to King's Landing."

"I'm not abandoning my army."

"You're a commander, not a damned infantryman. These fuckers are about to swamp us."

"We can hold them off."

As soon as he said this, a dragon could be heard roaring in the distance. Daenerys, riding Drogon, came flying over the Dothraki and the battlefield.

"Dracarys!" Daenerys commanded.

Drogon breathed fire into the first line of Lannister soldiers. The men burst into flames and started screaming. Dickon looked on in shock.

A flanking group of Dothraki Screamers rpde over the flames through the hole created by Drogon and started cutting men down.

Jaime attempted to issue orders to the men. "Hold the line!"

The main force of Dothraki crashed into shielded pikemen. Men on both sides were being slaughtered. A second wave of Dothraki Screamers rode in. They switched from a seated position to standing atop their saddles shooting bow and arrow. The Lannister archers fired back and many men were killed.

Daenerys and Drogon circled around and billowed flames across the battlefield. She steered Drogon down the King's Road. Drogon spewed flames, destroying the carriages along the road. Carts were exploding into pieces, barrels flying through the air.

Jaime was looking at the carnage in astonishment. "Archers! Archers with me!"

A group of archers break from the main battle and followed Jaime and Bronn.

Jaime lined the men up to counter Daenerys and her dragon. "Knock!"

"Knock! Draw!" The archers repeated.

Drogon loops around and is making a pass on JAIME and the archers. Daenerys and Drogon were diving at the group of men.


The archers fired their arrows in unison. Daenerys saw the projectiles and turned Drogon so the arrows bounce harmlessly off his breast. She made a run on another line of carriages and Drogon burned them in a single breath. Men were screaming as they caught on fire. Jaime and Bronn surveyed the damage.

"Qyburn's scorpion is over there." He told Bronn.

"Go get it then."

"I can't shoot with one hand." Jaime held up his gold hand to illustrate his point.

Bronn hesitated for a moment before turning his horse and riding to man the artillery crossbow.

Jaime drew his sword and rode into battle. "Come on!"

A Dothraki screamer wielding two swords charged at Jaime, who began blocking the attacks but was getting overpowered. Dickon stabbed the screamer through his back and Jaime nodded at him.

Bronn was making his way to the crossbow when a Dothraki screamer saw him and charged. Bronn reached behind him and retrieved a small sword. He threw the sword at the Dothraki but the screamer parried it. Bronn drew his primary sword and the two men charged at each other.

As Bronn was about to strike, the screamer leaned over and cuts Bronn's horse's leg off, causing Bronn to fall to the ground. His bag of gold hit the ground and split open. The screamer was turning his horse around and readying to attack him again.

Bronn abandoned the gold and ran into the mayhem, trying to lose the mounted rider. BRONN pushes a flaming Lannister soldier out of the way. He pulls a sword out of a dead man and uses it to start fighting Dothraki.

Drogon flew overhead, spewing flames through the air.

Bronn managed to escape the mounted rider and disappear into the fog.

The screamer dismounted and continued the search on foot. He climbed onto a covered wagon to check for Bronn. When he pulled the canvas back he saw Bronn behind the crossbow with a bolt pointed at him.

Bronn fired the bolt, impaling the Dothraki screamer. He pulled a lever and the sides of the wagon dropped down revealing the crossbow.

He reloaded the weapon and began making adjustments to line up a shot on Drogon. "Where are you?"

Tyrion walks to the edge of the battlefield accompanied by Dothraki guards. He could see Lannisters being slaughtered.

One of the Dothraki guards begin to speak. "Your people can't fight."

Tyrion was watching the mayhem. Men were screaming and engulfed in flames. Horses and carriages ran wild with no driver. Jaime was still on the battlefield struggling against the horde. Burning Lannister men were taking off their helmets revealing melted faces. Men crawled to the river in search of relief from the dragonfire.

Drogon and Daenerys were flying over the river creating wake in the water.

Jaime saw her approaching his position. "Take cover!"

Drogon spat flames into the Lannister position. The men standing there were reduced to standing ash before the wind blew them away.

Bronn was lining up Drogon in the sights of the crossbow. He reached down and pulls the lever to fire. The bolt sailed past Drogon and missed. Bronn raced to reload the machine.

Drogon and Daenerys circled around and dived toward the crossbow.

Bronn took his time aiming his shot. "Come on you fucker."

Daenerys commanded Drogon to fire at the crossbow. "Dracarys!"

Before Drogon could send flames, Bronn fired a bolt that struck Drogon in the wing. Drogon began to pinwheel out of control towards the ground.

Bronn was smiling. He whipped the machine around and began reloading.

Daenerys and Drogon were falling from the sky. Drogon regained control and began hovering over the river.

Bronn realized he didn't have time to reload and dove out of the way of the incoming dragonfire. Drogon spat flames at the machine, instantly destroying it. Flames licked over Bronn, but he was fortunately uninjured.

Drogon was forced to land on the edge of the river due to his wound. Daenerys climbed from her mount and rushed to pull the spear from his wing.

Jaime was one hundred yards from Daenerys watching her. She is all alone, vulnerable. JAIME sees a spear sticking out of a dead man.

Tyrion spotted his brother across the battlefield. "Flee, you idiot!" He yelled.

Jaime looked at Daenerys and readied himself. He spurred his horse onward. "Come on, boy. Come on!" He grabbed the spear as he rode by and brought it up to position. His horse was galloping full speed on the edge of the river, kicking up water.

Tyrion was watching Jaime's attempt to kill Daenerys. "You f*cking idiot."

Jaime was getting close.

Daenerys turns at the last moment to see Jaime bearing down on her spear in hand. Drogon had also noticed Jaime. He turned his head and spewed flames.

Bronn appeared from nowhere and managed to dive off of his horse and knock Jaime and himself in the water before they were both consumed by fire. Their horses were instantly burned to death.

Jaime was being dragged down by a full set of armour into the dark water, sinking into the blackness and out of sight.

[King's Landing - River]

Smoke and fire could be seen in the distance across the river.

Bronn broke the surface of the water and took a deep breath. He pulled Jaime up and Jaime gasped for breath. Bronn helped him to the shore and dropped him to the ground before collapsing next to him. Jaime coughed up water and continued struggling on the ground to breathe. Both men rolled onto their backs and gasp for air.

"You could have killed me." Jaime said.

"What the fuck were you doing back there?"

"Ending the war by killing her."

"You saw the dragon between you and her?" Bronn looked incredulously at Jaime. "And?"

Jaime sat up and said nothing to Bronn.

Bronn also sat up and faced Jaime. "Listen to me, cunt. Till I get what I'm owed, a dragon doesn't get to kill you. You don't get to kill you. Only I get to kill you."

"That was only one of them. She has two more. Not to mention her brothers. If she decides to use them, to really use them-"

"You're fucked."

"Don't you mean we're fucked?"

"No, I do not. Dragons are where our partnership ends. I'm not going to be around when those things start spitting fire on King's Landing."

"I have to tell Cersei."

Bronn paused and looked at Jaime. "Best well jump back in that river." He stood up and walked away.

Jaime continued sitting on the shore looking at the smoke and fire from the distant battle.

[King's Landing - Battleground]

Tyrion was walking over an ash covered ground. There were burned bodies and cargo strewn about. Dothraki were looting dead Lannister soldiers. A group of mounted Dothraki were escorting captured Lannister soldiers to where Daenerys and Drogon were awaiting the prisoners.

"I know what Cersei has told you, that I've come to destroy your cities-" She looked around at the prisoners. The men were covered in filth and blood from the battle. "-burn down your homes, murder you and orphan your children. That's Cersei Lannister, not me. I'm not here to murder. And all I want to destroy is the wheel that is rolled over rich and poor to the benefit of no one but the Cersei Lannisters of the world. I offer you a choice. Bend the knee and join me. Together we will leave the world a better place than we found it, or refuse and die."

A few Lannister men kneel to the ground, while most remained standing. Drogon roared and moves closer to the men. Almost all the Lannister men quickly kneeled, while a few remained standing, including Randyll and Dickon Tarly.

"Step forward, My Lord." Daenerys ordered.

Randyll took several steps towards Daenerys and stood in front of the kneeling Lannister men.

"You will not kneel?" She asked.

"I already have a queen."

"My sister, she wasn't your queen until recently though, was she, until she murdered your rightful queen and destroyed House Tyrell for all tine, and bypassed both her daughters. So it appears your allegiances are somewhat flexible." Tyrion told him.

"There are no easy choices in war. Say what you will about your sister, she was born in Westeros, has lived here all her lifr. You on the other hand, you murdered your own father and chose to support a foreign invader. One with no ties to this land, an army of savages at her back."

"Do you think I wished to grow up outside of this country? I was born here as well, on Dragonstone, my family's ancestral seat. My brothers and I were forced out because of the actions of our father and eldest brother. It was either that or be slaughtered like my good-sister, niece and nephew." Daenerys told him. "You will not trade your honor for your life. I respect that."

Tyrion turned to speak to her. "Perhaps he could take the black, Your Grace. Whatever else he is, he is a true soldier. He would be invaluable at the Wall."

"You cannot send me to the Wall. You are not my queen." Randyll argued.

Daenerys turned to look at her Dothraki escort. They walked forward to collect Randyll.

As the men were pulling Randyll away, Dickon stepped forward.

"You will have to kill me too." He said.

Randyll pulled away from the Dothraki and turned to face his son. "Step back and shut your mouth."

"Who are you?" Daenerys inquired.

"A stupid boy." Randyll answered.

"I'm Dickon Tarly, son of Randyll Tarly."

They had a Tarly back on Dragonstone. Certainly of relation to these men.

"You are the futire of your house. This war has already wiped one great house from the world. Don't let it happen again. Bend the knee." Tyrion pleaded.

Dickon looked to his father who nodded to him. "I will not."

Tyrion turned to speak to Daenerys. He spoke softly so no one but the queen could hear. "Your Grace, nothing strips bold notions from a man's head like a few weels in a dark cell."

"I meant what I said. I'm not here to put men in chains. If that becomes an option many will take it. I gave them a choice. They made it.

"Your Grace, if you begin beheading entire families-"

"I'm not beheading anyone."

Tyrion paused and looked over at Drogon, who roared, shook his head and flexed his wings. "Your Grace-"

Daenerys looked to her Dothraki escort and gave them a signal. The men grab Randyll and Dickon and walked them over to Drogon. Randyl took his son by the arm.

"Lord Randyll Tarly, Dickon Tarly, I, Daenerys of House Targaryen, First of my name, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons, sentence you to die." She paused a moment and looked at Randyll and Dickon. "Dracarys."

Drogon drew a deep breath and began spewing dragonfire at the two men, who were instantly engulfed in flames. They both collapsed into ash after a few seconds. Two craters were left where Randyll and Dickon stood.

The Lannister men recoiled in horror. Any of them that were still standing knelt to the ground. Daenerys silently turned and began to walk off the battlefield.

[King's Landing - Hallway]

Jaime was swiftly walking down the hall leading to Cersei's room.

As he approached, Qyburn exited the queen's chambers.

"My Lord."

Jaime passed by Qyburn without saying a word and barged into Cersei's quarters.

Cersei stood and walked over to him. "How many men did we lose?"

"We haven't done a full counting."

"It's armies that win wars. We have the Tyrell gold, we have the Iron Bank behind us. We can buy mercenaries."

Jaime shook his head.

"They're not the same as our men but they'll fight if they're well paid, which they will be."

"I just saw the Dothraki fight. They'll beat any mercenary army. They'll beat any army I've evr seen. Killing our men wasn't war for them, it was sport. Her dragon burned a thousand wagons. Qyburn's scorpion fired bolts bigger than you. They couldn't stop it. And she has three of them. Her brother has dragons too. This isn't a war we can win."

"So what do we do? Sue for peace? I sit on her father's throne, the father you betrayed and murdered. And in her mind, she's winning. What sort of offer do you think she'd make? She sent Tyrion to convince me to relinquish the throne and return to Casterly Rock. Her brother still has my daughter, and those two Dornish bitches escaped, to return to our daughter." Cersei turned and walks away from him. "Maybe we can count on Tyrion to intercede on our behalf by way of apology for murdering our father and our son."

"He didn't."

"You saw the crossbow, you saw his body."

Jaime walked across the room to where Cersei was standing. "I'm not talking about father. Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey. He had nothing to do with it."

"After all this timr, it still amazes me-"

"It was Olenna. She confessed before she died."

"And this was before or after she drank the poison you so kindly provided her?"


"And you believed her?"

"If you were Olenna would you rather have seen your granddaughter married to Joffrey or Tommen? Which one would Margerey been better able to control? Which one would have made Olenna the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms? She was telling the truth."

Cersei looked away, then sat down. "I shouldn't have listened to you. She should have died screaming."

"She's dead like her son, her grandchildren, her whole house. Only Aegar remains. And if we don't find a way out of this war we'll follow them."

"So we fight and die or we submit and die. I know my choice. A soldier should know his."


Jon was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking towards the ocean.

Drogon roared and flew over him with Daenerys on his back. He landed next to Jon and charged towards him. Opening his jaws, he roared in Jon's face, creeping closer until he was inches from Jon.

Jon removed his glove and slowly extended his hand toward Drogon who lowered his head, allowing Jon to touch him.

Daenerys looked surprised as she stepped down from her mount, prompting Drogon to turn and fly away.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" She asked.

"That wasn't the word I was thinking of, but, yes, they are. Gorgeous beasts."

"They're not beasts to me. No matter how big they get, how terrifying to everyone else, they're my children."

Daenerys turns to look at her three dragons as they flew over Dragonstone in the distance.

"You weren't gone long."

Daenerys turned back to Jon. "No."


"And I have fewer enemies today than I did yesterday."

Jon paused and didn't say anything.

"You're not sure how you feel about that?"

"No, I'm not."

Daenerys turned and began walking towards the castle, Jon following behind her. "How many men did your army kill taking Winterfell back from the Boltons?"


"We both want to help people. We can only help them from a position of strength. Sometimes strength is terrible. When you first came here Ser Davos said you took a knife in the heart for your people. You showed me your scars."

"I did."

"We are more similar than you realize. We are both fighting for what we believe in. Unfortunately, what we believe in, causes a conflict between us."

"Aye, it does."

Hopefully that would change.

[Dragonstone - Throne Room]

Varys and Tyrion were sitting on the stairs of the Throne Room alone. Varys had a sealed raven scroll in his hand tapping it on the stone. Tyrion was drinking a glass of wine.

"All rulers demand that people bend the knee. It's why they're rulers. She gave Tarly a choice. A man who had taken up arms against her. What else could she do?" Tyrion said.

"Not burn him alive alongside his son."

"I am her hand, not her head. I can't make her decisions for her."

"That's what I used to tell myself about her father. I found the traitors but I wasn't the one burning them alive. I was only a purveyor of information." He reached over to Tyrion's cup of wine, picks it up and begins to drink from it. He grimaces as he drank. "It's what I told myself when I watched them beg for mercy, "I'm not the one doing it." As the pitch of their screams rose higher, "I'm not the one doing it." When their hair caught fire and the smell of the burning flesh filled the Thone Room, "I'm not the one doing it."

Varys drank again and sets the cup down next to Tyrion, who picked it up.

"Daenerys is not her father." Tyrion told him.

"And she nevr will be... with the right counsel. You need to find a way to make her listen."

Tyrion looked down at the note in Varys' hand. "Who is that for?"

"Jon Snow."

"Did you read it?"

"It's a sealed scroll for the Hand of the King."

Tyrion paused and drank from his cup of wine. "What's it say?"

"Nothing good."

[Dragonstone - Chamber Of The Painted Table]

Daenerys and Varys were seated at the painted table. Tyrion and Jorah stood near the queen. Davos, Samwell Tarly and Jon Snow were standing on the other end of the table. Jon was holding a raven scroll and reading it.

"I thought Arya was dead."

"I'm happy for you. You don't look happy." Daenerys noted.

"Bran saw the Night King and his army mqrching towards Eastwatch. If they make it past the wall-"

"The Wall has kept them out for thousands of years. Presumably-"

Jon interrupted Varys. "I need to go home."

"You said you don't have enough men."

"We'll fight with the men we have. You've made it very clear you have no interest in aiding us. Unless you've changed your mind."

"And give the country to Cersei? As soon as I mqrch away she mqrches in."

"Very well then. I suppose we are at an impasse."

"All you need to do if you wish to return home, is bend the knee to the Rightful Queen." Tyrion told him.

Jon looked to Sam and Davos, before turning back to Daenerys.

"Is that all that matters to you? Sitting the throne? I have come here to tell you about an enemy unlike any other. One that seeks to destroy all of humanity; the very people you wish to rule. But, you won't do so. Not unless I forfeit a kingdom I do not rule."

Jon paused, looking around the room, searching for understanding. "You see, I am not here as a king. I am here as the Hand of the King, to my brother, Robb Stark. I will not abandon the North, or the people who depend on us, for some far-off dream of conquest. I will fight beside you, if you join us. But I will not kneel."

He could see the anger in Daenerys's eyes, and the despair in Tyrion's. Jorah's expression was one of disbelief, and Varys looked as though he were watching a particularly interesting play unfold. Only Davos and Samwell seemed to understand the weight of his words.

"You see," Jon continued, his voice steady despite the thunderous beating of his heart, "I am not the one who must bend the knee. It is you, Daenerys. You have the power to save this world, not by conquering it, but by uniting it."

Jon paused, searching for the right words to convey the depth of his conviction. "I am not asking you to give up your crown, but to put aside your ambitions, if only for now. The Night King does not care about thrones or kingdoms; he only seeks to destroy all life. And he is marching closer with every passing moment."

He looked around the room, his gaze meeting each of theirs in turn. "You are the dragon, Daenerys. You have the power to save us. To save the world. But you cannot do it alone. You need the North, and you need the men and women who have sworn their lives to the Starks. We will fight beside you, but you must fight for us as well."

There was a long silence as his words hung in the air. Davos cleared his throat, but said nothing. Samwell simply stood there, looking lost in thought. Finally, Tyrion spoke up.

"I've known you for a long time, Jon Snow. And I've always thought you were a decent sort. A good man. But I never would have thought you were a fool."

Daenerys spoke softly, her voice almost gentle. "You come here, asking for our help. Asking me to put aside my ambitions, to march against the Night King without any guarantee of success. And in return, you offer me nothing."

Jon's expression hardened. "You offer me nothing, my lady. You stand there and demand I kneel, when you have not even seen the threat we face. I am offering you the chance to save the world, and all you can see is your own crown. I will not beg for your help. I will not grovel. But I will fight alongside you, if you will let me."

Tyrion raised an eyebrow. "And if she refuses?"

Jon turned to Daenerys, his expression grim. "Then we will fight with what we have. I will fight with my brothers and sisters in the North. We will hold the line against the Night King, and we will do whatever we can to save our people. Even if it means sacrificing ourselves in the process. Because that's what truly good people do. They are willing to die for the greater good. Many already have over the years." He sighed. "If your claim means so much to you, so be it. But, know this, when we face an enemy that threatens all of mankind, then you will have to live with the knowledge that you could have saved the world, but chose not to."

His voice growing louder, more passionate, Jon continued. "You can't win against the Night King by sitting on your throne and giving orders. You have to be out there, in the thick of it. You have to fight for every life, as if it were your own family on the line. Because it is. Every person you save, every life you protect, is a victory against the darkness. And I will stand beside you, as an equal, as a brother, to help you do that."

He paused, gathering his thoughts, before adding, "But if you refuse, if you insist on putting your ambitions first, then I will fight you too. I will not let you take the North, I will not let you destroy everything we've built. I will die before I let that happen."

Jon's words hung in the air like a heavy weight, pressing down upon the room. The silence stretched on, and Jon found himself holding his breath, waiting for Daenerys's response. He could feel the weight of the moment, the gravity of his words.

"If you are so absorbed by the notion of ruling, that you would blatantly ignore the larger threat, then you are not the person I've hear about in the stories. Breaker of Chains?" He continued.

"You mean the one who freed the slaves?"

Daenerys's reply was sharp, her tone almost mocking. Jon felt a flash of anger, but he forced it down. This was not the time for confrontation. He had to convince her, somehow. He took a deep breath and forced a small smile.

"Yes, I am aware of that title. And if you were truly the Breaker of Chains, then you would see past your own ambitions. You would see the greater threat, and you would fight against it with everything you have."

Tyrion shifted uncomfortably, but said nothing. The silence stretched on, and Jon felt a growing sense of desperation. He couldn't afford to lose Daenerys's support. Not now, when they were so close to facing an enemy that could destroy everything they had fought for.

Finally, the queen broke the silence. "Very well," she said, her voice cool and distant. "I will not ask you to bend the knee. But you must understand what you are asking of me. I have come too far, sacrificed too much, to simply turn aside now. You must prove your worth, Jon Snow. You must earn my trust."

Jon felt a mixture of relief and trepidation. At least she hadn't outright refused him. "I will, my lady. I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust. But, first, I need to get home and prepare my people for what is coming."

"Cersei thinks the Army of the Dead is nothing but a story made up by wet nurses to frighten children. What if we prove her wrong?" Tyrion said.

"I don't think she'll come see the dead at my invitation." Jon noted.

Tyrion began walking around the table closer to Jon. "So bring the dead to her."

"I thought that was what we are trying to avoid." Daenerys said.

"We don't have to bring the whole army. Only one soldier."

"Is that possible?" Davos asked Jon.

"The first wight I ever saw was brought into Castle Black from beyond the Wall."

"Bring one of these things down to King's Landing and show her the truth." Tyrion suggested.

"Anything you bring back will be useless unless Cersei grants us an audience and is somehow convinced not to murder us the moment we set foot in the capital." Varys commented.

"The only person she listens to is Jaime. He may listen to me."

"And how would you get into King's Landing." Daenerys asked.

Everyone in the room stopped and looked at Davos.

"I can have one of my men smuggle you in. They are already in route on an assignment I gave them. But if the Goldcloaks were to recognize you, I cannot guarantee your safety." He told Tyrion, who nodded his head.

"Well, it will all be for nothing if we don't have one of these dead men." Daenerys remarked.

"Fair point. How do you propose to find one?" Varys asked.

Jon paused, staring at the ground.

"With the queen's permission I'll go north and take one." Jorah said, causing Daenerys to turn and look at him."You asked me to find a cure so I could serve you. Allow me to serve you."

"The free folk will help us. They know the real north better than anyone." Jon said

"They won't follow Ser Jorah." Davos replied.

"They won't have to."

"You can't lead a raid beyond the wall. You're not in the Night's Watch anymore. You're Warden of the North."

"I'm the only one here who has fought them. I'm the only one here who knows them."

"I haven't given you permission to leave." Daenerys told him.

Daenerys paused for a moment then nodded her head in agreement.

"Then we are agreed. I will return home to prepare my people of our arrangement, and progress with plans on how to defeat the Undead. When that is done, I shall send a raven, requesting Ser Jorah's presence."

"Should Ser Jorah not leave with you? It would speed things up." Daenerys asked.

"Aye, it would. But, there are people in the North who remember that my father wished to have him executed for slavery. It would be best if I gave them advanced warning, to ensure no harm would befall him."

"Very well," the queen agreed. "But be swift about your preparations, and send word when you are ready for Ser Jorah to join you."

As they made their way through the halls of Dragonstone, Jon could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down upon him. He knew that every decision he made would have far-reaching consequences, not only for the North, but for the entire realm. It was a burden that he didn't envy, but one that he was determined to bear with strength and wisdom.

Davos, ever the voice of reason, kept pace with him. The older man's presence was a comfort, a reminder that there were others who cared about the fate of the Seven Kingdoms as deeply as he did. Samwell Tarly, though quiet and unassuming, added an air of scholarly wisdom to their group. His knowledge of the history and lore of Westeros was invaluable, and Jon knew that he would be a valuable asset in the coming days.

As they made their way back to the beach, the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. The sea breeze carried with it the salty tang of the ocean, mingling with the scent of smoke from Dragonstone's nearby volcano. Jon's heart raced with anticipation as they crested a dune and saw the familiar sails of House Stark's ships bobbing on the waves below.

Ser Harwin and a small group of Stark household guards were already waiting for them on the beach, their faces grim as they took in the sight of Dragonstone in the distance. Jon and his companions exchanged glances, not quite sure what to make of the unexpected arrival.

"My lords, we bring news from the North," Ser Harwin announced as they approached. "Robb and Morgana send their regards, and have charged us with accompanying you on your journey home."

Jon raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I see. And what news did they send with you?"

Ser Harwin cleared his throat. "Robb and Morgana are aware of the situation at hand and are concerned for your safety, my lord. They feel that with the recent hostilities between Queen Daenerys and Queen Cersei, it is best that you return to Winterfell with a strong escort."

Jon nodded, understanding his half-brother's concerns. "I see. Thank you for coming, Ser Harwin. Your presence is greatly appreciated." He turned to Samwell. "It seems we'll be traveling back to Winterfell in grand fashion."

Davos still had to help Tyrion sneak into King's Landing, where Tyrion would attempt to convince his brother, Jaime, to convince Cersei to agree to a meeting.

The journey back to Winterfell would be long and arduous, but with Ser Harwin and the Stark household guards by their side, Jon felt a newfound sense of security. As they boarded their ships and set sail, the winds were favorable, and they made good time across the Narrow Sea. The Northmen were quiet, their thoughts no doubt on the troubled times they had left behind and the ones they faced ahead. Jon could feel the weight of their trust and the gravity of his responsibilities pressing down upon him.

As they sailed past the Fingers, a chill wind swept across the deck, carrying with it the first hints of winter. The leaves had already begun to turn, and soon the world would be blanketed in snow. It was a stark reminder of the time that had passed since they had last been here, and of all that had changed. The once-idyllic landscape was now scarred by war, its people weary and battered from years of conflict.

Jon called a council of war. He needed to prepare the North for whatever might come next. They discussed the potential threat from the White Walkers, the ongoing conflict between the queens, and the growing unrest among the Great Houses.

As they sailed north, they were met with increasingly harsh weather. The seas became rough, and snow flurries danced around the ship. The Northmen grew restless, homesick and eager to reach their destination. They told tales of the battles they had fought and the loved ones they had left behind.

Jon listened to their stories, feeling a deep sense of kinship with these men. He knew that they were more than just soldiers; they were fathers, husbands, sons. They were the backbone of the Seven Kingdoms, and it was their strength and resilience that would see them through the dark days ahead.

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