Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)

By ChrisWolfblood

41.6K 1.6K 781

How odd this girl is. Isn't she from 8? She is? Then why is she like this? Like how? Don't you see it? The mo... More

-District 8-
-Show Off-
-Last Night-
-''Normal arena my ass.''-
-A Long Day-
-Sprint To The Finish Line-
-Bera Helfir-
-Victory Tour-
-The Games Are On-
-''You suck at flirting.''-
-''Don't make me bring another corpse home.''-
-Parade II-
-First Meeting-
-''My love language is violence.''-
-''I brought you back alive.''-
-Lose Lose-
-Worried For Them-
-Night's End-
-Sway, Sway, Sway-
Less Empty
And The Party Must Go On
Johanna Fucking Mason
Immovable Force
Cat Evergarden
Weight Of A Life
Reaping II
Going Back
Dress Up
Tribute Center
Count Down
Interview II
''Oh how the jays jabber.''
Bera, Brutus, Brutal
District 8 II
Vengeance Of 8
Boom Goes 13
Bang... And not the good type
Bang... Still not to good type.
Bang? Nope.
Life Picks Up
D-2? No, C4
Blister And Boil
Blood Red Roses
''Next time?!''
''Something happened.''
Nothing To Fear Anymore
-After Work-
-A/N about my new HG book-
Fun fact I need to share because I just blew my mind with it


220 13 8
By ChrisWolfblood

(Who is read for the most unhinged 75th to come??? You are getting a whole new arena in the way that Bera is not in Katniss' pack nor the careers to start, end up in a different part and that one scene of Brutus vs Bera just literally so terrifying in the 'how is this even possible' way, god I can't wait but I want to write this as I said. It will be a shorter chapter tho, I just wanted one chapter dedicated for this first revolution wave of 8.)

District 8.

Once the district with the most extensive library of outfits and clothes.

Once a long time ago, but district 8 was now the source of war and hate.

Peacekeepers and civilians dying each day from oppression and fighting back against it.

And the fact of seeing Katniss and Peeta announce their engagement on live screens was what threw everything overboard.

District 8 had their own controversial victor, so they saw through the fakeness of such an act and believed it to be in defiance of the Capitol.

Store fronts were smashed.

Armories robbed.

People trampled.

Screams rose in rebellion against the Capitol.

And blood.

So much blood.

Peacekeeper and civilians.

So much blood shed that when the moon rose, it rose red with anger and crimson with blood.

Bera herself shoving a spear through the throat of a peacekeeper, fighting them back with a group of furious workers, holding this momentary front to let the others inside the barracks start the fires.

Woof himself throwing his body mindlessly in the fray, swinging like a wild animal, throwing people over head.

Cecelia herself standing behind, helping to carry the wounded, helping to tie the tourniquets, helping to bandage the bleeding.

V herself distributing information from the majors building to the people as she knew the system more. Tho less inclined out of everyone to lead this fight, she still helped, a bit selfishly, looking out for her own life as she'd have been hung like the mayor for siding with the Capitol. She was selfish, she knew and yet at the same time she felt this odd joy, this odd relief, to see all these people fighting for what she knew deep inside to be right and to be able to help them.

Valerius himself leading the charges to the armories, having the needed codes to open the vaults, standing to protect the people that had become his home, he districts, even under the fight back from members of his old district. He was bleeding 8 now.

It was a whole district wide phenomena.

Electric lines going down.

Food lines broken.

Train tracks picked up.

Peacekeepers executed.

A message sent.

A message loud and clear.

It was at sunrise that the first of the terrifying detonations took place in the south of the district and quickly moved upward.

The Capitol didn't care.

They didn't care they were bombing their own men or the rebellious civil.

They just let bombs rain down with squadrons of heavily armed peacekeepers marching in through the still burning and smoking buildings.

And so Bera was restrained.

Woof was cuffed.

Cecelia was caught.

V was locked up.

And Valerius was beaten.

In the ashes of a half destroyed district, in the blood of many innocent, the purge had come.

Executions day in and day out.

One moment, one second, of transgression to the rules would get you grabbed and dragged into front of the town square and executed with a bullet through the head.

And so the furious district bent the knee, seething on the inside but fighting for survival by keeping it deep inside.

District 8 called down in the ruins of its former glory, they went back to work, they stopped gathering, they stopped... But on the inside every member of this district was ready to fight to death the moment they could.

And so they waited with gritted teeth and hateful eyes.

They waited for the 75th games to begin.

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