DISSOLUTION (Bill Weasley)

By pinkpygmypuff2

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Blake is transferring to Hogwarts for her 5th year. She is a very gifted witch and quickly becomes friends wi... More

Chapter 1 - Getting to Hogwarts
Chapter 2 - The sorting
Chapter 3 - Starting classes
Chapter 4 - Fred and George's prank
Chapter 5 - Christmas Prep
Chapter 6 - Christmas
Chapter 7 - The spring
Chapter 8 - Breakdown
Chapter 9 - Arriving to the Burrow
Chapter 10 - You didn't tell them?
Chapter 11 - Bill
Chapter 12 - Bill's weird behavior
Chapter 13 - Dewy meadows
Chapter 14 - The Quidditch world cup
Chapter 15 - Death eaters at the cup
Chapter 16 - Who is he?
Chapter 17 - Confession
Chapter 18 - Stay with me tonight?
Chapter 20 - You have a boyfriend??
Chapter 21 - George's secret
Chapter 22 - Spring break
Chapter 23 - Blissful morning

Chapter 19 - Intoxicating

315 7 0
By pinkpygmypuff2

Bill Weasley was intoxicating. Everything about him, his looks, his smell, his personality. Blake found herself falling more and more for Bill every day that passed.

During the days when everyone was around they would steal glances and kisses whenever they could while no one was looking. They had almost gotten caught by Molly one time when they kissed in the kitchen and she walked in. Luckily they managed to pull away before she saw anything.

They spent time reading in the living room as well of course. 

During the nights Blake would pretend to go to sleep in Ginny's room before sneaking up the last set of stairs to Bill's room. They would spend their nights like their first one. Talking, kissing and falling asleep in each other's arms. Then in the morning she would go up early to head back to Ginny's room.

Their make out sessions had gotten a bit heated a few times, but nothing more than that had happened and Blake was perfectly content with that. So was Bill. He didn't want to rush things with her either.

It was the last day before Blake, George and Fred were going back to Hogwarts and they were all about to eat dinner.

Blake helped Molly in the kitchen although Molly tried telling her she didn't have to, but she insisted. It was the least she could do. It was just her and Molly, the rest were playing around. Bill and Charlie tried to hang out as much as they could with their brothers before they had to go back to Hogwarts.

"I must say you are very good at cooking dear," Molly complimented her with a warm smile. "How did you learn to cook so well?"

Blake thought for a while, considering if she should tell her the truth or not. But since Molly already knew everything she decided to be honest. "Well, since my parents... Let's just say I had to learn to take care of myself," she shrugged.

Molly gave her a pitiful look, and was about to say something when they heard stomping coming down from the stairs. Thank god, Blake thought. She loved Molly, but she didn't want to hear the pity in her voice.

Percy came down, beet red in the face and looking like he was going to explode.

"Does anyone want to explain why there are suction cups under all of my shoes?!" Percy raised his voice and held up a shoe, and sure enough, suction cups were attached to the whole sole of the shoe.

Blake had to cover her mouth to not let out a giggle. Fred and George came into the kitchen and looked smugly at each other. Molly had a stern look on her face that she directed to the twins.

"Oh, yeah, we were trying out a new product for our joke shop. We call them Sticky Trainers," Fred said and Molly let out a big sigh and rolled her eyes.

"Try it on your own damn shoes!" Percy shouted.

"Why would we try it on our shoes?" George asked, looking confused.

"We are not stupid, we wouldn't want to ruin our own shoes if it didn't work," Fred added.

"But it did work," George said with a grin.

"Because we are geniuses," Fred said. "You can now walk on walls and on the ceiling without falling down!" He looked like this was the most genius thing ever.

"Why would I want to walk on the ceiling?" Percy asked, annoyed with his brothers and their relentless jokes and products that he always seemed to be the main target for.

"Why wouldn't you want to walk on the ceiling?" Fred shot back.

"Enough of this! Let's just have dinner and after that you two will fix your brother's shoes!" Molly told Fred and George. "And enough with this joke shop! You will not be opening a shop full of joke products, it just isn't a sensible profession."

Fred and George rolled their eyes. They knew what their mother thought about the idea of them opening a joke shop. They never heard the end of it. But it was their dream.

When Molly saw them rolling their eyes she directed her attention to Blake. "Dear, won't you tell them that it is a terrible idea and that they should focus more on school? Talk some sense into them, they seem to listen to you."

She didn't want to tell Molly off, because she could be scary when she was angry, but she couldn't lie either. "Molly, you know I love you, but I can't do that."

"Why not?" Molly asked, looking stunned. Molly thought that if anyone could talk them out of it it would be Blake, considering she had top grades, cared about school and was head girl.

"Because I think it's a great idea," she told Molly. Fred and George were smiling like two idiots beside her. "Although you two could focus a bit more at school," she added truthfully, and their smiles changed into scowls.

She did think it was a great idea. Fred and George had a real talent for coming up with products and everyone at Hogwarts loved their jokes and pranks! Okay, not everyone, but most students.

And let's be honest, her best friends didn't have the best of grades so opening a joke shop was a good plan. 

Dinner went on rather quietly after that. When they had all finished eating she helped Molly with the dishes while Fred and George fixed Percy's shoes and soon it was time to go to bed and as usual she would sneak up to Bill's room.

She changed into a pair of pyjama pants and a t-shirt before sneaking upstairs.

When she came into Bill's room he was standing in just his sweatpants and no shirt. She could practically feel herself drooling. She had seen him without a shirt before during their two weeks but she didn't think she would ever get used to it.

Him without a shirt was about the hottest thing she had ever seen and she couldn't keep herself from just standing there and staring at his toned chest, stomach and arms. 

"My eyes are up here darling," Bill chuckled when she had been staring for a while.

"Sorry," she said quietly, looking down and blushing.

Bill walked over to her and placed two fingers under her chin, tilting it up so that he could look her in the eyes. Then he leaned down and kissed her softly, like she was the most delicate thing in the world and would break from the slightest pressure.

"Come on, I want to cuddle," Bill said when he pulled away and went over to his bed. He picked up his wand to silenced the room and locked the door, so they could talk without risking anyone hearing them.

She smiled and joined him. They made themselves comfortable, her head on his chest and tangled in each other's arms and legs.

Usually she would be excited to go back to Hogwarts but now she just wished she could stay with Bill. She didn't know when she would be seeing him again.

"What about spring break? We always get two weeks off," Blake told Bill, drawing shapes with her finger on Bill's bare chest as they talked about when they would see each other next. 

"Are you spending Easter here as well?" Bill asked. She had been here half of the summer break, the whole winter break and now spring as well? He was confused as to why she was here so much and not with her own family.

Blake shrugged in Bill's arms. "I guess," she just said.

"Won't your family miss you? I'm sure they would like to see you. It's been what? Over half a year since you've seen them?" Bill asked, playing with her hair.

And yet it hasn't been long enough, she thought to herself. "They... work a lot and they are never really home much so it just gets lonely during breaks." She lied, not wanting to get into her family drama.

"But they must be home during the evenings at least?" Bill asked.

"Are you trying to get rid of me Bill Weasley?" She asked playfully, changing the subject a bit so that she wouldn't have to talk about her family or lie about them.

"Of course not darling, I would never want to get rid of you," he assured her. "I just wanted to know why you wouldn't go home to your parents, you don't talk much about them."

She just kept drawing shapes on his chest, not knowing what to answer. Yeah, I get mentally abused by my father, that's why I don't want to go home. It's not something you just spit out and definitely not how she wanted to spend her last night in God knows how long with Bill.

When Bill realized she wasn't going to say anything about it he went back to her question about spring break, not wanting to pressure her to talk about it. "I don't think I can get more time off from work. I already took a lot of weeks off during the summer, and two more now during Christmas," he said sadly. "I'm sorry," he added.

"No, you don't have to be sorry. You have a job. I'm just going to miss you." She breathed in his scent and let out a deep sigh.

"You can come to me in Egypt?" He offered hopefully. 

Blake looked up at him in shock. "What?" 

"Yes, you can come stay with me during the break." 

"Because that wouldn't be suspicious..." she smirked at Bill. 

"You can just tell Fred and George you're with your parents," Bill told her. 

She thought for a moment. "They would never believe that... Trust me." 

"Fine... I will try and come by during the weekend then," he promised. 

"Really?" She looked up at him hopefully.

"Really. There is no way I will wait for summer to see you," he assured her, and leaned down to give her a kiss that she smiled into. "I just wish we could have more time than a weekend. Maybe you can think about my offer to come to Egypt?" 

She laid her head down on his chest again, "I promise I will think about it," she said a bit happier than before. 

But then she started to think again. They hadn't put a label on what this was. They hadn't even said they were dating, so she didn't know what she could expect from him. Would he be with someone else? They hadn't said they were explicit.

"What are you thinking about?" Bill asked. He could see from the way her eyebrows were furrowed and how she was biting her cheek that something was on her mind.

She debated for a moment if she should say anything. Maybe he would think she was silly, maybe he would say they weren't anything and that he wanted to see other people? Her negative thoughts raced in her mind and eventually she blurted out; "What are we?"

Bill didn't answer right away and she squeezed her eyes shut, regretting that she said anything. She didn't want to be that annoying girl who needs to have a label on their relationship when they had just started seeing each other.

But at the same time she didn't want to leave for Hogwarts and not know. She didn't want to have to worry if Bill was with another woman. If he wanted to see other people she wanted to know at least, so that she didn't get her expectations and hopes up, just to be hurt. If he wanted to see other people she could get out now before she fell for him to the point she couldn't get up again.

"I thought we agreed to just take it slow and see where this leads?" Bill asked. Wondering if she didn't want that anymore.

"We did but-, I'm just wondering if... I mean will you-," she had a hard time finding the right words to ask him.

"Will I what?" Bill asked, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. She sounded genuinely worried and he held her closer, running his hand up and down her back.

"Will you want to see other women?" She felt his hand stop stroking her back and she took a deep breath, waiting anxiously for his answer.

She felt him shift under her and sit up a bit before he motioned for her to move so that she was straddling him. Her heart was starting to beat faster in anticipation.

His answer would either reassure her or break her. She didn't want him to see other people, she wanted him to be happy with just having her.

One of his hands was placed on her thigh, while he brought up his other hand to her right cheek, cupped it and looked deep into her eyes. "No. I don't want to see other people." There was no hesitation or doubt in his voice or eyes.

She let out the breath she had been holding and leaned into his hand that was cupping her cheek, closing her eyes and just enjoying the gentle touch of his hand.

"Do you?" Bill asked, directing the question back to her.

She opened her eyes and looked down at Bill. His fiery red hair that she loved was a bit messy and his eyes seemed to hold a worried look.

Blake ran her hands up his bare chest and shook her head, "No."

Bill sat up quickly, still with Blake straddling him. He connected their lips in a hungry and passionate kiss, their lips moving perfectly in sync.

Their kisses were always passionate to Blake, it didn't matter if he was kissing her delicately or hungrily like now, she could always feel the passion behind the kiss.

Her hands traveled from his chest to his hair. She tangled her hands in it and pulled a bit the way she knew he liked and she got the reaction she wanted when Bill groaned into her lips. God, how she loved that sound.

Bill's hands were running up and down her sides, from her hips to the sides of her breasts, and then down again. This made her t-shirt slide up a bit and she could feel his hands on her skin, sending jolts of electricity through her body.

He started kissing from her lips to her jaw and then down her neck. Blake leaned her head back so that Bill could get better access and she let out a quiet moan when he started to suck on a sweet spot on her neck.

Then her eyes shot up in panic and she moved her hands from Bill's hair to his shoulders and pushed him away quickly.

Bill looked at her with a worried expression, "What's wrong love? Did I do something you didn't want?" He sounded frantic and moved his hands to cup both her cheeks.

Blake let out a chuckle at how sweet he was for wanting to make sure he didn't do anything she wasn't comfortable with. "You didn't do anything wrong darling," she assured him, "except for almost leaving a mark in a place your family will see," she added playfully.

She saw Bill relax when she told him he didn't do anything wrong, and he chuckled when he realized she was right. "If I come down with a visible hickey tomorrow they will figure out what's going on," she said.

"You're right love, I'm sorry, I didn't think about that." Bill moved his hands down to her hips again and smirked at her. "It's just so hard to resist when I have such a hot woman on top of me."

She rolled her eyes playfully at his comment. 

She leaned in to whisper in his ear, "I didn't say you couldn't leave a mark, just that you can't leave a visible one."

She felt the grip on her hips tighten and when she leaned back she saw the look he was giving her. It was a look filled with desire. She smirked and kept eye contact while she let go of Bill's shoulders and grabbed the hem of her shirt.

She started to slowly pull it up and off over her head, Bill's jaw clenching and his grip on her tightening even more. She threw the shirt on the floor and was now for the first time only wearing a lace bra on her upper body in front of Bill.

Bill's eyes travelled from her eyes to her breasts and he breathed in and out heavily at the sight of her. He couldn't stop staring.

"My eyes are up here darling." Blake repeated what Bill had said to her when she walked into the room and couldn't stop staring at him.

"I don't care," Bill answered, jaw still clenched. "You are so beautiful," he looked up into her eyes again when he said that and Blake could feel a shiver go through her body.

Then he brought his mouth to her chest and started leaving marks in between her breasts. The feeling of him sucking on her skin was heavenly and she let out noises of pleasure. They made out for a bit longer before they pulled away, both out of breath.

"I will miss you so much," she confessed. 

"I will miss you more." 

She smiled. "Not possible." 

They held each other and fell asleep listening to the other persons breathing. 

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