Heart Strings

By Moonpvssy

1K 97 82

Henry was never the type of guy that was like by many people at school. Like most nerds, he didn't really car... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter thirty - five

Chapter twenty-seven

17 3 2
By Moonpvssy

Henry's POV
(I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes)

"Mm." I groaned softly as I blinked and opened my eyes. A white ceiling, the ceiling lights hurt my eyes. I looked around and saw a tan curtain. I heard beeping...annoying beeping. I sat up and that's when it hit me. The smell of the hospital, oh how I knew that smell by heart.

"I'm in a fucking hospital." I mumbled to myself. Who even took me here? The last thing I remember was being on the grass with Serenity. After a fight with Alex that got physical. I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes. My head was pounding. Nothing felt broken though. So, lucky me.

"Oh- you're awake."

I opened my eyes and grew even more agitated if that was possible.

"Serenity, I told you. You didn't have-"

"I know but you passed out and I got nervous. They tried calling your parents but couldn't reach them." Serenity explained as she sat in the chair close to the bed. Her hair was pulled up and instead of the dress she had on last night, it was sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

Of course, they would try to reach my shitty parents. One was living their best life with a new family and one was drugged out. Let's not be surprised. Neither of them would care if I died right here.

"When can I go home?" I asked looking around. I noticed the IV in my arm. I was still in my regular clothes thankfully. My clothes smelt of liquor and there was a blood stain on my pants leg.

"Uh, I'll find someone. The nurse said you just passed out from the pain most likely. Your body overworking itself. You-"

"I want to know when I'll be able to leave. I don't care about my condition." I mumbled rolling my eyes. The silence stretched for longer than a minute and I looked up. She was gone. I needed my phone. I doubt anyone wanted to reach me. I looked around and saw it on the coffee table beside the bed. I grabbed it to cut it on and luckily it had some power left.

A missed call Derek...multiple missed calls and text messages from Maddison. I laughed to myself when I saw a text message from Olivia. I messaged Derek and then shut my phone off.

"You are awake Mr. Jordan. Since you are 18, the legal age to sign yourself out. You may discharge yourself. I only recommend you take a day to rest and take some painkillers." A doctor spoke as she came into the room. Serenity followed behind her. I watched as the doctor pulled the IV out of my arm. She motioned for me to lie back as she felt around my stomach and checked my breathing.

"Also, maybe ice your bruises. I would hate to see you back here." She said with a tight smile as she handed me a clipboard with a paper attached to it. I nodded and grabbed the pen.


I didn't think it would be awkward between Serenity and I. For one, we barely knew each other, and two, for the short amount of time I knew her. She was talkative. Yet, she hadn't said anything since we left the hospital. She didn't even acknowledge me when I told her to drive me back to my car. I don't know why I cared so much but it was bugging me.

"Um..thanks. For taking me to the hospital." I said looking over at her. Her brown eyes were trained on the road.

"I know...I acted like an ass but I'm just not used to people being so caring. I appreciate that." I mumbled as I tapped my thighs as I waited for a response.

"It's fine, I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries with you. I should've listened to you." Serenity said softly as she glanced over at me for a moment with a smile. The car came to a stop and I saw my car a few feet away. Honestly, I just wanted to rest.

"Um, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. At school." Serenity said with a light twinkle in her eyes. I bit my lip nodding before getting out of her car. She waved at me before driving off. With a smile, I walked back to my car. Luckily, serenity had my keys so I hadn't lost them anywhere because that would kill me.

Before I could unlock my door, I heard my name. I turned around seeing none other than Olivia running towards me. Was she stalking me? Was she waiting for me to come get my car? Either way, it felt weird that she knew I was out here.

"I'm leaving, you don't have to worry about any more fights happening." I said quickly. Olivia had a frown on her face and her eyes were red. Wasn't my business and I wasn't gonna go prying.

"...I was worried. I didn't- are you okay? What was the fight even about?" Olivia asked, her hand resting on my shoulder. I shrugged it off.

"I'm fine. It was a stupid fight about something stupid. It doesn't matter." I said rolling my eyes. I don't need her fake sympathy anyway.

"I'm sorry I didn't step in. I should've done something. I- I was just-"

"I'm leaving. I'll see you around." I mumbled and turned around to get in my car. I didn't need to deal with Olivia right now. That fight wasn't her fault or problem. She didn't need to get stressed about it. I just wanted everyone to pretend it never happened and move on.

I could feel her eyes on me as I started the car.



"Where have you been?"

I sighed as I closed the front door and tucked my keys into my back pocket. Mom was on the couch with a glass of wine and a cigarette.

"Out." I replied. The only light was from the television. Some stupid drama show.

"I wanna take Sabrina to the beach tonight. Chad wants us all to go to the beach." Mom said with a sigh.

No. There was no way I was going to a beach with drug addicts. There was no way, I would let Sabrina go with them. In the middle of the night? No way.

"No. I have school and Sabrina-"

"Sabrina is MY child. I can take care of her. Sabrina, don't you want to go to the beach?" Mom said in a babyish tone. "We can eat ice cream and swim in-"

"I cannot believe you right now. I haven't seen you in weeks. You come back wanting to drag us off to a beach?" I said loudly.

"Well, Sabrina is my child. I gave birth to her. If I want to take her to a beach then I will." Mom argued. She put the glass down on the table. Getting up and grabbing onto Sabrina and picking her up. Before I could say anything, she stormed off. I quickly followed after her.

"Mom, please you aren't thinking about this. Sabrina still has school." I said standing in the doorway of her bedroom.

"I can teach her myself. Either you are gonna pack with us or shut up!" Mom yelled with her back turned putting clothes into a big trash bag. It was quiet for a moment, Mom was angrily shoving stuff down in the bag. Sabrina was on the bed playing with Mom's jewelry. She was really gonna do this?

"Sabrina, I'll give you my number. You call me whenever and I promise I'll answer." I said with a tight smile as I walked over to her. I looked around the trashed room for a pen and paper. Luckily I found a blank sticky note and a Sharpie on the clutter that was her dresser. I gave the sticky note to Sabrina.

"Just...please if you feel scared-"

"Why would she feel scared? Chad has always protected me. You just don't think I'm a good mother." Mom said pushing me away from Sabrina.

"Because you aren't! Look at what you are doing. Taking your child off to a beach with a drug addict who might be a fucking pedophile." I yelled as I clenched my fist. Just thinking about Chad being with Sabrina without proper supervision made my skin crawl.

"Well, I know Chad. You don't. So, get out of the way." Mom grabbed the trash bags. "Come on Sabrina. Your brother is a wuss"

I watched as Mom and Sabrina walked. I blinked twice and felt my gut twisting. I walked after them into the cold weather. I saw Chad in the car and a girl who looked younger than Mom. The girl helped Mom put her bags in the trunk. She had bright yellow hair that the moon dimmed in the night.

Mom wouldn't listen to reason, it was obvious. So, I watched as they both got into the car. Chad waved at me as he started the car but I ignored it. I rolled my eyes and just broke down. Sabrina was all I had. I couldn't believe that I was allowing her to go off into what could be a dangerous situation. I could've fought harder but she just wouldn't listen to me.

I felt so horrible...I could only hope that Sabrina knew how to operate a fucking phone.


I stared at the screen in front of me. Waiting and waiting. I still felt shitty about how I handled it. It's only been a day since Sabrina left. Yet, I feel so horrible about it. I'm helping her be neglected by our mother. What if she's in a hotel only? What if she's only with Chad? What if-

"You waiting for an important call?"

I shut my phone off and looked up to see Serenity. She had a small smile on her face.

"Uh- kinda." I said opening my phone again for the hundredth time.

"From?" she asked. I looked at her again. She took a seat across from me.

"Nobody...what do you want?" I asked quickly.

"Uh- nothing. I just wanted to check on you." She said with a sheepish expression. She chewed on her bottom lip.

"You don't have to do that." I said sternly. "Seriously, I'm not weak or in need of fucking sympathy." I said quickly standing up. The last thing I needed was a personal nurse attached to my hip.

"Oh. Um, okay." She nodded standing as well. A frown was prominent on her face.

I walked off, I still had thirty minutes until lunch break was over. So, I hid in the nearest bathroom I could find and waited in silence.


"Remember, only five more months till graduation. So, I decided to give y'all a group project. I will assign groups. This will be one of the many final grades." Mr. Parks announced as he closed the classroom door. I looked around the room before putting my eyes back on my notebook.

Human Services was the only class I shared with Maddison and I didn't want to be in a group with her.

"Lastly...Eva, Serenity, Henry, and Maddison. Okay, you'll have 2 months to work on a documentary that brings awareness to your community. School or neighborhood. Don't forget, you'll still have other assignments." Mr. Parks said with a pointed grin.

I couldn't believe this. It's like the universe was working against me. Giving me what I didn't want. I ignored the shuffling around me. I pulled out my phone again. All stupid notifications. I didn't want Mom to take Sabrina off. I didn't want Sabrina to be with Chad. I didn't want to be in a group with Maddison.

"You have 2 months to produce a perfect project. Do not spend it on your phone." Mr.Parks said sternly. I quickly looked up and made eye contact with him. He arched his eyebrow and I just put my phone down.

"If you want, I can just switch groups."

I looked up, seeing Maddison, Serenity, and another girl who was shorter than them both.

"What?" I asked, I was confused.

"I said I could switch groups if being in the same group bothers you." Serenity repeated slower.

"No, uh. It's fine." I said scratching my head.

"So, where do you guys wanna meet? Because I'm sure this project is gonna take forever." The shorter girl said, who I assumed was Eva.

"We can meet at my house." Serenity offered with a small smile.

I listened as the girls around me discussed the details of the meeting. I had to resist rolling my eyes and leaving the classroom. I didn't want my focus to be on a stupid project. I should be focused on Sabrina and how she's doing. I can't do that with the dumb project in the way.

Yet, I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything until they came back or...what if she never came back?

What if I never see my sister again?

Please don't be shy to share any opinions, Ideas and thoughts! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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