Careful Rouge

By makayla8162001

1.3K 44 0

My name is Aiden Barnes. I was killed by the beast while camping. My girlfriend my mom, and my sister were al... More

Chapter 1: The dare
Chapter 2: The Beast
Chapter 3: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 4: A Single White Rose
Chapter 5: Sweat mold and games
Chapter 6: Maybe my mates crazy!
Chapter 7: Luna Wright=WHAT!!!???
Chapter 8: So now you want me?
Chapter 9: Boy was I in for something
Chapter 10: I think I'm falling in love with you again.
Chapter 11: bipolar disorder
Chapter 12: man I have a great life
Chapter 13: A month
Chapter 14: Forgive me
Chapter 15: Don't drown
Chapter 16:I am a queen
On hold
Chapter 17: You're a Luna.
Chapter 18: Memories(part 2)
Chapter 19: Shoot him
Chapter 20:I remember
Chapter 21: Run
Chapter 22: Would I...
Chapter 23: Maya?
Chapter 24: I'm really queen?
Not an update
Chapter 25: Grown up?
Chapter 26: Pigs will fly.
2nd book

Chapter 18:Memories

22 1 0
By makayla8162001

Mia age 10

There was more yelling. I heard screaming and crying. The fairies in front of me disappeared. When I opened my eyes again, I was sleeping in my bed. All around me was the pink wallpaper and the white dressers. In front of me stood Mikey and daddy. Daddy had tears in his eyes. Mikey was covering his face like he was also crying.

"Are you okay dear?" daddy asked slowly. I lifted my head from the pillow. Daddy had a bruise on his neck. He kept rubbing it like it was itching him. It must've been a rash.

I reached into my pocket and wrapped my hands around the rock I got from the lake. It was still wet. I pulled it from my pocket and looked at it before looking up at daddy. He stared down at the rock.

"I got a rock for mommy," I said getting out the bed and pulling open the door.

"Wait Mia," he called after me as I ran down the hallway into my parents room. I pulled open the door and searched through the room. A noise went off from somewhere outside. I pulled the curtain aside watching as people crashed to the ground crying as a siren went off. I didn't understand. Where was my mom,"Mia, we need to talk."

"Where's mommy?" I asked holding the rock tighter in my hand. I haven't heard the siren since Mark died. He was the third command, he was killed by a rogue wolf. That was the siren that used for when an important person was dying.

I knew what happened to her, but I just wanted him to tell me. My mom was dead and someone killed her. I was going to find who killed her and I was going to kill them.

"Mia, your mother was killed."

Mia age 15. 5 years after mothers death

"Light one for me," I sat on the bench the boy was sitting on. He turned to me, making a lopsided smile then pulling a cigaret from a pack in his pocket and lighting it. He was my age with shaggy blonde hair and stormy blue eyes. He handed it to me and blew smoke out his own.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked turning to me on the bench. I took a puff of mine then rolled my eyes.

"Well, my mother died a couple years and I think I'm falling off the deep end, what about you?" I asked shrugging.

"My best friend died, not really my best friend, my grandfather. Really, if you're going off the deep end, I'm falling after you," he laughed then put out the smoke,"my names Aiden, by the way."

"Mia, my names Mia Wright," I put out the smoke and ran my hands through my hair.

"Ah, Alpha Wrights daughter right in my face. If only I could kill you. Do you know how much I could get?" he asked. I growled under my breath. He was a rogue. I couldn't smell that he was a wolf under the smoke.

I was on the ground, transforming into a wolf just as he was doing in front of me. He was big, but I could fight him. I had more power. I was the future Luna.

I growled circling around him. He barked jumping at me. I jumped back and went for his leg. He pulled away and shook his head. He jumped for me again just as a shot went off. His ears stuck up in the air and he turned behind him. I stopped growling looking to the trees.

A man came through the bushes holding a shotgun. He pulled it again and aimed it at me. I stared down the barrel freezing up. Aiden pushed me out the way taking the bullet close to his shoulder. He whimpered then turned to me and started to run. He limped on his right shoulder. The bullet only grazed him.

He pushed me along with his head. I followed him deeper into the trees beside the park. When he stopped he started shifting back. I shifted along with him and walked over to him while wrapping my arms over myself. He had his hand on his shoulder as blood trailed down his arms.

"You took a bullet for me, why?" I asked sitting beside him. He laughed.

"I may be a rogue, but I'm not a killer. My mother was kicked out for loving a human. I was born a rogue. I wouldn't kill you because you are such a pretty girl. The only one that hasn't killed me when you first saw me," he pulled his hand away. I frowned while watching the wound start to heal. He tensed then sighed when his skin stopped moving.

"Another wolf or human?" I asked sitting beside him. I was a wolf. I was used to nudity. He seemed to be used to it too or he was just being a guy. He was a good guy though. He wasn't staring at me.

"Does it really matter?" he laughed again. I laughed.

"I may be drunk, but I'll remember you Aiden," I turned away from him turning back into a wolf. I bowed my head down at him then ran off through the forest. That was the first time I ever respected a rogue. That rogue took a bullet for me. Knowing I was a Luna, he didn't kill me.

Present day

I sat on the edge of the lake. I wasn't crying. I didn't think I could cry anymore. I ran from them. I ran from them all. If I stayed too long, I would kill them. Just like I killed my mother. I killed my own mother.

I yelled, throwing the rock across the water. This was the place where I was going to drown. My mother told me to be careful and I didn't. I slipped and killed myself. My mother took her own life to save me. She said she would give up herself before she loses another child. She already lost two children, she wasn't going to lose another.

Mia age 17

"Aiden," I said against his mouth. He pushed me back into the wall almost cracking the wall. I laughed against his mouth while pulling the shirt over his head. He stopped to look at my shirtless top.

"Mia, what about your mate?" he whispered while closing is eyes and running his hands over his eyes. He kept murmuring under his breath. He was calling himself an idiot because he fell in love with me and not his mate if he were to find her.

"Screw my mate Aiden, I want you," I said putting my hand on his chest and running my hands down to his pants. He watched my hands.

"You're a Luna Mia," he said against my neck. He trailed down my neck to my stomach,"what's your dad going to think?"

"Screw my dad too," I moaned and pulled his pants down. He did the same to me.

Mia age 17. 2 months later.

I leaned against the wall to the bathroom door with my hand over my stomach. It was Aiden's. I was having Aiden's child. Maybe I could get my father to accept him now as my mate though he wasn't. Many wolves never find their mate and marry others. My father saw Aiden as a druggie and an alcoholic. He thought he was bad new for me. Aiden was soft at heart though. He didn't judge anyone. He was a good person. He would make a good alpha and a good father.

Mia age 18. 10 months later. 5 months after Aiden's death.

"Please Mia, come in," I stood at the glass door to Mr. Barnes house. Paige hid in the car. He was taking no chances. He didn't want me to be attacked again. Mr. Barnes stood in his bathrobe standing at the door. He looked lost. After all he lost his whole family. I only lost my best friend.

I stepped into the house and followed him into the kitchen. He started to make coffee. I sat at the kitchen table. This was the same table where Aiden tried to cook for me, the same table that Aiden and I made out on, the table that held so many memories.

"Would you like some coffee Mia?" he asked. I nodded. I lived for coffee now. Since that night, I couldn't sleep. All I thought about was Aiden. Aiden. Aiden. Aiden.

He put the coffee in front of me then sat down. I thanked him then kept silent. I didn't know what to say to him. Was I suppose to tell him that I was sorry? I didn't like to hear sorry when my mother died. It wasn't like I could tell him I was there when his wife and children died. My father told me to tell no one, but I could tell him something.

"Mr. Barnes, your son and I made grownup decisions. It ended up with me pregnant. I know I shouldn't be telling you this, but I want you in the child's life. I at least want you to see him once every year. I just want a couple hours. I just want him to know what his father was like," I had tears running down my face. Paige walked through the door carrying the baby chair,"his names Aaron Aiden Wright. Please, I don't want you to disown him because you want to disown me. Please, can you be in his life?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mr. Barnes said looking at the baby in my arms. I wiped the tears from my eyes with one hand, the other holding onto Aaron.

"I didn't even get to tell Aiden. I was going camping with him to tell him. I was too late," I looked down at the table. Mr. Barnes held his hands out. He was waiting for me to give him Aaron. I put him in his arms.

"He looks just like Aiden did when he was a child. The same blue eyes and blonde hair. You should've told me," tears started to come down from his eyes. I hugged myself feeling as if I didn't, I would fall apart right in front of Aiden's dad ,"I'll be in his life. I want to be in his life."

"Thank you."

Mia age 20. 2 years later.

"Happy birthday Aaron," Mr. Barnes stood in front of Aaron with a wrapped box. Aaron clapped his hands giggling. Beside Mr. Barnes stood his new wife Charlotte. Charlotte had a son named Cody. He was fourteen. He was already moving on from his other family. I would never move on from Aiden.

"Have you meet your mate yet Mia?" Mr. Barnes asked me. I picked up Aaron and sat him on my lap. He started to play with the necklace on my neck.

"No, I'm not ready to move on yet," I said just as Aaron yanked the chain, breaking it. I cried out though it didn't hurt me. I put Aaron down and pulled the necklace from his hands. It was a locket. A small locket. In the inside was a picture with Aiden and I. Aaron just broke a gift that Aiden gave me.

There were tears running down my face. I couldn't control them. I remembered exactly when Aiden gave it to me. It was our first date and he took me to a circus. When we got on the farris wheel, at the top he started pointing out stars then he pulled a box from his pocket. He took it out then put it around my neck while I was on the verge of tears.

"Mia, what's wrong?" Mr. Barnes asked me putting his hand on my shoulder. I showed him the locket.

"My necklace. He broke my necklace."

"Did Aiden give it to you honey?" Charlotte asked. I nodded and wrapped the necklace in my hand. Mr. Barnes sighed,"you have to let him go to live in peace Mia. Just let him go. Let him live in peace now."

"I can't give him up yet. I don't want to."


Hope you like the new book cover. Thanks for reading.


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