Thorns Around Roses

By callyhhh

1.5K 141 354

mature More

the call
the passengers
the visit
trouble knocks
state of mind
the turn
sharp snatch
IT'S halal.
Sweet et sour
Two can play.
the visitors
cover lick.
turn of event
love like
exposè et conceal
the 3rd wife.
flames to blaze
her royal highness
Royal highness(2)

Everyone is a narcissist.

31 2 0
By callyhhh

This weeks premium😍😍😍


After seeing me unexpectedly, they froze in their positions knowing fully well everything they have said is detrimental to them. I folded my arms whilst maryam and the helps helped me package breakfast, these girls are the last thing on my mind, however hearing them wished  the fire was fatal breaks my heart. They didnt like her to that extent?. So much repulsiveness.

" bring the bus" i instructed over the phone.

" y'all should get ready we leave in 5" i said with maryam walking behind.

" with you too" i pointed to her. I went in to have my bath, once under the shower, it hits me that i forgot to call sana and inquire how it went with the hospital.

" heyy..... I'm sorry for not calling, i was engaged "

" dont worry i understand, i was supposed to have called to ask after sofeeya seeing that she almost died in the fire. Sorry about that, Fyi i had to travel"

" sana.." i said.

" yes"

" like you had to wait for me to call you before you inform me?

" khalifa calm down. Its really nothing besides you have more pressing issues and i was tied up " she said.

I was on the phone when i felt someone embraced me tightly from behind, turned to see fati and she switched to face me. I held her with a hand while the other was on the phone.

" its not really anything you should worry about" sana continued

" how dare you travel without my knowledge"my heart sank coz she left the city. Like ok i dont matter

" sorry " she said dropping the call.

" go to hell for all i care. " i whispered

" charming, who is going to hell" fati asked being intrigued.

" nobody of your concern" i said stepping aside to drop my phone. one person i dont seem to understand,
Inshort why isnt she livid or mad at me? she's giving me all the cool calm treatment. How did i marry different people in one person. Sana what is on your mind. Huh.

" i thought i lost you after seeing that fire outbreak. Why would you even risk your life like that. Do you not care about the rest of us, your loved ones or is it only * she* that matters" fati said with worry in her eyes

" believe me what you are saying is circumstantial"

" you might not love me they way i love you but please dont put your self in harmsway again. "

" come here. How was your flight?" i embraced her tightly

" sometimes we are unaware our decisions are subjective. Very sentimental"

" salam, yaya we are ready" my brothers wives announced their entrance, the moment they saw fati, They were flustered

" ah ahn sauraniyan mata" they called out since she is obviously their fave.

" uwargida sarautan mata"

" in bake bagida"

" likita agidan likita"

" ashe kinzo?"

" kinji wai wuta....." one of them was going to say but she refrains as she looked up at me.

" better" i said.

" i wasn't going to say anything," she defended

" thought as much " i said with a straight face. Fun fact i barely been caught grining with them

" inakwana" fati greeted

" well i am not done dressing, however, i will go with fati , you guys should run along and you must apologise to her for calling her names. Believe me, i will ask her"

" fine" they said and slammed my door. If i budge about these ladies, i can run mad.


I didnt sleep throughout the night, all i did was whimper. I was so sad and overwhelmed. So pratically, i am gonna turn from this compelling beauty to another creature, i am greiving and khalifa wont let me shed tears, all i do is bottle it. i am not happy at all.
Eventually, i finally got some sleep and when i opened my eyes, he was out of sight.
i had time to shed some tears before someone walked in, its my mum.

" ouch mami" i said when she embraced me

" salam my princess, I'm so sorry. I brought you some biryani" she said. Salima walked in with quite some items in hand

" mami do i need a plastic surgery "

" SUBAHANA'ALLAH what for" they both said

"My body"

" stop it already " mami said

" even if really burnt, you have to leave it like that. Ai Jarabawa ne" my sister said adding more salt

" do you mind?"mami said getting agitated

" mami what. Its the truth" she said again this time around almost laughing

" it doesn't make her feel better"

" fine..."

" have you seen khalifa today" i inquired and she walked over to my bed.

" i dont mean to sound uptight but i think you should give him today too, he was also in the fire remember? He didn't get burnt but he had a  minior injury on his wrist. Allow us stay with you."

" yes. He has been with you throughout" and my spirit fell completely. Another outburst of cry. Like i wouldn't see him for the whole of the day. Okay fine.

" SALAM" we heard, turning towards the door it was khalifa's brothers. The balalas

" goodmorning ma" they greeted mami

" how are you feeling" mujaheed proceeded first, then the rest chipped in.

" ALLAH ya baki lafiya, " i scanned them thinking i would see khalifa tag along with them

"He is not coming. he needs some rest" and the fire burn shifted from my back to my heart. When did you become this emotional?. I was in pain and all i want is the amount of assurance i can get from my loved ones. Wait, do you even have loved ones.

" brace yourself" akhram said. One look at him and i knew he would never like me. I slapped his wife.

" AMEEN" mami replied we all answered simultaneously

" muza mu wuce, " they brought fruits and all sorts of delectables.

" mungode"salima said. And they walked out

"Wow that was brief" salima said
. 30mins later, the wives waltz in and if my heart was sinking, then it just sank.

" sannu" they said to mami as they stroll inside looking all around. Can someone pass me any weapon already.

"Sanunku" mami said in return as she watches wonders. three out of them walked round my room checking in every detail of it, thats after scrutinizing mami with their eyes.

" hmm, kina taduba wa"they said. Having a dialogue amost themselves

" a, ai dole, dosent look like our usual VIP rooms"

" this one is spectacular"

" kinsan she got burnt so she needs all the exclusively luxurious atmosphere to help her healing process"

" i have a prospect in that"

" hmmm" they continued

" khalifa ne kadai ya tara matan da ba'a san iyayen su ba. I mean reputation doesnt preceed"

" nothing more truer"

" like thats not even enough, we have to dine and whine with them."

" tell me about it"

" hajia can you believe this your daughter locked us up yesterday and released us just some minutes before the arson. Coz it was an arson i heard" she said turning to my mother

" yeah it was an arson." My mum didnt say anything being the peaceful woman she is.

" GOD so kind we slipped"

" and inreturn SHE got burnt"

" i believe she's sorry and ofcourse that was not the intent" salima said

" you cant be so sure coz all i can see here is a reflex of intent."

" meaning"

" she got burnt in return"

" i apologize on her behalf" mami finally said

" mami these swines do not deserve any apology and believe me i have zero regrets for my actions and once khalif....." they interrupted

" wani khalifan, the one koozied up with fati before we left or which one."

" his doctor wife is helping him heal in the best way she can, we left them about going to shower"

" looks like you its not only body bruise you have"

" lol you will soon have your heart briused too."

" besides you and sana were the ones who married her husband"

" obviously "

" and now fati has to deal with all your ineptitude "

" technically"

" you all get out of my room right this minute"

" like seriously"

" NOW. And pray i dont recover else. dimwits kawai" i added

" remember you are just a police that can be bought"

" sorry oooh" they said and waltz out.

" hehehe wetin musa no go see for gate"my sister said coz she was buffooned. my mum left after them

" kika kulle su "

"Why not".

"My sister and intolerance "

" and i will again"

" can i be any prouder" she said.

" what do they do for a living"

" matan oga mana" i said

" nafsi nafsi kawai" my sister added as she helped adjust my sittitng position. I leaned back in pain.
I was devastated, and weak. Remembering he is swamped with his wife fati crawled in my head causing me headache.
Geez. So I slept off again full of agony.
3 hrs later i was found begging my consultant to please allow me put at home.

" if i get you correctly, you want a home service"

" apparently"

" mrs khalifa"

" sofeeya would be okay"

" sofy"

" even better"

" it can be done, however, its relatively expensive. "

" doctor finance is out of the question. Hubby will take care of that. My home, my family, my room is therapeutic enough for a fast healing. Please. I feel like I'm dying in this hospital. I feel obnoxious. I detest the of smell drugs"

" thats compelling enough. I will send in the other doctors with the paper work "

" believe me doctor i owe you "

" sure you do" within a flip, My sister was wheeling me out of the hospital , while my brother and aunt were carrying my stuff. Mami had to stay back since there has been change of event. all this was done without khalifa's knowledge. Only the oncrease of billing on his card.

It was evening and i am well settled at home. The doctors had already checked in on me for the afternoon and i am waiting on them for evening, aunty luba came with her house help, so we had extra helping hands and she was assign to stay next to me, our house is gradually filling up coz sadeeq's wedding is around the corner. i really was putting in effort not to think of khalifa, how can he not even think of me throughout the day. Anyways, i understand clearly where i stand. Two nurses and a doctor walked in

" mrs k...."

" sofeeya it is please" i said with so much resentment

" how are you feeling " she asked

" ohooo. May be numb"

" its normall to feel that way. you should be glad. Injury is barely 5 percent burnt"

" i dont know what that means" i said

" lol. Its time for your bed bath, and wound dressing."

" i want to make a request "

" ofcourse"

" can that be done in my bathroom coz I've been here some hours and my room already stings like a morgue "

" we thought wheeling you to the bathroom would be stressing for you"

" dr it is what it is" so they helped me up ready to wheel

" i will take it from here " i heard from his deep voice. I swallowed a lump. Without uttering a thing he wheeled me to the bathroom. Closing the door behind, he squat infront me .

" I'm sorry for not reaching out. fati drugged me. Wai i haven't had enough rest " he said removing a strand of hair from my face. I didnt say anything. I only averted his gaze

" its not what it looks like" he continued and i really dont want to hear more.

" can we be at it already"

" like you don't care"

" i dont"

" hey what's wrong"?

" i am the one covered in injury, apparently i do not want to hear any of your tirade. "

" okay can you put the weapons down"

" maybe thats how i am supposed to be. STIFF"

" will you allow yourself to be loved and cared for atleast"

" oh.... really. I'm sorry for being obsess about you. Seems its a crime. " i continued to talk and let out my anger for not seeing him next to me when i woke up, for throwing me to the wolves. He inreturn didnt say more. I could only close my eyes when he removed my towel aside, he used a smaller hand towel to soak into warm water and wiped me up, soon we were done, he took the cotton wool and started to clean the purse, then he applied some medication. he assisted me performed wudu and covered me back, then he tied my hair in a bun. Every touch was sensitive and delicate, my bathroom is not as big though, however i could see him appreciate how tidied up it was. Still not responding to all my impulsiveness he wheeled me out.

"Which doctor is on duty" he inquired

" i am doctor grace" she spoke

" I'm dr khalifa..." she cuts him

" Mohammad khalifa balala from shifa hospital, one of the director's children. Saw you on t.v., sir its nice to meet your aquitance." She completed .

" wow"

" sorry sir, that was unorthodox of me. Your reputation preceeds you, especially now that you became a hero in the eyes of the public "

" miss..."

" grace offa" she said

" dr grace offa i want to introduce some minor changes to my wifes routine check"

" okay..."

" i will be handling it from evening to the next morning untill she gets better, you and your team will relieve me from the next morning. You should report that to your superior"

" absolutely sir."she said. she called the nurses to head out and then she came back again

" sir it was indeed an honour to meet you. Believe me your name preceeds you "

" you can run along" he said faking a smile. he settled on the sofa and was screening my room. After i was done praying, he gave me my drugs along side injection. Fine i admit i was too harsh on him. I am guilty. I was carefree

" khalifa i am sorry. I didnt mean to get...." and i stopped to ponder on my words. He still didnt say anything

"Khalifa at least say something"

" i will rather you save me that serenade you are preparing coz i wont believe a word from it."

" fine sorry for being impulsive "

" being impulsive or being a narcissists"

" no you won't call me names" i object

" how pathetic"he contniued

" you wont call me names khalifa"

" i wasn't going to "

" sorry for falling for you, sorry, falling for you wasnt part of my plan, sorry your sly gentleman nature took me unaware"

" i cant deal with your ineptitude to attract me to you okay"

" but i am trying"i said

" your effort is not compelling enough"

" what do you want me to do"

"Guy try harder man try harder" my soul jumped out of my body. HE CALLED ME GUY. Like i am his guy.
INALILLAHI WA INAILLAHI RAJI'UN maryam told me. Maryam warned that he will never see me.
Admist my heart failure my brother walked in and dragged him out. I could see his eyes bulge out

Forget it that girl is a narcissist. all she cares is why i wasnt with her when she woke up.
Does she even consider how i am holding up.
I didnt plan to sleep off.
I was drugged. Like i was f**ing drugged .
Would i have left my wife lying in the hospital while i take the nap of my life.
Thats preposterous.
To even think i am angry with all my wives is another thing for me. Wai me haka.

" atleast I've another company today. Wanan play" sadeeq said passing me his ps pad

"why not " i said sitting up and getting out of my thinking zone. We got started and i can't remeber the last time i played ps coz life has been so consuming, right now i feel masculine again. i have been caught up intensely in womens world.

" guy i keep beating you fam" sadeeq said shouting and tapping my shoulder. I smiled

" I'm warming up"i defended

" koh ba warming up ba" he said and we laughed. 10mins later and

" gatchaaaa" i shouted

" fine its a draw nigga"

" koh ba draw ba" i said laughing my self out as we continued
I cant imagine growing up with only girls as siblings, i thought to my self .we were silent again for minutes anticipating on the game

" what is it like being married "

" chaos" i said concentrating on the screen.

" so whats your advice"

" free your self if you have the chance"

" guy this is a serious conversation. I'm glad you are here saving me from spending time with the ladies as usual." He said turnimg off the screen

" why did you do that i was going to score you" i complained

" my marriage is in two weeks plus and i need first hand advice "

" sadeeq once you get married yeah, Technically your life is not gonna be thesame anymore."

" so what are you saying"

" don't get married"

"Excuse you....."

" see marriage is exhausting on its own, then, imagine having more than one wife. You are literally walking dead Because there is no time any of them will not get you on edge"

" ai dama mata can be very frustrating sometimes"

" wani lokacin kaman ka tsinke bulala ka zane su"

" true. Do you know that dating this rayhana alone ...." i cut him short

" . DUNIYA CE Rayhana. . Sorry for interrupting you though"

" you know rayhana more than i do so just spill it already"

" if you are not well stood you cant control that girl"

" she is so stubborn"

" SUBAHANA'ALLAH. kadan ke nan"

" yeah my sister sofy was the first to tell, even though it was kinda of a collision for them"

" they have met"

" thought i could aquitnt them to become buddies and vualaa it was a real collition. mehnn sofeeya is another world entirely.
Inshort, .... how did you pull that through. How did you ever find my sister attractive and got her attention. My sister is a though nut to crack. She is hard to conquer "

" mtswwww. Ko bah hard ba. "

" but seriously i am curious, how did she listen to you. Coz my mum been curious too. How did you convince her"

" abi she convinced me"

" ta.... my sis will never make the move on any guy" he said and i smiled.

" my mum kept warning her about your family name. She really didn't want her to go there, but you know her very adamant"

" gani ai ya kora ji. Atleast now she is carefull"

" and to tell that rayhana is an only child"

" bawani only child. You have to stay firm and discipline her when its needed if not wallahi indai rayhana ce, za ka ce na gayamaka."

" please tell me more"he requested

" Rayhana is well articulated, she is someone that knows what she wants and goes after it regardlessly, she's very smart for an only child, friendly when needed and bossy all round. She has zero tolerance approach. She can be basic sometimes. She actually has a big heart and a forgiving spirit. But she will mess you up when you give her the slightest reason. Sooo sensitive. She knows a shade from the very first throw" i said sipping my coffee

" wooow. Indeed you know her kam. If i ask what aspect of her do you like"

" authenticity "

" how do you mean"

" she is organic. Like very real. She's not fake at all. So if she likes you den hell yeah she likes you and if she doesn't. Hell hath no furry like a woman's scorn"

" well i am glad she's freinds with your calm wife sana " my eyes bulged out

" Kace the serpent "

" macijiya"

" i mean your wife fa..."

" lallai. gaskiya ne. To sum it all, You and i are aquitance because every thing is traced back to sana. "


" sana is more stubborn than rayhana kawai dai has is not pronouced, a ruwan sanyi za ta cinye ka" and we both bursted out laughing. his mum walked in with a small tray of snacks and cookies.

" sadeeq has a brother for the night"

" couple of nights mind you" he corrected

" thank you" i said as she drops the tray

" no i should be thanking you coz you outdid yourself with sofeeya. If not she could have been burnt"

" its my duty as her husband" i smile.

" you should couch sadeeq about married life. He is soon gonna be"

" mami we are already at it. " he said

" indeed " i said nodding my head


i was already getting used to the new changes in my body, however some pains cant be denied. I have been on bed for the past two days now. feeling Nauseous and non stop vominting. I feel like i am dying, aunty Leila has been up and about for me.
I woke up feeling terribly ill. Not stressing to wake anybody, i went to the toilet and puke this time around it was excruciating. Next thing i knew i was packing and arranging my small kit. I wore over my self a jalabiya.

" ahmad can you please pick me up"

"  in the middle of the night "he said  surprised

" i mean first thing in the morning"

" where are you, what happened. Seems you are crying"

" i actually traveled home"

" home.... your parents?"

" yes. Aunty laila's. Please can you"

" IN SHA ALLAH. Do you want me to tell him"

" No please. seems he is busy with sofeeya"

" sana does it matter"

" sai kazo" i dropped the call and folded my self sitting on the praying mat anticipating the fall of dawn

its already pass 2 am and that call woke me up for the day. I couldnt go back so i prayed some nawafil had my bath waiting for morning. Once it was getting a little clear, I stumped on the road. Just when i was about to call her that i was outside, khalifa's call came through

" mon sir'"

" what time do you wish to pick me up"

" told jarrod to fill in for me this morning"

" why "

" I'm out of town"

" why" at this point i know not lie

" sana. I went to pick sana. She called"

" she called you.... oh wow"

" her driver is away"i lied coz i dont know why she chose to call me

" thats deraging. I feel desolated and mortified. she has pratically stopped picking my calls. Then she calls you to come pick her. Just wow. Ofcourse i am being  paranoid"

" with due respect sir. Sana barely needs anyones help. Unless its a delicate issue " he ended the call.

" wow I'm in a mess" i informed her that i was outside, hurridely she came out. I went further to drop the kit in the trunk and she settled in the back seat. Slowly,she laid down

" can you please turn off the A.C." she said with a whimper

" Heater please" she added

" are you sick"

" terribly" she replied


" ofcourse i need that" she said burrying her head. With a swift steady sleep, i drove smooth until we arrived kano. I was going to call him, then she spoke

" are we in kano already"

" yes" i replied

" i should call lami to...."

" no. just take me to where ever he is" she managed to utter. I called jarrod, and he informed of me that he just dropped him in the family house, they are having a family meeting. We drove to the balala resident. Walking behind her with the kit, i noticed they were all in baba's parlour, it was indeed a core meeting. Without any second thought, she walked in and straight to khalifa's lap. I was flustered by that action. Like she pratically walked over to where he sat and settled on him. I look up at the crowd, having to see hajia hanne, (hajia) his mum, uncle anas, kawu idris, the aunts, the brothers, and all the brothers wives. They all look at her in utmost surprise.
Mehn sana's pragmatism is out of this world. That was bold and premium.

" hey.... hey. my baby whats wrong with you" he inquired pulling her firmly into an embrace

" I'm dying" she said.

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