love like

28 4 22


We both stood and stared at our selves for as long as we could.
I examined her thoroughly and i got a glimpse of  her changed physique and personality. After some minutes she broke the silence.

" good evening" she said. then, she walked over to her closet and droped her jewelries in the jewellery box. she removed her veil, went to the vanishing table, took her wipes and wiped her face. Then, she went further to get her robe and swiftly she changed, i watch her hair fall behind and dangled. She walked over to the bathroom door, with a slight turn she spoke

" i told lami not to make dinner.  i didnt know you'd come. However, when you suggest or decide what you want to eat, please do let me know." She said closing the door behind her. 
I quietly  walked out of her room to mine. I fixed my clothes in the closet, got a shower too, then i settled into some joggers and an armless shirt. I sat on my sofa leaning my head behind.
        30mins later, she walked in wearing her abaya and a veil over her shoulder with  her hair in the open.

" salam. Have you decided what to eat yet?" She asked standing by the door.

" i am not hungry" i said to piss her off. But in return she only shrugged her shoulders  and walked out. Every step she took broke my HEART, i do not know how to deal with this girl, i miss her so much. I dont even know how we got here


I walked out of his room to mine with a tear dropping from my eyes. It hurts so bad that the man i longed for doesn't seem to be intrested one bit.

What a forlorn i have become. I went straight to my desktop and started school stuff. I was reading along side  getting more confused. My head gradually becoming crowdy.

****Khalifa i miss u***

. Ever since i got married, the only thing  i wished for, was to have some privacy and space alone with my husband,  now i have all the space in the world but my marriage is failling.

      I sobbed until i slept off. The next morning i hurriedly had my bath and got ready, i was running late, i have exams.

" good morning ma"

" morning lami i am in a hurry, i will skip breakfast, however dont forget khalifa, he might still be sleeping thou......."

" oga left last night........" she said cutting me in my  sentence. I felt a pang on my chest,
i  walked out quietly to the car and zoomed off.
I was caught inbetween crying and not crying coz any moment i will be in sch.  So this is how much he loves her.
rubbing it right into my face.  clearly,
It has become obsession.
She had a whole one month to her self, and the only one week i get, yet is  sabotaged. 

Abun naso yayi.

I got to school and started exams. In class, i couldnt remember a thing from what i have memorized. the only thing in my head is mk.
I have designed my answer boolet with his name all round. staring at it, I look so stupid and dumbfounded.

" mrs mohammed, regardless of your school qualifications, your social grade and affluence, 
an examination is an examination. Cut the sarcasm and concentrate on your work" proff adewale said.  i nodded.
i look up and the whole class was staring at me. Bending back to work, in a flash, i was done Writing and submitted my book. Maybe all this while, all i needed was some scolding to bring me back to my senses coz i am long gone.

" hajia where are we headed to"

" dunno know........ maybe the foundation ?"

" ok ma"  just in, My phone buzzed, it was khalifa, at first it felt like i shouldnt pick, i mean, he left in the mid night right? ..... huh. and now what explanation does he have, Dole nayi yanga
it rang again for the second and third time.

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