Two can play.

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He was the first to leave the bathtub. apparently he wasn't in for a bath, rather to torture me. 
I kinda like it.
I mean I really liked it.

Okay fine. I loved it.

       not getting distracted, the thought of them during that useless Photoshoot can't leave my brain.  I walked out of the bathroom and went to the closet to get dressed. I got ready for bed and came out.

" hey you could always dress in my presence you know" he said the moment  he saw me coming out.  he was actually busy with his desktop, following with calls. I wasn't still smiling, even though, my hickies were printed on my neck for a display, I didn't budge.

" good night" I said. fixed his gaze on me. not minding him, I used the blanket to cover myself.

" come here" he ordered. Hearing that, I uncovered my face

" want anything?"

" yes"

" do it yourself, I am not coming down"

" you will"

" why"

" because I am your primary assignment."

" you are not serious" go and meet her I said in my head

" I am serious, come to me" he said not averting his gaze.

" mtswwwwwwww  abeg good night" I covered back and it was at that moment realization hit me,  I  surely will be assaulted as that has been his main aim and determination to meet his goal. Wait, that was a trap. He was irritating me on purpose and  I took the bait. Darn.
My eyes opened wide and I thought of the fastest thing to do *RUN* as I was about to flee, I saw him fast approaching.

" I knew you'd use that your long mouth to hiss after several warnings. " I jumped out of the bed and made straight to the sitting area.

" please don't hurt me,  I am sorry it was a mistake" I begged even though  I was laughing

" that's late,  you should have thought about it first" I ran round and he followed me around. It was almost like a catch and flee

" just come as a humble girl let me do what whatever it is I want to do" I was scared coz I might not know what exactly it is he has in mind. So I shook my head

" is that a no" I nodded again

" fine then, let's waste all the  strength." He pursued me and I ran like hell. Making the room look all messy.  I was already panting and seeking help.

" DAN ALLAH ka barni na gaji"

" thats the idea. to get you exhausted then you won't be able to run,  that's when I will attack with force. ......." He said. I sat on the  sofa for a minute rest.

" give me a minute to catch my breath plesase"

" a minute it is" I sat and he also sits a mile away. I closed my eyes to really catch a breath. opened it and he was on my head. I was out of option,  I had to  stuggle and i slipped out of his reach. With one last try and a grip on my shirt, I fell on the side stool breaking the glass and sustaining an injury on my wrist.

"INALLILAHI"  I screamed, by the time he got to me, blood was already dripping. He fetched me up and straight to the sink.  He used Warm water to wash it off then he brought the first aid box and treated it. I wanted to cry but he was  feeling guilty.  I watch him keenly treating the cut. He was so disturbed. I could read it. It was more like bringing back every pain. He says if I hurt he hurts, this is the best example I can see. He was in distress.
He puts me to bed and went back to his seat. Now he can't even concentrate on work, so he lean his head back and closed his eyes. I came out of bed and joined him on his seat placing my head on his chest.  He used  both hands and encircled me. 

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