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This chappi is dedicated to my friend who is sick and hospitalised yet  finds time to keep reading. Please help put him in your prayers.
MAY ALMIGHTY GRANT YOU SHIFFA and the rest of the sick umma  Ameen.  ( mus'abulkhair) this one is for you😢😢😢


I couldnt deal with her arrogance, so  i ended the caĺl. Who is she to even call me at this hour of the night and still have the effontry  and access to be rude. That is absolutely  unacceptable. With a rebuff,
I hissed,  her call woke me up.  i slide out of bed quietly not waking fati up and ended up on the praying mat.

While at it, al-amin's call came through, we spoke for some minutes. After his call, i saw a message hanging, it was sofeeya again.
Lord help me. I clicked  to discover  her mum wants to meet with me. Like Seriously?.  that girl has a family? Huh. I went back to bed and soon enough it was dawn.
After fajr at the mosque, i came back, worked on my system a little and ready to move coz sana told me to specifically  comeback early by  breakfast time.

" I'm  leaving, i suppose you can take care of yourself."

" i spent hours trying to make breakfast. Atleast you should respect that and eat"

" i can't because i was only given a sleep over, i wasn't  given permission to eat or dine. I'm sorry"

" i know why you like her, i saw her picture yestersay and you couldn't ignore how breathtaking she seems to look"

" Dan ALLAH  kiyi hakuri ki kyale ni. Whats all this"

" its evident ai. Gashi, jikin ka duk rawa yakeyi zaka kara aure"

" i thought  we talked about this yesterday and its off the table"

" mallam, i can not pretend over how i feel"

" basically, my coming here didnt make you feel better"

" i feel worst if you must know" she said walking out of sight. i obvisouly just wasted my time. I blame sana. Without  bathing, i drove down to sana's house. It was barely eight, the enviroment was quite busy as for a typical workday, students rush to sch while commuters ride along.  I went straight to my room, took my towel and straight to the bathroom. Once i was under the shower, the door flung opened

" how is she feeling, any better?"

" i literally can't say" i continued scrubbing

" i dont get you"

" sana, even me, i dont get me"

" abinci yayi  and aunty leila wants to meet you"

" everyone wants to meet me"

" excuse you"

" yah, sofeeya called"

" oh wow. Kun fara calls kenan? She asked sounding quite alarmed.

" i suppose that was sarcasm. Coz you know shit aint happening. So  keep calm. FYI We didn't even talk,  i was not ready to deal with her rudeness. She is so rude. I ended the call on her, she then, sent me a message, wai mamanta ta na son gani na"

"Its normal ai. Dama sooner or later they will request to see you"

" but i dont intend to go"

" ah ah that's  disdainful, and  disrespectful from your part which i wont allow"

" sana yarinyan nan tana bata mun rai"

" i understand"

"Kunnle Ahmad tayi fa dan sabin raini"

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