Lost | Mha x Vigilante Immort...

By lillemonadestand

4.4K 169 63

Izuku wakes up in a hospital, the start of it all. It was when he'd opened his eyes even though everyone pres... More

Prologue | Lost
Chapter 1 | His Legs Moved On Their Own
Chapter 3 | The Care Of A Stranger
Chapter 4 | I'm The Reason You're Like This
Chapter 5 | I'm Not Waiting For Her
Chapter 6 | He Looks Completely Different
Chapter 7 | Matching Jackets
Chapter 8 | A Sense Of Taste
Chapter 9 | The Little Bookstore
Chapter 10 | The Old Bookstore Owner
Chapter 11 | Mai Adachi
Chapter 12 | Police At Mihori's Place!?
Chapter 13 | A Little Help
Chapter 14 | A Go Bag
Chapter 15 | A Bit Suspicious
Chapter 16 | An Unexpected Discovery
Chapter 17 | A Creep
Chapter 18 | Why does It Always Rain
Chapter 19 | The First of Many
Chapter 20 | Within The Mortuary
Chapter 21 | Zuri?
Chapter 22 | Ellies Father
Chapter 23 | Small Filler
Chapter 24 | A Pointless Funeral
Chapter 25 | A Blonde He Knew
Chapter 26 | Back From The Dead
Chapter 27 | A Talk With Mai

Chapter 2 | A Year Long Coma

324 12 0
By lillemonadestand

"Speaking" 'Thinking'

A lot of time had passed after the attack at the little grocery store. Izuku's been sleeping soundly in a hospital bed for quite some time now, it's probably been about nine months. His mother kept him alive on life support since she felt too guilty to pull the plug.

She continuously blamed herself for being a poor mother and not being home enough for him. She even took on another job to afford the hospital bills, meaning he was left all alone in the hospital room in the sole care of the doctors, nurses, and a single woman that always visits an hour before visiting hours are over.

The doctors let her in since they assumed they were related, the mother never said a word, not that she really could considering she was never around. The woman took good care of the boy anyway, so they didn't bother her on her visits.

His hair grew longer, a thick green with strands of black seeping in. His skin grew pale and his body slightly thin from little to no movement or contact with the sun. At times, the woman brings him outside in a wheelchair, a small blanket over his legs to keep him warm despite being in a coma. She was very particular about his care even though they weren't related.

She'd practically taken over the role of his mother.

After another month had passed, marking ten months of him in a coma. The doctors regarded him as brain dead. Though life support was still keeping him alive, there was no movement, not even from his eyes.

It was like he was forced to stay alive, his body still pumped blood normally, his breathing was still normal, and he kept growing even though his body and mind were completely still.

No change occurred even when the boy's "Caretaker" moved him from his bed and took him out to the garden. The life support wasn't really effective since he was alive on his own, it was only used to keep him stable throughout the night.

The nurses and a few doctors had grown attached to him, always relaxing beside his bed as he slept peacefully. His hair, despite it having grown longer, was well kept and washed by the staff. His body, although having lost some of the minuscule muscle mass he had, was being stretched and lightly exercised as he slept to keep him from complete muscle loss if or when he woke up. They still held hope despite it nearly being a year since he'd become comatose.

Some of the nurses have long since given up on the boy, doing all they can to avoid his room, but there were a select few that knew he wouldn't die, knew that there was something keeping the boy alive. His mother still paid for his hospital bills, meaning there was no point in giving up on him. So they'd do everything they could for the boy while he was here. Everything they could until even his mother no longer held hope.

The woman that visited on the regular was kind, although she normally kept to herself while she was taking care of him. She'd avoid any and all conversation unless directly related to Izuku. She knew him by his first name, knew a lot about him. It was as if they were actually related. She cared for him no matter what, like she had to, as if it were her sole duty to do so.

Every night, an hour before visiting hours finished. She'd walk up to the reception desk and ask for a visitor's pass to care for Izuku. Afterwards, she'd go straight up to his room, a lonely area that was fairly closed off from the other rooms. It was where they kept the comatose patients, it was quiet and peaceful, mostly for the nurses that take care of them to wander about.

As another month had passed, something changed within him. His body had grown taller, his hair even longer, and he'd sweat more than he normally had. For a while, his body completely shut down..., before suddenly, his heartbeat grew strong. Far stronger than what it had been while he was comatose.

The doctor's had originally decided to pull the plug, to end the boy's suffering after the scare. But, as his heartbeat grew stronger, they grew more hopeful, and with that, one of his finger's moved. It was an incredibly small movement, but it was enough for the doctor's to halt everything and begin possible preparation for him to wake up.

Through out the next two weeks, his body grew a bit healthier, his skin looking more lively despite the lack of sunlight. He was still very pale, but he no longer looked skeletal like he had before. After another week of this, marking the 12th month making it a whole year, his eyes opened.

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