Just The 2 Of Us

By ShoujoCamui

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What happens when a Fan Meeting leads to desperate confessions, ends a "just friends" relationship, and sudde... More

CHAPTER 1 -Just More Than Friends
CHAPTER 2 - Just Boyfriends
Chapter 3 - Just Trouble
Chapter 4: Just Sick
Chapter 5: Just Lies
Chapter 6: Just Allies
Chapter 7: Just Nerves
Chapter 8: Just Games
Chapter 9: Just texts
Chapter 10: Just Home
Chapter 11: Just Poison
Chapter 12: Just Dead
Chapter 13: Just Chaos
Chapter 14: Just Captive
Chapter 15: Just owned
Chapter 16: Just Horror
Chapter 17: Just Hallucinations
Chapter 18: Just Madness
Chapter 19: Just Bad News
Chapter 20: Just Soulmates
Chapter 21: Just Bickering
Chapter 22: Just Hope
Chapter 23: Just a Dinner
Chapter 24: Just Distant
Chapter 25: Just Goodbyes
Chapter 26: Just Kinky
Chapter 27: Just Insecure
Chapter 28: Just Korea
Chapter 29: Just Tension
Chapter 30: Just Sleepless
Chapter 31: Just Healing
Chapter 32: Just a Step Back
Chapter 33: Just a Stranger
Chapter 34: Just Reconnection
Chapter 35: Just Longing
Chapter 36: Just Family
Chapter 37: Just Karma
Chapter 38: Just a Weekend
Chapter 39: Just a beach
Chapter 40: Just the BBS gang
Chapter 41: Just Gazes
Chapter 42: Just a Confession
Chapter 43: Just Sand Art & Seashells
Chapter 44: Just A Sinking Ship
Chapter 45: Just Engaged
Chapter 46: Just Challenging
Chapter 47: Just Consequences
Chapter 48: Just Yellow: Caution
Chapter 49: Just Red: Danger
Chapter 50: Just The Bloody Truth
Chapter 52: Just Letting Go
Chapter 53: Just Surviving the day
Chapter 54: Just more than an Issue
Chapter 55: Just a Rainstorm
Chapter 56: Just Running in Circles
Chapter 57: Just Playing With Fire
Chapter 58: Just Relapsing Again
Chapter 59: Just Spiralling
Chapter 60: Just a Barbecue
Chapter 61: Just a bad Script
Chapter 62: Just a Sailboat
Chapter 63: Just borrowed Souls
Chapter 64: Just Characters
Chapter 65: Just Awake
Chapter 66: Just A Plan
Chapter 67: Just a Sheath
Chapter 68: Just a Rescue
Chapter 69: Just an Anti
Chapter 70: Just A Clean Up
Chapter 71: Just a new Era
Chapter 72: Just Making Amends
Chapter 73: Just Us 2

Chapter 51: Just Even Steven

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By ShoujoCamui

The next morning was a heavenly torture for Ohm. He woke up to the faint sound of chords coming from an acoustic guitar not far from him. When he opened his eyes, Nanon was sitting at the edge of the bed, freshly showered, and wearing his own clothes. Ohm could only see his back, and for the first time in his life, the presence of the singer brought him a certain kind of exhilarating sadness. He was glad to have Nanon back in his life, in his house, in his bed, but he knew they weren't okay. He had sobered up at last, and he didn't mind lying there a little more and punishing himself in silence. He couldn't help thinking about how nice that morning could be if some real fucked up shit hadn't happened the night before. He wished he could simply pull Nanon back to his side, and shower him with caresses and kisses until the singer decided to put that guitar aside and cuddle with him in bed for the rest of the day. However, their relationship had unfortunately reached a new low, and joyful moments like the one he had just pictured in his mind were just unattainable. After all, hours ago, Nanon had offered his neck to be slashed with a piece of glass, then Nutty 'showed up' and they started fucking, then he slapped her, and proceeded to make love with Nanon after promising that he would not leave him. A small interval claimed by sleep was the preamble of what was more than a trivial spat. An unvoiced betrayal was the last straw before they made love again in that bed. No forgiveness was uttered, but miraculously, Nanon was still in the room that morning. It was incredible how he could remember every tiny detail of the mess that took place in his house, even though he was as drunk as a skunk. He wished he had no recollection of any of that, but he did. And he kept rewinding the scenes inside his head, nonstop. After a half-assed, grave confession almost destroyed their bond, he couldn't believe how they magically survived that night together. His mind was exploding, his conscience was heavier than ever, and he didn't really want to face what he had done to the man he loved. Shame, and remorse made him let out a quiet sigh.

"I answered your phone earlier. P'Kwang called. P'Tha arranged this meeting with a few other company executives. You need to be there at 9." Nanon said softly, without moving from his spot.

"How did you know I was awake?" The older asked in surprise.

"The air in the room became murky. Your loaded conscience is keeping you from moving from this bed. I could hear you sigh from a mile away." Nanon turned around and smiled sympathetically at him. Ohm was relieved to realize that the slap he delivered on his cheek, apparently, wasn't as bruising as he thought. There was no mark there on the beautiful face before him.

Nanon caught him staring and clicked his tongue. "I was never fond of make-up, but I never thought the concealer I got from my sister as a gift would come in handy one day." He added with a wink. Ohm was quickly disappointed.

"It was as bad as I recall then. You wanna hit me back? Please hit me back." The older said as he eyed his lover apologetically.

"If I wanted to hit you back, I would've done it yesterday night." Nanon put his guitar aside, grabbed a cup of water and an aspirin that were waiting for Ohm on the nightstand and handed them to him. "By the way, I got that red dress in Japan. When I saw it, I only thought of you. I imagined you would like to see me in it. But you tore it to pieces. That was quite ungrateful of you. Trashing a lovely souvenir like that, it ought to be a crime." He added with a grin. Ohm furrowed his brows. The singer was apparently in a good mood, but there was something off about his demeanour.

"Non." Ohm sighed again. He didn't know what to say when his lover pretended that everything was fine between them. He didn't know why Nanon was acting like nothing had happened. He didn't even know how to approach the dire subject, the cheating.

"We had our first time in Japan, remember? You wanted to top me, but I ended up topping you...We were so drunk then, so drunk in love and jealousy...You were angry because I had sucked on Billkin's finger during that truth or dare game. You called me a whore, and I slapped your face. We shouted at each other, and then we ended up in bed. I had a considerable amount of alcohol in my system but I remember every second of it. It was weird to be back in that country without you. It was like you were there, but you weren't. Everywhere I visited, I imagined how cool it would be if you were by my side." Nanon reminisced, in a bittersweet tone.

"I wish I were there too. I wish I had gone with you. But when I learned about your departure, you were already gone." Ohm swallowed, wondering why their good memories always ended up with a sour aftertaste. He regretted calling Nanon a whore back then, and he was sure his lover regretted that slap, but it shouldn't have happened that way. That was not how he had pictured their first time. Love shouldn't ever be laced with violence.

"Did you hate me then? After you heard I accepted P'Tha's forced vacation?" Nanon asked, a little apprehensive.

"I could never hate you. I know why you did it. Even though I hated that you took off like that, I could never hate you." Ohm told him honestly.

"Do you really know why I did it?"

"Your dad told me that he convinced you to be reasonable, apologize to P'Tha, accept his apology too, and save our jobs."

"Weren't you furious at my dad?" The singer cocked his head to the side. The older shook his head.

"He was looking out for your future. He wants what's best for you. I didn't want him to think that I didn't want the same, so I restrained myself and avoided following you. He's a sensible man. I can't say the same about my dad."

"I heard about your fight. I was gone, and you still told your dad about us. Why?" Nanon eyed him pitifully.

"My parents were worried about my mental state after I admitted to those bullying accusations online. People were out to get me on every social media platform. I was quite depressed then. But what hurt me the most was your absence. And I couldn't hide it from them. Even though Thai and my mom already knew about you and I, I felt obliged to tell him the truth." Ohm said sincerely.

"That was very brave of you." Nanon smiled a little. "I've always admired this aspect of your personality. You never keep the important things to yourself. Even when you want to, you can only manage to do it for a while, and then they just burst out of you when people least expect it." He added with a hint of accusation in it. Ohm easily noticed the lingering sarcasm within that affirmation.

"Listen, I know you're still wondering about me and Ananda-"

"How's that hangover treating you?" The singer quickly cut him off and dismissed the affliction etched on the older's face with a wave of his hand. Ohm knew that they should talk about that topic, and he was also aware that the singer wanted the remaining unspoken answers he owed him, but he didn't understand why Nanon was avoiding them at that moment.

"Not as bad as I deserve." An uneasy Ohm replied sincerely and kneeled on the bed. "I guess you found your things, the guitar, the concealer, the clothes, the perfumes...I bet your sister didn't take notice of everything I took from your condo. You must think I'm a kleptomaniac."

"I understand why you did it. It was weird and romantic. Just like us." Nanon said simply, one more time, sounding like nothing was wrong between them. "At least when I move in, I won't have to go through much trouble moving things around. Engaged couples should live together and share stuff anyways." He smiled tenderly, but Ohm's eyes widened at the 'move in' part. He couldn't avoid the elephant in the room anymore. And he knew he should start from the beginning.

"Look, Non, the vodka made me act crazy, but that's no excuse for-"

"Domestic violence?" A reticent Nanon raised an eyebrow at him. "Am I perhaps, your battered wifey now?"

Ohm grimaced and swallowed the pill the singer gave him without the water. He placed the glass back on the nightstand and shook his head in utter disagreement. "Never. I don't know what to say to make you believe me, but I assure you that shit won't happen again. You are here now and I don't have to act like a bastard anymore, I...I will never touch a bottle of vodka ever again. And I swear I will never ever hurt-"

"It's okay. We have always played rough, even when we were just friends. Boys will be boys, right? We kept slapping, provoking, and teasing each other constantly in the past. It was like our registered mark. That's how OhmNanon started, love and war, green and red. If we weren't hitting each other, we weren't loving each other. Fights have always been our thing. Even our fans know that. No matter how bad was the argument, we would always reconcile. We used to use hugs, tears and sweet words back then. After we became boyfriends we just learned another way to make things right. Like we did last night. We literally kissed, and made up." Nanon said calmly as he stared at the silver bracelet around Ohm's wrist.

"Non, it's okay to argue, every couple does. But this physical aggression thing is not acceptable. It shouldn't keep happening. You shouldn't overlook what I did yesterday." A troubled Ohm shook his head in frustration. Did the singer just mention that they have reconciled now? That couldn't make sense.

"Okay, Pawat. Keep punishing yourself then. At least now, you have a reason not to leave me. You feel guilty enough now. You won't dare to make me cry again. Although you made this huge mistake, I know you love me." He added with a wink. Ohm exhaled. There were so many red flags being raised in that relationship within just a few hours, that made Ohm wonder where things between them started to go seriously pathological all over again.

"Nanon, what I did to you is not okay and a mere apology won't make things all right. We need to talk about this, and-"

"Look at you! Yesterday night all you wanted was to send me away. You wanted to break up with me and never see me again. Now you even want to discuss our fucked up relationship? Wow, if I had known that all I needed to do to get you to talk to me was receive a slap, I would've incorporated Nutty a long time ago." He scoffed, as he stood up from the bed and started pacing around the room.

"Did you do that on purpose?" Ohm was thunderstruck by his words. Nanon's face looked composed on the outside, but Ohm could notice some sort of agitation in his body language.

"I didn't force your hand. You hit me, and that was all you. We were having a pretty nice moment on your couch. You were the one who decided to resort to physical violence." Nanon stopped pacing, crossed his arms, and stared at him accusingly. "Or are you gonna tell me that I asked for it?"

"No, of course not. I know I am to blame for that. I'm not saying it was your fault, but, were you already expecting me to snap like that?" A wide-eyed Ohm inhaled with apprehension.

"I was counting on it." Nanon confessed bluntly. "And considering you work out so much at the gym, I'm sort of disappointed, honey. You hit like a girl." He snickered, and shook his head at him.

"What?!" Ohm was almost scared of that Nanon. He was sure his lover was going through an identity crises right there. How many roles would he soon be playing at the same time again? 2? 3? Ohm was sure the singer was already preparing to study those characters, even while he was away, and that kind of acting exercises put him in all kinds of moods, and 'personalities.'

"You think I would let you leave me like that? After all we've been through? Do you really think I would allow Perth, or any other guy to take my place in your bed?" The singer eyed him in disbelief.

"Nanon I never thought of replacing you with anyone. I just thought you would be better off without me. You didn't have to-"

"You should've seen your face when I broke down on your couch. I almost felt bad for you. Falling so easily in my trap... you must really, really love me. Nutty just had to mention being with other guys and you lost your shit completely." Nanon smirked wickedly, and approached the bed again just to tower over an appalled Ohm. "Don't make that face. You started it. You provoked me when you mentioned those 'emergency fucks' with Perth, so all I did was use your own strategy against you. It turns out neither of us can bear the thought of being cheated on."

"I shouldn't have mentioned him. I said his name on purpose, you're right about that. But nothing happened between us-"

"Not yet!" Nanon exclaimed exasperatedly. "Or maybe you did! You already fucked someone else! How am I supposed to know it wasn't him? I'm struggling to believe that the guys is really straight, but you-"

"That's enough. You know what? This conversation is not going anywhere. We make each other unhinged. You need help. I need help. We need help." The older actor was convinced that that relationship couldn't go on like that.

"How many times are you gonna mention that? Help?" Nanon laughed dryly at him. "Help?" He shook his head in denial. "I'm gonna tell you what we need! All we need is a break from this fucking unfair world! All we fucking need is to be left alone so we can love each other freely, openly, without apologies." He added in a bitter tone. Ohm's eyes watered. His lover really meant that, and he could see through the singer's mask of shattered tranquillity that his words and his eyes weren't telling the same story. Nanon was desperate to keep them together, and he would do anything save their relationship. He would even forgive his unfaithfulness and swallow his hurt.

"Nanon, that's not you. Let's stop this now." Ohm stared at him sadly. Nanon took a deep breath and leaned down on him.

"If you dare to leave me, I'll tell everyone that you hit me! I will convince the whole fucking world that you have never stopped being a goddamn bully!" Nanon hissed, but at the same time he was holding back his tears now. His menacing tone weakened as he gripped Ohm's hair and pulled it a little. "You break up with me, and I will ruin you, Ohm! I'm not kidding here."

"That's not you, my love. And we have to end this, before you turn into a person I can't recognize." Ohm said at last, and the singer froze on the spot for a second. His fingers slowly loosed their grip on his scalp until they finally let go.

Ohm pulled the singer to him and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much while you were away. And I know I'll have to miss you again. I'll miss you like crazy. I miss you already." Those words had some trace of finiteness in it. Ohm knew he had to end that relationship for both their sakes. He had tried before, but he wasn't able to. Perhaps he was as insane as his lover. Perhaps, deep down he would rather have them hurting each other than being apart. Perhaps, he did love how irrationally Nanon insisted on keeping them together. Perhaps, his will was Nanon's now, and at that point, it was impossible to discern what he wanted, or what they needed. But it was clear that that rollercoaster ride was taking them to hell, and their inner demons were taking advantage of it. Those quick stops in paradise and longer visits to perdition wouldn't end well. Going back and forth through those paths was agonizing. "I just want you to be happy. And this is not happiness." He added in a pained voice as he thought of how naïve they were to believe that love was enough to spare them from suffering.

"Ohm, I didn't mean anything I said." Nanon confessed sorrowfully as he held him tight and buried his face in the older's shoulder. "I swear I didn't. I would never try to blackmail you like this. I-I don't know what has gotten into me."

"I know, babe. I know." Ohm consoled him, aware of what that moment meant. Words of farewell were never that difficult to utter when he parted ways with previous lovers. Letting Nanon slip from his fingers felt like allowing his own soul to leave his body. It was a devastating feeling of loss that he could barely stand. "Please, listen to me...I'll never forget who we are, and all the amazing things we accomplished together, without you, I wouldn't have become who I became before my past caught up to me, there would be no-"

Ohm was still formulating his sentence when the door of his bedroom burst open and an unexpected guest stormed into the room.

"There you are! As far as I remember, we had an appointment yesterday night. You never miss our appointments, so I decided to stop by to check up on you. Well, now that I see that you're still alive and kicking, I should feel more relieved, but for some reason, I am pissed." The man crossed his arms as he eyed the scene on the bed. Ohm and Nanon were still in each other's arms, but staring at the man in utter astonishment.

"How did you get in?" An alarmed Ohm was the first to speak.

"Front door was open. Blame lover boy here for it." Ananda clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, as he pointed to the singer. "Welcome back to Thailand, by the way. You were dearly missed, kid." he added with sarcasm in his voice.

"What the hell are you doing here? You're not supposed to get near Ohm. We had and agreement, and you were supposed to honour it." Nanon was immediately irked. "But I guess someone like you cannot be trusted, right?! Well, there's nothing I can do about that, but I want to know exactly what you've been doing to my boyfriend! Have you given him a few sickening challenges?" He added fiercely as he disentangled himself from Ohm, stood up from the bed and glared at their detestable guest.

"Do you really wanna know?" Ananda raised a wicked eyebrow at him.

"Ananda, don't!" Ohm hurried to say as he wrapped the blanket around his waist and got up from the bed too. Even though Ananda seemed to consider for a second what to do next, he easily ignored Ohm's plea, and gave Nanon what he wanted. Or perhaps, what the singer thought that he wanted. The truth.

"Well, I have an agreement with both of you. And I have to admit that I have nothing to complain about your conduct, Nanon. You do know how to do business. But your boyfriend is lacking a lot." Ananda seemed to enjoy the shock in the perturbed cinnamon orbs.

"Ananda, you asshole, shut the fuck up!" Ohm censored the man, who simply dismissed the warning in his eyes.

"What? You can break the rules but I can't?" The man retorted. He was clearly bothered by the fact that Ohm disregarded a few terms of their so-called agreement.

"What's going on? Which agreement are you talking about?" A confused Nanon demanded. His gaze travelled from the man to Ohm repetitively.

"He wants more money, that's all. Don't listen to him, Nanon. He's not worth it." Ohm assured the singer before he walked up to the man and glared at him. "Leave."

"You shouldn't have missed our appointment. I told you what was going to happen if you did." Ananda had a malicious smile on his lips when his eyes left Ohm's and met Nanon's. "While you've been keeping my bank account with the right number of zeros, your stallion here, has been keeping my bed warm."

"He's lying!" Ohm exclaimed, before he was able to prevent the man from talking too much. He gave Ananda a strong push and the man almost lost his balance, but used the wall to support his body.

"That's more like it! I love it when you play rough." Ananda said cynically.

An angry Ohm towered over him and grabbed the lapel of his shirt firmly. "Get out! Get the fuck out of my house!"

"Of course he's lying! He's just as bad as his cousin." Nanon tried to digest that revelation, and deny it at the same time. Ananda did want to get his hands on Ohm before, but Nanon made very clear to him that his boyfriend was off limits. In Taipei, the singer believed that they had closed a deal, and that money was enough to keep the man satisfied. However, since the last argument he had with Ohm inside the car a month ago, Nanon figured out that Ananda could have been demanding sexual favours from Ohm. But he avoided that disgusting thought with all his might. He didn't want to think his lover would go that far to protect their relationship. He forced himself to believe that neither him, nor Ohm would cross that boundary, even if their lives were in danger. The singer himself refused Mark's sickening advances once, even when he thought Chimon had been kidnapped by the former badminton player. He assumed that Ohm would do the same if he were in his shoes. Though Ohm's confession the night before added to his dreadful suspicions, Nanon was still unable to consider that such a horrible thing could've happened. A one night stand with a stranger could be forgotten, but sex with their enemy? That was a tough pill to swallow.

"Am I? Ask him about Singapore." Ananda said viciously and smirked wickedly. "That felt like a honeymoon for us. If you don't believe me, just look at him. Since you know each other so well, I bet you can tell when he's not being entirely honest with you." The man added, before Ohm landed a punch on him.

"What?! I don't understand. You were there for work." Nanon's eyes had a mix of hurt and astonishment, as he shook his head and stared at Ohm. The latter let go of a laughing, bleeding Ananda just to focus on Nanon now. However, the singer automatically stepped back when his lover approached him.

"Deny it. Deny what he said. Look me in the eye and deny it now." Nanon demanded firmly. Ohm was speechless for a long second, until desperation took the best of him. There was no point withholding the truth from the singer, Nanon was going to learn about know everything, sooner or later. Ananda would make sure of it.

"He said I could have the video and photos from the night Mark roofied you. I have them now, Non. You are free! Even if that monster you once called friend manages to wake up one day, he can no longer haunt you." A disconcerted Ohm started explaining himself, but the singer was not listening. "It only lasted for a while. But then you told me about the blackout challenge, and I knew he was provoking me again. I couldn't let him hurt you even further. He contacted me again after you left the country. He wanted... our sexual arrangements to continue. He promised he would leave you alone in Japan if we carried on what we started in Singapore. I didn't know what to do, but I knew you would do the same for me-"

"Do the same for you?!" Nanon eyed him in disbelief. "Cheat on you?" He added in dismal, lips quivering. "For Christ's sake, Ohm! I would never...How could you hide this from me? You went to Singapore last year! I knew you were weird when you got back! But you never said anything! Why, goddamn it, why?!" His eyes never looked so disappointed. The older actor knew that he had to do something before he lost Nanon forever. One thing was breaking up with him, and another completely different and heart wrenching, was destroying every possibility of connection they ever had. Ohm didn't want him to hate him. They couldn't part ways like that.

"Nanon, it wasn't like that. I love you! I never felt for him what I feel when I am with you. All the time I spent in his company was agonizing! It was just fucked up sex! You know he's a crazy motherfucker, every single time we did it, I was repulsed by him!" Ohm clearly didn't do a good job at calming the singer down, because Nanon could barely look at him now.

"Did you fuck him? Or you let him fuck you you?" The singer asked abruptly.

"We took turns on each other." Ananda's venomous words made Nanon's eyes water. Ohm glared at the man, but still kept his attention on his lover, whose eyes grew cold swiftly.

"Babe, listen to me. I did it for us! Just like how you did it before. When Mark blackmailed you, you went to live with him. You spent most of your time with him, and even slept under the same roof at him-"

"But I didn't sleep with him! I ran away, remember? I went to find you at Perth's house! Do you really think I would go that far? I could never have another man but you! How could you possibly imagine that I would be okay with this?! Or perhaps, thank you for...Are you stupid or what?!" A crying Nanon snarled, throwing his hands in the air. The tone of his voice alternated between angry and hurt. Ohm took another step closer to him and tried to reason with him.

"What I did can't be called cheating, Nanon. I was on a mission. I didn't enjoy fucking him! I despise this guy-"

"But you still came, every single time, multiple times." Ananda's mouth was still bleeding. His lips and teeth had a crimson color, but his smile was never so bright.

"Shut up!" Ohm barked at the man and turned to his lover again. "You know how much I love you. And I know you love me too. You can't let this thing change that." He begged as he pointed at the man across the room. An anguished Nanon shook his head, and wiped his tears in an irritated manner.

"When did he contact you?"

"Since we came back from Taipei. He just showed up at my door one day and made sure that next time we saw each other, I couldn't refuse him. Then he showed up in Singapore." An ashamed Ohm confessed guiltily. "You weren't supposed to know. And he swore to me that he would never tell..." his voice trailed off before he swallowed and continued. "Come on, there is nothing I can do that will ever keep you away from me, right? You said it yourself. We're stronger than that. Please, just don't let him win." Ohm said in a pleading tone as he reached for the singer's hand. Nanon pushed him away before he could touch him.

"Do not come near me! Are you testing me or something?!" Nanon shouted this time, as he gesticulated vexedly. "You betrayed me! You threw away the faith I had in you! And now you expect me to forgive you? What if it was me who had fucked someone else? Would you appreciate my goddamn sacrifice, or call me a fucking whore?! We both know that would be the end of our relationship!"

"How can Ohm be sure that nothing happened between you and Mark while you were living together so cosily? My cousin told me about the dozen of times he went into to your room." Ananda commented viciously. Ohm narrowed his eyes. Nanon gasped.

"He never touched me, you son of a bitch!" The singer spat.

"Nanon?" Ohm was suddenly suspicious. "What happened when he came into your room?"

"Nothing! Don't you see he's lying?! His cousin never came into my room! He didn't do anything! And the day he tried to, I went to find you at Perth's-"

"Or maybe, you never told Ohm about it, because you know he would leave you in a heartbeat. Wouldn't you, dear Ohmpieng?" Ananda smirked cynically. The singer's eyes widened. That man was shattering his bond with Ohm. Completely. They were fair game.

"Don't call him that way, you jerk! You don't get to call him that way!" Nanon yelled at Ananda, as he grabbed a lampshade on the nightstand and threw at him, but the man dodged it. "I know what you're doing! You're worse than your cousin!"

Ohm grabbed Nanon by the waist before he could lunge at Ananda. "Don't give him the satisfaction of thinking he can change us. Ignore this snake! I believe you." Ohm assured an agitated Nanon, who struggled in his arms.

"By the way, did you tell Ohm that you offered your own ass to me in order to keep me from contacting him? You would have done the same for him, and whored yourself to me if I let you have your way. Ohm should be grateful I denied you offer back then." The man said with a chuckle, as he leaned further into the wall and observed the change in Ohm's expression. The singer helplessly looked down, and then he eyed Ananda again. He could tell that he was having a blast. Ananda resembled his cousin so well that Nanon felt like puking.

"Is that true?" Ohm asked, as his hold on Nanon's waist just loosened a little bit, so he could turn his face to him. "Tell me you didn't."

"I didn't! Let go of me!" Nanon lied. At that point, he would do anything to just end that painful circus. Ohm stared into his eyes and didn't let him go immediately, but when Ananda took his phone out of his pocket and played the recorded conversation they had in Taipei, Ohm slowly removed his arms from him.

'Take me. You can do whatever you want with me. I won't put up a fight. You wanna sleep with a celebrity, right? I'm as famous as he is now. I'll do anything you tell me to. I can't promise I'll do it right. I'm not largely experienced in this, but I can learn.'

'Dear lord! Are you whoring yourself to me? How desperate are you?'

Ananda cut the recording right there. Nanon gulped.

"What the hell, Korapat! And you're judging me now?!" A disturbed Ohm shook his head at his lover.

"This is different! I-I wouldn't..."

"Wouldn't what? You wouldn't sleep with him too? How hypocritical of you, man!" Ohm glared at him.

"He didn't play the whole thing. He was provoking me all the time! You have no idea how manipulative he is! I-I offered to sleep with him, yeah, but, the truth is, I'm not sure I would be able to go through it...At least I don't think I would....Maybe I was just trying to get him to change his mind! I don't know, Ohm! I couldn't let him have you. I was fucking desperate at the time, and I was just trying to keep us together-"

"That's exactly what I've been doing! And maybe, if you told me what was going on the day we left Taiwan, we wouldn't be having this conversation here! In front of him! But you keep hiding things from me." Ohm retorted caustically.

"How come you are the one who cheats and I am the one getting a sermon from you?!" Nanon exclaimed with incredulity. Ananda just silently watched the mess escalate. He looked proud and fulfilled.

"Because maybe I'm not the only one to blame!" Ohm accused him fiercely. "Maybe, you're mad because you're the only one who gets to play martyr whenever shit happens between us! And now, because I made a few sacrifices, you can't deal with it!"

"Fuck you!" Nanon hissed and without a warning, punched him in the face. "There you have it! Didn't you want me to hit you back? Congratulations! You finally got what you wanted."

Both Ananda and Ohm were shocked. That wasn't a playful slap or a light punch. Nanon genuinely decked the older actor without reservations. Ohm held his jaw in pain and refused to look at the singer. He was pretty sure he deserved that one though.

"My goodness. What a spectacle. Can you guys hear it? Can you hear how tragically beautiful it is? The sound of two soulmate hearts breaking?" Ananda slowly clapped his hand in dramatic awe. The cheering sound made the singer's skin crawl. Nanon eyed his balled fist, and took a deep breath. He didn't regret punching his boyfriend, but he did regret letting that man rejoice at their misery.

"Get out. Or you'll be the next getting punched. This is my business and Ohm's. I'll deal with you later. Leave! If you don't, I'll call the fucking cops! And I won't even care about the scandal that follows." He told Ananda with extreme hatred in his voice.

"Now that things are getting even more exciting!? Oh, don't be a party pooper. You can't kick me out at the best part! Come on, he deserves a few more punches! What about punching him for each one of the fucks we had? Believe me, there were many. By the way, did you notice any difference in him while you two were in bed? I taught him a few naughty tricks, I bet he could use them with you." The man insisted, hoping to see a tragedy take place in that room. Nanon felt like dying. Ohm felt like killing the man.

"You're not getting any more money from him, nor any more fucks from me. That's for sure. Divulge our relationship to the public, spread those beach photos all over the Internet, I don't fucking care! I'm done with you." Ohm said to Ananda with a murderous expression on his face and pointed to the door. "Now leave us alone, before I kill you with my own hands! Seriously, I can do it. Remember where your cousin is now."

Ananda clicked his tongue and sighed." What did you say again, Non? Something like, 'you can't tear us apart. Even if you sleep with one of us, we will still have each other, our love will remain, because nothing will change'." Ananda scoffed, making fun of the singer's very words. Then he raised an eyebrow at Nanon. "Isn't there any change now? Do you really feel that your relationship is intact after these revelations? How indestructible is your love? I might've not changed any of you, but I surely caused some real damage during this nasty game, didn't I? Well, we will see how the OhmNanon show can survive this blow. Good luck, boys. My job here is done." The man said with a fiendish smile on his lips as he bowed before them as if he had finished a theatrical spectacle. Then he finally decided to leave. But before he walked out the door, he looked back at the fuming singer and whispered in a more grim tone. "We're even-steven now."

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