Just The 2 Of Us

By ShoujoCamui

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What happens when a Fan Meeting leads to desperate confessions, ends a "just friends" relationship, and sudde... More

CHAPTER 1 -Just More Than Friends
CHAPTER 2 - Just Boyfriends
Chapter 3 - Just Trouble
Chapter 4: Just Sick
Chapter 5: Just Lies
Chapter 6: Just Allies
Chapter 7: Just Nerves
Chapter 8: Just Games
Chapter 9: Just texts
Chapter 10: Just Home
Chapter 11: Just Poison
Chapter 12: Just Dead
Chapter 13: Just Chaos
Chapter 14: Just Captive
Chapter 15: Just owned
Chapter 17: Just Hallucinations
Chapter 18: Just Madness
Chapter 19: Just Bad News
Chapter 20: Just Soulmates
Chapter 21: Just Bickering
Chapter 22: Just Hope
Chapter 23: Just a Dinner
Chapter 24: Just Distant
Chapter 25: Just Goodbyes
Chapter 26: Just Kinky
Chapter 27: Just Insecure
Chapter 28: Just Korea
Chapter 29: Just Tension
Chapter 30: Just Sleepless
Chapter 31: Just Healing
Chapter 32: Just a Step Back
Chapter 33: Just a Stranger
Chapter 34: Just Reconnection
Chapter 35: Just Longing
Chapter 36: Just Family
Chapter 37: Just Karma
Chapter 38: Just a Weekend
Chapter 39: Just a beach
Chapter 40: Just the BBS gang
Chapter 41: Just Gazes
Chapter 42: Just a Confession
Chapter 43: Just Sand Art & Seashells
Chapter 44: Just A Sinking Ship
Chapter 45: Just Engaged
Chapter 46: Just Challenging
Chapter 47: Just Consequences
Chapter 48: Just Yellow: Caution
Chapter 49: Just Red: Danger
Chapter 50: Just The Bloody Truth
Chapter 51: Just Even Steven
Chapter 52: Just Letting Go
Chapter 53: Just Surviving the day
Chapter 54: Just more than an Issue
Chapter 55: Just a Rainstorm
Chapter 56: Just Running in Circles
Chapter 57: Just Playing With Fire
Chapter 58: Just Relapsing Again
Chapter 59: Just Spiralling
Chapter 60: Just a Barbecue
Chapter 61: Just a bad Script
Chapter 62: Just a Sailboat
Chapter 63: Just borrowed Souls
Chapter 64: Just Characters
Chapter 65: Just Awake
Chapter 66: Just A Plan
Chapter 67: Just a Sheath
Chapter 68: Just a Rescue
Chapter 69: Just an Anti
Chapter 70: Just A Clean Up
Chapter 71: Just a new Era
Chapter 72: Just Making Amends
Chapter 73: Just Us 2

Chapter 16: Just Horror

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By ShoujoCamui

Nanon remained silent during the whole trip. He didn't even open his mouth when he realized Mark wasn't taking him home. Nanon was convinced that nothing could be worse than the shame of having images of his body all over social media. He wasn't sure if that pitiful story Mark told him was true, but at that point he didn't care anymore. He at least thought he knew what the psycho wanted from him now. Nanon told himself that he shouldn't resist if the man decided to re-enact the shitshow of his past relationship with the guy who did those horrible things to him. Nanon knew that Mark could end his life in the blink of an eye if he refused to comply with his terms. The singer was done, he had no fight in him anymore.

The former player drove half an hour until he reached a location which Nanon wasn't very familiar with. Mark led him to an apartment which the singer didn't know if it belonged to him or someone else, but Nanon didn't care to ask.

When they entered the place, Mark locked the door and showed him the living room, after telling the singer to make himself after home.

"This is not my home. Am I a prisoner now?" Nanon asked out of curiosity. He wouldn't complain if the man confirmed his suspicious.

"Don't be ridiculous. You're never a prisoner here. You can come and go whenever you want, but you must always come back to me at the end of the day. You're not allowed to return to your condo though. People can easily have access to you there, and I don't like that. I have to know where you're going and whom you're going to meet all the time. I will not interfere on your work schedule, your classes at university, nor your family visits, but Chimon and Ohm are only allowed to see you if it's a work-related occasion." Mark poured some whiskey in a glass, sat on the sofa and eyed the uncomfortable singer up and down. "Any more questions?"

"Do you want me take to off my clothes now? Where do you want me?" Nanon asked abruptly.

A shocked Mark almost choked on his drink before spilling it all over himself. He laughed out loud as he looked at Nanon's outraged face.

"What do you think this is, Non? Why would I want you to take your clothes off? Have you lost your mind?" Mark eyed him in disbelief.

"You made very clear that you want me all to yourself. You took me from my friend's house, brought me here, opened a bottle of alcohol, practically dictated how I should live my fucking life from now on..." Nanon paused just to sigh in despair. He had never learned how to deal with a lunatic and he was having a hard time putting up with the former player's enigmatic actions. He looked away and resumed his speech. "You keep giving me these filthy looks! What the hell am I supposed to think?"

"So, you think I brought you all the way here because I wanna fuck you?" Mark gave the singer an unreadable look. Nanon looked away and inhaled.

"You tell me you had a friend you used to fuck, then you tell me you want me to be your friend-"

"So, would you be up for it?" Mark smirked.

"Perhaps, if I had to. I might puke while we're at it, but it's not like I have a say in this. I'm the one who has a lot to lose. I wasn't given a choice, was I?" Nanon didn't believe his own words. He wasn't sure if he would really be able to let Mark touch him. He was just trying not to look as pathetic as he felt at that moment, but he didn't know exactly how the former player would interpret his words.

Mark nodded and stood up. Nanon gasped and automatically took a few steps away from the man, who simply chuckled and shook his head in amusement.

"You misunderstood me, Non. Tell you what, if you're able to just behave like you used to, you know, like when we were real friends, I'll never have to force you to do anything you don't want to." Mark cocked his head to the side and smiled at him. Nanon naturally protested.

"After all the shit you did to me? How am I supposed to act like nothing happened if I'm not allowed to go back to my fucking condo, I cannot even talk to my best friend, and you expect me to forget Ohm-"

"I don't know how you're gonna manage to be the friend I expect you to be. That's your job, Non. You're a hard worker, you'll figure it out. You just have to follow the rules, and just be your lovely self. I wish you the best of luck, buddy." Mark informed him and decided to give unwilling the singer an apartment tour.

Nanon was at least a bit relieved by the fact that Mark didn't try anything weird. The former player behaved like a normal person who had just welcomed a friend in his new apartment. Nanon didn't ask him questions, just agreed with everything the man suggested that they should do. They played video games, card games, watched Marvel movies, and afterwards, they ate some pizza together while watching a football game.

Mark knew exactly how to entertain Nanon, he was aware of all his hobbies, likes and dislikes. And although Nanon realized that he man was trying to make him feel comfortable in his presence again, the singer wouldn't let his guard down. It was true that he had been working nonstop and he missed the simple joys of life. He missed the Monday Knights Football Club, a place where he could meet both his celebrity and non-celebrity friends and just have fun with them on a green field. He missed inviting them over to his condo to enjoy a nice barbecue, and go to a movie theatre afterwards. He also missed going to the beach, he also missed his musical side, playing the acoustic guitar, composing, singing solo...He missed a lot of things, and he even missed the old Mark Pakin, the friend he thought he had. But now, he was convinced that he would never feel at ease with that man in that apartment, nor appreciate a single second he spent in his company.

Nanon's phone kept vibrating on the coffee table, but Mark told him that phones were not allowed during lunch. Nanon pretended to fall asleep on the couch and Mark eventually carried him to a room, placed him on a bed and covered him with a blanket. He ran a hand through Nanon's bangs and kissed his nose before he left.

The singer only opened his eyes when he heard the sounds of Mark's steps fade away. He quickly wiped his nose with the blanket. That kiss definitely made his skin crawl, and he hoped the former player would stop doing things to him while he was sleep, or pretended to be asleep. Without thinking twice, Nanon grabbed his phone that he had hidden in his boxers before pretending to fall asleep, and quickly called his friend.

"Nanon! Thank Goodness, I thought you would be dead by now, or worse! I tried to follow his car but I lost him! Where the fuck did he take you? Are you okay? Non, tell me that-"

"Mon, shut up and listen to me. I don't have much time. I can't tell how close he's gonna be monitoring my calls, or the people I see. But I'll try to contact you whenever I can. Look, the thing is, I am gonna need to play his game from now on. It's too risky to rebel against him right now. I'm not surrendering completely, but it's time to retreat so we can come up with a better plan afterwards, okay? I'll keep you posted. Don't worry about me, I am going to be fine."

"Non, this is too dangerous! I can't let you do this on your own. He is a maniac, and I don't think it's a good idea to stay-"

"We're doing things my way now, Chimon. We can't afford messing with this guy at the moment. Yes, he's unhinged and I fucking can't stand him! I hate being an easy target, but it's time I do something about it and face him upfront. Look what he did to Nonnie! I have to keep him away from my family, and I can only do that if I'm close to him."

"You were acting weird when you left with him, and I thought the worst...I thought you had finally given up the fight and...Listen, man...I was fucking scared when he took you out of the house and you didn't even try to resist him. I couldn't let him kidnap you just like that and I felt like a shitty friend when he did all that right before my eyes. When my attempt to tail his car failed, I was so desperate, that...I called Ohm."

"You did what?!" Nanon snapped.

"He's coming here now. I promised him I was going to tell him everything he wanted to know about you and Mark. He must be on his way here."

"Keep your mouth shut, you hear me? If you say anything to him or anyone else, I'll be damned! I don't know how you're gonna manage to dodge him now, but do not bring him into this! I swear Chimon, if you fuck this up I'll never speak to you again!"

"I'll try, but you know how incisive he can be...You know what? Just chill, I'll handle him, no problem. But at least tell me where you are-"

"No fucking way! I'm gonna get screwed if I do. Do not call me because I won't pick up your calls."

"Nanon, wait!"

"Bye, Mon."

Nanon was anxious for the NIVEA Micellar Versa Verse Fan Day. He hadn't seen nor spoken to Ohm for a whole week, and he really missed him. Nanon respected the 'time' Ohm talked about the last time they had seen each other, so he didn't call nor stopped by his house even though he was dying to. The fact that he was practically Mark's pet now also kept the singer from reaching out to his boyfriend, but he knew that he could fool the former player if he really wanted to. He kept texting Chimon and erasing his messages after reading them, but Mark never took his phone from him nor seemed to monitor his calls. Nanon dared to believe that Mark wasn't as scary as he thought he was, after all, the man wasn't trying hard to enforce his rules, and all Nanon did was pretend to obey them. He had a relative freedom, and most of the time the former player just wanted him around to keep him company. Nanon's relationship with his mother and sister didn't change. He kept quiet about what he knew and so did Nonnie. He told Ning and his sister that he was staying with a musician friend in a house studio where he was working on songs for his new album, so they shouldn't bother visiting him at his condo. Nonnie still kept asking about Mark, and Nanon just gave her the same answer, 'I'll let you know if he contacts me.' It wasn't easy for him to accept that his little sister had a brief affair with his tormentor. He wanted to call her out and blame her for getting closer to the former player, but he couldn't bring himself to be mad at her. He couldn't take his anger on his own sister, who, at some point, was also a victim of Mark's cunningness. Therefore, he never let her know that he was aware of their secret affair.

Nanon focused on his work, like he always did, despite the hectic situation he was in. The moment P'Kwang texted him his schedule and Nanon realized that he would be meeting Ohm, even his heart started beating faster. Now that they finally had work to do, he couldn't help thinking that whatever break their relationship needed, it wasn't going to last long once they started to interact with each other again. As a matter of fact, he was truly hoping for that, because he yearned for Ohm more than anything at that moment. Staying away from his lover for 7 days was more difficult than he thought it would be. He wanted to spend time with him, talk to him, hug him, kiss him and do everything couples usually do when they are completely in love. He longed for Ohm more than he cared to admit, and he couldn't wait to lay eyes on him again. He was almost sure Ohm would be the first to give in though, after all, he was the one always wearing his heart on his sleeve. He was the one with laser focus, to the point of obsession. If their relationship was his priority, he would endeavour to keep it alive, and protect it with almost irrational ferocity.

It was also Ohm who had once voiced his clear dissatisfaction when Nanon wasn't able to answer him if their job was more important than their relationship. He wasn't the kind of person who built walls to avoid getting his feelings hurt, he would take risks if it was necessary, he would do the impossible to chase what he wanted, and Nanon knew that he wanted him. There was no doubt about that. So, Ohm would fight for them, even though Mark had succeeded in tarnishing their bond. They could see each other behind Mark's back. They could love each other in secret, like Pat and Pran did in BBS. Nanon found comfort in the fact that Ohm never really mentioned the word 'breakup', and that could only mean that they were still boyfriends trying to figure out how to fix their relationship. The singer was counting on that. Maybe a week apart from each other was good for them. After all, absence was supposed to make the heart grow fonder, right?

The time of the event was approaching, and Jimmy and Sea were already there. They even congratulated Nanon for his participation in the GMMTV FAN FEST 2022 LIVE IN JAPAN, and chatted about future projects , but Nanon, whose head was solely occupied with Ohm Pawat, wasn't paying much attention to his Phis. His eyes scanned his surroundings nonstop in search of his soulmate, but he only found out his whereabouts when P'Leo greeted him and mentioned that Ohm was backstage, talking to P'Kwang, Mae Godji, and some other people who belonged to the staff of the event. Nanon swallowed, and wondered why Ohm didn't come to him first, nor bothered to acknowledge his presence there. That behavior was quite out of character. The singer could tell that he was being avoided, and he really didn't know how to feel about that. Was his boyfriend still mad at him? If Ohm was keeping his distance, it was because their relationship was still in that limbo their last fight left them. Nanon's heart ached, but as professional as he was, he wouldn't let his feelings get in the way of his work. They could hash out their issues after the event.

When they were about to go live, Ohm finally approached him, and perhaps, because he might've seen through the self-possessed expression on Nanon's face, he smiled at him and lifted his fist, waiting for Nanon to complete the iconic fist bump they always did before any event they attended. Nanon's face brightened a little, but after their fists connected, the usual hug that followed it didn't happen. The singer was beyond disappointed, but at least Ohm was being professional too. The cameras were on them now. All they had to do was put their personal issues aside and act. And they did act flawlessly. Ohm fixed Nanon's hair, held his hand, stared at him dreamingly, laughed while listening to his jokes, circled his waist with his arm, sang with him, clung to him while resting his head on his shoulder, whispered on his ear, shook hands with him, posed for pictures with him, told the audience that he constantly checked Nanon's IG's stories, and did not refrain from doing the kind of skinship fans loved to refer as 'Ohmnanon love language'. Naturally, Nanon automatically got into character. Ohm's aura led his, and the singer easily incorporated the Nanon 'salesman' persona. He captured people's attention, he entertained them, then played silly games while selling a product, and sales would suddenly rise. But he wasn't alone there with Ohm. Jimmy, Sea, Godji and Leo were sharing the stage with them, and Nanon had to often tell his heart to decelerate whenever Ohm came close to him, pulled him to his side and used him as a support whenever he needed to sit down, stand up, or walk around the stage with his injured toe. The sandals he wore for the event did not diminish his boyfriend's handsomeness, and Nanon couldn't help agreeing with what Perth had said to him a week earlier. Ohm could look nice in everything, and his looks in those sandals were quite praised by the fans. The sandals would probably become popular at some point, and the online sales for the item would certainly skyrocket. OhmNanon was a golden pair, a money machine, and GMMTV obviously was aware of that, his peers were aware of that, and the ones behind the Nivea brand knew that as well. That event had to be prosperous, and even though the couple was going through a rough path, they skilfully gave the audience and their bosses what they wanted.

They didn't have to be Pat and Pran, they just had to pretend to be close while not faking their actual closeness. Nanon was rather protective of Ohm, making sure that he didn't injure himself further while playing the foolish games that were thrown at them. Ohm just allowed him to be his personal crutch, his partner, and best buddy.

Everything went smoothly, until a rock paper scissors moment, in which Ohm chose rock, even though he consistently chose paper whenever he played with Nanon. The singer pondered on that choice for a few minutes, and even gave Ohm a weird look, which quickly disappeared as he turned to the camera again and smiled brightly. Nanon thoughts were running wild.

'As for me, when I have a lover, I always let my lover win', those were the lines of Pat in BBS, and Ohm was often displaying that kind of attitude in real life too. After all, Pat and Ohm were practically twins. Deep down, Pat was Ohm. And whenever he played a game with Nanon he would always let him win. Now, for some unknown reason, Ohm wasn't so kind, and the singer lost.

Nanon panicked internally. Doubts plagued his mind. Weren't they lovers anymore? Was that a sign of an official break up? Were they just co-workers now? Nanon was hoping to get those answers from Ohm when the event came to an end, but his boyfriend stuck with P'Kwang all the time after they wrapped up the live, and Nanon didn't get a chance to talk to him. Ohm's brother came to pick him up and the singer was left wondering what the heck had just happened.

He couldn't let the night end like that though. He was going to break one more rule Mark established in his routine. Nanon believed that he was brave enough to go after Ohm. He was going to get on a bike taxi, and knock at his door. He needed to hear from his boyfriend what was going on. But as soon as Nanon left the building where the event was taking place, Mark was there, waiting for him by the car. The man simply smiled at him and opened the door for the singer, as if he dared him not to obey him.

"Had a rough day of work, friend?" The former player smirked at him when a distraught Nanon got into the car. "I bet you felt tempted to go after him, didn't you? It's your first schedule together after a while."

Nanon didn't answer him. He just put on his airpods and ignored the man during the whole trip back to his apartment.

In three days Nanon was going to have another schedule with Ohm, and the singer promised himself that he wouldn't let his lover slip away so easily. He texted Chimon and commented about Ohm's stoic behavior, but all his friend did was remind Nanon that Ohm needed time to get over their last fight.

The Milo Olympics day came, and other GMMTV famous couples also joined the event. Team OhmNanon had to compete with powerful duos like TayNew and OffGun. Ohm and Nanon didn't refrain from joining the games, even though Ohm's toe was still healing. The singer was more frustrated than before, in front of the cameras Ohm was still being Ohm, his Ohm, so he couldn't help getting his hopes up, and just be Ohm's Nanon. The singer looked after him, clung to him most of the time and tried to protect his injured toe as much as he could. The games demanded a lot of physical contact, and Nanon almost lost himself in Ohm's eyes whenever they had to keep their arms interlocked, or hold on to each other to defend the Milo packages from the other couples.

To Nanon's surprise, Ohm excused himself for a moment to go to the bathroom, and the singer used that opportunity to confront him, even though he knew it wouldn't be a good idea to do that while they were working on an event.

"How long do you intend to ignore me?" Nanon was straightforward as always. He barged into the bathroom, crossed his arms and glared at a seemingly composed Ohm, who washed his hands in a sink and splashed some water on his neck, as if he was trying to get rid of some bad smell.

"This perfume of yours. I never had a problem with it before, now I can't stand it." Ohm said coldly, without looking at him. Nanon gasped, and for a second, his determination faltered.

"Why do you have a problem with it now?" He asked in a sharp tone, struggling to mask his discontentment.

"It's not the perfume, actually. It's the one wearing it." Ohm replied shortly as his piercing gaze met Nanon's through the mirror. Nanon gulped and chewed on his upper lip.

"So, you're still mad." The singer whispered.

"Mad? You have no idea of the hell you put me in." Ohm declared briskly, and Nanon let out a deep sigh. "But don't worry, I'm still able to tolerate your presence when we work together, after all I'm a professional." He added, as he marched to the door. He was about to walk past Nanon, when the singer grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Ohm." Nanon spoke his name in such a pleading voice that Ohm couldn't help but look at him again. They stared at each other for a long minute, until Ohm brushed his hand away and narrowed his eyes at him.

"What?! Do I need to write the check to pay for the damage in your room now? You can send me the bill through email. We have work to do now. So stop looking at me like that and get a grip." Ohm told him in an annoyed tone.

"How can you treat me this way!? You have no idea of what I've been through all this time. You can't give me the cold shoulder, I won't let you. We need to discuss this, I know you have lots of doubts about me and-"

"What have you been through?! Come on, let's hear what you have to say Nanon! Is it another version of your previous lies, or you're ready to tell me the truth now?" Ohm gave him a challenging look, and Nanon could barely keep eye contact with him. His courage dissipated, as soon as he realized that he still couldn't be completely honest with Ohm, and because he was unable to tell him what he needed to hear, Nanon kept silent.

"We're over Nanon. We're neither friends nor lovers. We're nothing but colleagues." Ohm declared mercilessly, and Nanon's eyes watered.

"You're making a mistake. You're gonna hate yourself once you realize the huge mistake that you're making!" Nanon exclaimed, unable to hide his desperation at that point. Ohm scoffed.

"The only mistake I made was getting involved with a goddamn liar like you!" Ohm gritted his teeth as he towered over the singer. "You think I don't know? You're practically living under his roof now! I've seen him pick you up at university, at the company, and I even followed you two once. Is that a new apartment you bought to keep your relationship a secret? I bet you guys laugh behind my back a lot, don't you?!" he spat as he balled his fist. "If you wanted to be with him from the beginning, you should've said so!"

"No! Ohm, it's not like that, I-I don't like him. You got it all wrong. This is just a precaution, it's temporary. He doesn't matter, only you do. It has always been you in my heart, and you alone, even before we got together, please believe me. Mark and I will never happen. He and I will never be like you and I are. What you and I have is special. The whole world feels right when it's just us two, just the two of us." Nanon's tears stained his face, and although they perturbed Ohm a great deal, he couldn't believe their veracity.

"Dry your eyes, Non. You won't fool me anymore. Chimon confirmed it. He told me that you and that fucker are going steady. So wipe these fake tears of yours, and get ready to go back to work." Ohm hissed and looked away. Nanon's eyes grew large.

"C-Chimon?" He looked extremely confused and shocked at the same time.

"What?! Are you gonna tell me he's lying now? That perhaps our best friend is plotting with the big bad wolf Pakin just to mess with us?" Ohm chuckled dryly and brought a trembling hand to Nanon's cheek. "It's okay, Non. You're free to be with whoever you want to be. You don't owe me any explanation. What we had is long dead. I wish you two the best of luck." he added sadly, and for a moment Nanon saw his eyes water too. When Ohm removed his fingers from his face, Nanon tried to stop him from leaving the bathroom again, but Ohm's face hardened and he pushed him away.

"Ohm, I need you. I don't know why Chimon would say something like that, but I can't do this without you, I just can't. Please, don't give up on me." Nanon tried to reach for his arm again, but Ohm gave him a warning look.

"Do not touch me again! We might've to do this for the sake of fanservice, but there are no cameras around now, so keep your hands to yourself. I am dealing with this delicate situation like an adult should. At last I'm achieving a certain level of maturity that allows me to behave like a sensible individual. I'm using my brains, not my fucking fist. You'd better be professional when the cameras are rolling. I'll be outside." Ohm threw Nanon's words back at him and exited the bathroom. The singer felt his chest tighten, and a wave of dizziness ran through him. He tried to take a deep breath and deal with that panic attack by himself, so he closed his eyes, and counted steadily from one to five on each in-breath and each out-breath. After a few minutes he seemed to have control of his lungs again, but as soon as one of the bathroom stalls opened, to his horror, Mark appeared in front of him.

"What are you doing standing there? You have work to do. You heard the man. Be professional. By the way, that was quite hot of him, wasn't it? Ohm has his charming moments, I have to admit it." The former player approached a terrified Nanon and took something out of his pocket. The singer shook his head in utter fear.

"What did you do to Chimon? The friend that I know wouldn't say something like that to Ohm without a reason. You made him do it, didn't you? I'm not keeping my mouth shut if you dared to hurt him. That ends now!"

"Nanon, you have an event to finish. We'll discuss that at home, once you finish your schedule." Mark said in an authoritative tone. An exasperated Nanon shook his head vigorously.

"I'm not going home with you! That's not a home! My home is with Ohm. And I'm gonna tell him everything! I'm gonna tell the whole fucking world what you did to me! You're crazy if you think I will go anywhere with you-"

"Shut up! You're talking nonsense. I don't need to remind you what's at stake here, or who is in charge." Mark grabbed Nanon's arm and squeezed a bit, before injecting something in his vein. The singer struggled against him, but the man was stronger.

"Soon you'll feel like everything is fine. This will calm you down within a few seconds, and you will be able to finish your job without further ado.

Nanon didn't know what he had given him, but whatever it was, it burned in his vein and had almost an instantaneous effect. The singer was merry enough to go back there and wrap up the event.

Even after the event was over, Nanon was still laughing and horsing around with the other boys of GMMTV. He kept giving Tay and New neck kisses until the two started wondering what had gotten into him. Ohm left first, unable to watch that scene. Mark soon appeared to escort a high Nanon to the car. The singer didn't struggle, but kept asking about Chimon the whole trip. Even in his drugged state, he was almost certain that Chimon was in trouble.

"Home sweet home." Mark exclaimed, as soon as they got into his apartment. Nanon's eyes couldn't focus much, but he still scanned the place and wondered where the former player could've locked up his best friend. He imagined a horror movie scenario in his head, and he couldn't help getting a little anxious too. The drug seemed to enhance all his mixed feelings of euphoria and extreme fear.

"Did you chained him to a basement or something? Where's my friend?" Nanon asked for the hundredth time. Mark just rolled his eyes and sat on the sofa nonchalantly.

"I knew you two were talking to each other. Chimon should've stayed away when I told him to. You see, there's a camera in the room you've been sleeping, Non. And I've been watching you break rules for a while. I believe I told you what would happen if you broke a rule, right?" Mark gave him a reprimanding look, and beckoned him over with his finger. "Come here and sit on my lap."

"What?" Nanon laughed, immediately taking that as a joke. He didn't know if it was the drug in his system that made that request sound too absurd in his ears. "You don't want a friend now? You want a fucking baby? What are you gonna do? Sing me a lullaby and put me to bed?!" He kept laughing, until Mark started giggling while undoing the belt holding up his jeans. The singer's laugh ceased. Something in Mark's expression upset him. But it was the man's next words that put him in a fight-or-flight mode.

"No, Non. I'm gonna give you a beating till your ass starts bleeding. And when it does bleed, I'm gonna fuck it so hard till you pass out." Mark delivered that sentence in an utterly menacing manner. So Nanon immediately took a few steps away from him and swallowed.

"What did you give me earlier?" The singer could barely feel his two feet on the floor, he felt like he was flying. He didn't feel safe. He couldn't keep his balance and he knew that something bad was going to happen to him if he obeyed Mark just to appease his anger. A great wave of dread ran through his body when he recalled what happened to him the last time he was drugged by that man in the room.

"I told you to come here. You don't want me to start chasing you around the apartment, do you?" Mark asked sinisterly without moving from the sofa. He squeezed the belt in his hands and glared at the singer.

"You're dreaming if you think I will let you have your way with me." Nanon managed to say, hoping that Mark never got up from that sofa.

"Do you want Chimon to die?" The former badminton player asked suddenly, and Nanon gasped.

"Did you kidnap him too? What did you do to him, you monster?!" Nanon shouted at the man.

"Come here, and I'll tell you." Mark smiled and patted his own lap, signalling the singer to do what he was told. "He doesn't have much time, you know. You dragged him to this mess, and you should take responsibility for it. His life is in your hands, Non."

Nanon closed his eyes shut for a moment and took a deep breath. He once said that he would die for Ohm and Chimon. Yes, he felt responsible for whatever happened to his friend, and because of that, he gathered enough courage to walk towards the man and receive the punishment he didn't deserve. However, when Mark pulled him roughly on the sofa, the singer struggled with all his might.

"No, no! Get away from me, you fucking psycho!" Nanon desperately fought the man who tried to pull his pants down.

"Hush, you're just ill my darling, but you'll be well again in a minute, I promise. Tonight, you will be cured, Non. Once I'm done with you, you won't let any other man get into your pants." The man said in a disturbingly soothing voice, while he tried to pin Nanon on the sofa. "Stop fighting this. It will happen, and you'll thank me for it later, when you remember how a man is supposed to be."

Nanon kicked him in the balls, as he promised he would do once. Mark writhed in pain while Nanon grabbed his car key on the coffee table and ran out of the house without even putting on his shoes. He heard Mark scream his name and threaten to tear Chimon limb from limb. But in his enhanced panicked state. all Nanon did was get into his car and drive far away from there.

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