Just The 2 Of Us

By ShoujoCamui

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What happens when a Fan Meeting leads to desperate confessions, ends a "just friends" relationship, and sudde... More

CHAPTER 1 -Just More Than Friends
CHAPTER 2 - Just Boyfriends
Chapter 4: Just Sick
Chapter 5: Just Lies
Chapter 6: Just Allies
Chapter 7: Just Nerves
Chapter 8: Just Games
Chapter 9: Just texts
Chapter 10: Just Home
Chapter 11: Just Poison
Chapter 12: Just Dead
Chapter 13: Just Chaos
Chapter 14: Just Captive
Chapter 15: Just owned
Chapter 16: Just Horror
Chapter 17: Just Hallucinations
Chapter 18: Just Madness
Chapter 19: Just Bad News
Chapter 20: Just Soulmates
Chapter 21: Just Bickering
Chapter 22: Just Hope
Chapter 23: Just a Dinner
Chapter 24: Just Distant
Chapter 25: Just Goodbyes
Chapter 26: Just Kinky
Chapter 27: Just Insecure
Chapter 28: Just Korea
Chapter 29: Just Tension
Chapter 30: Just Sleepless
Chapter 31: Just Healing
Chapter 32: Just a Step Back
Chapter 33: Just a Stranger
Chapter 34: Just Reconnection
Chapter 35: Just Longing
Chapter 36: Just Family
Chapter 37: Just Karma
Chapter 38: Just a Weekend
Chapter 39: Just a beach
Chapter 40: Just the BBS gang
Chapter 41: Just Gazes
Chapter 42: Just a Confession
Chapter 43: Just Sand Art & Seashells
Chapter 44: Just A Sinking Ship
Chapter 45: Just Engaged
Chapter 46: Just Challenging
Chapter 47: Just Consequences
Chapter 48: Just Yellow: Caution
Chapter 49: Just Red: Danger
Chapter 50: Just The Bloody Truth
Chapter 51: Just Even Steven
Chapter 52: Just Letting Go
Chapter 53: Just Surviving the day
Chapter 54: Just more than an Issue
Chapter 55: Just a Rainstorm
Chapter 56: Just Running in Circles
Chapter 57: Just Playing With Fire
Chapter 58: Just Relapsing Again
Chapter 59: Just Spiralling
Chapter 60: Just a Barbecue
Chapter 61: Just a bad Script
Chapter 62: Just a Sailboat
Chapter 63: Just borrowed Souls
Chapter 64: Just Characters
Chapter 65: Just Awake
Chapter 66: Just A Plan
Chapter 67: Just a Sheath
Chapter 68: Just a Rescue
Chapter 69: Just an Anti
Chapter 70: Just A Clean Up
Chapter 71: Just a new Era
Chapter 72: Just Making Amends
Chapter 73: Just Us 2

Chapter 3 - Just Trouble

150 7 0
By ShoujoCamui

Nanon had no idea that Mark would be the least of his concerns the next day. The TEAMAIS5GFANIVERSE event that he and Ohm had to attend brought more headaches to them than he expected.

"Did he touch you, or not?" A skeptical Ohm asked for the hundredth time as he repeatedly watched a video of PP Krit interacting with another artist and then smiling nonstop while standing next to Nanon. The worst part of the video, recorded by some random fan, showed an apparently flirty PP move behind Nanon and do some unidentified gesture behind the singer, and then for some reason, Nanon becomes serious all of a sudden. Some fans even claimed that Nanon was glaring at PP because the latter supposedly groped him from behind. Shit definitely hit the fan on social media when fans of PP saw those kinds of comments multiply and started to defend the honor of their favorite artist online. And while the fan war took place on Twitter, another war was taking place inside Ohm's car.

"I can't even believe we're having this conversation. How many times do I have to tell you? He was just being playful. People are just speculating things as always. He didn't grope me. You know him, he's not that disrespectful! This is ridiculous." An exasperated Nanon explained one more time.

"Non, look at your face, you clearly look uncomfortable." Ohm stated, as he replayed the fancam on his phone again and showed it to his exhausted boyfriend sitting on the passenger seat. Nanon sighed in frustration.

"Seriously, Ohm. We're going back to the hospital right now, and you will get your head checked too, because you must be freaking insane to even believe that shit like that would happen in front of a bunch of cameras." Nanon retorted, tired of that argument. His boyfriend was coughing and even shaking at some point during the event that had just ended a few minutes ago. The meds were wearing off and Ohm needed to go back to the hospital to finish his treatment for the tonsillitis, but he insisted that they had to discuss that stupid video before they parted ways again. Their manager gave them 15 minutes to talk privately, but after that, Ohm had to go back to the hospital whether he wanted it or not.

"What was he doing behind you then?" Ohm's voice was hoarse and strained. He often sprayed some analgesics in his throat, but it was not helping much.

"Fuck this shit, I'm not doing this anymore. I'm going home." Nanon spat as he moved to open the car door, but Ohm grabbed one of his wrists and kept him from stepping out of that car.

"Non, please. I'm trying to get some answers here. Don't be mad. I just want to be the first to know when some asshole tries to make a pass at my boyfriend. Bear with me a little." Ohm begged in an apologetic tone. "I know you didn't do anything wrong, I mean, it's not like you were leading him on when you had one of your hands on his waist." He added in a more suspicious manner, as he eyed his lover intensely. Nanon shook his head in disbelief. He was relieved that he didn't tell Ohm about Mark's visit, now he was absolutely sure that his lover would probably seek Mark out and a fistfight would be unavoidable.

"Take your hand off of me, Ohm!" Nanon demanded in a brisk tone, but Ohm didn't obey him immediately.

"Promise me you won't leave the car yet." He requested whinily. He loosened his hold on the singer a little, but still held him in place.

"I don't get why you're being so problematic! He was the one flirting with you on stage whenever he got a chance to interact with you. What the hell was that silly handshake moment? People are shipping you two all over again, and now I am the bad guy?!" Nanon narrowed his eyes at him. Ohm finally released his wrist and thankfully, the singer didn't walk out on him.

"I saw what he was doing. But I didn't flirt back. He was trying to be playful. You were there, you know I had no energy for those kinds of games." Ohm rested his head on the driving wheel and hoped to stay a little more in his boyfriend's company without having a fight with him. He hated when they fought. However, he didn't want to go to the hospital yet, he missed Nanon, even this angry Nanon. He felt bad for even getting him so worked up, but sometimes, he couldn't control his mouth. He knew Nanon would never look at another guy the way he looked at him, but he couldn't help feeling insecure when everyone around them wanted to get too friendly with his faen.

"Well, I had to have energy for both of us. I was being fucking professional, Ohm! I smiled at people, and occasionally made some friendly gestures. I was covering for both of us. I was doing my best to entertain the audience even though I was fucking worried about you collapsing on the stage. I acted like the funny, outgoing Nanon, because acting is what I do for a living, you idiot. But my mind was focused on you all the time. If people are saying that for a slightly moment I was glaring or looking uncomfortable, it is because I'm not a fucking machine! At some point, a freaking camera recorded my uneasiness, my concern for you. That's all. I did my part, I was there because GMMTV wanted Ohmnanon to attend that event! Yet, because now I know that I can't leave without you, the unconcerned mask I was wearing almost fell at the wrong time. All I had to do, was put it back on and pretend that everything was fine. I stayed by your side and helped you finish the goddamn event even when you were spacing out, or too weak to make jokes and simply answer the MC's questions. Why are you doubting my loyalty to you now? What the hell do you even-"

"Forgive me, baby. I know I'm in the wrong. Please don't yell at me. I'm sick, remember?" A quite pale Ohm hurried to say as he placed a finger on his boyfriend's lips to silence him. "No need to explain yourself anymore. I trust you, and I love you, and I know I don't deserve you." He added and gave him a painful look. "I guess we can call P'Kwang to drive us to the hospital now. Man, I hate to admit I feel like shit."

Nanon felt like scolding him a little more, but he didn't have the heart to. He called their manager and soon they were able to put Ohm back in a hospital bed. Nanon stayed by his side for a while. They didn't talk, just bathed in each other's silent presence. Ohm soon drifted off due to the intravenous medication he was given, and all Nanon did there was watch him sleep. He would occasionally run his fingers through his boyfriend's hair and admire his handsome face. He was almost falling asleep as well when his phone vibrated in his pocket. When he checked the message on the screen, he realized it was a message from his dear friend Chimon.

"Ohm completes his treatment tomorrow, right? I took the liberty to organize a party to celebrate the success of Ohmnanon First fanmeeting and his hospital discharge this weekend. A nightclub was booked and only our closest acquaintances will be there. I do hope to see my besties pretty soon. "

Nanon smiled at the text and replied to it with an emoji heart. He adored Chimon. His friend certainly saw the fan war online and realized that the couple Ohmnanon deserved a little break from the spotlights. Maybe just being around people they could trust and listen to their problems, could at least minimize the stress they were going through. Nanon could use some peace, and he was pretty sure Ohm needed it as much as him.

He was aware that Ohm and he had a schedule to follow in the afternoon of the following day, some event called My Beloved Tomato 2, which required them to sing, supposedly learn how to make random drinks with tomatoes and also do a short interview afterwards. They were supposed to make a few Fan Calls later, but Nanon was finding it hard to be charming and humorous lately. He wondered if the company planned to overwork them until they couldn't take it anymore. Ohm was sick, and he himself was endeavouring not to crack-up.


The next day of work was calmer than the previous one, My Beloved Tomato and the Fan Calls weren't difficult missions to accomplish. The event itself was okay, until some reporter decided to ask the wrong questions.

"I can't believe they dared to ask if we were acting during the most touching part of our FM. That reporter has no shame, seriously." Ohm sighed in frustration as soon as he opened the door of his apartment. He brought Nanon to his living room and offered him some tea, but the younger refused it. While Ohm went to the kitchen to prepare some chamomile tea for himself in order to soothe his sore throat, the singer made himself at home. Ohm's place always felt like Nanon's safe place, so when Ohm asked his boyfriend if he wanted to go to his apartment after work, Nanon simply said yes.

"That's the world we live in, Ohm. Two men dare to express their rawest feelings in front of a bunch of people and they think it's fake, because a guy is not supposed to feel that way about another. How sad is that?" Nanon sounded dispassionate as he sat on the couch of Ohm's living room and tried not to feel too vexed about the interview that had just ended.

"Some reporters are just looking for a scoop. Let them think whatever they want. We don't have to prove anything to those mean bloodsuckers. Most of them are always trying to find a way to discredit celebrities and end their careers. Let's not allow them to bring us down. We're stronger than the venom they spill." Ohm declared, as he put his tea on the coffee table, sat next to Nanon and put a hand on his knee. He had noticed that his boyfriend turned quiet as soon as the event was over and a silent Nanon was a bad sign. Normally his lover would talk nonstop about the work they finished and even share with him a couple of tips about how they could do better next time. However, Nanon was not eager to discuss that particular event, and Ohm knew very well that when he got like that, there was something in his mind. And the fact that Nanon still hadn't mentioned to him the latest altercation he had with Mark made Ohm worry even more. "Are you sure you don't want some tea? Are you okay?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? You're the one who has just been discharged from a hospital." Nanon crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm great. By the way, thanks for spending the night by my side yesterday. I know you probably didn't want me to know, but one of the nurses told me in the morning when I woke up." Ohm grinned and squeezed Nanon's knee a little. Nanon's eyes softened. He missed his lover's mischievous grin. "I have been thinking of ways to thank you, Non. Is there anything specific you want me to do for you?" Ohm batted his eyes at him playfully and the hand on the singer's knee moved to his inner thigh. Nanon sighed and brushed his hand away.

"Ohm, I'm tired. You don't have to do anything, I'm not in the mood anyway." Nanon muttered, but didn't sound too bothered by his faen's touch.

"I can get you in the mood, babe." Ohm assured him, as he left Nanon's side, crawled to the floor, and sneaked between his boyfriend's legs. "You're tense, and you need some distraction. Let me give that to you." He added as he kneeled before the singer and placed both his hands on Nanon's belt. Ohm didn't do anything else, he just stopped there and lifted his eyes to meet his, as if asking for permission to continue. To Ohm's dismal, Nanon shook his head and took his hands in his.

"What are you thinking of doing?" Nanon frowned.

"I wanna give you head. Can I?" Ohm said at once, taking the singer by surprise.

"I thought we agreed not to touch each other underneath-"

"The clothes, I know. But this is a special occasion, Non. We've been physically forced apart because of the tonsillitis, we can only touch in a friendly way while we work, now we're here together, in my apartment, with no one around, and no one to judge us. I have my gorgeous boyfriend sitting prettily on my couch and I just can't miss this opportunity-"

"The answer is no. You've been discharged from the hospital just this morning. You don't need the antibiotics anymore, but your throat is still fucked. I'm not letting you do this. You're crazy if you think I will-"

"Alright, I'll just use my hands then!" Ohm begged like a child asking for candy. "Please, just this once. I won't try anything else."

"Ohm had a puppy look on his face. He knew Nanon was weak for that one. He saw the singer exhale as he pondered his request. He smirked when Nanon looked away and nodded shyly. Ohm quickly undid his lover's belt and unbuttoned his pants. He did take his time unzipping them though. He massaged Nanon's upper thigh a little, pressed his cheek along it and left little kisses here and there. Nanon watched every single movement he made. His head started spinning when Ohm finally unzipped his pants and stroked the bulge already forming in his boxers. Ohm hadn't even reached the waistband of his underwear when Nanon had a flashback of Mark touching him inappropriately. Nanon tried to push the inconvenient memory away, but he failed to focus on the moment.


"Hum." Ohm muttered as he pressed his nose against Nanon's boxers, as if he sought to smell his lover's most intimate scent in order to lose himself in it.

"Stop." Nanon said in a strained voice.

"Non, you're hard. Painfully hard." Ohm whispered, before licking the fully erected member though the thin fabric. The singer almost came from just witnessing such a sight. Ohm Pawat in his expensive clothes, impeccable hair and makeup, kneeling between his legs, and eager to suck him off was not the kind of scene he would ever want to cut if he were directing a porno movie with the two of them.

"Yeah, but don't do it." Nanon said in a small voice, and Ohm immediately retreated with a confused look on his face.

"What is it? Am I going too fast?" Ohm asked, as he took his hands off him and sat on the floor, but without leaving the place between his legs. He had lust in his eyes, and Nanon could tell that what he saw in those dark orbs mirrored his. He wanted that as much as Ohm. He would've dropped his pants and had sex with him right there if his conscience wasn't bothering him. Nanon thought that he should tell Ohm what happened between him and Mark before he and his boyfriend moved to third base.

"It's...I-I guess we should postpone this." Nanon swallowed, unable to voice the real reason for his hesitation. "I am not ready after all. I don't think we should cross that line yet." He hated to lie to Ohm, but mentioning Mark's name at that moment would probably get things out of control.

"Fine." Ohm said dryly, as he stood up and turned his back on him. He was about to walk away when a desperate Nanon grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to take care of this in the bathroom." Ohm replied, as he pointed to the bulge in his own pants. "You should do the same in the spare one." He added in a hard tone.

"Don't go." Nanon begged. Ohm eyed him in disbelief.

"Are you for real? If I stay, I am going to do something I might regret." Ohm declared, without looking him in the eye.

"Come here, Ohm." Nanon said softly and tried to pull him to the couch, but Ohm roughly pulled his arm back.

"Nanon, let me go. You won't like me anymore if I stay. I won't stop."

"I love you, Ohm." The sentence completely disarmed the older actor, and when Ohm finally turned his face to look at his boyfriend, the latter had the buttons of his white shirt all undone and a deep blush on his cheeks. "Lay down with me." Nanon uttered in a voice full of adoration and extended a hand to his mesmerized boyfriend, who just took the invitation without even asking him what it meant.

Nanon guided him to the couch and pulled Ohm on top of him, positioning his faen between his legs. Ohm just let himself be told what to do. He couldn't miss the way Nanon's bare chest moved up and down underneath him, and how his rosy nipples implored to be stimulated.

"Stop staring, please." An extremely embarrassed Nanon begged, and Ohm's eyes immediately searched his.

"What do you want me to do? If you don't say it, I won't know." Ohm whispered, feeling the rigidity of both their erections pointing at each other through their clothes.

"You can touch me anywhere above the waist. Below the waistline, nothing underneath-"

Ohm didn't let Nanon finish his sentence. He attacked his mouth, like a hungry beast that had just found an exquisite banquet served especially for him. It didn't take long for his tongue to invade his mouth and explore the delicious cave he loved so much. He grinded his hips against Nanon's and grabbed his buttocks, pulling the singer's clothed genitals closer to his. Ohm's tongue didn't limit itself to Nanon's mouth. It ran along his cheek, neck and collarbone. When his teeth found Nanon's nipples, they were merciless. The singer moaned loudly when Ohm took each one of them in his mouth and sucked on the sensitive skin. Nanon could sense his boyfriend's desire to eat him alive, but also his desire to punish him. When Nanon tried to disconnect Ohm's mouth from his chest just to kiss his lips again, Ohm captured both his arms and secured them above his head. Nanon couldn't touch him, nor move.

"Stay still." Ohm commanded sensuously, before he sunk his teeth on Nanon's neck. The singer screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure and came inside his pants immediately. His legs hugged Ohm's waist as he rode his orgasm. Ohm grunted deep as he kept thrusting against his boyfriend's lower, parts faster and harder. The expression of pure delight on Nanon's face made Ohm picture those rosy cheeks smeared with his cum. He wanted to mark Nanon as his, and he even felt tempted to ask the singer if he could come on his face, but he knew that his faen would probably freak once he heard such an obscene request, so he kept his mouth shut.

"I love you, Non." Ohm chose to be romantic instead of a pervert, and with one last thrust, he reached his climax. He kissed every patch of skin he had bitten, licked, sucked and tortured. He kissed Nanon's face, hair, ears and played with his belly button. Nanon giggled and as soon as his arms were released, he embraced Ohm and let the older actor put all the weight of his body above his. He could feel their hearts beating wildly together, always together, just the two of them. That's how it was supposed to be, until death did them apart. Mark might've tried to tarnish that beautiful picture. He could've attempted to make Nanon think that such an union wasn't sacred, or their love was an abomination, but the singer's heart convinced him that there was nothing sordid about liking someone of the same gender. Mark's touch and lips on him felt repulsive and immoral, but not Ohm's, never Ohm's. Being in his arms was a privilege, a gift from heavens. In his embrace, he found paradise.

"You're gonna have to help me cover these bruises later." Nanon whispered, as he stroked his lover's hair.

"Love bites are not supposed to be hidden. They are made because they are supposed to be seen. I want the whole world to know that you're mine." Ohm said carelessly, and Nanon huffed.

"What?! Are you saying you own me now? I'm not a thing, you know."

"Come on, you know what I mean. You're my boyfriend. Let those stupid haters doubt that once we come out to the press. Let them wonder if what we do behind the scenes is real or not. The moisture inside our pants is proof that Ohmnanon's love is not acting. What do you say? We should make a sex tape and let them draw their own conclusions." Ohm joked, but his lover immediately tensed. "I bet we would end up winning an Oscar if such a video went viral." The older added and pinched one of Nanon's abused nipples.

"Ohm, what the hell?!" A scandalized Nanon inhaled and pushed the older actor away from him. A giggling Ohm fell on the floor with a thud. Nanon sat up, zipped up his pants, buttoned them, and fastened his belt.

"Non, Non, Non! Come on, baby. I'm just kidding. I would never record what we do in our private time. Our sex lives are no one else's business but ours. No one is allowed to lay eyes on my boyfriend but me. I was just teasing you. Don't be mad." Ohm explained himself quickly, as he noticed the annoyed expression on his lover's face. Nanon's shirt was still unbuttoned and he couldn't help but admire the work of art before him. The feeling of Nanon's nipples in his mouth was engraved in his mind, and he was looking forward to tasting him below the waist too. By the way Nanon reacted while being dominated on that couch, Ohm could tell he was going to give in to him by the end of the month, or even before that. He was sure it was going to happen pretty soon. And he was anticipating that event because he still felt insecure about Nanon's attraction to him. The singer had never been with a guy, and Ohm was afraid that Nanon could change his mind at some point and decide that he didn't want to be with him because he enjoyed female bodies more. Ohm believed that once they had sex, Nanon would convince himself that he wasn't really that straight as he claimed to be, and then they would finally be able to move on from that stage of discovery. He needed to guarantee and consolidate Nanon's place by his side while showing him that there was nothing reprehensible about loving a man's body. The singer was still having some trouble trying to define his sexuality, and Ohm aimed to aid his lover in freeing himself from old-fashioned preconceptions, so Nanon could realize that not every sexual feeling or act, as long as it was consensual, needed a definition or norm. Ohm imagined that he could break that barrier between them without breaking their relationship, and he hoped that even if people found out about them, they would be able to fight together, side by side to protect their love. He put their relationship first, and he wanted the singer to do the same.

"You shouldn't joke like that! Our careers are at stake here!" Nanon retorted as he started to button his shirt. Ohm groaned in disappointment.

"Fuck our careers, we are more important than-"

"Don't say that, Ohm! We worked hard to get where we are. Our jobs brought us together, remember? If we weren't professional enough we wouldn't survive in this field of work. We are surrounded by people who support our achievements and admire what we do. We shouldn't take that lightly." Nanon scolded him, but Ohm wasn't backing out.

"If you could choose, if you had to, what would it be? Me or the job?" He asked in a serious tone. Nanon froze on the spot. They stared at each other for a long minute, and when Nanon remained silent, the older actor became vexed.

"Are you for real? You're not gonna say anything?" Ohm got up from the floor and walked up to him.

"I should go, Ohm. I don't wanna fight you. We're both tired and-"

"No, no. Just answer me this." A distressed Ohm cut him off and folded his arms. "If people find out about us, you're gonna leave me?"

"I never said that." A reticent Nanon stared back at him, not sure of how to answer that question. The singer didn't really know what he would do if the world found out about them.

"Or perhaps you're gonna punch whoever suspects of our relationship." Ohm gave him a knowing look.

"Did you talk to Mark?" Nanon's eyes widened.

"Yes. He called me, and he even sent me a picture of his black eye." Ohm sighed and shook his head at him. "As an actor, I thought you knew how important it is to preserve our physical appearance. Since when did you start punching people who think that you and I are more than friends?"

"Did he tell you why I did it?" A confused Nanon frowned. He expected Ohm to be enraged and Mark to be dead if the truth came out.

"He said he stopped by your house to check up on you. According to him, you guys talked, and at some point he asked you if you and I were a thing, and then you decked him out of the blue. I didn't want to believe him at first, I wanted to confirm with you what really happened, but I guess he wasn't lying. You look guilty as hell, Non."

"That fucking asshole." Nanon grimaced as he realized Mark's cunningness. He wondered if the former badminton player was trying to mess with his head, or if he was simply trying to come between Ohm and him. He regretted not breaking both his legs when he had a chance.

"So, are you going to deny it?" An impatient Ohm pressed, and Nanon quickly considered his options, making that issue bigger than it already was, or stopping that madness right there. His boyfriend was a black belt in Taekwondo, extremely possessive and jealous. They argued endlessly the other day because of a stupid fancam. Mark was playing the victim now, but if Ohm learned about how the former badminton player forced a kiss on his boyfriend and touched him inappropriately, Nanon was sure a shit show was going to take place at GMMTV and Ohm would end up in jail. He had to be wise at that moment.

"No. I'm not denying it." Nanon chose to lie for a good cause. If Mark was thinking that he was going to fall for his provocations, Nanon was going to prove him wrong. "I plan to apologize to him though."

"Again? Non, I'm genuinely worried about you." Ohm said sincerely as he came closer to him and placed his hands on his lover's shoulders. "First you are quite aggressive with him at the hospital, then you punch him when he tries to bury the hatchet...You're not a violent person, babe, and I hate to think that our relationship status is making you that hostile."

"Our relationship status makes me happy. Our love has nothing to do with my so-called hostility. It's Mark Fucking Pakin that has been testing my patience." Nanon blurted out, and Ohm frowned.

"Is there something you're not telling me? Did he do, or say anything that-"

"No! I mean, he's just...The thing is, he's not part of our 2000 gang, and sometimes I feel that he wished he was. He gets upset because people don't badmouth Chimon online for being our closest friend and he got a lot of hate when he broadcasted to the world how he used to constantly sleep on my couch. He's envious and toxic. I don't know exactly what his problem is, and honestly, I'm not interested in finding out. I don't know about you, but I plan to keep my distance from him." Nanon knew that those reasons weren't enough to convince Ohm of Mark's bad character, but at least he tried.

"Well, I invited him to the party Chimon is throwing for us tonight." Ohm said calmly, as he studied his boyfriend's face. He could tell that something was off. "If I knew that you didn't want anything to do with him anymore, I wouldn't have done it."

"I'm not going then." Nanon stated firmly and Ohm gasped. Now the older knew that his lover was definitely hiding something from him. He didn't really think Nanon would punch someone without a good reason, and the way Mark always tried to play the injured part was getting old. Ohm was determined to find out what exactly was going on, in a way or another. He wasn't going to keep questioning the singer, but he was going to make him talk at some point.

"Babe, Chimon needs us to be there. He already booked the place and called other friends-"

"I'm not in the mood for parties."

"Our relationship makes you happy, right? So even if Mark is there we're gonna have a good time because we are going to be together and surrounded by people we trust. I swear that if Pakin annoys you in any way, I'll clock him myself." Ohm said playfully and placed a kiss on Nanon's forehead. Nanon smiled a little and finally nodded. The singer told himself that if Mark attempted to ruin their night, he himself would be the one to hurt him.

Instead of taking Nanon home to get changed, Ohm let the singer use his shower and borrow some of his clothes. Although he shamelessly suggested that they could shower together in order to save water, Nanon insisted that they should do it separately, frustrating his lover's advances. Ohm wasn't fully disappointed, after all, he got to see his Non wearing his clothes. For some reason the sight made him feel all warm inside. Nanon and his clothes were a perfect match. Even though he would love to see his faen wearing nothing, somehow, he felt like Nanon was more his now, especially after he sprayed some of his cologne all over him.

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