Blue Exorcist: 'Little Sister...

By Madge2001

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Rin and Yukio have just closed the Gate of Gehenna and are finally beginning to relax again when the gate is... More

Chapter 1 Just another normal day
Chapter 2 Demons, Exorcists, Gehenna Gate, oh my!
Chapter 3 The Escape Girl
Chapter 4 Starting School
Chapter 5 Do NOT mess with the Daughter of Satan
Chapter 6 Learning the ways of the exorcist
Chapter 8 Transformation -Part 2-
Chapter 9 Getting out of Invisible City
Chapter 10 Let The Traveling Begin
Chapter 11, Part 1: The Final Task
Chapter 11 Part 2: The Trip Down
Sneak Peek: Chapter 12
Chapter 12: The End (Part 1)
Chapter 13: THE END. FINALLY.

Chapter 7 Transformation -Part 1-

4.5K 144 45
By Madge2001

--Michiko's POV--

I awoke to the sound of birds chirping. 'Wow, that sounds beautiful,' I thought to myself. When I lived in Gehenna, all I woke up to was demons roaring everywhere. Wasn't the most pleasant thing in the universe. But I'd grown used to it.

I sat up and stretched. It was then that I realized something on my legs was vibrating. No, PURRING. "Gah!" I exclaimed and fell out of bed. I heard a screech as I fell. I looked under the blankets to see Kuro staring at me with wide eyes. "Oh, Kuro, I'm sorry, you just scared the crap out of me," I said, catching my breath. "Oops!" Kuro said and grinned. I had no choice but to grin back.

I got up and looked at the time. It was about 8:30. "Eh, I think I can take a class skip today," I mumbled. "Where's the kitchen at, Kuro?" Kuro hopped in front of me and began walking. "Follow me," He said and I grabbed a sweater and put it in before following him to the kitchen.

When we got to the kitchen, Kuro hopped on my shoulder and I stopped. I sniffed the air. Something or someONE was making something that was making my mouth watered. I walked over to the kitchen. Rin and some other thing were cooking the day away. "Rin, I've never seen you cook before," I said, leaning against the counter.

"Oh, hey Michiko!" He turned to me and grinned. The little thing on his shoulder waved and I waved back. "What are you making? It's making me hungry," I asked, my stomach growling at me for food. "It's just some dumpling soup, would you like some this morning?" Rin asked. "Sure," I replied, and took a seat at a table with Kuro on my lap.

A while later, Rin finally finished. "All done! Kuro, I can make something quick for you too," Rin remarked and Kuro grinned and nodded. I got up and grabbed the plate and some silverware. I took it to the table and took a bite of the dumpling soup.


"Rin!" I exclaimed. He turned to look at me, surprised. "This is absolutely DELICIOUS!" I said with a smile. "You should be talking to this little man here, he helped me with most of it," Rin gestured to the little red elf thing on his shoulder. "Well, thank you, little guy," I walked over and patted his head. He smiled and hugged my face. I laughed and sat back down and kept eating as Kuro sat beside me.

"Rin, don't we have class today?" I asked. I was wondering why he was still here. "No, the exorcists had a mission to do so we get the day off," Rin explained. I nodded and went back eating my food.

I always wondered what it would be like to go on a mission. I know I could totally help since I have a lot of experience in training and taking demons. Gehenna gave me that opportunity, sure, but that didn't mean I wanted to go back there. I wanted to stay here with my friends and brothers. And the pets, of course. I liked it here. I didn't know how long it would be until I would get caught but who knows?

Rin walked out of the kitchen, brushing his apron off as he sat down across from me and ate some food he made for himself. I ate as well because I hadn't eaten anything since lunch yesterday. My stomach was making me gulp down the food like there was no tomorrow.

When I finished, I brought the plate back to the kitchen and set it in the sink. Kuro walked beside me. He seemed attached to me, and I didn't know why. I loved little Kuro, though, he was cute. I let him hop onto my shoulder as I walked back to Rin.

He had finished his food and was sighing from content. I rolled my eyes and punched his stomach playfully. "Oi! Don't make me puke up my food on you!" He exclaimed and I laughed. I sat across from him again and suddenly stomach began to feel like it was twisting in knots. I put my hand across my stomach. 'There must have been something in that food,' I thought.

I gripped my stomach as Rin looked at me with alarm. "Are you alright?" He asked and I just nodded. "I'm going to go back to my room and lie down," I told him as I got up slowly, my stomach not wanting to cooperate with me. I started walking towards the stairs but as I got there I dropped to my knees. "Michiko!" Rin shouted as he ran over to me, lifting me up. "What's wrong?"

I tried talking but my voice wouldn't let me, so I decided to speak in my head. 'I don't know,' I told him. 'I feel like I'm about to pass out...' "Don't worry, Mich, I've got you," He said and picked me up. I almost screamed from the sudden change of position. The pain was HORRIBLE.

Suddenly, everything went black.


I came around a while later. I had no idea where I was but I heard Rin talking. I didn't have the strength to open my eyes, so I just listened.

"Yukio, it's been a day! She hasn't woken up yet! And something about her appearance has changed," He explained angrily. 'Changed?' I wondered. What had happened to me. I sat there as Rin continued arguing with his brother over the phone about me.

I didn't know I had been out for a day. Sheesh, that must've been worrisome. I wondered why Yukio wasn't back yet. Was he still on the mission, or was he doing something else? I thought to myself a bit more until I felt Rin sit on the bed beside me. He put his hand on mine and spoke softly.

"C'mon, Mich, you need to wake up," I heard him say. 'Rin...' I thought. I could hear his voice quaver as he spoke. "We all are worried about you, Mich. the entire class is worried. So are all the teachers," Rin continued. I struggled to try moving but couldn't do anything. His face got close to mine, and I knew because I could feel his breath. "I don't want to lose my only sister..." Rin whispered.

I felt a tear drop on my cheek. 'Wait!' I thought. If I can think, can't I speak with him in my head? 'Rin?' I questioned to see if he heard he. I heard him gasp as he clutched my hand. "Michiko?! Can you hear me?!" He asked worriedly and excitedly. 'I heard all that you said,' I told him. 'Thank you.'

"You're welcome, Michiko," Rin said. I knew he was happy to hear from me by the way he talked. 'I can't move or do anything except this. What exactly happened to me?' I asked. "Well, those stomach pains were some sort of transformation. You now have black little horns on your head that are sharp and your nails are a bit sharper," He explained. 'Wow,' I thought.

"Michiko, you should rest. We'll try to get you up and going tomorrow," Rin said. 'Okay,' I told him. 'See you tomorrow.' I said before I fell into a deep sleep.

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