Bound for Eternity

By Nymphetamine972

82 16 3

It is a fanfic, but knowing the web series isn't compulsory to read it, trust me. First chapters (1-3) got re... More

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6 1 0
By Nymphetamine972

·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖁𝕴𝕴


·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·

'Good evening, Ms. Creed. Let's take a seat' The police officer said, gesturing towards the seat by the desk. Still a bit trembling, I sat and looked at him. It was barely an hour ago, the police came to check the place and gather information. First was Carmilla, now it was me. She said it was going to be pointless without CCTV, but I had to inform them. To feel safer. I was now desperate for that, I felt like I cheated death and I was wondering if I was sane. I could swear I saw Carmilla get shot, I saw even a hole in her shirt, like after a gunshot, but the skin under the clothing was perfectly fine. it was impossible, right?

'So the motorcyclist came from behind you, aiming his gun at you, Ms. Karnstein pushed you back, so you didn't get shot. None of you. The culprit had a helmet. That's what you said and it happened around five, right?' He asked after half an hour when I told him all I saw. Well, almost everything. I would be probably safe in a psychiatric hospital, but still, I preferred not to tell him anything about these strange things.

I nodded in reply and he sighed, as if getting to tell something difficult.

'Speaking of this accident by the lake... Ms. Creed, it wasn't an accident' He said. I widened my eyes. The accident, I almost forgot about it happening recently, now completely shaking because of this man trying to kill me today. My head was completely busy now with today. But now knowing it was the second attempt, I felt even worse.

'What do you mean?' I asked with a weak voice.

'There was a little camera hidden near the restaurant. We checked the trails in the area. The ones from the street matched the ones we found on the side. Probably the same guy from today waited there for you and the moment he saw you on the camera, he started his plan and he was going after you. Ms. Karnstein was not the target, but potentially an accidental victim' He explained and I just stared at him in shock. So not only this but also this thing that happened four days ago?!

Someone really wanted me dead. Twice. Now he'll probably try the third time. This only reminded me how much I needed someone to protect me. Carmilla, army of mercenaries, anyone! I was screaming these thoughts in my head, barely stopping myself from doing this verbally, holding the tears with my best efforts. I had to be strong, I couldn't fall apart now.

'I'll do my best to organize a constant watch over you' he started, but I shook my head.

'No. I'll get that on my own. This guy is probably expecting it. I need to do something different' I replied with a shaky voice, looking away. The room we were in was one of the conference rooms in my company. The best place available for now.

'Are you sure? It's a serious matter, Ms. Creed, I could organize it without any problem' He asked, looking at me with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

If I didn't lose my mind and what I saw was real, then I wasn't sure if the guard of the police was a good idea. I owed Carmilla my life for the second time. Whatever was her secret, I would feel bad if I exposed her accidentally. Especially after agreeing to her offer of bodyguarding me. Besides, I could get private bodyguards. My father or mother would know who to contact.

'Yes.' The officer got up and headed to the door. He was right about to say something more, but I continued: 'Officer?'

'Yes, Ms. Creed?' He turned to me.

'This lake thing... How did we two get out? I wasn't talking with Carmilla about that' I asked, frowning.

'Well, that is an interesting thing. The door was kicked out of the car. Despite the water pressure. It's as mysterious as the fact we didn't see any mark of the gunshot on the walls or floor, neither the bullet. Just because of the powder and the cleaning service who heard the gunshot, we know it really happened' He replied, staring at me for a moment as if this was supposed to make me speak more about it. My clueless expression probably made him delay his plans, at least for now, cause he said his goodbye and left.

I left soon after him, noticing Carmilla talking with my parents. My mother immediately ran to me to hug me tightly.

'Oh my God, honey, I was so scared when I heard about it! We'll triple the security, so it doesn't happen again!' She declared eagerly.

'Not a really good idea. He's not going to come back, he lost his chances here. He'll try outside.' Carmilla replied, with her typical, ruthless honesty, when it came to judging the ideas of others.

'Then maybe mercenaries? We have some connections in Albania or Mexico' She said to my father and I sighed.

'It's fine, I already got protection for her. I'll be by her side as well and take her home' My savior replied. This was the time when I didn't argue. I should probably think of more professional protection, but at that moment I wasn't thinking clearly. My suspicions about Carmilla only grew stronger, when I got to know how she saved me back then. No wound after gunshot, kicked out door underwater? Was I losing my mind or there was truly something going on?

'We're really thankful, Ms. Karnstein. If you weren't there...' My dad said with a pained expression.

'Luckily I was. I think we should go home now, Leticia should rest' Carmilla replied, looking at them, and then at me.

We said our goodbyes and I followed Karnstein to the parking lot, feeling so blunt, as if everything was behind the fog. She led me to her car and took the driver's seat. Soon, rock music started to play.

Was it surely a good idea? There was something strange about her, but still, she saved me twice. I needed more information, to see more. I remembered the blood in the soy milk, which she then claimed was not only a prank but her protein supplement as well. Why was it so similar to blood?

'Waiting for a knight on a white horse, cupcake?'

I got snatched from my thoughts, raising my gaze to her and I got in, fastening my seat belt.

'Yeah, sorry, I have a lot going on in my head.'

She didn't reply, she just started to drive. I didn't say anything more, the memories of the motorcycle, of the gun in his hand, kept haunting me. I really shouldn't be alone now. I would never expect to say this, but I was glad she was with me. I narrowed my eyebrows in surprise when I noticed it was completely another part of the city and another route.

'Ummmm... I live in Algiers, it's a different quarter' I noticed. It was met with an amused snort from her.

'I remember your craving in the restroom, but I gotta wear something at your place, have my clothes and stuff' She explained, causing me to finally wake up and drop my jaw. Again? And wait, she was going to move in? 'Don't make this clueless Bambi face, you're not that innocent. Besides, you never know if someone won't break into your home, right?'

She had a point. She was so eager to do her new job. And yet her voice was so calming, almost like ethereal, low, a little bit raspy, very melodic. I swear if she kept talking and talking I would fall asleep. She should record some lullabies, she would win the whole world with that.

'Yes, right.'

She finally reached the destination, her house, which seemed... Gloomy. It was surrounded by trees, by now dark woods. The mansion was mostly in dark color, no lights turned on, so she was living alone there. All alone in this big house. I couldn't imagine how it would be like. My apartment was sometimes too big for me, for one person.

She passed through an automatically opened gate and she stopped right in front of the door, on the gravel driveway. I watched her quit and go towards the door until she stopped and turned to me.

'Feel invited, unless you want to get out of your bodyguard's sight' She said and I rolled my eyes. Is she showing off now? We were by the gate, on her terrain, but did it mean I was hundred percent safe? I guess she didn't want to risk. I got out and followed her inside, into an elegantly arranged interior, which in some places mixed with Victorian style. It was probably old and thoroughly renewed. How old was this mansion?

But now I stayed in the corridor, watching her go from room to room, packing her bags and placing them on the ground.

In all this mess I forgot to turn the sounds on in my phone. I could see the whole spam from Sarah, asking how I was feeling, cause she heard what happened. I explained to her I was better now and that Carmilla takes care of me.

Finally, she packed her most necessary stuff and took two bags to the car. I wanted to help her, taking one of them. Or at least by trying. It was so heavy it barely moved! What the hell did she have here?

Then she came back and took this bag as if it weighed nothing. I stood there with my mouth ajar, wondering how the hell she could have so much strength. She was pretty thin and didn't look like a weightlifter at all.

'What's up?' She asked.

'Nothing' I replied, not really willing to dive into details. The last bag weighed much less, so I took it to the car and then entered.

'This mansion is so gloomy. You live there on your own?' I asked.

'Kind of. I happen to have visitors, if they're beautiful enough' She explained, making my eyes open wide again. So she wasn't that long-distanced to the others? Or was it me not being beautiful enough? How the hell was she so easily bothered by an unsuccessful hug? Even if not, why would I care?

The rest of our way remained in silence until we reached my street and then we went inside, going by the elevator straight up to the thirteenth floor. There I entered the code of the lock. I decided to go with Korean solutions, no keys, just a code to the door.

'It's one, four, nine, two' I said to her. She just nodded, entering the place and looking around. She was now my bodyguard, she should have known that.

I went deeper, closing the door behind myself.

'So welcome to my humble abode. I'll prepare a bedroom for you' I said, putting my purse on the table.

'Are you sure no one's going to break into your bedroom?' She said with a playful smile and I rolled my eyes up.

'No way. I'm sure' I replied with an impatient sigh. Did she just suggest sleeping in one room? I bet she was simply joking. This would be way too far. I opened the guest room and I went to the wardrobe to take out the duvet and other stuff.

'Don't bother, it will work for me' She said, entering with her bags, including the heaviest one as if it wasn't heavy at all. How was it possible?

But if she preferred it this way, then fine. I showed her where is the bathroom, where is the kitchen, and where is my room if she needed something. My mother already wrote to me that I'm not allowed to come to work tomorrow, not giving me a slight chance to negotiate. I had no other option than to stay at home, at least tomorrow.

I could always work at home. It wouldn't conflict with her decision. I was just about to quit the room, but Carmilla said:

'Hey, how are you feeling now, cupcake?'

I turned to her, wondering what to reply. I was calmer than before, the first shock passed, and I processed what happened. And it was kind of her to ask that.

'Better. Thank you.'

After an hour, after a shower, I went straight to bed. Falling to sleep wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, I was too fatigued by this day. And this dream was different from any other. I woke up in my room, but it was different, darker than usual with no lights. I could hear something moving under my bed as if there was an animal under my bed. Shortly after I heard the crying of a girl, who was nowhere to be seen. Something moved by the frame of the bed, in the shape of a black, big cat, as if it sat there and kept watching me. The room felt so different, so strange as if it was circulating somehow. Hanging in the nothingness, surrounded by emptiness. With something like a black mass, that moment ago appeared to be a black cat. Or something like this. Then I felt something cold, like a stream going towards me, moistening me, the duvet, the pillows.

I opened my eyes and then closed them, getting used to the daylight going through the shutters. Five minutes before the alarm. I turned it off and yawned, allowing myself to lie for ten minutes more before I got up. And then I reminded myself of this crazy dream. What was that? It was still freaking me out. I didn't feel alone at that moment.

Finally, I collected myself and I went to the kitchen. If not for the wrappings on the table, I would be sure that Carmilla coming here was also a dream or that she hadn't gotten up yet. Oh, right, her. I still had a mystery to solve.

I ate my breakfast, made a morning coffee, and dressed casually into jeans and a t-shirt, planning to work, but from home. I could do that as an exception, I always preferred to work at the office, because of people, but now I had no other choice. Already had to explain to my mother, to my father, and Sarah, why I'm working now, even if from home. After an hour of doing projects and merging the information from the departments, I decided to take a short break. Again I thought of what I got to know or see. The car door, the gunshot, the blood-like protein substance, the dream first night Carmilla was in my apartment, the super strength...

Was she a vampire? No, this sounded absurd.

But then how do I explain all this? Add garlic to her potion? Get bitten if I was right?

I needed more information. I should have done the research, I was supposed to do that earlier.

I googled her and started looking for more and more, for anything related to both „Carmilla" or „Karnstein". There wasn't much about her, one or two photos, apparently, she avoided cameras. But the more I tried to dig, the more related things I could find. Even a mention of Austrian countess, Mircalla Karnstein. Well, she had a fine bloodline, couldn't argue with that.

I got up to make myself another coffee. I was a caffeine addict, so my day never ended on one coffee. I kept thinking about it, until I heard someone ring to the door and I raised my eyebrow. Before I made a step, Carmilla stormed out of her room and opened them.

'And who the hell are you?' She asked immediately.

'Well, I'm Louis, Leticia's... Friend' The newcomer explained and I recognized this voice immediately. I came up to the door, looking at him in surprise.

'What are you doing here? I thought you were in Portland' I asked. Carmilla took a step back, when I confirmed I really know him, but still looked at him with suspicion. 'Come in. I'll make a coffee.'

The girl glanced at me as if she wasn't sure it was a good idea to let him in. Despite the fact he was my ex, I trusted him. Our ways parted a year ago after he moved to Portland, which was at the other end of the US.

I went to the living room, where I started making the coffee for him.

'The same one as always?' I asked.

'Yes, no sugar, no milk' He replied, coming in and Carmilla came right after him, to the kitchenette. I took a seat with him, with both our coffees by the table. I moved the laptop slowly aside, to keep my eye on the work. I could allow myself a conversation, I was almost done with my tasks, and now I only needed to monitor some things.

'Excuse me the laptop, but I work from home today'

'It's no problem for me. I remember how workaholic you are' He chuckled, causing me to sigh in amusement. 'We were a couple for two years, I know you well, I think.'

A sudden bang of something dropped startled me. I looked at the kitchenette and Carmilla.

'Sorry, slippery hands' She muttered without much care in her voice.

I moved my eyes back to Louis.

'So what made you come all the way here?' I asked, genuinely curious.

'Well... I was finishing the project, you know, the one for which I had to move there. I heard about what happened and you know, I decided to come back. Also, I missed you every day since I moved there' He explained. I was just about to reply, but then a choking sound came from Carmilla.

'Everything alright?' I looked back at her with concern.

'Yeah, sorry, I suddenly felt nauseous' She waved her hand and got back to do whatever she was doing there. Apart from drinking her creepy „soy milk".

I moved my eyes back to Louis, who for a moment stared at Carmilla with a frown.

'So you're back here now? Staying in New Orleans now?'

'Yes. I came yesterday and when I heard today from Susan what happened, I just needed to come here.'

Oh, right, Susan. The receptionist. She always heard the freshest news and she used to inform him many times about the office's social life.

'I also wondered if we could have one chance more since I am back here. We were really a nice couple' He said, for a moment losing his confidence. Then another choking sound and we both looked at the kitchenette.

'Sorry, I drank too much at once' Karnstein explained herself but didn't really look like feeling guilty.

'And... Who is she?' Louis asked, I could already tell he felt suspicious about her.

'It's Carmilla, the owner of Lethally Artful Specialties, my new business partner and now a bodyguard' I explained, causing him to raise his eyebrow in surprise.

'Oh, right, Susan mentioned to me Carmilla is your girlfriend. I should've thought it's her at the beginning'

My jaw dropped open. Obviously, Sarah was almost yelling it the first day Karnstein came to the office and the other girl didn't even bother to negate it. I could have expected that the whole office actually thinks we're a couple!

'You're red like a tomato, cupcake' I heard her, speaking again in this alluring, low tone. My mind went blank immediately, like a factory reset in my brain. I should have straightened it all, just like I should have done at the office, but all I could think now was to switch the subject.

She came to us, putting some gingerbread on the table. Our eyes met and when I saw her brown eyes, I was even more screwed. Yet her perfumes. Like a combo, a wrecking ball, designed to unmake the wall.

How could she have such an effect on me?

I needed a long moment, before I collected myself and my tormented brain switched the track to anything else.

'So you're still employed in the company you moved to a year ago or you're here?' I finally asked. With the corner of my eye, I could notice Carmilla had fun. She did it on purpose, I freaking knew it.

'I quit. Portland was nice, but I prefer being here. You know, family, you, friends... It feels like being back at home when I'm here' He smiled.

'You even still remembered the code to this building' I noticed.

'Yes, even the guard greeted me and asked me where I had been' He chuckled.

After half an hour he left and also Carmilla came back to „her" room, leaving me alone in the living room, with racing thoughts. Why did she act like this? What the hell was Louis thinking? It was a year before, the relationship got beaten by the distance and a lot of time passed, how could he think of being a couple again?

I answered one of the reports before my thoughts flooded me again. I switched the tab back to Mircalla, curious what she looked like and when I found the image of an old photograph of her, I froze. If she had her hair loose, a bit more make-up like Carmilla usually had, other clothes... It was impossible. She lived more over three hundred years, born in 1680, it was impossible. It couldn't be Carmilla. But would they look exactly the same? Even the expression of their eyes was the same.

And also another mention of „Millarca Karnstein", but without any photo. Add to this case that she kicked out the door despite the water pressure (even without the pressure it wouldn't be that easy), her protein supplement that looked just like blood, getting shot and not having at least a scratch, the super strength... I never saw her eating normal food, despite all these moments when she was helping herself with my cookies or especially cupcakes. Eating like this she would die of hunger long before. I looked back at the laptop's screen and then it struck me like a thunder.




It was all the time the same name, just its letters were put in a different order.

She was a vampire.

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