Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney X...

By AllisonLange

558 16 2

This is the story of Ryan Kagura, a brand new defense attorney who joins Wright & Co. Law Offices during a ca... More

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Male Oc Info
Case 1: Turnabout Samurai Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 2
Turnabout Samurai Part 3
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 4
Turnabout Samurai part 5
Turnabout Samurai part 6
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2
Turnabout Samurai Final Part
Turnabout Samurai Final Trial Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Final Part 2
Case 2: Turnabout Goodbyes Part 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 2
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 3
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 4
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 5
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 6
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 2

Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2

12 0 0
By AllisonLange

October 19, 9:42 AM 
District Court 
Defendant Lobby No. 1 

It was the morning of the second day of the trial of Will Powers, as Phoenix was getting himself ready for another day in court while Ryan was getting all the papers organized as Will Powers approached them in silence. 

Will: … … Umm… Mr. Wright? 

Phoenix: Yes? 

Will: Why do you look so… unhappy? 

Phoenix: O-oh! Oh, nothing! Eh heh heh. Really, it’s nothing. Right, Mia? 

She asked Mia, who was still channeled in Maya’s body, as he noticed how she looked unhappy about something. 

Phoenix: ‘Uh oh. She looks even unhappier…’ 

Mia: Phoenix. Ryan. 

Ryan: Y-yes! What is it? 

He shouted still in fear of seeing Phoenix’s dead mentor speaking to him as he accidentally dropped some papers on the floor as he quickly bent down to retrieve them as she turned to Phoenix. 

Mia: Your client is now practically a dead man walking… Perhaps that’s why I feel particularly close to him. 

Phoenix: This is no time for dead-people jokes, please. And can you stop scaring Ryan, he’s still getting used to you being here. 

Mia: You know we’re going into the trial utterly defenseless. Yet, if Mr. Powers is truly innocent… We should be able to find something overlooked in the evidence to prove it. 

Phoenix: Something “overlooked”...? 

Mia: We have to find something, Phoenix, Ryan, today. It’s that, or lose the trial. 

Phoenix: ‘This isn’t going to be easy.’ 

He thought before he, Ryan and Mia entered the courtroom for the second day of the trial of Will Powers as the Judge slammed down his gavel signaling the start of the trial. 

October 19, 10:00 AM
District Court
Courtroom No. 4

Judge: The court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Will Powers. 

Edgeworth: The prosecution is ready, Your Honor. 

Phoenix: The defense is ready, Your Honor. 

Judge: Very well. Mr. Edgeworth, your opening statement, please. 

Edgeworth: An unexpected fact has come to the attention of the court. Yesterday, we learned that there were other people present at the studios! Today, I would like to show evidence proving they had nothing to do with the murder. 

Judge: Very well. You may call your first witness, Mr. Edgeworth. 

Phoenix: ‘I wonder if that producer is going to come out…’ 

Edgeworth: The prosecution calls Mr. Sal Manella to the stand. 

Phoenix: ‘... or that director.’ 

He thought while Manella walked up to the stand as his face was covered with sweat as Edgworth tried not to sigh as he spoke. 

Edgeworth: Will the witness state his name and profession? 

Manella: … How r00d can j00 get! J00 don’t know ME!? I’m the director! I make the Steel Samurai, n00b! ROFL! 

Edgeworth: … *glares* 

Manella: S…Sal Manella. I’m a director. Television. 

Judge: Were you at Global Studios on the day of the murder? 

Manella: Y-yes, Your Honor. 

Judge: Hmm… Very well. Please testify to the court about the events of that day. 

Mia: Phoenix. Ryan. Let’s start by picking this testimony apart. If Powers is innocent, you know what that means. Someone in the trailer on that day did it! 

Phoenix: R-right. ‘She doesn’t waste any time putting on the pressure!’ 

Ryan: Y-yes ma’am! 

Witness Testimony 
-The day of the Murder- 

Manella: I was at the studios from around 9:00 that morning. During the morning, I was doing… umm… an action scene run-through. It took a lot more time than I thought it would. I hear that everyone else ate lunch in the Employee Area… But I had a meeting in the Studio Two trailer, so I ended up skipping lunch. We were in the meeting until around 4:00…During the meeting, well, I’m pretty sure no one left their chairs. That’s about it.  

Judge: Hmm… The time of Mr. Hammer’s death was 2:30 PM. And according to your testimony, you were in a meeting at that time. Mr. Wright, you may begin your cross-examination. 

Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. 

Cross Examination

Manella retold his testimony, and once he spoke about having a meeting in Studio Two’s trailer and Phoenix decided to press him on that. 

Phoenix: So, in the end, you didn’t get to eat? 

Manella: Yeah. No steak, at least! Can j00 believe it? 

Phoenix: That must have been tough. 

Mia: Phoenix. Ryan. 

Phoenix: Yeah? 

Ryan: Yes? 

Mia: Doesn’t something about that seem odd to you two? 

She whispered to the two as they nodded, agreeing that there was something very odd with that statement Manella said about not being able to eat lunch. 

Phoenix: Yeah, it does seem odd, now that you mention it. Mr. Manella!

Manella: H-hmm? W-what do j00 mean? *sweats* 

Phoenix: When we went to that trailer, I saw something on the table. There were two plates on the table- - the same kind of plates as in the Employee Area. Who ate lunch there?

Manella: M-mmpf! No, er, ah, im, eh heh. Good call! *sweats* I, er, I was embarrassed so I didn’t mention it… But I did eat, after all. 

Phoenix: A t-bone steak, you mean? 

Manella: Yeah, well, I mean the assistant went through all that trouble… I brought it to the trailer, thinking I could eat it later. 

Phoenix: ‘Clearly, a man who likes to eat, I’d suspected as much…’ So, when exactly did you eat it? 

Manella: We took one break during that meeting. I, er, wolfed it down then. *drool* 

Phoenix: ‘A mental image I will carry with me to my grave… Wait a second…! If they took a break in that meeting, that contradicts his testimony! I’ll press on that one a bit more…’ 

He thought as Manella continued retelling his testimony and once the director mentioned that no one left their chairs at all during the meeting, Phoenix pressed him more on it. 

Phoenix: Hold it! You didn’t take a single break? 

Manella: Er… Well… Y-yeah! Not a one! *sweats* 

Phoenix: ‘Hmm… what’s he sweating so much about, I wonder? If only I had an idea… Wait a second… Maybe I do have an idea!’ 

He thought as he glanced at Ryan who nodded knowing what he needed to keep pressing on that the meeting did have a break, as Ryan nodded as he slammed his hands on the table loud. 

Phoenix: Wait a second! Mr. Manella, you’ve just contradicted yourself! Didn’t you just tell the court that you ate that t-bone steak during a break? 

Manella: Oops! ROFL! 

Phoenix: Well? 

Manella: Umm… 

Judge: Mr. Manella, what’s this all about? 

Manella: W-well, yeah, I guess we did take a little break. 

Mia: Phoenix! Ryan! Great job! If they took a break, one of them could have gone to the studio during that time! 

Phoenix: Your Honor! I call on the witness to testify to the court about this break! 

Judge: Very well. Mr. Manella, your testimony, please. 

Manella: Urk! 

Edgeworth: Heh heh heh… 

Phoenix: ‘Uh oh, Edgeworth is laughing…’ 

Witness Testimony 
-The Break- - 

Manella: Yeah, FWIW, we took a break… ROFL! But it was only 15 minutes! 15! That’s only 13 in Base 12! Not enough time for someone to, say, commit murder in Studio One! That’s only just enough time to eat a t-bone steak, if you ask me! *steams* 

Judge: Hmm… I don’t think it would even be enough time for that, but that’s just me. Very well. You may begin the cross-examination. 

Cross Examination

Manella retold his testimony about the break as he mentioned that they took a break as Phoenix decided to press him more on it. 

Phoenix: Hold it! What time exactly did you take this break? 

Manella: Hmm… I’d say it was from around 2:30 or so until 2:45. 

Phoenix: ‘2:30!! That’s the time of death! So he could have gone to Studio One, killed Hammer, and come back… I guess it’s possible time-wise…’ 

Edgeworth: … 

Phoenix thought while Edgeworth glared at him as Manella went back retelling his testimony as he mentioned that the break was only 15 minutes long, Phoenix decided to press more on it. 

Phoenix: Hold it! What were you doing for those 15 minutes? 

Manella: Eating my t-bone steak! What else!? 

Phoenix: There were two plates on the trailer table…? 

Manella; Oh, right. The other one was Diva’s… sorry, Dee Vasquez’s plate. 

Phoenix: ‘Dee Vasquez… the producer.’ 

Edgeworth: To eat a t-bone steak in 15 minutes… that’s quite a feat. 

He mumbled, while crossing his arms. Manella went back to retelling his testimony as he mentioned that it wouldn’t be enough time to commit murder as Phoenix decided to press him more on it. 

Phoenix: Hold it! Why is that? 

Edgeworth: Objection! Haven’t we had enough of this pointless line of questioning? Your Honor! The testimony to this point has made one certain fact painfully clear: The people in the trailer had nothing to do with this murder! It was impossible for any of them to go to Studio One! 

Phoenix: What!? 

Edgeworth: Something wrong, Mr. Wright? Surely you aren’t suggesting one of the people in the trailer went to Studio One! 

Judge: Hmm… Well, Mr. Wright? 

Mia: Phoenix, this is critical! Think about it before you give your answer!

Judge: Do you claim someone from the trailer went to Studio One?  

He asked as Phoenix thought more on his answer that he doesn’t claim it was any of the people from the trailer left. 

Phoenix: ‘I don’t want to write off so many possible suspects… But I can’t keep claiming the impossible, either…’ I agree that it was impossible for anyone in the trailer to go to the studio in that time. 

Edgeworth: Ha hah! I thought you might be thoughtlessly treading on thin ice again! But I see you had at least an inkling of the truth. 

Judge: What do you mean, Mr. Edgeworth? 

Edgeworth: It’s quite simple… True, the break in the trailer meeting came right at the time of death… However! The path from there to the scene of the crime was blocked! The fallen Mrs. Monkey head barred the way! At around 2:15, a strong gust of wind knocked off the studio mascot’s head. Ergo! When the people in the trailer took a break at 2:30, the way to the studio was blocked. Blocked… by Mrs. Monkey’s served head! 

Phoenix: …. 

Ryan: … 

Phoenix: ‘It’s actually “Mr. Monkey,” but Edgeworth has a point… And somehow I feel no desire to correct him.’ 

Edgeworth: I believe we have seen enough evidence. *bows* I would like to relive Mr. Manella from the stand. 

Phoenix: ‘Wh-what? It’s over?’ 

He thought while freaking out over Edgeworth ending the question on Manella as the gallery burst into loud whispers and the Judge slammed down his gavel, silencing everyone. 

Judge: Very well. The court’s opinion on this case is as follows: We have found that there were several other people in Studio 2 on the day of the murder. However, it is also clear that none of these people could have gone to Studio One. They therefore have no relation to this case. Furthermore, with regards to the photo of the Steel Samurai… Given the size of the costume, no one other than Mr. Powers could have worn it that day. All that is lacking is decisive evidence that he is the one who did it. If we had that, I’m afraid I would have to find Mr. Powers guilty. 

Edgeworth: Your Honor. The prosecution is pleased to announce that we indeed have decisive evidence: a witness. 

He announced smugly as that caused the gallery to burst in whispers again and the Judge slammed down his gavel, silencing everyone as he stared at him in surprise. 

Judge: Who is this witness, Mr. Edgeworth? 

Edgeworth: My witness saw the very moment when the Steel Samurai skewered the victim! 

He said as that caused the gallery to burst back into whispers again and the Judge slammed down his gavel, silencing everyone. 

Judge: Order! I will have order! I see. The court will take a 10 minute recess, after which we will hear your witness. Court is adjourned for recess! 

He announced as he slammed down his gavel, starting the ten minute recess, as everyone filed out of the courtroom. 

October 19, 11:04 AM
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 1

Mia: … 

Phoenix: What do we do now, Mia? 

He asked his dead mentor as she was silent thinking as he and Ryan entered the room. 

Ryan: If everyone in that trailer has an alibi… 

Mia: …. I’m sorry, Phoenix, Ryan. I guess I was wrong. 

Phoenix: M-Mia! Don’t tell me you’re giving up! If you give uo, what hope do we have…? 

Mia: … Don’t get me wrong. I’ve never given up on a trail before, not while there was a chance. Only one thing became clear in your cross-examination. The people in the trailer could not have gone to Studio One. I thought there was more to it than that… But I was wrong. That’s all there is. 

Will: Umm… 

He said as he approached the three as he was still afraid of how the trial was going. 

Will: Er… What’s going to happen to me? It kinda seems like everyone in that courtroom thinks I did it… They think I’m a murderer! 

Mia: Don’t worry, Mr. Powers. If you are innocent, we will prove it. I guarantee it. Leave it to us, and… be yourself. Be strong. You are the Steel Samurai, hero to children everywhere, after all.

WIll: I…  You… Thanks. *sniff* 

Mia: Okay, Phoenix, Ryan. This one’s for the kids! Let’s do it! 

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