The Female Musketeer

By DarcyArnott

3.2K 88 6

Daria La Vielle was just a farm girl. The Three musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis were just soldiers. But... More

Chapter 1 | La Maladie
Chapter 2 | L'au Revoir
Chapter 3 | La Mort D'un Père
Chapter 4 | Un Enterrement
Chapter 6 | Route Des Voleurs
Chapter 7 | La Nouvelle Patrie
Chapter 8 | Règles
Chapter 9 | Le Premier Mousquetaire
Chapter 10 | Le Deuxième Mousquetaire
Chapter 11 | Le Troisième Mousquetaire
Chapter 12 | Ma Garde Rouge
Chapter 13 | Un Plan Bien Préparé
Chapter 14 | La Garnison
Chapter 15 | La Femme Combattante
Chapter 16 | Une Rencontre
Chapter 17 | la Garde Rouge Jalouse
Chapter 18 | Le Dîner Catastrophe
Chapter 19 | Le Cadavre
Chapter 20 | Séparer La Famille
Chapter 21 | Le Seigneur Sans Nom
Chapter 22 | Rubans Et Haches
Chapter 23 | L'avis Des Rois
Chapter 24 | La Piste Et Le Procès
Chapter 25 | Jour D'Entrainement
Chapter 26 | Au Revoir Mon Amoureux
Chapter 27 | Une Grande Préoccupation
Chapter 28 | Les Vicomtes S'Inquiètent
Chapter 29 | Une Leçon Apprise Non Enseignée
Chapter 30 | Ainsi Commence L'Histoire
Chapter 31 | La Tentative Meurtrière
Chapter 32 | Enfin Chez-Soi
Chapter 33 | La Lettre Des Seigneurs
Chapter 34 | Mon Amie La Reine
Chapter 35 | Tuer Ou Être Tué
Chapter 36 | les Imbéciles Dansent
Chapter 37 | Un Cadeau D'un "Ami"
Chapter 38 | Le Mousquetaire Dansant
Chapter 39 | En Route Pour Le Bal
Chapter 40 | Introduction Par Effraction
Chapter 41 | Nouveaux Indices
Chapter 42 | Un Affrontement
Chapter 43 | Chat Effrayant
Chapter 44 | Dans L'Obscurité De La Nuit
Chapter 45 | Bisou Bisou
Chapter 46 | Mener Une Bataille Perdue
Chapter 47 | J'aime Te Détester
Chapter 48 | Bonjour Mes Amis
Chapter 49 | l'ultimatum
Chapter 50 | Tuer Ou Ne Pas Tuer
Chapter 51 | Le Retour En Arrière
Chapter 52 | Nous Tombons Tous

Chapter 5 | Adieu mon enfance

117 3 0
By DarcyArnott

Lupiac, France - Spring 1628

Two weeks after the letter is sent, we receive a reply.
I read it out loud to Charles from my spot on the couch as he paces the living room.

"My dearest niece, I am sincerely sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers. I've talked with my husband, and we have decided that it would be quite reasonable that you and your Brother Charles come stay with us. We will prepare for your Arrival, please send word with when that may be. "

Charles finally stops pacing.

"Then I suppose it's settled. We will pack what we need and rent a coach to take us to Paris. Atleast we'll have Frederick to keep us company." He claps his hands together and head off to pack.

Frederick. His name became more hallow to me with each mention of him. His perfect smile was so far.

I missed my Father, and with Charles focused on selling what we can, but even when he is home he is distant. I go to my room and begin packing my few belonging and when I finish I slip on my Fathers ring. One of the few items I had to remember him by. I had to beg Charles to keep it but it was worth it. The last thing I grab is my father's sheathed sword. I haven't practiced with a sword since before father got sick. Months of denying myself my one joy. I drop my bags on the table and head outside. My black dress was a bit big in the skirt but it didn't stop me from tracing my practiced steps. I take out my sword, feeling the weight of it in my hand. I place it in front of me and step for step, swing it in fluid motions. My Fathers words echoing in my ear

"To be a good swordsman is not to be only stronger, it's to be aware. Your senses are what's gonna win the fight. You have to be ok with looking danger in the face and using everything you have learned and know to find their weakness."

He always trained us so thouroghly you may think he was raising two soldiers, not children. Charles lost a lot of interest in the prospect of being a swordsman as he grew up. He really shined to working on the Farm, and while I was content, I cannot deny I have wondered greatly what the world might hold for me outside Lupiac.

I spend the next hour practicing, getting lost in the thrill of fighting off an imaginary rival. Sweat forms on my brow and the spring air warms, so I decide to finally rest. When I put away my sword, I turn to see Charles sitting on the steps of our door. He smiles and claps "well done sister, you have vanquished yet another non existent beast. You have saved our village ones again."

I laugh and bow "thank me not dear brother, for it is what I do. Call me DragonSlayer if you will but I am only a swordsman."

"So DragonSlayer, what does your next adventure entail?"

I take a seat beside him "I am afraid this quest was my last, for I am to leave this fine village."

"Will Paris not need such an asset as a skilled fighter?"

"Paris has plenty of Soliders and Men willing to fight. Things will have to be different. I will have to be different."

He jokes "You Daria? Domestic?"

"I'm serious. I'm to be a wife, the wife of a solider."

The mood between us darkens as reality kicks in.

I sigh "Everything will be different there you know? We will not be able to be as we are here. I will not have the same freedoms."

"If it's any comfort, I will always only see your merits. You may be a Woman, but that shouldn't be considered a fault."

"If only the world thought as you do. But I suppose it doesn't matter. When I marry Frederick, he will own me."

He shakes his head "He will never own you, no man ever will. I know my sister, she is not a posession. As long as i live Daria, I will fight not for you but along side you. No matter the occasion, I will rise to it."

I smile "and I for you."

We both spend the next few minutes taking in our now vacant home and land. Memories we will cherish, some we may wish to forget but never will and most importantly the life we had with Father.

We are the Daughter and Son of Alexandre La Vielle. We are the Children of a retired Captain in the 4th Regiment in the Kings Army. He taught us everything he knew, and we learned everything we could.

But we are no longer children. I have to wake up now. No more Dragon slaying, or rescuing gentlemen in distress. I am to be a Wife, it is my only chance at a civil life. A safe life.

But is that what I want? Safety? It sound so boring and shallow. But the fear of further loneliness outweighed the thoughts of more.

So farewell my Home, though you may change location for me your sentiment will always bring comforts.

There are worst places for a childhood to die.

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