Roma Stillinski- Teen Wolf fa...

By BuckysDoll24

94.5K 2.3K 691

A teen wolf fanfic where Stiles has a twin sister called Roma Stillinski who is quite shy and very smart. She... More

📖Intro to the book📖
⚛️The book S1 Aesthetics⚛️
🎶Part One-Season One🎶
🪭S1.Pilot Part One🪭
⌚️S1.Pilot part three⌚️
🏵S1. Second chance at 1st Line🏵
⌚️S1. 2nd chance at 1st line P2⌚️
💥S1. Pack Mentality Part 1💥
🐺S1.Pack Mentality Part 2🐺
🚥S1. Magic Bullet Part 1🚥
🚥S1. Magic Bullet Part 2🚥
🎠S1. The Tell Part 1🎠
🎠S1. The Tell Part 2🎠
📝Author Note📝
♦️S1.Heart Monitor Part 1♦️
♦️S1.Heart Monitor Part 2♦️
💱S1. Night School Part 1💱
💱S1. Night School Part 2💱
🕵‍♀️S1. Lunatic Part 1🕵‍♀️
🕵‍♀️S1.Lunatic Part 2🕵‍♀️
✴️S1.Wolfbane Part 1✴️
✴️S1.Wolfbane Part 2✴️
🧁S1.Co-Captain Part 1🧁
🧁S1.Co-Captain Part 2🧁
♾️S1. Formality Part 1♾️
♾️S1. Formality Part 2♾️
➕️S1.CodeBreaker Part One➕️
➕️S1.CodeBreaker Part 2➕️
💠Season Two Aesthetics💠
💮Part Two-Season Two💮
🐨S2. Omega Part One🐨
🦁S2. Omega Part Two🦁
🌫S2. Shape Shifted Part 1🌫
🐲S2. Shape Shifted Part 2🐲
‼️New Ocs Alert‼️
🪸S2. Ice Pick Part 1🪸
🪐S2. Ice Pick Part 2🪐
🪢S2.Abomination Part 1🪢
👥️S2.Abomination Part 2👥️
🎖S2.Venomous Part 1🎖
🎖S2.Venomous Part 2🎖
📷S2. Frenemy Part 1📷
📸S2. Frenemy Part 2📸
🩰S2.Restraint Part 1🩰
🔗S2.Restraint Part 2🔗
🎙S2.Raving Part 1🎙
🎶S2.Raving Part 2🎶
🪔S2.Party Guessed Part 1🪔
🕯S2.Party Guessed Part 2🕯
⚜️S2.Fury Part 1⚜️
🔯S2.Fury Part 2🔯
♓️S2.Battlefield Part 1♓️
🦋S2.Battlefield Part 2🦋
🦊S2. Master Plan Part 1🦊
🐱S2. Master Plan Part 2🐱
🦋The Whole S3 Aesthetics🦋
🌺Two Months Of Summer🌺
📸Part Three-Season Three A📸
🪸Roma Supernatural Side🪸
🪡S3A.Tattoo P1🪡
🪬S3A.Tattoo P2🪬
🎑S3A.Chaos Rising P1🎑
🎎S3A.Chaos Rising P2🎎
⚖️S3A.Fireflies P1⚖️
🎆S3A.Fireflies P2🎆
🧸S3A.Unleashed P1🧸
♨️S3A.Unleashed P2♨️
☀️S3A.Frayed P1☀️
❄️S3A. Frayed P2❄️
❗️New Oc Introduction❗️
🏨S3A.Motel California P1🏨
☝️S3A.Motel California P2☝️
🦚S3A.Currents P1🦚

🐺S1. Pilot-Part Two🐺

2.7K 56 32
By BuckysDoll24

We all headed to our English class and I sat on the far side left away from Stiles and Scott because the teacher was a prick and hated our guts like most teachers around this school.

"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night. And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester" the teacher says.

Scott looked at me and then Stiles like we knew about the suspect we just shrugged our shoulders at him.

I put my headphones away and left my beanie on as I don't take it off ever. I saw Scott looking around like he was hearing something and then a new girl came in with the vice principal.

"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." The vice principal says introducing her to us.

She thanked the teacher and sat behind Scott. He gave her a pen and she looked at him like how did you know I needed a pen type of look and gave him and smile.


I was at my locker which happened to be near the new girl's locker. "Hi I'm Allison Argent, I'm new here," Allison said with a smile and her hand out.

"Roma and welcome to Beacon Hills," I said with a shy smile and shook her hand.

I spotted Lydia making her way over and I put my cat headphones on and ignored the conversation as Lydia doesn't like me and her boyfriend is worse.

I felt a tap on my shoulder not ten minutes afterward and I looked it was Allison. "Yes?" I said."Will you come with us to the field?" Allison asked politely.

"Yeah I got to go there anyways my brother and best mate are on the lacrosse team too," I tell her with a smile.

Lydia practically drags Allison and I trail behind them. Jackson spotted me and smiled at me. Weird?

I went to the locker room first and saw Stiles and Scott. I waved them over. They both quickly ran over to me before Coach came into the locker room.

"Good luck boys!" I tell them giving them both kisses on the cheek.

"Thanks, Roma!" They shout before running off to the field.


I headed to the field and saw the lads running out to the field. Allison waved me over to her, I walked up and Lydia was smiling at me but I could tell she was being fake.

"So Roma who do you know on the field?" Allison asked.

"Number 24 is my twin brother Stiles and number 11 is my brother's best friend, Scott Mccall," I tell her looking out.

"Oh, that's good," Allison says sounding happy.

We saw Scott in goal and I heard Allison ask Lydia something.

"Who's that?" Allison asked pointing at Scott not realizing that he wearing number eleven.

"Him? Not sure why?" Lydia says shrugging her shoulders.

"He's in my English class," Allison says.

"The person in goal is Scott McCall my best friend? I did say number 11 is Scott." I tell Allison who makes an oh facial expression.

We watched the rest of the practice in silence as it got awkward quickly.


Me, Scott, and Stiles head back to the woods as Scott lost his inhaler last night because a bunch of stags came running and knocked him over causing him to drop the inhaler.

"I don't - I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I - I can - hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things. " Scott says as we walk.

"Smell things? Like what?" Stiles asked

"Like the mint-mojito gum in your pocket and Roma's cherry lip balm

"I don't even have any mint - mojito -" Stiles trails off as pulling out a stick of gum.

"Wait I have that lip balm right now! How did you know that?" I asked him.

Scott raises his arms as if to say what did I tell you.

"So all this started with a bite," Stiles said voicing our thoughts.

"What if it's like an infection, like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?" Scott says.

"You know what? I think I've heard of this - It's a specific kind of infection." Stiles says deciding to the mick out of Scott.

"Are you serious?" Scott says panicked

"Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called - lycanthropy." Stiles says with a cheeky grin.

"What's that? Is that bad? Scott asked sounding worried.

"Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month." Stiles says.

"Once a month?" Scott questions.

"Yeah like a period!" I state deciding to join in.

Both lads just look at me like they grew two heads.

"What? Women have a period once a month like Scott infection." I said winking at Stiles.

"Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon." Stiles says and looks at me.

We both howl mockingly and Scott catches onto the joke and shoves Stiles and lightly nudges me.

"Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling," Stiles says with a smile.

"Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me," Scott says worried.

"I know! You're a werewolf! Rrr! Okay, I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's cause Friday's a full moon." Stiles says jokingly.

"No, I - I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler." Scott informs us.

"Maybe the killer moved the body," I said lightly touching his shoulders.

"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks." Scott states.

I looked around and saw a man with a leather jacket piercing green eyes a clean-shaved face and a broody look. He looked at me and I could have sworn his eyes flashed blue at me.

I tapped Scott and Stiles and pointed my finger in the broody man's direction and they both turned and looked and shot up.

Scott pulled me behind him and stood protectively in front of me. I saw the man look at Scott like how dare you touch what's mine type of look.

"What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property." The man said coming at us.

"Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know," Stiles says fumbling over his words.

"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but - Uh, forget it," Scott says but trails off when he sees the look on the man's face.

"No we aren't forgetting it, Excuse me sir but have you seen his inhaler around?" I asked.

The man nods at me, goes into his jacket pocket, and throws Scott his inhaler which he catches with ease. The man turns around and leaves without saying a word.

"Thanks!" I shouted.

"All right, come on, I got to get to work," Scott says pulling me along.

"Dude, that was Derek Hale. You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us." Stiles tells Scott.

"Remember what?" Scott asked.

"His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago." I tell Scott with sympathy for Derek.

"I wonder what he's doing back," Scott asked no one in particular.

"Come on!" Stiles tells the pair of us.

After we dropped Scott off at home, Stiles was being his usual self so I decided to grab my artbook and head to my spot in the woods which is on the tree stump.

I do draw a lot of things but of late I've been drawing dark artwork lately. I sit on the tree stump listening to music and watching nature go by.  I looked around and I saw Derek Hale walking towards me.

"What are you going back here?" Derek asks me." Drawing, what do you think I'm doing?" I sassed with a smile making him smirk." I see that, I meant what you are doing here? When you could be doing that at home," Derek says with a smile.

"I always come here this is my spot," I said with a soft smile." Come and sit by me if you like?" I offered. Derek nods and sits with me," So what brings you home?" I asked with a knowing smile.

"My sister, came home six weeks ago and I never heard from her again," Derek says softly."Oh is she the one the police were looking for the other night?" I asked softly.

Derek's head went down and he nodded slowly, "Yes something or someone killed her and now I'm looking for them," Derek said softly."You mean the alpha right?" I said looking at him to which Derek turned around and looked at me.

"What? I read. Plus it's not hard to connect the dots, your eyes flashed blue briefly, my best mate got bit by a wolf but there are no wolves around here and I know alphas can turn people into werewolves so whoever the alpha is killed your sister for her powers," I tell him with a soft smile." Let me know if I'm wrong," I softly chuckled after seeing the look on his face.

"You're right, my sister got ripped to pieces by the alpha and now I'm looking for him, "Derek nods."I'm sorry for your loss, I can't imagine the loss you have suffered," I said softly touching his shoulder. " Thank you, May I offer you a ride home?" Derek offers." That would be lovely thank you," I said with a soft smile.

Derek led me to his car and I stopped walking and admired his car.

"What?" He said noticing I stopped and was looking at his car in awe.

"Your car, I love it!" I said with a massive smile.

"Glad you like it! Not many people do!" Derek says with a proud smile.

"Not many people have taste and you sir are my new best friend!" I said with a cheeky grin.

"Come on, let's get you home!" Derek says chuckling at me.

"I'm Roma Stilinski by the way," I said introducing myself.

"Derek Hale. Nice to meet you, Roma." Derek said back

He drove me home with my directions."Derek, do you want my number? So we can talk? If you ever need a friend?" I asked softly.

"Sure." He says and we exchange numbers and I head in waving goodbye to Derek. I got into my room put my artwork away and headed to bed.

I was on the bleachers waiting for Stiles and Scott to come onto the field and I overheard their conversation.

"Scott! Scott, wait up." Stiles says running after Scott.

"Stiles, I'm playing the first elimination, man - Can it wait?" Scott said feeling impatient.

"Just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone. The fibre analysis came back from the lab in L.A. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!" Stiles rambles out.

"Stiles, I got to go." Scott got restless

"Wait, no! Scott! You're not going to believe what the animal was! It was a wolf." Stiles trails off as Scott walks off.

"So it was a wolf he heard then?" I said making Stiles jump.

"Yep, and it makes sense now why he can play without his inhaler and why he can smell and hear things," Stiles says as we watch the elimination game.

We see Scott making an awesome shot and him getting the first line and I clapped in support.
Stiles drove me and him home like a crack man and I headed to my room when I got a text from Derek Hale.

From Derek 🐺
Are you going to a party tonight?

To Derek🐺
No? Are you?

From Derek 🐺
Why not?

To Derek🐺
Because I don't do parties and I'm not going to a party with drunk boys

From Derek 🐺
I'm going if you want to come with me.

To Derek 🐺
Fine, I'll come but only if you pick me up.

From Derek 🐺
Deal! See you in an hour.

To Derek 🐺
See you in an hour.

I head into Stiles's room where I see Scott has turned up.

"You got to see this thing. I've been up all night reading - websites, and books. All this information." Stiles tells Scott.

"How much Adderall have you had today?" Scott asks with a smile on his face.

"A lot. Doesn't matter. Okay, just listen." Stiles says waving him off.

"Oh, is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?" Scott wonders.

"No, they're still questioning people, even Derek Hale." Stiles mentions

"Why Derek?" I asked

"Because he lives in the woods duh?" Stiles says to me.

"Oh, the guy in the woods that we saw the other day," Scott says.

Yeah! Yes. But that's not it, okay?" Stiles said.

"What, then?" Scott said bored.

"Remember the joke from the other day? Not a joke anymore. " Stiles says

"Are you seriously going on about it?" I said knowing where this conversation was going.

"Yep!" Stiles tells me before continuing his conversation.

"The wolf - the bite in the woods. I started doing all this reading. Do you even know why a wolf howls?" Stiles looks at Scott.

"Should I?" Scott shrugged his shoulders.

"It's a signal, okay? When a wolf's alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. So if you heard a wolf howling, that means others could have been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of 'me." Stiles declares

"A whole pack of wolves?" Scott queries

"No - Werewolves," Stiles states.

"Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour." Scott remarks whilst getting annoyed.

"I saw you on the field today, Scott. Okay, what you did wasn't just amazing, all right? It was impossible." Stiles implies

"Yeah, so I made a good shot," Scott announced whilst getting aggravated.

"No, you made an incredible shot, I mean - The way you moved, your speed, your reflexes. Y'know, People can't just suddenly do that overnight. And there's the vision and the senses, and don't even think I don't notice that you don't need your inhaler anymore." Stiles rambles out.

"Stiles just ease off, he getting agitated and so am I cause this conversation is going nowhere and I've got to get ready as I'm going to the party myself," I said trying to ease the tension.

"Okay! Dude, I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow and who are you going with?" Scott says.

"None of your business," I said with a smile.

"Tomorrow?! What? No! The full moon's tonight. Don't you get it?" Stiles said gaining Scott's attention.

"What are you trying to do? I just made the first line. I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me, and everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?" Scott responded.

"I'm going boys as I want to get dressed so bye!" I said with a small smile.

"I'm trying to help. You're cursed, Scott. You know, and it's not just the moon that will cause you to physically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak." Stiles says as I leave.

I missed the remainder of the conversation but caught the last part.

"What are you doing?!" Scott yelled.

"I'm cancelling the date," Stiles responded.

"No, give it to me!" Scott shouted and I ran into the room and shouted.

"Scott!! Stop it!" I yelled and he snapped out of his state.

"I'm sorry. I - I got to go get ready for that party. I'm sorry." Scott says apologetically and he notices my outfit for the party.

"You look amazing Roma!" Scott complimented me before leaving. Stiles had left for the party not long after Scott did and I waited outside for Derek.

Derek pulls up and he gets out of his car and he looks at me in awe."You look amazing tonight Roma" Derek says with a smile.

"Thank you, you look handsome, Mr Hale," I reply with a smile.

"So can I see your werewolf form?" I ask intrigued.

"Sure, promise you that you won't run?" Derek asked.

I nodded and he shifted showing his blue eyes, hairy face and canines.

Like this-

"Whoa, cool!" I shouted and reached out and touched his face.

He shifted back, "So you are an omega or beta with blue eyes?" I asked and he looked at me surprised.

"Yeah, I'm a beta with blue eyes." He said sadly.

"Is the blue eyes something that happens when you hurt someone or kill someone?" I wondered.

"When you kill someone innocent and I-" Derek begins to say." No, you don't have to tell especially when you hardly know me Derek, and I know you wouldn't kill someone for any reason other than it was to help them die without feeling any more pain or because you had no choice," I tell him as I softly touched his shoulder.

"She was in pain, and begged me to help her go more quickly," Derek says sadly."You're not a killer Derek, you don't have it in you to be a killer no matter how much it hurts you, you wouldn't kill a soul," I tell him softly.

Derek looks at me like he never heard anyone say that to him." Come on me and you need to help Scott out," I tell him." Thank you for looking at me like I'm not a monster," Derek says softly.

"You're not a monster, you are a werewolf, you don't scare me, Derek," I tell him gently. Derek reached out and touched my hand and held it softly as he drove to the party.

Part Two of the Pilot is done ✔️ some Derek and Roma Scenes for you guys!!

How was the chapter?

Did we like Derek and Roma's interaction?

Do you want these two as an endgame?

Ready for more?

Please be aware some chapters may split into 3 due to how much I write for a certain episode! As it looks much tidier! 

Roma's artwork-

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