The Female Musketeer

By DarcyArnott

3.6K 90 7

Daria La Vielle was just a farm girl. The Three musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis were just soldiers. But... More

Chapter 1 | La Maladie
Chapter 3 | La Mort D'un Père
Chapter 4 | Un Enterrement
Chapter 5 | Adieu mon enfance
Chapter 6 | Route Des Voleurs
Chapter 7 | La Nouvelle Patrie
Chapter 8 | Règles
Chapter 9 | Le Premier Mousquetaire
Chapter 10 | Le Deuxième Mousquetaire
Chapter 11 | Le Troisième Mousquetaire
Chapter 12 | Ma Garde Rouge
Chapter 13 | Un Plan Bien Préparé
Chapter 14 | La Garnison
Chapter 15 | La Femme Combattante
Chapter 16 | Une Rencontre
Chapter 17 | la Garde Rouge Jalouse
Chapter 18 | Le Dîner Catastrophe
Chapter 19 | Le Cadavre
Chapter 20 | Séparer La Famille
Chapter 21 | Le Seigneur Sans Nom
Chapter 22 | Rubans Et Haches
Chapter 23 | L'avis Des Rois
Chapter 24 | La Piste Et Le Procès
Chapter 25 | Jour D'Entrainement
Chapter 26 | Au Revoir Mon Amoureux
Chapter 27 | Une Grande Préoccupation
Chapter 28 | Les Vicomtes S'Inquiètent
Chapter 29 | Une Leçon Apprise Non Enseignée
Chapter 30 | Ainsi Commence L'Histoire
Chapter 31 | La Tentative Meurtrière
Chapter 32 | Enfin Chez-Soi
Chapter 33 | La Lettre Des Seigneurs
Chapter 34 | Mon Amie La Reine
Chapter 35 | Tuer Ou Être Tué
Chapter 36 | les Imbéciles Dansent
Chapter 37 | Un Cadeau D'un "Ami"
Chapter 38 | Le Mousquetaire Dansant
Chapter 39 | En Route Pour Le Bal
Chapter 40 | Introduction Par Effraction
Chapter 41 | Nouveaux Indices
Chapter 42 | Un Affrontement
Chapter 43 | Chat Effrayant
Chapter 44 | Dans L'Obscurité De La Nuit
Chapter 45 | Bisou Bisou
Chapter 46 | Mener Une Bataille Perdue
Chapter 47 | J'aime Te Détester
Chapter 48 | Bonjour Mes Amis
Chapter 49 | l'ultimatum
Chapter 50 | Tuer Ou Ne Pas Tuer
Chapter 51 | Le Retour En Arrière
Chapter 52 | Nous Tombons Tous

Chapter 2 | L'au Revoir

166 5 0
By DarcyArnott

The next morning, I awake to the roosters crow. The sun begins creep into my room, its light warmth making the need to get up futile. I'm almost back asleep before I'm reminded of the day. I fight with the ring I've slipped onto a chain. It is simple, but then I am simple. Or atleast too common to complain. I loved Frederic, I've always loved him. I push doubt away and  finally get out of bed. I feed the chickens quickly before making my way towards the Cordons house. The morning coach would arrive soon to wait my love away, yet the sun continued to shine bright and the morning dew was no less. The world moved on, when a part of mine would stand still. It didn't feel right.

"Good Morning, Daria" Mrs. Cordon called from her seat on the porch. She was the same perfect smile Frederick always shone.

I make my way up the steps "Good Morning Mrs Cordon."

She pats the seat beside her on the bench. I could hear Mr Cordon and Fredrick talking inside, but I tried not to listen in.

"I hear congratulations are in order." Points to the ring on my necklace.

"Yes, I suppose so." I instinctively touch it.

"I knew one day you two would get married. I seen it from the very day we moved in here. When you came running over with your brother, his eyes lit up."


She nods "I knew you were gonna steal his heart one day. You'll be a proper match too. While he's away, I can teach you how to cook his favorite meals. You can mend?"

"I can cook the simple things, but Charles is the real cook. I do mend, with all the sword practice we tend to get a lot of rips on our clothes."

She grimaces at the thought "Yes, I am aware of your fathers...unusual raising of you. You won't have time to do any of that fighting though, not anymore. When you're married you'll have a husband and god willing children to take care of."

Children? I wasn't ready for children, I was barely ready for marriage.

Before I can respond though, Fredrick and his father come outside. Mrs Cordon hugs her son tightly and Mr Cordon shakes his hand firmly. I could see some doubt that lies in Frederick's eyes, but he kept calm and shook his father hand just as strongly,

He looks to me and smiles. He takes my hand and leads me off the porch.

"I'm sorry I have to leave so quickly, but I'm a happy man to know I have you waiting for me. I await the day we reunite."

"Freddie, there's something you should know."

He runs over my words and try's to reassure me.

"I know, being parted will be hard. But it'll only be for a bit. When you're ready you can join me in Paris. You'll love it."

I try once again to speak but the coach comes rushing down the road. Frederick flags it down and quickly grabs his bag. He bids farewell to his parents and gives me a quick kiss before jumping into the carriage.
He ways out of the window and I wave back.

Never in my life have I ever felt so, well I don't even know how to describe what it is I feel. Currently I am a spoken for woman, a daughter and a caretaker. So many titles bestowed in such a short length of time.

I wonder if I'll ever again just be me. Whoever that is.

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