Book 2! Reader x Baki charact...


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Once Y/n's mission in Egypt has been complete,she returns back to her boring old life.Shes missing her team i... More

New mission!
It's him!
Retsu you're the best!
Me again!?
Karate expert!
Good at both
Just one more shot
Risky night♡
Plan B!
Hope we meet again someday..
And so the mission finally starts!
Love potion
Bad feeling
Ball disaster - Mission..complete?

Mission starts!

332 14 7

"Pst!Miss!Wake up!",Zoe gently tapped your shoulder."We arived in Tokyo!"

"Doyle..",you muttered as you smiled with your eyes still closed.

"Miss!What are you dreaming about!Wake up this instant!",she shook you but this time more aggresevly.

"AHH!ARE WE GETTING ATTACKED!?",you fliched ftom your seat strartled.

"Miss Y/n!I demand to know what you were dreaming about this instant!",she impattiently tapped her heel on the floor.

"What?No..I wasn't dreaming something!I swear!And why do you need to know anyway?",you raised your eyebrow at her looking suspicious.

"Forget about it!",she laughed awkwardly."Let's go to the police station otherwise Sonoda will be very very mad!",she took your hand and dragged you outside the jets stairs.

"We aren't going to the police station.Sonoda called me while you were asleep previously and told me that we will be meeting at Shin Shin Kai.He is going to come here and pick us up".

"So that means that you will have the same crew?"

"Probably..",you sighed as you dragged your suitcase."Zoe what am I going to do!I don't want to see their faces ever again!"

"We'll try to avoid talking to them okay Miss?Now let me help you with your suitcase, you shouldn't be dragging it you will get tired!",she grabbed it from you.

"No it's okay really!Thanks for asking though!",you attempted to get it back but Zoe wasn't going to give up so fast.

"I insist!Please let me be useful!"

"There is no need for you to drag my suitcase Zoe!,I can do it by myself!"

Both of you started to fight on who would drag the suitcase and you got so distracted that you didn't notice Sonoda was standing infront of you impatiently waiting for you two to notice him.

"AHEM!",he said loudly to make you stop fighting.Both you and Zoe looked up to see an angry looking Sonoda.

"Are you done fighting,ladies?"

"Ah!Sonoda!We didn't notice you there!",you laughed awkwardly as you shook his hand.

"I see.Is this the plus one you said you would bring with you?",he turned to Zoe and looked up and down on her.

"Yes!,she is my beloved secretary!,she will be helping me with something",you brought her close to Sonoda.

"Nice meeting you Sir!",she nervously bowed at him.

"It's nice meeting you too.Now if you don't mind we have to hurry up to Shin Shin Kai. This mission is very important!Get in the limousine,the others are waiting for us",he said as he opened the door for you.

"When you say the others you mean.."

"Get inside and I'll tell you everything".




" now could you please explain who “the others” are?"

"Well I think you already know".

"Can't I just get new teamates?",you groaned looking outside the window.

"No and why would you?The last mission was a big success so why risk finding a new team?I'm sure you will be fine",he said and ended the conversation.

After a while,you finally arrived at Shin Shin Kai.The three of you got inside the elevator and once again after a such a long time you went up to the secret passage.

(I can't lie..I actually missed this place),you thought as you followed Sonoda through the path with Zoe holding your hand.

"Don't be scared Zoe!This place is safe!After all this is where I went to work everyday for a whole month".

"A-Are you sure Miss?This doesn't seem like a safe place to me!!"

"Don't worry everything will be fine!There we go!,see?There is nothing and nobody to be afraid of!",you smiled at her as you got inside the secret room.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!WHO IS THAT!!!",Zoe screeched on the top of her lungs as she saw a large dark figure behind you.You turned around to see who it was.

"Doppo!I missed you!",you hugged him and he hugged you back.You weren't mad at him because you knew he truly had a busy life.After all he had a whole Karate school to take care of!

"I missed you too Y/n!How have you been?"

"I guess I have been doing..great!This is my secretary Zoe!...Zoe?I was sure she was here some seconds ago..",you akwardly laughed and looked around the room.

"Zoe stop hiding behind that couch I can see you!Doppo is a really nice guy!,there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Miss!T-That guy looks like he could kill a tiger with his bare hands!I bet he lost his eye during a fight with one!"

"That didn't happen from fighting a tiger even though I fought a tiger in the past!",Doppo laughed.

"See!Now let's get out of here before he kills us like he did with that tiger!",Zoe went ahead to get out of her hiding spot when she noticed another figure behind you,only this time it was larger.

"Now what is it?",you looked at Zoe annoyed who was looking above you pointing at something behind you.

"M-Miss!Whatever you do don't turn around!",she whispered and tried to drag you away.

"Zoe relax,thats just Hanayama.He is part of the team".

"How did you know I was here?", Hanayama smirked as you turned around to face him.

"From the expensive rose perfume you're wearing",you scoffed and turned your back at him again.

"Y/n!",you heard someones voice say excitedly from the door.You turned to the door to see Baki,Retsu, Katsumi, Yujiro and Oliva smiling at you.

You happily ran to the door with your arms wide open like you were going to hug them.They all ran torwards you to race on who would be the first one to hug you,expect Yujiro who didn't want to show the fact that he missed you even though he did.

"Oliva!!",you said as you jumped on him after you dojed Baki's, Katsumi's and Retsu's hug.

"WHATTT!!!WONT WE GET A HUG??",they looked at you hugging Oliva feeling defeated with their mouths dropping on the floor.

"Don't worry,I didn't get a hug either", Hanayama joined them and stood next to them.

"Zoe these are the people I was talking to you about.This guy is Biscuit Oliva,the strongest man in America.This guy right there is Hanayama Kaoru,the strongest Yakuza in Japan.Next to him is Baki Hanma,the strongest teenager in the world, Retsu Kaioh,a master of the martial arts of Chinese Kenpo and Katsumi Orochi, a 3rd Dan protigy here in Shin Shin Kai.The guy Doppo I introduced you to earlier is the Headmaster of the Shin Shin Kai Karate dojo.Oh and that guy by the door is Yujiro".

"Just Yujiro?",he growled as he turned to you.

"Oh yeah, he's the strongest man on Earth,I almost forgot",you chuckled ironically."That guy is the only one you should be afraid of",you whispered to Zoe's ear.

"You almost forgot?!That's how everyone in this room will forget about you because IM GOING TO KILL YOU!"

"Hey cut it out!",Sonoda stepped in."There is no time for fighting!This is a very serious mission!"

"Aw don't cry Yujiro!You can kill me later.I'll be waiting",you winked at him and you went towards the table everyone sat at.You sat down with everyone to listen to what Sonoda had to say.

"As everyone knows,one of the most valuable diamonds in the world has been stolen,and the one who did it left no trace behind.We have some suspicions of a very rich politician.We don't know his name,only the code name he uses.Carlos",Sonoda explained.

"He is the owner of a big business that makes a lot of money.We don't know what kind of business it is exactly because that man leaves no hints for the police to investigate on him.He is a very careful man".

"So you're telling me that the only things we know about him are that he is a politician and that he has a business?What kind of useful information is that?",you scoffed folding your arms.

"Yeah!,and what makes you think he was the one who stole the diamond!",Zoe added.

"This diamond isn't the only one that has been stolen.Many of them have been missing the past 4 months.We are suspicious of him because whenever a diamond got stolen he was on “vacation” on that specific place".

Baki->"How are we going to reassure ourselves that he was the one that stole them?"

"That's the problem.Every time the police tried to go invastigate in his mansion,they were attacked by his powerful army.His army is hidden everywhere inside the mansion guarding it day and night.We can't step inside without being spotted".

Yujiro->"Pft.An army?I'll just go there and slaughter them".

"Hey you can't do that!",Zoe interfiered and stood up from her seat.

"Zoe what are you doing!That man is dangerous he can kill you if you annoy him!Sit down!",you pulled her by her arm but she pulled away and approached Yujiro.

"You can't just kill his army like that!It's not their fault!,they are just getting orders by that aufull man!They don't deserve to die because of him!They are forced to protect him!You don't know if they have a family waiting for them at home!",she started crying.

(Oh God Zoe gets very emotional every time there are families in danger during conversations!)"There there Zoe it's okay!Yujiro didn't mean it!Right Yujiro?",you glared at him as you comforted her.

Yujiro scoffed and walked out of the room without saying a word.

Katsumi->" Zoe has a point.We can't kill a whole army because of one man's fault".

Hanayama->"Well what are we supposed to do then?"

Sonoda->"You're going to sneak inside the mansion from the vents".

"What!What do you mean vents?Is it even possible for us to fit inside?"

"Yes,once there was a successful operation of five policemen that managed to sneak inside the mansion from the vents.Unfortunately before they could even find any clue of where the stolen diamonds could be hidden they made a bit of noise and they were discovered.They were all shot from the soldiers afterwards".

Zoe->"There is no way Miss Y/n would possibly participate in such a dangerous operation!It could cost her her life!Right Miss?",she turned to you.

"I'm sorry Zoe but I have to do it!If that guy is truly the one behind the disappearance of the diamonds we have to have him arrested as soon as possible!"

Baki->"Y/n is right.Im in".

Doppo->"Count me in too".

Katsumi->"Same here!"

Hanayama->"Me too".

Retsu->"I think everyone agrees".

Oliva->"But what about Yujiro?"

"I'm going to come too",someone growled from outside the door.

Baki->S"o he didn't leave after all!"

Sonoda->"Okay,then everything is settled.I announce that this mission has now started!We will have some changes for some things,such as you won't be working in this secret workplace anymore since this mission is only between us and nobody else knows about it.You will also all be staying at the same place so you won't need to wait to meet up".

Doppo->"Unfortunately it won't be Shin Shin Kai where we will be staying because I don't want the students to be disturbed.I left Suedo in charge to take care of the dojo".

Sonoda->"We have a five star hotel for all of you to stay instead".

"Are we going to have separate rooms?"

Sonoda->"Yes but you could also have a roommate if you like".

"No thanks",you scoffed."Zoe let's go get my suitcases so we can transfer them to the hotel".

Baki->"What has gotten into her!She's acting so strange from the moment I saw her!"

Katsumi->"I noticed something different about her too.."

Hanayama->"Her attitude?"

Retsu->"Her attitude especially torwards us!"

"She was nice with me!",Oliva shrugged his shoulders.

"Well what did we do to her!I must find out!",Baki said before approaching Sonoda.

"Sonoda!Could you do me a favor?",he whispered to him and after Sonoda nodded he told him his favor.

Sonoda->"Y/n!Before you go I'm going to need you to do something".

"Yeah?What is it?",you turned back as you were about to exit the room.

Sonoda->"I need you to help Baki get his stuff ready at his house otherwise he will take forever to do it on his own",he pointed at Baki who was next to him akwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Why does it have to be me?",you glared both at Baki and Sonoda.

Sonoda->"Do you see anyone else in the room except the four of us?"

You looked around in the room just to find out that everyone had arleady left.

"Ugh",you groaned in annoyance."Fine!Zoe could you wait for me at the hotel?I'll try my best to come back as soon as possible".

"Okay Miss!,I'll make sure to have your suitcases ready until you come back as well".

"Thank you Zoe!"

"Well?What are you waiting for?",you looked at Baki impattiently waiting for him to follow you.

"Yes ma'am!",he smiled and ran up to you.Before following you outside he turned and secretly winked and gave Sonoda a thumbs up.

Sonoda laughed and waved him goodbye as he exited the room.

You walked outside Shin Shin Kai with Baki torwards where his house was.Baki had akwardly put his hands inside his pockets as he looked up the sky.

(How am I going to ask her why she is acting so strangely?)

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