✓ After wearing it as cannon...

By prince05026

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Author: Broken Branches Category:Tanmei Fan Fiction As Lin Xingci opened his eyes, he found that he had pene... More



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By prince05026

☆ 107. Chapter 71: Holding Hands

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Chapter 71 The guys in the hand-holding

shop saw the two people who came in, and they all looked at them curiously.

The last time Lin Xing resigned, it happened to be Huan Niang who gave these guys a holiday, so he didn't see anyone.

The guy who was molested by Huan Niang looked up and looked curiously at the two people who came in, both of them looked outstanding, especially the taller man, it didn't look simple.

Huan Niang didn't let the two stay in the hall downstairs for too long, and directly took people to the private room on the second floor.

After waiting for people to go up, the guys downstairs chatted one by one, and the guys who were molested became the object of attention.

After all, he was the only one who spoke to the shopkeeper.

"Did the shopkeeper just say what the identities of those two people were? The

guy shook his head: "I didn't say it in detail, but I said it was a nobleman." The

other fellow pouted and didn't ask.

In the private room on the second floor, Huan Niang was still enthusiastic, but the distance controlled this time was still a degree, which did not make Xie Tingyuan feel too close, nor did it make Lin Xingci feel too dissolute.

"I didn't expect it to be so long since we last met. Huan Niang poured a cup of tea for the two.

Lin Xingci looked at the tea head in front of him and explained: "There have been some accidents recently, so it's late."

Huan Niang waved her hand and sat down, subconsciously propped her chin and said, "It's okay, is the thing ready?" "

Yes. Lin Xingci nodded and looked at Xie Tingyuan, who was sitting on his left.

Xie Tingyuan understood Lin Xingci in seconds, and took out a wrapped balm from the back basket.

Huan Niang is still the first time to see this kind of packaged balm, curiously picked up and kept flipping to see, the packaging is very distinctive, but in addition to the flowers at the seal, it is a little simple, but it is quite distinctive.

Huan Niang put down the balm and looked at Lin Xingci and asked, "Can I open it and smell it?"

"Absolutely. Lin Xingci nodded and made a gesture of please.

Huan Nuan subconsciously hooked her lips and smiled seductively, this is the laughter she often teases with the guys in the store, as long as she sees her smiling like this, she will blush, this trick is simply unpleasant.

It's a pity that the two people here today, one is not used to seeing this kind of smile, and the other is not interested at all, not to mention that his attention is all on the other person.

Huan Niang laughed in her heart, why did she subconsciously laugh, what if she made the owner unhappy?

Can't blame Huanniang's worries are superfluous, after all, people who are in love are irrational at all.

Fortunately, Lin Xingci didn't react to this, Lin Xingci didn't react, and Xie Tingyuan didn't feel cold to people.

Huan Niang breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the balm and carefully opened the package, the other Huan Niang didn't have much hope for Lin Xingci's balm, after all, she didn't smell it at all, so the bland and tasteless balm couldn't arouse people's desire to buy at all.

But she still has to pretend, after all, the owner of the head is here.

After opening the package, a faint floral fragrance emanates from the small piece of balm in the hand, not too strong, slowly and gently, but it is impossible to ignore.

Huan Niang looked at the small balm in her hand in surprise, this smell was something she had never smelled, and there was a faint fragrance of grass and trees after the fragrance of flowers, and the sweetness of the diluted floral fragrance was delicious.

"This! Huan Niang can be sure that if this balm is sold, it will inevitably be extremely popular when it is fermented.

Lin Xingci thought that Huan Niang didn't like this taste, and was a little embarrassed: "I specially adjusted this taste to be so light, because it is not good for ordinary people to use it too fragrant."

Lin Xingci hesitated for a while and continued to speak: "If it doesn't work, I'll change to another one next time."

"No, no. Huan Niang hurriedly shook her head: "Very good."

Lin Xing was surprised, but at the same time, he was also relieved, the balm fat powder he saw here was very fragrant, and he thought that such a light taste would not be liked.

Lin Xingci: "That's good."

Huan Niang smiled and rewrapped the dismantled piece of balm: "How many did you bring here?"

Lin Xingci thought for a moment: "Five hundred."

"Five hundred! Huan Niang was even more surprised, although the packaging of this balm is a little shabby, but you can take out so much at one time, Lin Xingci is a little something, worthy of being the person the owner fancies.

Lin Xingci nodded: "Well, because I don't know if anyone will like it, I made a little first." "

A little? Huan Niang felt that she had heard it wrong.

Xie Tingyuan raised his eyes and glanced at Huan Niang, and Huan Niang, who wanted to ask a word, immediately stopped laughing: "How much do you plan to set this price."

Lin Xingci thought that Huan Niang would ask herself how to make so much, but she didn't expect to ask about the price, so she thought about it and replied: "Liuwen." "

Liuwen? Huan Niang asked.

Lin Xingci nodded: "I think this price is just right."

Huan Niang shook her head: "I suggest that you can raise the price to fifteen wen, six wen is too little, people who can come to Tianxiang Pavilion will basically prepare about thirty wen, the price is too low, they will feel that the thing is not good."

Lin Xingci lowered his head and thought about Huan Niang's words, after all, Huan Niang would be more familiar with this industry.

Xie Tingyuan didn't interject, picked up the teacup and took a leisurely sip.

Huan Niang continued: "My cheapest one is also 30 Wen, although 15 Wen will be more expensive than the vendors outside, but your balm, I said that you have no problem pricing 50 Wen."

"Fifty wen? Although Lin Xingci was confident in the balm he made, he never thought that it could be priced so high, because there was nothing superfluous, and the balm was not particularly high-quality.

Huan Niang: "This is still a conservative price, this balm of yours has not appeared at present, if it can be sold, I estimate that it is more than fifty."

Lin Xingci laughed after hearing this, and accepted Huan Niang's suggestion: "Then fifteen wen."

"Okay. Huan Niang squinted and smiled: "It's three or seven points here, you seven and I three."

☆ 108. Chapter 71: Holding Hands

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Chapter 71: Holding Hands

"This... Huanniang, you have suffered a loss. Lin Xingci was surprised.

Huan Niang shook her head: "Don't worry, how can a businessman let himself lose."

Lin Xingci hesitated, Xie Tingyuan raised his hand and pressed

Lin Xingci's hand on the table and pinched it: "Sanqi."

Huan Niang covered her mouth and smiled: "Okay, you two wait here, I'll call the guy up."

Lin Xingci nodded.

Huan Niang twisted her waist and pushed open the door and walked out.

After the others left, Lin Xingci looked at Xie Tingyuan excitedly: "Thirty-seven points, we have made a lot of money!"

Xie Tingyuan nodded with a smile: "Yes, it's just that you can't get the money for consignment now."

Lin Xingci nodded: "It's okay, there are still a lot of things left at home that have not been done, and I will do more when I go back."

Xie Tingyuan: "Okay."

"I'll teach you when I go back, otherwise I'll be too slow alone, and I'll have to find someone to help us pack." Lin Xingci thought about it, his eyes lit up and he looked up at Xie Tingyuan: "What do you think Lu Luo is like this!" "

Lu Luo? Xie Tingyuan repeated.

Lin Xingci nodded again and again: "That's right."

Xie Tingyuan looked at Lin Xingci, thought about Lu Luo again, and probably understood his intentions: "You can try, but he may not be able to calm down."

Lin Xingci thought for a while: "It's okay."

"Okay, then follow your ideas. Xie Tingyuan said.

Lin Xingci laughed instantly after hearing the answer, and the two pear vortex smiled brightly: "You are so good."

Xie Tingyuan hooked his lips, his eyes full of smiles.

At this moment, Huan Niang also came up with her buddy, also holding pen, ink and paper in her hand.

Seeing the two getting along harmoniously, he covered his mouth and smiled: "The two of you will talk later, can you sign the consignment book."

"Consignment statement? Here's what it's for. Lin Xingci was a little surprised, he still has to sign this for consignment here.

Huan Niang explained: "Tianxiang Pavilion's accounts need to be counted every day, and the consumption of goods also needs to be counted.

Lin Xingci nodded to indicate that he knew, and Xie Tingyuan didn't stop him, so he took the paper handed over by Huan Niang and spread it out, glued ink and wrote his name crookedly.

Huan Niang took the signed words, blew dry the ink and put it away: "Five hundred pieces of balm, the price is fifteen, I will collect three wen, and the remaining twelve wen is your son, you see no problem."

Lin Xingci nodded: "No problem, I'll come back in a few days."

"No problem. Huan Niang subconsciously giggled.

Lin Xingci left the basket here, saying that he would come back to get it later, and he wanted to go shopping with Xie Tingyuan.

Huan Niang nodded again and again: "Son, go ahead, it's very safe to put things here."

Lin Xingci looked at his back basket, there were no valuable things in it, and when the balm was finished, it was just an empty back basket, so there was no problem in leaving it there.

However, Lin Xingci still thanked Huan Niang.

After Lin Xingci and Xie Tingyuan talked to Huan Niang, the two left Tianxiang Pavilion.

After Huan Niang sent the two out, she picked up her skirt and ran to the second floor as soon as possible.

The guy who brought it before had already begun to count the balm in the basket, Huan Niang came to the door and tidied up her clothes, and stepped forward elegantly: "Leave me five yuan." The

guy counted the balm for a moment, looked at Huan Niang and looked at the packaging in his hand that couldn't be put on the table: "There are a lot of balms sent by Yanjing in the shopkeeper's warehouse, so let's keep this and sell it." "

The guy thinks this balm is not worthy of Huan Niang.

Huan Niang glanced at the guy who was packing up her things: "I don't know, listen to me." The

guy wanted to say something, but Huan Niang didn't listen to him and continued, took five pieces of balm, and tapped the guy's forehead with a finger coated with bright red Kodan: "Remind you, don't say such things in front of those two." The

guy didn't understand, but nodded honestly.

Huan Niang also went to the backyard with six pieces of balm, returned to her room, and put the balm into the jewelry box.

The balm made by Lin Xingci is not particularly large, it is as small and delicate as a piece of pastry, and the thickness is only about one centimeter, and if you use it diligently, it will soon run out.

Huan Niang bought five by herself, just as a precaution, if she ran out of this piece in her hand, she would have no more desire.

Humming a small tune, Huan Niang has already planned to use the new balm tomorrow.

On the other side, Xie Tingyuan was taking Lin Xingci to see the carriage, and if Lin Xingci was satisfied, he could buy it directly.

If Lin Xingci is not satisfied, Xie Tingyuan has a way to get Xie Tingyuan to accept the carriage, even if he doesn't buy it and stays here, no one else will come back to buy it.

After a while, the two arrived at their destination.

The place where the carriage was parked is a bit out of the way, and there are very few people here, because I was surrounded by gangsters last time, even if it didn't work, but there is no harm in being on guard.

Lin Xingci looked around vigilantly, Xie Tingyuan also noticed Lin Xingci's nervousness, and when the people approached, he took his hand and said at the same time: "Don't worry, it's safe here."

Lin Xingci looked at his hand that was slightly larger than himself, and his heart gradually calmed down, and he took Xie Tingyuan's hand back and walked with him.

The author has something to say: Start a career ing↑Back to top↑ Easy to read mobile phone network

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