Bully Trials [Remake]

By AceOfHorrors

335 71 920

Jacelyn and her group of friends, Lola, Heather, Destiny, Laura, and Maddie thought they could get away from... More

Before You Read
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Bully Trials Christmas Script

12 3 36
By AceOfHorrors

Story Planned by Jamie Rivers and Ace Melee.

Script Made by Ace Melee.


For Anyone Who Wants to Act: Ash (16), Jacelyn (16), Ramen (34), Drea (41), Jaymie (17), Narrator, Marina (23), Yaline (52).

(V.O.) means voice-over. It acts like a character's narration or thoughts.

(O.S.) means off-screen.

(O.C.) means off-camera.

The script format has been adjusted for Wattpad's convenience.


Scene One: Jacelyn's Lonely Christmas


NARRATOR: (Swinging on a swingset on a cloudy winter day.) Just wind and snow during this holiday, giving the drug addicts in Pricksburgh to show off their snorting skills with cocaine. (Pause.) It's a small town. There's nothing to do here anyway. (Clears throat.) On Christmas Eve, Jacelyn moped in her room. It's been nine months since she discovered she was dead.



Jaclyn: (Sitting in her bed, moping.) At least, Mom and Dad didn't bring home another girl to replace me as my friends did. (She pauses for a moment before she hits the wall again.)

YALINE, Jacelyn's mom, enters Jacelyn's bedroom, scaring the crap out of Jacelyn. Yaline doesn't see Jacelyn.


YALINE: (Investigating.) Where's that banging coming from?

JACELYN: (Bangs wall again.) Mom, I'm in here!

YALINE: (Gasps and walks to Jacelyn is at.) It's coming behind this wall. (Touches the wall.)

JACELYN: (Irritated.) Mom, I'm right here! (Touches her hand.)

YALINE: Hmm, it could be a rat.

JACELYN: (Startled.) A rat? How can a rat bang the wall like that? What am I? The Rat Monster? (Pause.) You could've at least said a pipe is bursting. My God, Mom, you're a cop. You know that's not it. (Yelling.) How about your daughter making herself known?

Jacelyn tosses and throws a pillow, scaring Yaline.

YALINE: (Scared beyond belief.) Nevermind! It's a demon!

JACELYN: No, I'm not. I'm your dead daughter! (Waves at her.) Hello?

Yaline squeals as she runs out of the room. Jacelyn sighs. She picks up her pillow and lies back down on her bed.

JACELYN (CONT'D): Mom will summon an exorcist on Christmas Day. I can probably open doors and explore the house because she believes the house is haunted now. I'm still dead.

NARRATOR: That night, Jacelyn fell asleep, sadly knowing she was not getting her Christmas cheer.


NARRATOR (CONT'D): But that was going to change. 



Scene Two: Jacelyn Enters a Christmas World


Jacelyn wakes up in another reality. The realm is animated with a world blanketed by snow with pine trees spread out around her.

JACELYN: (Looks around.) What the f-ck?


JACELYN (CONT'D): (Flails her arms.) Why is swearing bleeped out?

She realizes her look has changed– her body is now 2D animated.

JACELYN (CONT'D): (Stammering.) Uh-uh-uh... (Screams.) HOLY F—--------------------------CK! I'm in a friggin anime!

She looks at her clothing. She is wearing a beautiful brown sweater and jeans. She touches her head and sees that she has antlers sticking out of her head.

JACELYN (CONT'D): What happened overnight? How much did I have to drink?

Jacelyn takes her first step in this snowy wonderland. She steps on someone sleeping in the snow.


Jacelyn bounces back and screams.

The sleeper wakes up, and it is revealed to be ASH. Jacelyn calms down and stares at her intently.

JACELYN: (Furrows brow.) Ash?

ASH: (Gets up and stretches.) I was sleepin– (She looks around.) –in my home.

JACELYN: Same here, Ash. I fell asleep and (Spins around.) woke up in a Rudolph set.

ASH: (Gestures to her antlers and nose.) Yeah, you do have antlers, ...and a red nose.

JACELYN: (Baffled.) What? I have a red nose?

ASH: Yesssssss...

Jacelyn scans up and down. She sees Ash has that red Santa-like coat dress with a white undershirt. She also has dark green tights on. She notices she has elf ears. Animated too.

JACELYN: (Points to Ash's ears.) And you have elf ears!

ASH: We are in another false reality.


JACELYN: (Annoyed.) Okay, who the f-ck keeps putting us in here?!

ASH: I don't know. My best guesses are Drea or Ramen based on their powers.

JACELYN: You've been watching the Bully Trials when you're not helping me?

ASH: Yes. (Pause.) I saw Ramen turning that girl into wax, along with waving, and you getting teleported into another realm. This suggests that Ramen is connected to the realms somehow, possibly a pocket dimension creator of some sort. (Takes a breath.) Drea also takes forms off of fears and attacks people with their phobias, indicating that she has some influence over the realms as–

JACELYN: Alright, alright. Got it. Got it. We are trapped by the leaders again, and we're in another torture session, and we need to get out, so I can get my f-cking human form back.

ASH: (Scans her up and down.) By the red nose and antlers, your role was selected as Ruldoph, the leader of Santa's sleigh with that big bright nose–

JACELYN: Pretty sure I'm not helping to carry a big old fat man and his sh-t.

ASH: Anything is possible in this reality.

Jaclyn: Yeah, I know. (Sarcastically.) I can't wait to see what Ramen has in store for us for Easter.

ASH: (Glances at her.) What?

JACELYN: We'll get bunny ears and tails.

ASH: (Pause.) Based on Drea's and Ramen's clothing, they seem not to know the fandom you're considering... or furries.

JACELYN: You got Jaymie with them! She can show them some manga or anime!

ASH:... Shoot.

JACELYN: Exactly!

ASH: I don't recall her having manga or watching anime.

JACELYN: (Sighs in relief.) Oh, thank God!

ASH: She watches hentai though.


JACELYN: (Panics.) ...What type?

ASH: Uhhhhhh...


ASH (CONT'D): (Talking to herself.) ...Inflation? No. Fanfiction? Maybe the Titans in A.O.T–

JACELYN: (Freaks out.) What?! NO! NO! NO! NO!

ASH: (Still talking to herself.) Also, Tokyo Ghoul... (Snaps fingers.) Oh. She likes tentacle-hent-!


Ash flickers a smirk. This might be Ash's way of getting back at Jacelyn.

They hear jingles of bells.

SOME WOMAN (O.C.): Ho! Ho! Ho!

Ash and Jacelyn look up, trying to find her.

SOME WOMAN (O.C.): On your left, you baboons.

They turn to the left and see MARINA driving a Christmas sleigh without wheels. They hear Christmas music in Russian.

JACELYN: Marina, you alive?

MARINA: Ho! Ho! Ho! I've been alive!

ASH: I've told you I didn't kill her, Jace.

MARINA: My death was clearly exaggerated. (Nudges her head to the sleigh.) Come on, hop in.

JACELYN: (Hopping into the sleigh along with Ash.) Another woman of culture.

Ash and Jacelyn fasten their seatbelts.

MARINA: (Playing with the radio.) I also understand some American music.

Radio changes into Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You." Jacelyn starts dancing.

ASH: (Not too pleased.) Oh... Great...

Marina starts driving the sleigh again. They are going fast.



Scene Three: The Gingerbread House

NARRATOR: The girls traveled at speeds, listening to copyrighted Christmas music. Jacelyn sang to them while Marina bopped her head to them. Ash sat there in silence, wishing her headphones were on her. They reached a lovely little house in solitude. It looked like a gingerbread and smelled like it.

Marina, Jacelyn, and Ash walk up to the house.

JACELYN: This place looks and smells lovely.

Marina knocks.

MARINA: It was fun to build.

The door quickly opens, revealing RAMEN, DREA, and JAYMIE in Christmas outfits. They are also animated. Ramen and Drea are wearing ugly sweaters with a Santa hat, while Jaymie also looks like an elf, but her colors are switched.

Jacelyn gulps, and Ash curls her lips.

RAMEN: (Excitedly.) You girls made it just in time. Welcome!

Jacelyn and Ash still remain unnerve.

DREA: (Shivers.) Brrr! It's cold out here. Let's get you lovely children inside.

JACELYN (V.O.): Is this the opposite day? What the f-ck? Oh, why are my thoughts censored? Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Marina ushers Ash and Marina inside.

JAYMIE: (Hugs Ash.) Merry Christmas, bestie!

ASH: (Hugs back and puts on a smile.) Happy Holidays to you, Jaymie.

JACELYN: (Whispers to Ash.) These b-tches are too friendly.

Ash winks back at Jacelyn, signaling that she agrees with her.

RAMEN: (Checking dinner.) There's no need to whisper. (He stands back and faces them.) I can hear you anyway.

JACELYN: (Embarrassed, she gives him a thumbs up.) Great ears.

DREA: Ramen could hear you swearing from miles away, Jacelyn.

JACELYN: (More mortified.) Oh, my bad. (Humiliated smile.) I stubbed my toe.

DREA: (Scoldingly but still smiles.) No more swearing. It's Christmas Eve and Santa's watching.

JACELYN (V.O.): More like you're watching.

ASH: What's for dinner?

RAMEN: Venison.

ASH: Ooooooh, yum. My relatives love to hunt, so they might cook some deer when we come over.

MARINA: I'm the one that hunts, Ramen is the one that cooks, while Drea is the one that bakes.

ASH: (Glances at Jaymie.) What about you, Jaymie?

JAYMIE: (Eyes closed, slightly annoyed.) Cleaning.

ASH: You and me both. I'm mainly the dishwasher.

Jacelyn covers her mouth, trying not to laugh.

DREA: Ash, why don't you play with Jaymie before dinner? It's taking longer than expected (Eyes move to Ramen.) because Ramen keeps pulling it out.

Jacelyn bursts out laughing. Jaymie and Ash flame red.

RAMEN: (Confused.) Wow, she seems to be very giggly.

JAYMIE: (Gently smacks Jacelyn's head.) The Christmas spirit has gotten inside her.

Jacelyn laughs with her mouth closed.

ASH: Jaymie, you're making it worse.

JAYMIE: I know. (Takes her hand.) Let's go practice martial arts.

They both leave.

ASH (O.S): You always kick my butt.

JAYMIE (O.S.): Too bad!

MARINA: What do you want to do, Jacelyn?

JACELYN: (Winces at Marina.) Just wander around...

MARINA: The house is small, so you won't have a hard time finding things.

JACELYN (V.O.): More like hiding places and weapons because I know you four play out.



Scene Four: Snooping Around the House Like Christmas Present

Jacelyn wanders around the house. It is very small, so there is very little room to run, but it is easier to get to hiding spots. She finds no weapons. She enters the master bedroom and sees a painted portrait on a queen-sized bed. She sees Ramen and Drea standing side by side together, linking arms. Just below Ramen, she sees a blonde girl who looks like Jaymie but more 1800s.

She examines the painting more and finds two shadow spots resembling human beings, one next to the Jaymie-like girl– the middle– and another spot beside Drea.

JACELYN (V.O.): Ramen can hear me miles away from the house but can't hear my thoughts. (Pause.) What are those two shadows? Why does the blonde one look like Jaymie?


DREA (O.C.): What are you doing?"

She turns and looks to Drea, who's now in the room. Jacelyn internally freaks out.

JACELYN: Oh-I was (Glances at portrait.) admiring the painting.

DREA: (Delightfully smiles.) Oh, it is. I am so sad Ramen hasn't finished it.

JACELYN (V.O.): Finished it? What does he need?

DREA: (Shrugs her shoulders.) Nothing to fuss about. Dinner is ready.

JACELYN: Okay, thanks.



Scene Five: The Christmas Feast

NARRATOR: The grand Christmas dinner started! Jacelyn sat next to Ash, feeling she was the only one she could trust. Marina sat next to Jacelyn, while Jaymie sat next to Ash. Food was scattered across the table like a feast.

JAYMIE: It smells good, Father!

ASH (V.O.): (Confused.) Father?

JAYMIE: (Notices Ash's face and chuckles.) Don't worry, Ash. We are family this round.

JACELYN: (Leans into Ash.) Better than her saying he's her Sugar Daddy.

RAMEN: (Stops eating.) What does that mean?

JACELYN: (Quickly.) A guy giving out lollipops.

RAMEN: Oh. I'm not fond of lollipops, so I'll be a bad Sugar Daddy.

ASH (V.O.): I don't want to know what will happen when he figures out the real meaning.

JACELYN (V.O.): (Grinning.) Expired Bagel.

They resume eating.

JACELYN (CONT'D): (Turning to Ash.) Should we ask?

ASH: If you want... (Shoves food in her mouth.) I'm kind of enjoying food I can't have.

JACELYN: Can't have?



ASH: Just think before saying something. (Pause.) Santa is watching.

Jacelyn turns to Ramen.



JACELYN: I wonder what our deal is in all of this...

People stop eating or slow down.

JACELYN (CONT'D): (Nervously chuckles.) Ash and I got on the wrong foot with you, and I'm still processing... why... you invited us here?


Everyone goes quiet.

RAMEN: We are trying to make things right. It seems we upset both of you, and you two appeared to be lonely and sad, so we invited you to make amends.

JACELYN: Ohhhhhh. (Fake smiles.) That's sweet. Thank you!

RAMEN: You're welcome.

They all resume eating.

ASH (V.O.): There will be skeletons in their closet.

NARRATOR: Everyone enjoyed their meal. They all chatted at the table until it was time for hot chocolate and desserts.

JAYMIE: Thank you, Drea.

DREA: No problem.

ASH: (Takes a sip of hot chocolate.) Mmmm, this is as good as my mom's.

DREA: (Flattered.) Glad to hear.

JAYMIE: (Glances to Ash.) Cheers?

ASH: Cheers!

They cling their cups together.

JACELYN: Hey, what about me?

JAYMIE: Get in here, Jacelyn (Clings cup with Jacelyn.)

MARINA: What about us?


JAYMIE: Fine. Let's redo it with everyone!

All of them cling their cups together.

ALL: Yay!



Scene Six: Bedtime

NARRATOR: The group played fun activities in the living room, playing Madlibs, hot potato, and frosting cookies– as if they needed any more sugar. Drea read "The Night Before Christmas." Ramen, Marina, and Drea were on the couches while Jaymie, Jacelyn, and Ash were on the floor, relaxing. Then, it was time for bed.

ASH: (Asking Drea.) Where should we sleep?

JAYMIE: (Grabs Ash's hand.) Come on, you'll sleep in my room. Drea and Ramen got a spare cot and blankets, so no need to worry.

Ash and Jaymie head off into her room.

JACELYN: What about me?

MARINA: You're with me.

JACELYN: (Throw hands in the air.) Yayyyyy!

MARINA: YA nikogda v zhizni ne videla, chtoby kto-to tak radovalsya za menya... YA ne znayu, chto chuvstvovat' (Я никогда в жизни не видела, чтобы кто-то так радовался за меня... Я не знаю, что чувствовать.)


MARINA: I was saying, I have never seen someone so happy for me in my life... I don't know what to feel.

JACELYN: (Hugs Marina, stunning her.) You have never experienced actual family before. All you did was to survive another day. You have us. We can be your new family, the one you need all your life.

MARINA: (Smiles, closes eyes, and hugs back.) That is the sweetest thing someone ever said to me.

Drea and Ramen look at each other before smiling at the sight. Malicious? Genuine? Appreciation for Jacelyn's kindness? Don't know.

JACELYN (V.O.): (Still hugging Marina.) What did I just say?!

NARRATOR: The girls settled in their respective rooms. Eventually, they fell asleep.



Scene Seven: Mysterious Gifts


JACELYN: (Wakes up and sees she's back in her room.) What the hell?

She looks at her hands, seeing she is back in 3D form.

JACELYN (CONT'D): Thank God, I'm normal again, and I remember what happened last night in the false reality.

Jacelyn sees a present in the middle of her room. She gets up and picks it up. She shakes it a little bit and hears something shaking. She looks at the name tag.



JACELYN (CONT'D): Bullshit. I know it's not Santa, Ramen. (Pauses.) Yay, I can finally swear again.

She opens it. She sees two items and a note. The first item is a talisman that Marina carries all the time, but it's very light blue. She also sees a mysterious-looking bracelet that reads: Sigil Pythoness.

JACELYN (CON'TD): What does this mean?

She wraps the bracelet around her wrist. It suddenly rearranges itself to fit.

JACELYN (CONT'D): Monsters aside, they got that cool drip.

She pulls a note out.

Dear Jacelyn,

The talisman and bracelet are designed for you. Things will be revealed soon, but I'll be with you once those things activate. Just keep those items on you at all times. Ash's will activate later. I still have hope for you. Merry Christmas!


Marina Zima.

JACELYN (CONT'D): Something tells me this is going to be heavy and life-altering. This is nothing new. It better not occur on Christmas because this is my day off.



Ash wakes up on her bed, confused.

ASH (V.O.): I went to bed in my astral home.

She sighs.

ASH (CONT'D): (Sighs.) I do miss this place.

She gets up and accidentally kicks something across the room. She sees it's a present. Ash walks up to it and reads the name tag.

To: Ash Barbuash

From: Santa

ASH (CONT'D): I highly doubt this is from my mom and dad. (Regret.) It looks like I did put them through so much turmoil.

Ash opens it. Like Jacelyn, she gets the same thing: a talisman and a bracelet, but her talisman is a deep purple, and the bracelet reads Sorceress Griffin. She looks inside the gift box and sees a note. She pulls it out and looks at it.

Dear Ash,

The talisman and bracelet are designed for you. Things will change very soon, but unlike Jacelyn, yours won't activate until another time. I'll still be with you. Everything will be revealed to you. Embrace yourself and keep your gifts on you at all times. I hope for you and can't wait to work with you.


Marina Zima

Ash hesitantly stares at the bracelet before putting it on. It matches to fit her wrist.

NARRATOR: Even during the time of wintry fest and rest, Ash and Jacelyn still faced the properties from the Bully Trials, but in the time of good, they realized they were not alone. They would have each other, and Marina Zima to reveal what they wanted to know. In the meantime, they can relax and prepare for this occasion. Happy Holidays!



Screen Failure.

Ash and Jacelyn hop out of the television. Both are smiling.

ASH: It's time for Skeletons in Our Closet.

JACELYN: Yeah. This Christmas script wasn't planned to be made until December. This is what made Jamie and Ace publish three chapters close together.

ASH: This script wasn't supposed to be canon either, but it now is. This will be a little special that preludes to the next book. (Glances to Jacelyn.) Do you know when it will be out?

JACELYN: (Shakes head.) I don't know. 

ASH: Oh well. I think it won't be for a while. My Mate is a Goddess will be back up and running soon. Please, check it out. 

JACELYN: One more thing. There'll be no more Lola chapters next story. It will be replaced by-

Jaymie barges in, trying to whack Jacelyn with a stop sign. Jacelyn starts running away.

JAYMIE: No spoilers!

They run away, leaving Ash alone.

ASH: That was... weird. (Shrugs her shoulders.) Jaymie can't kill Jacelyn because she's dead anyway.

JACELYN (O.S): Hey, fuck you! You're dead too.

Metal dropping can be heard in the background, and Jacelyn yelling. Ash traces her eyes back to the camera.

ASH: That's it. Merry Christmas, everyone!

She runs off to find Jacelyn and Jaymie.

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