Against Reason

By flungoutofspace111

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In which a fragile housewife and a fed-up high schooler gradually discover a mutual interest in the other. Th... More

Best Neighbor Ever
Sports with Balls
I Think of You With Nothing On
Break Up With Your Boyfriend
...Cuz I'm Bored
Jealousy, Jealousy
If We Had Been Closer in Age
Right Person, Wrong Time
Another Hangover
I Need to Start Going to Church
I'm Sorry
I've Got a Bat With Your Name on It
Watch That Mouth
I Care About You
I Know How You Flirt
Get Out
My Darling
Are You Santa Claus?
Typhoid Mary
You Like How Stubborn I Am
Terribly Domestic
Alone With Her
Really Aria?
Teacher's Pet
Stupid, Hot, Bitchy, Fine Ass Woman
Illicit Affairs
Love Made Me Crazy
Love Bite

Gracious Your Form

519 18 2
By flungoutofspace111

~ "and i've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime. and i'm pretty sure you are that love of mine" ~

Vera sits in her old clawfoot tub with lustful eyes, taking in my figure as I undress. And I of course can't take my eyes off of her as she sits there, fully naked. Her slender fingers gracefully tap against the porcelain edge of the tub.

I came over a few hours ago to apologize, one thing led to another, and basically I've lost count of how many orgasms I've had.

"Stop looking at me like that!" I say as I step out of my jeans.

"Like what?" She asks in an innocent tone. I roll my eyes at her and finally get into the tub as well. I situate myself at the other end of the bath tub, resting my legs next to Vera's. It's a small tub so we both have to bend our legs a bit.

She smiles at me with a love drunk look in her eyes.

"Like a horny teenage boy who's never seen tits before."

Vera scoffs and breaks out into laughter. I can't help but smile at the sight of her laughing, and just at this in general. The warm water kisses my cold skin, and the bubbles tickle my shoulders. My hair gets slightly wet and sticks to my breasts. I lean my head back against the tub and look at the ceiling.

"You know I had never kissed a woman.. before you."

"Not even in college?" I ask, shocked.

"Nope. I met Sean my freshman year and just assumed that was it."

What a sad fucking statement.

"You just...knew he was the one?"

"I mean-" she pauses a second to choose the right words. "I knew it was what was expected of me. But if you're asking if I felt the whole earth moving-fireworks-butterflies thing, then no." I look back at her with understanding eyes. "It sounds stupid, but it was a different time. Even in the early 2000s there were still heteronormative standards everywhere, being with a woman never even crossed my mind. My whole family expected me to marry a nice man and pop out a few kids, so that's what I did. And I wasn't ever unhappy, I just assumed the feeling of longing for something...different was normal. I thought all women just, felt nothing when their husbands kissed them, that it was normal to get fed up of being the perfect housewife sometimes."

I feel tears well up in my eyes. No one deserves to live a life of mediocrity because it's what's "expected" of you. To think that this woman has been stuck in this rut for so long is heartbreaking.

"I'm so sorry Vera. If I could've been born sooner and we met sooner I would've smacked that sort of thinking right out of you."

She smiles at me, sweetly.

"I wouldn't take any of it back, this life gave me Elody and Haven. And besides, I think we were fated to meet when we did. Butterfly effect and all that. I had to live through that to meet you..." she holds my hand under the water, squeezing it reassuringly.

I smile at her, tears falling from my eyes and plopping into the warm water. I can't put what I feel for her into words, so I just shift my position and lay my back against her front. She welcomes me with open arms, wrapping them around my shoulders and resting her head on my left shoulder. I love you. So much.

I tilt my head back and turn it towards her so that our lips are mere centimeters apart. She brushes a stray curl away from my face, before lovingly stroking my cheek. I finally bring my lips to hers, kissing her with all the love in the world.

Her soft, plump lips fit so perfectly with mine.

She begins to kiss down my neck and onto my shoulder, making me shudder with pleasure.

I think I'd like to stay here, in this moment, forever.


Vera and I eventually had an actual conversation where she asked me several times if I was uncomfortable with her being "so old" and I told her several times that I couldn't care less how old she was. I apologized profusely for my awful words and she apologized for calling me naive, and our love disastrous.

I think we both knew that there was some truth to the things she said, but we didn't address it.

The next morning I went to school as usual, and in a unexpected turn of events, saw G waiting for me at my locker.

Ah, fuck. I sigh deeply and try to push down any anger I feel, because ultimately he is just worried about me, and it's not his fault that I'm not used to people caring.

"Morning" he says gruffly.

"Morning," I lean against my locker and meet his eye line. He looks so uncomfortable I almost want to laugh.

"Look man, I'm sorry. You're an adult and who you choose to fuck is your business. You know I just worry about you."

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have flipped out at you. I just..."

How honest should I be here?

"I really like her. Like a lot. And I guess I got defensive because - it's really not like that at all. I mean I know how it sounds, but I can promise you that I want this. More than anything."

"You love her?" He asks, bluntly.

"I-" I start, and try to lie but I just can't. "Yeah. I do."

He nods and thinks for a second.

"Just don't get caught then. You should be good at that though, you break the law all the time."

I drop my jaw at him, a smile itching at my lips due to his approval.

"I do not! I'm the #1 rule follower around here!"

"How long have you had your license?"

"Okay that's just a technicality," I defend myself.

"Yeah okay" he chuckles. The bell rings and I notice that everyone else has deserted the hallway and gone to class. Oops.

", won't tell anyone will you? About Mrs. Avila?" I just have to know that Vera will be protected. I am the one who told him after all.

"You don't have to worry about me."

I smile, before wrapping my arms around his significantly larger body. He hugs me back, and I thank God or whoever for bringing this man into my life.

"Hey! Are you two skipping?" An old croaky voice calls. I look over my shoulder and see Mrs Harding hobbling towards us.


"Hide in the bathroom?" I whisper to him. He smiles and nods, before mouthing, "Run".

I smile back mischievously and we run down the empty hallway, ignoring the old bat's hollering.

"Goddamn it Aria I know it's you! You're lucky I just had my hip replaced young lady!" she shouts after us. I cackle as G and I round a corner, and burst into the rarely used bathroom we use for our illicit activities. I lock the door behind me, before leaning over to catch my breath.

"What happened to following the rules?" he asks, smirking at me.

"Starting now. I'll be a good little rule follower now." I sigh and hop up onto the counter. He rolls his eyes, sensing my bullshit. G hops up on the counter beside me, and pulls out a blue raspberry vape from his hoodie pocket. I grab it from him and take a deep hit, allowing the smoke to fill my lungs. When I exhale, I get a pleasant head rush that makes me lean back and smile. G takes his vape back and hits it himself.

"You're a good friend G. I don't tell you enough. You're my favorite person," I admit. He looks over at me and smiles.

"You too man. You're family."

I smile back, wider, before realizing that the class I'm skipping is in fact French. Ah, fuck.

"Fuck, I gotta go!" I hop up.

"I thought we was skipping?"

"You can. I have French and-" I stop myself. And Vera will be pissed if I skip.

"And your girlfriend doesn't tolerate skipping," he chuckles.

"Shut up," I swing my bag onto my shoulder. G shooed me off and I race to Vera's classroom. I'm only like, 15 minutes late.

I take a deep breath before I enter. Inside, everyone turns to look at me, Vera included. My cheeks flush and I duck my head.

"Sorry," I mutter, sitting at my seat. Vera pauses and shoots me a look, before continuing the lesson.

"Where were you?" Iris asks in a whisper.

"Lost track of time." This answer satisfies her, and we both partially listen to the lecture.


After classes end, I'm about ready to leave when I receive a text.

Vera: Come by my classroom before you leave

I contain my smile and close my locker. The halls have cleared out already so I don't worry about anyone seeing me. I walk to Vera's room as quick as I can without running, and quietly open the door, checking over my shoulder for anyone.

Inside, Vera's grading worksheets, her hot teacher glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. She looks up when she hears me close the door and smiles.

"That was fast. What'd you do, sprint here?"

"Speed walked actually."

She smiles at me and leans back in her chair. I drop my bag and walk over to her desk, plopping down in her lap. I lean down and hold her face between my hands, pecking her lips.

"Hi" I whisper between kisses. She chuckles.

"Hi. I missed you," she says.

"You just saw me during your lunch supervision!"

"It's not the same," she sighs. I grin and kiss her once more.

"You were late this morning," she states. I dodge that subject, and ask.

"You wanted to see me about something?" I ask, fiddling with the rings on her fingers. The change of subject works, because she asks me an even worse question.

"Yes. Um - how much did you tell your friend Garrett, about us?" she asks. Uh oh. I can't tell her that I basically told him everything because then she'd murder me, I'm sure of it. My face drops and I spring up out of her lap, ready to book it out of here. She's too quick though, she sticks a hand in my back jean pocket and yanks me towards her.

"Hey!" I whine.

"Don't make me tackle you. I'll do it."

"I believe you! Okay, don't be mad, but I was really upset that night we fought, and I needed someone to talk to. He came over, and I told him everything, basically.."

I wait for her to smack me or something along those lines.

"I figured as much," she says, and starts putting away her things. I stand there awkwardly.

"You're not mad?"

She stops what she's doing and makes eye contact with me.

"I was, when I saw you guys fighting and when I heard some of what he was shouting about. But I understand your motives for telling him. And you trust him right?"

"With my life."

"Then I have no reason to be mad. I probably would've done the same if I was in your shoes." I let out a sigh of relief. How did I get so lucky in having such an understanding - whatever she is to me.

"You're too good to me," I say, leaning over her in her chair, holding myself up with my hands resting on the arms of the chair.

"I fear it's the other way around.." she mutters, before closing the meager gap between us. I almost moan into the kiss, but then I pull back when I remember where we are.

"I.. we can't. Not here.." I whisper to her. She nods in understanding.

"Actually, I think I have a solution," she says, getting out of her chair. I raise my brows, intrigued. I follow the woman to a mysterious wooden door in her classroom that I have noticed before, but never paid any mind to.

"Ah shit, is this the part where you kill me?" I whisper.

"Shut up Aria."

She opens the door for me, and closes it behind her when we enter. It's a tiny, messy room with a desk, a couch, and a microwave. It looks like it hasn't been used in awhile, some cobwebs in the corner confirm my guess. The whole room looks like it hasn't been updated since the 80s.

"What is this?" I ask. Vera lock the door and moves to sit on the small couch.

"My office," she says, casually.

"Why didn't I know you had an office?" I ask, wandering around the tiny room.

"I don't use it. It's dark and depressing, plus there's not even a computer. But, maybe today's the day I finally use it..." she says, her eyes glancing over my body. I turn to look at her, raising my eyebrows.

"Oh?" I mutter, amused. Vera slightly bites her lip and cocks her head at me.

"Unless you have somewhere to be.."

"I don't, but even if I did, this is much more important," I tell her, pulling my shirt over my head. I just have a simple black bra on, nothing special, but her eyes darken like it's lingerie.

"Come here," she demands. I oblige, obviously, and straddle her lap. She holds my waist and tilts her head up to kiss me. Groaning, I allow her tongue to enter my mouth. We kiss, passionately, for a few minutes. The sound of our labored breaths are the only noise in the small room. Vera pulls away for a moment, and unbuttons her blouse. I shamelessly stare at her lace-clad breasts. Vera pulls me closer with my hips as she joins our lips together again.

But this kiss doesn't last long, I begin to kiss down her porcelain neck, eliciting quiet whimpers from the woman.

"Oh my God," she moans as I kiss her cleavage. I remove her bra, and begin kissing her perfect breasts. She bites her lip as she watches me, succeeding in making my panties damp.

I decide I want this to be about her when I unzip her trousers, and get on my knees in front of her. She's quick to help me remove her pants and underwear, until I'm left with her glistening center at my eye level. I look up at her, to see her staring down at me with the most lustful eyes I've ever seen. Her cheeks are flushed red, and she's holding her pointer finger between her lips to keep from moaning.

"You look so good on your knees darling. Now be a good girl and make me come," she whispers. Now I'm the one blushing. I smirk at her and begin kissing up her inner thighs. I wrap my arms around her legs and pull her center closer. Finally, I swipe my tongue through her pink core. She throws her head back and covers her mouth with a hand.

"Mmm, fuck Aria," she whines. "Yes, just like that, please." I lick stripes over her pussy, until she's writhing under me. Her breaths are heavy. When I look up, she's closing her eyes, and her chest heaves with each breath.

"God, you're so hot," I say before focusing my attention on her clit. She moans again, a little too loudly. I reach up and grab her hand, squeezing it as a way of telling her to shut up. She squeezes my hand back, while I continue my worship of her wet pussy with my tongue.

"Oh my fucking God, Aria you're so good at that," she moans. I smirk to myself, and plunge two fingers deep into her entrance. Vera cries out in pleasure, and I have to refrain from scolding her. "God, yes, please..."

I curl my fingers and continue to eat her out, until she's a writhing, moaning mess. Her hands run through my hair, holding me in place.

"Aria, fuck! I'm gonna-" She doesn't finish her sentence before moaning loudly and finishing on my fingers. I slow my pace, until she flinches from the sensitivity. I lean back and move to sit next to her on the couch, while she catches her breath.

"You're really fucking good at that," she whispers. I smile, and squeeze my thighs together. "Kiss me," she demands. Vera faces me and grabs my jaw, meshing our lips together once more. How did I get so fucking lucky.

I sigh deeply as she pulls away to put her clothes back on. I watch her with a lazy, love drunk look in my eyes, I'm sure.

Once she has her clothes on, she settles back into the couch, and I curl up around her side. Still topless besides my bra, because I'm overheated, for obvious reasons. Vera kisses the top of my head, while I rest my legs over her lap, my head lying on her shoulder. She wraps an arm around me and strokes my bare shoulder.

She pulls out an anthology poetry book from the heap of books hiding under the couch, and I smile, reminded of the beginning of our relationship.

Vera reads poetry out-loud to me for awhile, while I snuggle into her and hold onto every word. I haven't read much lately, but her reading to me makes me want to lose myself in books of poetry again.

"..gracious your form and your eyes as honey : desire is poured upon your lovely face. Aphrodite has honored you exceedingly..." she reads. This one poem tugs on my heartstrings so deeply. I smile, and she turns her head to look at me. Vera gently caresses my cheek while staring at me, mesmerized. I stare back at her big blue eyes, and can't help the stinging of my own eyes.

"I love you, so much," Vera whispers. My heart immediately speeds up and I search her face for any sign of remorse. But there is none, of course.

"I love you Vera. More than you will ever know. I could spend hundreds of lifetimes telling you how much I love you, and even that wouldn't be enough.." I whisper back. Now it's her turn to tear up.

"I love you."

"I love you," I say back, again, before bringing my lips to hers.  She immediately kisses me back, softly, but with enough love to make my heart soar. She holds my face between her hands like she's been searching for me for lifetimes, and now that she's found me, she'll never let me go. At least, I hope not.

Even if things all fall apart down the road, I thank the heavens for bringing this woman to me, and for allowing me to love her so deeply, so all-consumingly, so beautifully.


God I love these two so much it hurts. Thank you everyone for continuing to read this story:)

Also, Aria's nicotine addiction is so real

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