LOVE against the LAW || AkkAy...

By thaibldramalover

8.3K 523 554

Akk works as the COP in the local Bangkok police station with his colleague friends Khan and Wat but his trou... More

[1] CASE: Robbery
[2] CASE: Wanted criminal
[3] CASE: Kidnapping
[4] CASE: Arson
[5] CASE: Forbidden feelings
Official fanart
[6] CASE: Family issues
[8] CASE: New job
[9] CASE: Revealing secrets
[10] CASE: Runaway
[11] CASE: Stolen heart
[1] MISSION: Wanted criminal
[2] MISSION: K-9 handler
[3] MISSION: Bomb defusion (18+)
[4] MISSION: Finding you
[5] MISSION: Shooting stars (15+)
[6] MISSION: Black-out pt. 1
[7] MISSION: Black-out pt. 2 (18+)
[8] MISSION: Black-out pt. 3
[9] MISSION: Investigation
NSFW fanart 18+
[10] MISSION: One day
[11] MISSION: Sweet goodbye (18+)
[12] MISSION: Coma
[13] MISSION: Patience

[7] CASE: Chase

286 22 9
By thaibldramalover

[Akk's POV]

Working with Namo was more and more exhausting so Khan's advice to go on a fresh air for a few days wasn't working.

However, seeing Ayan getting out of the dumpster to not get caught by me raised my mood until I saw another kid with him... I hope he's not up to any trouble. I don't want to put a bug on his clothes to know where he is all the time but he's acting suspicious.

"Namo, I think we should seperate so we could go earlier back."

"I get it, after your rejection, I'd rather be alone now as well." He fake smiled and walked away almost immediately... ahh, that's why I hate relationships in work.

Anyways, I walked to the alley where Ayan disappeared with that kid but it was a dead end. How the hell did they - old gutter, they must have used it to get on the other side. It's perfect to see if my endurance is still good. At first it was tough but in the end I got to the other side without having a back pain.

I didn't see them anywhere even from the view I had but then I saw the nearest shop where he could hide. It was some cheaper cloth store so the possibility of him being there just got higher.

"Hello Ma'am."

"Oh, welcome, Chief! I wouldn't expect you here!" People are always terrified by seeing me or my colleagues in public places as if they had a reason to be scared but I get that those guns we carry all the time don't make it better.

I looked around and saw Ayan almost immediately. He was just smiling and choosing clothes for that kid.

"We are lucky they have your school uniform here as well from the students who didn't need it anymore. This could be your size, try it on."

"Thank you, Phi... and I'm sorry for what I told you... I just."

"Look, no matter who I fall in love with, I'll always put you first. You just have to understand I'd like to spend time with that person as well." I felt like I shouldn't listen to their conversation but I wanted to hear it.

"I get it, I'm fifteen so I'm also interested with relationships but... I want to become someone before I start dating and that's why I'd like to study longer..." It's still incredible that Ayan helps them to study like others even though they are in horrible situation... no, I can't be impressed!

"I'll buy uniforms for others as well so that stupid teacher does not scold you anymore."

"Hey Phi, can I take this soccer jersey as well? I like to play football with others who have it..." I saw that Ayan stroked his soft cheek and hesitated but in the end let him have it. I can't look at this anymore...

"Ma'am, I'd like to pay for what that man is choosing but don't let him know."

"O-of course, that's so nice of you." I smiled and gave her more than it should cost as a tip but the feeling of doing something great was worth it.

I decided to leave them alone and get back to my work when someone called me on my transceiver.

"- Boss, I was just trying to stop the thieves from the place where we separated but they managed to run away from me, I need your help, they should be close. -" I frowned. Who has the audacity the rob others in the bright daylight?

I ran to the street where Namo headed and saw two guys with masks on just getting to their car.

"STOP! IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!" They completely ignored me and quickly drove away, Namo had to go to the car so I tried to catch up with them and hoped for a traffic on the main road but one man was faster than me and managed to catch up with the car. When I had a closer look, I noticed it was the same clothes which Ayan was wearing and saw how he managed to jump on the mini truck.

They tried to chase him away but the next thing he did was to slash one tire with his pocket knife. It slowed them down and Namo was able to block their way with his car. They had no escape if they didn't want to hit me while driving backwards.

They got out with their hands up and death-stared at Ayan who showed them his bright smile while playing with his pocket knife.

"That's enough, you are under arrest." Namo said and gave them handcuffs.

"Namo, could you take them to the station? I'd like to talk to this irresponsible deviant."

"Sure, tell him they he shouldn't got in our way. It could cost him his life." Namo frowned at Ayan but Ayan couldn't stop smirking.

I waited till Namo drove away and pushed Ayan against the wall.

"You! Do you know how dangerous could it be?! What if they had weapons?!"

"Can't you even thank? Without me, they'd get away for sure and you'd look like two losers, Chief." He was still smirking while I had the tendency to arrest him as well.

"I'm telling you... don't you dare do this again... it's dangerous." He lifted up his chin and our lips were one inch apart. Too close.

"So you are worried about me." He grabbed my tie on my uniform without the vest and pulled it. It was so quick and our lips were sealed again and the worst thing was that again... I wanted it. I put my hand behind him and smacked his head against the wall again while holding the nape of his neck with my other hand but then I heard footsteps and quickly pulled away.

"Coward." Ayan pulled out one cigarette and I wiped my lips.

"How... did you even find me?" He lighted it with the lighter he got from my house. Wait... did I lend it to him?

"I'm not a fool, Akk, I saw you stalking me in the cloth store and I know you paid for me there so... I wanted to return you the favor."

"And where is that boy?"

"Oh, Aki, he's so picky that I left him, the nice lady said she'll keep an eye on him so he wouldn't do something stupid till I get back." I sighed.

"I didn't want anything for it..."

"If you took my help as a bother, at least take the kiss as a gift. And I can give it to you again." He devilishly smirked and I looked away.

"We should... pick up that boy."

"Wait, you are going with me?!"

"I need to make sure you won't steal something, thief, so I'm going." He shrugged and lead the way but I noticed how he put out the cigarette after I finished my sentence.

"You know, Akk, you looked really hot when you were giving them the handcuffs, can you give them to me too?" I chuckled.

"You seriously want to go to the jail."

"Nah, it'd be too boring without you." I can't with him anymore but on the other hand - I liked having him by my side.

"And hey! That pipsqueak was supposed to be your date? Man, you've got no taste."

"You are one to talk about height."

"Heh, and why did you call it off? Because of me?"

"You rather shut up or I'll leave."

"Fine, fine, Chief. I know the answer anyways."

One thing is for sure, Ayan needs a real work to help his siblings and stop giving me a tough time. With his athletic skills, there could definitely be a place for him in our team but as a newbie, he's gonna get the worst job for the time being and I'll make sure he does it right.

"Aye, if you needed work, I would know of something."


"You can be my assistant."

"Assistant?! So I'll get a gun and do the same thing as you?!"

"Almost, you'll be keeping the office clean and fill with me my paperwork. We also need someone who'd make us coffee-."

"No way I'd be your personal maid even at work." I sighed.

"Look, the house chores are for living with me for free, in my office you'd get a full payment for your hard work."

"How much?" I knew this would get his attention.

"40 000 baht per month with some bonuses. Take it or leave it." He was thinking about it longer than I expected.

"Fine, I had to spend some of the money I stole for my family so I need it though another robbery would be easier-."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear you right now."  He rolled his eyes.

"So? Did you erase my case from your records?" I thought I did already enough for him...

"I can't do that, Ayan, I can just postpone it but if another police station takes your case, I won't have any power to hide you anymore."

"Fine, fine, I get it." He gave up too easily, it was suspicious but I let it be as we already came to the cloth store.

"Hello, Ma'am, I hope I didn't let you wait too long."

"Oh no, your brother picked more in the meantime but it's on you if you want to pay for it." He face-palmed and looked for him.

"Aki! Stop adding more stuff into the cart! We had a budget we agreed on!"

"Hey! It's not even for me!" In the cart there were a lot of girly stuff.

"You've got more sizes... is it for each of our sisters?" Aki nodded and then carefully looked at me.

"Phi! You didn't tell me you are gonna introduce me to your boyfriend!"

"Hey! Shut your mouth!" No way he told him I'm his boyfriend... he's too fast in everything.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Akk, your brother's... friend." I wanted to make it clear but he did not seem to believe me.

"Nice try but the bruise on your neck doesn't seem to be from your work."

"Huh?! When did it happen?" I looked at my neck with my phone but didn't see anything. I saw that little kid burst out laughing.

"You were just exposed, Chief, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Is Phi a good kisser?" I shouldn't come, I really shouldn't come.

"Stop it, Aki! Akk won't talk to me again this way!" I smiled a little because as an only child I was jealous of their love/hate relationship.

"Don't worry about it, Ayan, I'll pay for this as well but tomorrow you are gonna work hard."

"In bed?" His brother must have got his bad personality from him.

"I wish..." I heard as Ayan muttered when I headed to the cash register.

"You are also paying for this? You must care for those two a lot, Chief." Even the lady winked at me when I waited for Ayan and I had not strength to oppose to all of them.

"Ayan... you can stay with your family overnight. I have to check the work after my colleagues so I'll come back very late." Ayan was looking from my side to Aki's and I saw that Aki wished he'd listen to me.

"Okay, I'll do it, Chief. I'll come back before you go to work tomorrow so I could start with my job as well." I smiled and was glad he didn't choose to wait for me and waste his time which he could use for those kids.

"And keep the money I gave you in the morning, I'll buy the things myself." Ayan hesitated but agreed when Aki was getting bored. I said my last goodbye to them and headed back to the station but when I returned, all I could see was a big chaos and two adult men arguing with each other.

"Khan, how many times should I tell you that you are doing it wrong?!"

"Oh, would you say this to Thua, Wat? I think you just have something against me."

"Of course I have! How could I fall for such an irresponsible idiot?!"

"Huh?" I just opened the door and my jaw already dropped.

"I meant... I fell for your words that you are doing a great job..." You can't save your ass this time, Wat.

"Oi I did not lie!"

"Are you that dumb?!" Namo and I said at the same time and Khan frowned.

"I guess changing the theme of the conversation didn't work... Wat, let's talk in private." Khan's funny tone of voice changed to serious and he walked out the office. I've never seen him being so serious about something and even Wat was at loss of his words but slowly followed him.

"Uhmm... Thua, can you tell you what you were working on?"

"Right, Khan got two unpleasant calls this morning and both people complained about the unsolved robbery with the identity of the man you showed us three days ago." My body felt heavy out of sudden.

"Oh... uhmm, it looks like the thief ran away from Bangkok as I've got no news about him." Namo and Thua didn't seem convinced.

"So? Are we gonna brush it off just like this? I thought you've solved all of your cases before, Boss." That's right, I was very stubborn when Chadok was still here.

"Maybe we should inform our colleagues about this so they would help us-."

"NO! I mean... it's our case! We can't show our weakness!"

"I think so too, Boss! Let me take care of it so you can focus on something else!" I was surprised Namo could stay professional with me and leaving it to him wouldn't be so bad. Meanwhile I could find a way how to solve this without arresting Ayan...

"I trust you, Namo." He nodded and kept the report with him. I still have to warn Ayan. He was lucky his face is not described well in the report so he did not recognize him today.

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