Spider-Man in dragon ball

By LilJ1122

3.7K 63 18

What if Peter Parker,the amazing Spider-Man,was in the world of dragon ball? More

Meeting new friends and new enemies
The battle for namek pt2
Knowledge and vengeance
Raditz's fight
More androids?!
Meeting new faces again
Training Pt.1
Training Pt.2
The Tournament
Question about the next suit
The next generation Pt.1
The next generation Pt.2
God of destruction
Bonds Pt.1
Bonds pt.2
Next tournament
Escape from hell
The tournament of power pt.1
The tournament of power pt.2
The tournament of power pt.3
Evil unleashed
Fate of the world pt.1
Fate of the world pt.2
Fate of the world pt.3
The last cerelian
The strongest
What's coming next?
The grand tour pt.1
The grand tour pt.2
Bittersweet aftermath
The last dragons
The true god of destruction
Ultimate battle
The finale

The battle for namek pt1

155 5 0
By LilJ1122

1 month after the saiyan saga.Spider-Man has made the saibaman his sidekicks and taught them to hold their punches and show kindness and mercy.So far the saibaman have done well.Spider-Man has also been hanging with the Z-fighters,which now have the addition of Nappa,who's back has healed,and Raditz. Nappa even comes to help around the city sometimes.One day a giant pod lands in the middle of New York City,all of the Z-fighters and spidey go to check it out.There surprised to see-

Spider-Man:So you've brought a friend with you.
Goku:And...he looks like me for some reason!
Turles:Because,we're both low class warriors, and all low classes look alike.
Raditz:Still weird.
Vegeta:Spider-Man,we need your help.Rather you and your friends help.
Spider-Man:I'm glad to lend a hand.
Vegeta:Hmph,I thought so.Come with us.
Spider-Man:Wait now,I can't just leave earth.
Raditz:The saibaman can take care of the city.
Yamcha:And we'll look after it too.
Tien:Yes,you may count on us.
Spider-Man:Alright then.
One saibaman comes to Vegeta.
Vegeta:I think this one wants to come with.
Spider-Man:Okay,but no acid on the ship mister!
The saibaman crosses its arms.
Goku:Alright then!I'll pack us some food.
Goku flies away as the teams get acclimated with each other.

(Turles isn't wearing a cloak)
Turles:These are my crusher corps.
Raditz:They're stronger than the other earthlings that's for sure.
Goku arrives with Chi chi running after him.
Chichi:GOKU!!!You can't just leave me alone to take care of Gohan!
Goku:Sorry chichi.Love you!
They all get into the ship as it takes off.
Nappa:Where exactly are we going?
Admond:To planet namek.That would be your home planet yes?
He refers to piccolo.
Piccolo:Actually I was born here on earth.
Cacao:Well it's where the others are.
Piccolo:Other namekians?
The corps nod as they make their way to the new planet,but on the way there-
Vegeta:Spider-Man,you said you don't know how to use Ki,correct?
Spider-Man nods.
Vegeta:Well,even with your full power,frieza and his army might be too much for you.With all your physical power,you could actually beat Frieza in a hand-to-hand fight.But that bastards a crafty one.We need to train you not to increase your power,but to help you hone your Ki. Combined with your strength,you'll be unstoppable.
Spider-Man:Call the play coach.
Raditz:First,we must awaken your energy.It's a long journey,so we have the time.
Goku:I'm actually pretty good at this part.Are you ready?
Goku teaches Spider-Man how to tap into his Ki.Spidey concentrates and concentrates until...he feels something.Something burning inside of him,a surge of energy erupts from Spider-Man's body.

Spider-Man:Whoa...this energy.
Nappa:Now that you've awakened it,you need to control it,make it work for you and use its power as you see fit.
Nappa and Raditz teach Spider-Man how to manipulate his Ki.Soon enough,Spidey learns to fly,use telekinesis,and even make Ki blasts.

Explanation time
Now having Ki,Spider-Man isn't physically more powerful,he can just manipulate Ki and fly now.He mainly uses it for protection to form barriers,he can also sense Ki now, combined with spider sense,he's untouchable.
And he's working on "a little something".
The team lands on namek.
Yamcha:We're here,now what?
Turles:Now we find the dragon balls.
Krillin:Namekians have those?
Daiz:Yep,and we're going to use them.
Spider-Man:For what?
Suddenly there's an explosion.The team flies over to see namekians being attacked by two people.

Dodoria:Kill them all!
Zarbon:Let us be swift.
Without hesitation,Goku,Vegeta and Spider-Man fly over to fight the duo as the rest evacuate the small village.
Zarbon is kicked aside by Vegeta and Goku as dodoria blocks a punch from Spider-Man.
Dodoria:I'll squash you like the bug you are!

(Spider-Man's the smaller guy and dodoria is the large man,I know their names it's just easier to describe their size)
Dodoria:Your a tough guy huh?
Spider-Man:I have my moments.
They continue to clash.Zarbon-

Isn't doing so well,he cannot even transform before he is knocked out cold.
Goku:Usually I'd like to fight him one on one but there's too much at stake now.
The namekians are all evacuated as they decide to jump dodoria.Dodoria is able to hold them off until-

(Nappa still has his armor on)
Nappa:BOMBER DX!!!
The blast nearly kills Dodoria as he passes out.
Turles:Take them to the ship "medical attention".
Corps:Yes sir!
They take the two soldiers.Spider-Man gestures to the saibaman to follow them discreetly.
Raditz:This isn't good.Frieza's army already here.
Vegeta:Meaning Frieza can't be far behind.
Namekian:Thank you all so much!We would have died if not for you!
Turles:You can thank us by-
Spider-Man:By telling us where they came from.
Namekian:They came from over there!
He points to the west.The whole team flies over there to see-

???:Now then,would you please disclose the location of the dragon balls?
Namekian fighter:N-never!
???:Then die.
Before the alien can kill the namekian,Spider-Man steps in,wraps his webs around the alien, and then throws him far away.
Spider-Man:Are you ok?
Spider-Man extends his hand.The namekians skeptical at first,but decides to take the hand.
Goku pulls out a bag and takes a small bean out of it.
Goku:Eat this.
The namekian,although still skeptical,takes the bean and eats it.Suddenly his wounds heal.

Nail:Th-thank you.My name is nail.
Goku:I'm Goku and I'm from earth.
The duo's conversation is interrupted as a yell is heard from afar,there is suddenly a pillar of purple energy.And out of it comes-

???:You impress me,costumed earthling.But this battle isn't over just yet.
Raditz:It's him,it's Frieza!
Frieza chuckles.Suddenly five pods come crashing behind him.Five different aliens step out.
They all say their names loudly in showy poses.
???:Recoome!Burter!Guldo!Jeice!Ginyu!And together we are-

Ginyu force:THE GINYU FORCE!!!!!
Raditz:You can say that again.
Vegeta:We can't take them all on.
Turles:It's time to-huh?
Suddenly,turles's crusher corps fall from the sky one by one.And on top of the pile of unconscious men stood...

The Saibaman cheered in triumph.
Frieza:Is that...a Saibaman?
Vegeta:Yes but why'd he-
Suddenly,turles jabs Vegeta's stomach.
Turles:Sorry prince but-
Turles is sent flying by Vegeta,who feinted pain.
Vegeta:Oh give me a break!You really think I'm this big of an idiot?!I knew you had bad intentions from the start.
Goku walks up to Vegeta's side.
Goku:We all did.
Turles:In that case.
Turles jumps away to Frieza's right.
Turles:It looks like we're in the pickle hm?
Frieza:Your audacity is astounding.
Turles:Come now frieza,don't be like that.I even have a gift.
Turles pulls out the red fruit.
Frieza:What's that supposed to be?
Turles eats the fruit,an then his muscles bulge.
The ginyu forces scouters break as turles's power level rises.
Turles:Now then.

Turles:What say we work together Frieza?
Frieza:Very well then.

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