"stay with me" || Khun x OC

By trpical

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DISCLAIMER: All characters and plot (except for a some OC's and scenes) belong to SIU. The blood which I inh... More

Your Name


25 1 0
By trpical

A/N: For the 'Hide and seek' game, I'm trying to push it into this one chapter so I can finally get into the deeper details of Malisia's backstory and development (both mentally and physically), as well as the growth of her and Khun's relationship. I hope you like it!

also i'm sorry i just had to put that meme up there

The classes went by and it was soon the day before the final joint test for the wave-controller position. To be honest, I was quite confident that I wouldn't fail. If I did, it could almost be considered as an embarrassment to the Estrada family, a family renowned for their abilities. 

I knew that I couldn't fail this test - passing this test was the only way to completely escape from the Estrada family, which also meant that I could never see my mother again too. I didn't have the courage to face my mother again after all, if I were to see her, I believed that I wouldn't be able to contain all the emotions that I felt towards her. When I was younger, I believed that she was the only suitable wife amongst my father's wives. She was kind, beautiful, merciful and innocent. She didn't like the sight of blood, and I tried to understand that although I had already been trained to kill. Often, the wives of my father despised each other's children, for they were deemed as competition for their own children. But my mother took care for Shirley, who she knew wasn't her biological daughter, but rather another wife's daughter. 

My mother was the greatest inspiration to me. 

So why did you shatter that understanding of you, mother? I'm curious about your true identity, mother. 

 Yuga called me over and I demonstrated my control of baangs, meticulously crafting two baangs while maintaining them for a long time. The teacher looked impressed, and applauded me. 

I sighed in relief, and it gave courage to pass the test. 

Only one day left. 


[To understand the rules of the 'Hide and Seek' test, please refer to Episode 36 in the Tower of God webtoon.]

"Regulars participating in this joint position test! Congratulations to all of you!" Lero Ro began to then give us an overview of what we would be tested on, which was meant to test our abilities in our given roles. 

I looked up at the board that floated above us, which displayed which teams we were placed in. 

"Team B, huh." I noticed that Bam was in the same team, as well as Endorsi and Michelle Light. Endorsi would be a fantastic member to the team. It was great that I wasn't in the same team as Khun, who knows what he would do in the test? He would do absolutely anything to complete his plans. 

Hansung Yu then began to explain the rules to the game of 'Hide and Seek', and the rules seemed simple enough. Since Endorsi was a fisherman, it was obvious that she should be the 'it', being a Princess of Jahad and with all that strength. 

"...Um, test director Yu? So, who's the seeker?" Shibisu nervously questioned, awaiting an answer. I wondered the same question too, so I was glad that Shibisu asked instead of me. 

A familiar and rowdy voice then entered the boundaries, and an almost evil laugh started to float around the space around us. 

"HAHAHAHHAHHAHA! NICE QUESTION, I KNEW MY STUDENTS WERE GOOD!!!!! I AM... THE SEEKER OF THIS TEST!!!!!!!!!!" I could tell that the voice belonged to none other than Quant, the rowdy ranker who administered the first test I ever completed when I entered the tower. 

A test with the ranker, huh. What were they thinking, sending a ranker to verse against a group of newbie regulars? This was almost as unbelievable as the fact that the 'Estrada competitions' existed. Surely, they were out of their minds to commence something as crazy as this. 

But this could also be considered a challenge to my morality - if I passed this test, it would serve as an indirect reminder of what I am climbing the tower for. 

Team A was up first, and the rest of us were placed in a separate surveillance room. I started intently at the board to observe their actions. 

And just minutes later, the ranker had already appeared before Shibisu. I gazed at the screen, knowing well that I shouldn't be concerned whether Team A succeeds or not. My plan was to demonstrate my shinsu abilities as much as I could when it came to Team B's test so that I could achieve individual points for myself, but not so much that it became suspicious for others. Especially for that Khun, who was always one step ahead others. I had suspected that the rankers already caught up with my abilities and were questioning my true identity, and perhaps at least one of them already knew that I was from the Estrada family. 

The game began to progress, and now the 'it' in Team A who was Anaak, was now trying to run to the exit while the other members attempted to assist the progression. It had now been 32 minutes and 12 seconds, and Quant was now on the chase. He was a ranker and a scout at that, so it came with no surprise that he was extremely fast. I watched as I realized that Team A was bound to fail. Quant knew of their direction as there was only one exit that Team A could potentially make it out to, so it was clear that Quant was planning to meet the 'it' on the bridge to take the badge away. It was almost funny about what a lousy plan this was for someone like Khun, or maybe he had more cards up his sleeve. It would be a miracle if Team A had succeeded in escaping. 


Team A failed. 

How? How, Khun? 

They were on the verge of winning, they were only meters away from victory. But you purposely failed your team, Khun. 

"Ha.." I sighed, as I commended Khun's cunningness. "You're really.. really sneaky." I mumbled, plastering an anxious grin on my face, the tips of my lips trembling as they rose. Khun had set everything up from the beginning - he made it seem like his team gave it their all while displaying their abilities, while failing the team at the end intentionally to give Bam a ladder to climb. You're as cunning as I thought you'd be. No, maybe even more cunning. 

It's time for Team B, and it's time to win. 


It was noisy. There was not a single calm person in this space, and bickering was the only talent in this pitiful group. It wouldn't have come off as a surprise if this team was to be labelled as the most uncoordinated group in the tower's existence. 

We needed a leader like Khun, and perhaps it was the first moment since I saw him that I desperately needed him. I needed to show off my individual skills for the judges, but if our team ended up failing... it wouldn't be great for me either. 

Everyone was shouting and nothing was becoming resolved - the time continued to tick away but all that existed was chaos from one side to the other. The noise was exhausting. We needed someone like Khun. 

"Gosh! You guys are so frustrating! I'll be 'it', so just do as I say." Endorsi took a step forward as she claimed the spot of the 'it', and it simultaneously shut up the noisy regulars who couldn't stop shouting before. But as Endorsi's presence filled the space, there was finally peace. Everyone respected her for she was a Princess of Jahad, a series of powerful female regulars from the 10 great families who were chosen by Jahad himself. No one could disagree with her. 

Endorsi's plan was rash and almost stupid, if I had to tell the truth. She declared that all the fishermen move together as a group, which was a risky idea. But then again, what else were we going to do? We had to trust her, for she was technically our leader now. 

I had decided to trust her. 

7 years ago (flashback)

"Sia, do you understand what it means to trust someone?" My mother, Ece, asked as she closed her eyes angelically and brushed through my loose hair with her delicate fingers, plaiting it into a simple plait. My mother was beautiful like an angel, so it was a shame that I almost looked like a copy and paste version of my father - who wasn't bad looking, though I adored my mother's angelic features and characteristics. She remained calm and nonchalant in all situations, and I admired that. She taught me about important terms like 'trust', and I listened to her more than anyone else in the household. More than Ryan and Shirley, who were both close seconds after my mother. I was ten when she taught me about 'trust'. 

"I don't know, is it like when you love each other?" I asked as I shrugged it off, just focusing on staying still so she could plait my hair beautifully. My mother chuckled quietly as she took a moment to appreciate my innocence. 

"Well, it's similar! When you have 'trust' in someone or something, it means that you're able to confidently rely on them. It means that you're able to believe in them, even if you think that things might go sideways, or not the way you expect. If you trust someone, it doesn't mean that you love them, but if you love them, trust towards them should come to you naturally." She smiled as she spoke those words, she enjoyed teaching me important values as nobody else in the family wanted to explain them to me. I loved these sessions when she taught me, even if my father thought they were useless teachings. "Putting your trust in other people is very important, but if you put trust in the wrong person... the only thing that'll be left with you is betrayal. Betrayal hurts, so be mindful when trusting people." She continued, and there was a faint and subtle expression of despair when she muttered those words. 

"Then do you love daddy?" I asked innocently, and my mother laughed as she formed a smile. 

"Of course! I love him so much, that's why I had you!" She answered, not expecting what was to follow. 

"Then do you trust him?" As I asked the question, a brief moment of silence filled the room as my mother paused before answering. 

"Yes... Yes I trust him very much. I wouldn't love him if I didn't trust him." She responded, almost seeming like she was holding back tears. When I was younger, I didn't notice this, and continued along. 

"Well, I love you too mum!" I giggled as I spoke, and shook around a lot out of happiness though it messed up my plait. I wanted to embrace this moment, this happiness and this innocence. 

The woman that taught me trust... was the same person that broke mine. 

Back to the present

"I'll stay with Hoh and Serena." I said, and Endorsi agreed. It was the only remaining place that I belonged in - I was neither a spear bearer or fisherman. 

Serena began a short speech about her backstory and her emotions that travelled to her as she experienced the tower. It was emotional and well delivered, I would give her that. But we didn't have the time to share our experiences - we needed to find ways to win and showcase our skills, or at least, my skills. But here in this empty dark space, there was nothing I could do as of now. I needed the ranker to show up. 

"RANKER FOUND!" The voice suddenly screeched from the pocket and everyone became alarmed. 

"Hurry, let's go!" Serena exclaimed and I bit my fingernail, though it was disgusting. Knowing that Khun wasn't here to assist us with his meticulous plans was unsettling. But I remembered from a couple of years ago when my mother had told me to that putting trust into people is important, as long as they are the right people. 

I could trust Serena to an extent, but for Hoh... Something felt unusual about Hoh. 

"I'll go to the light-bearer to help, you guys stay put." Hoh said, and a lump in my throat formed. 

Something was terribly wrong... 

Serena and I stood put for a couple of minutes, until something had striked me as becoming horrifically unusual. Hoh's expression. His unnecessary actions. I couldn't trust him at all. 

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! I'll go after him!" I shouted as I quickly made my way to where Hoh would be. What was that bastard going to do? What were his intentions? I didn't know, but my instincts told me that something big was about to happen. And just when I arrived to the scene, my eyes bulged in shock. It was a scene that I could have never imagined. 

Hoh had a knife to Michelle Light's neck, Quant was sweating nervously as he tried to find a way to rescue Michelle, while Bam stood their confused. Quant then used his shinsu to stop some of the spear-bearers, a great technique that required a high understanding and experience in shinsu. There was almost no way that Bam could pull it off on his first go - even I who had been acknowledged by so many for my great shinsu techniques had not been able to master the 'reverse flow control' technique yet. 

But in just moments, my predictions were crushed. Bam had stopped Hoh with the shinsu technique and saved Michelle swiftly, embracing her. 

"Why...? Why, Mr Hoh, did you do it?" Bam asked Hoh. Bam looked confused - he had thought that Hoh was his friend. It was betrayal that he felt, my mother was right. Trust is important, but putting it into the wrong person will only end up with betrayal. 

"Because I hate you Bam. You have this monstrous power. If only that power was given to me!" Hoh said as tears streamed down his cheeks. 

I watched as I realized that I couldn't do anything, I was helpless. All I did was observe everything, despite being one of the strongest regulars in the team. I felt useless. I had entered the tower to escape, but all I felt now was wanting to apologize for idling. Had this been in Estrada, I would have already been shamed upon and my mother would be crying out in agony due to the fact that I had accomplished almost nothing in this game. 

Then, Hoh stabbed himself with the dagger as his eyes widened though he had done it himself. 

"NOO!" Bam screamed out, shocked. "Hoh, why- why did you...?!" I stood there as I witnessed Hoh die, wanting to cry. But Bam did cry. He wasn't afraid to let all his bottled feelings come out of him, and tears poured out as he wailed in agony. I wished that I could do the same and cry, but my eyes didn't allow me to. It was ridiculous. I barely knew Hoh. I didn't understand his experiences and backstory, yet my heart was still pulled down. Previously, I had cried at the single mention of 'friends', yet I couldn't cry when a person that I knew had died. 

Perhaps it was destiny to kill after all - not save. I couldn't cry when someone died, yet I still failed to save him from his death. My hopes had become crushed. It was in my blood, after all. 

Amidst the chaos, a familiar brunette entered the scene. It was Endorsi.  

"What happened to the other fishermen?!" Serena blurted as she came running to Endorsi. A smirk simply formed on Endorsi's face. 

"Other fishermen?" Endorsi almost looked proud of what she was going to say next.  "I... ate them all. Not literally of course, I just injured them enough so that they won't pass." 

"You... did you-" Serena began to tremble as she said those words, and Endorsi quickly interuptted her. 

"Yes, my whole plan was to eliminate all the other fishermen." I could feel my rage about to explode from my body, I wanted to cry for the fact that I had put trust into the wrong person - again. 

"In other words... I betrayed you." She continued showing no sign of remorse. I wanted to throw up. I was stupid, foolish and mindless to fall to betrayal again. I huffed as I tried to calm down. 

This was the kind of place the tower was. All those warnings and teachings about the tower that I had learned back in the Estrada household were becoming reality, and I had to embrace the truth. I thought that climbing the tower would be better than staying back 'home', and maybe to a certain extent it was. But as I discovered myself in these situations myself, it started to gobble me up and chew on me. It was a feeling that I hadn't felt in years, during the time of the Estrada competition. 

"Endorsi, you bastard-!" I cried out as she then turned to face me. It was the feeling of betrayal from a teammate that made me feel this way the most. 

"Malisia... You're strong, and probably less evil than me. Showing displeasure because you were betrayed doesn't suit you at all. It's in your blood, I can feel it. So don't mind me, there's plenty more people stained with greater evil than me." She went on, and I grinded my teeth as I withstood her words by remaining silent. It was odd for me to even show this much emotion. 

Was this how enraged I felt when Ryan and Shirley died, and mother's true colours were revealed? 

As I stood still trembling, Endorsi walked towards Quant and Bam followed. They began to fight each other head-first, as I brought the courage to fight again. 

This time, I won't kill. I'll just assist them. 

While I stood near the battle, I closed my eyes to craft a high enough concentration of shinsu to absorb from Quant to slow down this movement, which would give Endorsi and advantage. It was a huge ball of shinsu with a smaller ball of shinsu in the center which was a dark shade of red. A technique that I had been learning since I was five years old - it was one of the basic techniques, but it was passed down only to the Estrada children. This made it a rare but easy technique, but those outside the family would think that it was an incredible skill. This was the least I could do in this situation. 

"What the- but that still isn't enough, regulars!" Quant yelled as I tried to bring in a higher concentration every moment that passed, irritated that it hadn't been effective to the fullest yet. The shinsu I just manifested to retract Quant's speed was already at a high level, yet it posed almost no threat to a ranker. I was probably one of the greatest regulars on the floor already, yet the difference between just me and Quant was too great. 

The minutes that they spent fighting felt like moments. And in the end, Quant had grasped Endorsi's badge. 

Or not. 

"Red underwear... that's bold. Wait, huh-?" Quant said as Endorsi smirked, knowing full well that her plan had succeeded. Quant stared at Endorsi in disbelief. 

We had won. 

"Finally... I get to rest from this game of betrayal." 

A/N: Phew! That was one of the longest chapters that I have ever written! Sorry there was almost no interaction between Khun and Malisia in this chapter, I wanted this chapter to focus solely on Malisia and her build up of emotions. It also displayed one of her techniques, which may be used again in the future. 

This chapter was 3276 words - I spent 2 days working on this chapter alone 😭😭

I promise that the next chapter will have more Khun x Malisia moments!

Thank you for reading!

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