Falling Stars ✧ Regulus Black

By Hauntedhues

579K 17.7K 5.2K

Josephine Potter was different from her family. Maybe that's what led to her befriending Regulus Black. FemOC... More

~Character Profiles~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
~Chapter 47~
~Chapter 48~
~Chapter 49~
~Chapter 50~
~Chapter 51~
~Chapter 52~
~Chapter 53~
~Chapter 54~
~Chapter 55~
~Chapter 56~
~Chapter 57~
~Chapter 58~
~Chapter 59~
~Chapter 60~
~Chapter 61~
~Chapter 62~
~Chapter 63~
~Chapter 64~
~Chapter 65~
~Chapter 66~
~Chapter 67~
~Chapter 68~
~Chapter 69~
~Chapter 70~
~Chapter 71~
~Chapter 72~
~Chapter 73~
~Chapter 74~
~Chapter 75~
~Chapter 76~
~Chapter 77~
~Chapter 78~
~Chapter 79~
~Chapter 80~
~Chapter 81~
~Chapter 82~
~Chapter 83~
~Chapter 84~
~Chapter 85~
~Chapter 86~
~Chapter 87~
~Chapter 88~
~Chapter 89~
~Chapter 90~
~Chapter 91~
~Chapter 92~
~Chapter 93~
~Chapter 94~
~Chapter 95~
~Chapter 96~
~Chapter 97~
~Chapter 98~
~Chapter 99~
~Chapter 100~
~Chapter 101~
~Chapter 102~
~Chapter 103~
~Chapter 104~
~Chapter 105~
~Chapter 106~
~Chapter 107~
~Chapter 108~
~Chapter 109~
~Chapter 110~
~Chapter 111~
~Chapter 112~
~Chapter 113~
~Chapter 114~
~Chapter 115~
~Chapter 116~
~Chapter 118~
~Chapter 119~
~Chapter 120~
~Chapter 121~
~Chapter 122~
~Chapter 123~
~Chapter 124~
~Chapter 125~
~Chapter 126~
~Chapter 127~

~Chapter 117~

1.3K 40 15
By Hauntedhues

Josephine grapples with indecision as she wanders through the shelves in Hogsmeade, pondering over what to gift Regulus and Evan for their upcoming birthdays. Her perplexity is amplified—these are not just any individuals but her boyfriend and her closest friend.

Does her inability to decide make her a neglectful friend?

Her thoughts swirl as she digs into her bag, a repository of funds courtesy of Tom. So at least she had money to buy gifts for them.

For Regulus, a sudden realization strikes—perhaps a sketchbook, given his interest in drawing? Yes, a sketchbook, she resolves. She needs something else though...

Her eyes landing on a book whose cover exudes a charm that perfectly matches his aesthetic. It isn't a mundane volume but rather a creation from a renowned witch author. She finds a sketchbook near by for him.

As for Evan, his penchant for rings flashes in her mind. Combining this with his love for music, she seeks rings and a holder, the latter providing a dedicated spot for his collection. Unfortunately, the music he adores is not available in the store, dampening her quest momentarily.

Exiting the shop, she is greeted by Evan bounding towards her, exuberant with sugar-induced enthusiasm. "Josette!" he exclaims, linking arms with her.

"Have you had an excessive amount of sugar?" she inquires, arching a brow.

"It's my birthday!" he proclaims, dismissing the imminent date.

"Your birthday's in a few days," she points out.

"Who cares?" Evan waves his hand dismissively before tugging her into the Three Broomsticks.

Shaking her head with a chuckle, she follows as he leads her to a table where Barty sits alone.

"Hello," she greets, unhooking her arm from Evan's and settling into a seat.

"Josie," Barty nods, taking a sip of his butterbeer.

"Do you want a butterbeer?" Evan offers.

"Sure," Josephine reaches into her bag for money, but Evan is already on his way to the counter. She hesitates, then puts the money back in her bag.

"Your birthdays this summer, right?" Barty inquires with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah, mine's on August 30th. Yours is July 9th, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Barty confirms.

She acknowledges that she doesn't know much about Barty beyond his father's affiliation with the Ministry. Her parents, Fleamont and Euphemia, used to host parties for Ministry personnel, although she never didn't think she had ever saw his parents there.

Returning with two butterbeers, Evan presents them with a smile.

"Thank you," she says, taking one and sipping it as Evan settles beside Barty.

Observing Evan and Barty's relationship, Josephine finds it perplexing, though not explicitly unusual. She refrains from prying into whether they are dating or not, considering it none of her concern.

Glancing out the nearby window, Josephine admires the summer view. Despite its occasional annoyances, she can't deny its inherent beauty.

The following summer looms as the time she aims to locate her Aunt, should the opportunity arise. Josie acknowledges she could pursue it this summer, but the whirlwind of recent events leaves her hesitant to add another weight to her mind.

As she glances back, she notices Pandora and Regulus settling at the table. Barty shifts, situating himself right in front of her, while Pandora occupies the seat next to Evan and Regulus takes the spot beside her.

Beneath the table, Josie finds herself absentmindedly picking at her nails, struggling at times to anchor herself to reality. There are moments when she intentionally disconnects, finding solace in the detachment that allows her respite from incessant thoughts.

A sudden touch of coldness on her hand brings her back to the present. She refocuses and looks down to find Regulus's hand halting her from picking at her nails. He sketches aimless shapes on the back of her hand, a gesture that elicits a genuine smile from her.


"Happy birthday!" Josephine greets Evan, finding him seated next to Barty at the Slytherin table.

"Thank you, Josette," Evan replies with a smile.

Observing Evan closely, she notices a shift in his demeanor. A hint of sadness lingers around him, a feeling she recognizes too well, often finding herself in tears on her own birthdays for no apparent reason.

Barty appears to sense Evan's mood as well.

"I don't feel like having a big celebration tonight," Evan says, turning to Barty. "Just us."

Trying not to intrude, Josephine averts her gaze, allowing them their private conversation. Their exchange lasts only a few moments before their other friends arrive.

"Happy birthday," Pandora greets Evan with a kiss on the cheek before settling at the Ravenclaw table. Josephine offers Regulus a faint smile before her attention shifts back to Evan.

Despite the well-wishes, Evan's distress remains evident. He lingers at the table for a short while before abruptly leaving the Great Hall, prompting concern to etch across Josie's features.

"Be right back," she murmurs, swiftly retrieving her bag and rising from her seat to follow Evan.

Outside the Great Hall, she finds Evan not far from the doors, lost in his thoughts.

"Evan!" she calls out, trying to catch his attention.

He pauses, turning to her with a smile that lacks its usual vibrancy. His subdued tone raises her concern. What had happened? Was it something she did, or was it someone else?

Preferring not to pry, Josie pretends not to notice, sensing perhaps that was what he desired—no questions about his mood.

Understanding that Evan isn't obliged to be cheerful all the time, she reaches into her bag, enhanced by an extension charm, and retrieves a gift bag meant for him.

Handing it over, she notes Evan's confusion at its unexpected appearance from her bag.

"Just open it," Josie urges, a hint of anticipation in her voice.

Evan's smile widens slightly as he delves into the bag, retrieving the rings and ring display she has carefully picked for him.

"Thank you, Josette!" His gratitude echoes sincerity this time, his smile carrying more warmth.

Returning his smile, she suggests, "How about we head to the kitchens and hang out?"

Evan agrees, neatly placing his gift back in the bag, and together they stroll towards the kitchens.

Upon arrival, they decide to embark on a cookie-making adventure. However, what begins as an innocent endeavor quickly turns into a disastrous attempt. Laughter echoes through the room as they struggle to even start baking. Yet, when the cookies finally emerge from the oven, their excitement deflates.

"What—" Evan tries to pry the cookies from the tray. "What the fuck," he mutters in disbelief.

Josephine sighs in disappointment. "I thought I could bake," she mumbles.

"This is terrible," Evan shakes his head, equally bemused.

"We're terrible at this," she concedes, joining in the self-deprecating assessment.

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