I do believe in your galaxy...

By NivethaBaranikumar

3.9K 1.1K 223

Y/N and Taehyung find themselves bound by an arranged marriage orchestrated by their parents, but beneath the... More



31 14 1
By NivethaBaranikumar

Mr.Choi's POV

As I lay in bed, an uneasy feeling gripped my chest, a sense of foreboding that lingered without revealing its source. Perhaps it was the growing void left by Y/N's absence, a yearning that seemed to intensify with every passing moment. Seeking solace, I turned to a few shots of whisky before succumbing to the refuge of sleep.

My slumber was abruptly interrupted by a persistent knock on my door. Opening it, I found Seung-hyun, my elder son, who entered with purpose, his gaze serious. He handed me his phone, displaying an article featuring June and an unidentified girl. "This is why I wanted to keep her away from him," he stated with an intensity that demanded my attention.

In my hazy state, I struggled to comprehend the significance. "Why does June's personal life concern you?" I questioned, the fog of confusion clouding my thoughts.

Seung-hyun's frustration was evident as he clarified, "Appa, it's Y/N." Slowly, the contours of her silhouette on the screen became recognizable, and the pieces started to fall into place. The revelation was like a cold splash of water, jolting me awake.

"Wait, what?" I stammered, attempting to process the implications of this newfound information.

Seung-hyun sighed, impatience evident in his voice. "Taehyung called me yesterday and said she was sleeping, claiming he was bored," he shared. My reliance on Taehyung's word clashed with the mounting suspicions about his involvement.

"And you believed him?" Seung-hyun quizzed, his tone a mix of disbelief and frustration.

Holding onto my skepticism, I countered, "Do you have any proof that she was with June?" Loyalty to Taehyung overshadowed the mounting suspicions about his involvement.

Seung-hyun swiftly retrieved his phone, revealing another article that added a new layer to the unfolding drama. "She just now left his place," he declared, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

The room seemed to close in around me as the implications of Y/N's actions unfolded. The haze of whiskey lifted, replaced by a stark clarity that cut through the fog of confusion. Torn between loyalty to Taehyung and concern for Y/N's well-being, I faced decisions that would shape the trajectory of relationships and unravel the threads that bound us all.

Seung-hyun's gaze met mine, seeking understanding or perhaps a shared sense of worry. In that moment, a silent acknowledgment passed between a father and his elder son, bound by a shared concern for the woman they both cared deeply about. Decisions loomed on the horizon, demanding choices that would determine the course of our intertwined lives.


The door clicked shut behind me, a tangible barrier between the outside world and the storm of emotions raging within. I wasn't ready to hear any explanations, not from Taehyung and certainly not from Appa. The weight of betrayal sat heavily on my chest, and I grappled with the shattered trust that now lay scattered around me.

I had poured my heart out to them, unveiling the scars of my trauma, expecting reciprocity in the form of shared secrets. Yet, the revelation of Taehyung's clandestine activities blindsided me. The man I thought I knew, the one I had entrusted with my heart, harbored a dark side concealed in the shadows of secrecy.

The most agonizing revelation came from Appa. How could he have concealed the truth from me, orchestrated my marriage to someone involved in such sinister affairs? I felt a deep sense of betrayal, questioning the very foundation of the familial bond I believed in. The image of a loving, protective father shattered, replaced by the stark reality that he had willingly married me off to someone with blood on his hands.

My mind echoed with the question: how could they hide such a crucial aspect of their lives? I had bared my soul, sharing the painful path that led to my current state, assuming we were bound by trust. Little did I know that the shadows they dwelled in were far darker than the ones haunting my past.

The hurt ran deep, slicing through the love and connection I thought we shared. I grappled with the contrast between the tender moments we had woven together and the ominous secrets now unveiled. The realization that they were capable of actions I couldn't fathom left me adrift in a sea of disillusionment.

As I retreated into the solitude of my room, I confronted the harsh truth that the people I held dearest had concealed their true selves. The air felt thick with the weight of unspoken words, and the foundations of trust lay shattered, leaving me to navigate the aftermath of a revelation that reshaped the contours of my reality.

Taehyung pov

The news hit me like a tidal wave, crashing over the carefully constructed walls of optimism I had built. Y/N had left June's home, and a sense of urgency propelled me into action. The ache in my chest intensified, but amidst the pain, a flicker of hope burned—I believed she would come to me, that we could face whatever storm lay ahead together.

I braced myself for the confrontation I knew was inevitable. The headlines painted a grim picture, but I was prepared to endure her anger, her disappointment. I craved the chance to explain, to lay bare the complexities that had led us to this juncture. A fight, a heated exchange—anything that would bridge the growing chasm between us.

As I waited, each passing moment felt like an eternity. The anticipation gnawed at my resolve, and my thoughts swirled in a tempest of emotions. I was ready to face her fury, her wrath, but what I hadn't anticipated was her departure without a word. She didn't give us a chance to present our side, to unravel the tangled threads of our lives that had led to this point.

The news articles were cold, impersonal witnesses to the unraveling of our world. The public scrutiny mattered little in comparison to the desolation I felt within. I yearned for her to confront me, to demand answers, to pierce through the silence with the force of her emotions. The absence of her presence, the void left in the wake of her departure, haunted me.

Her eyes, windows to the soul I thought I knew so well, had betrayed her feelings. The hurt, the betrayal—they echoed in the recesses of my mind, haunting my every waking moment. Y/N, my love, whom I could read like an open book, had become an enigma, shrouded in pain and misunderstanding.

I was torn between the desire to respect her space and the burning need to hold her close, to assure her that we could navigate this storm together. The weight of guilt pressed on me; I hadn't wanted to keep our world a secret from her. I envisioned a moment when she would resonate with our truth, a moment that remained elusive.

Amidst the tumult of my thoughts, a call disrupted my internal turmoil. Y/N's appa spoke, delivering news that both reassured and unsettled me—she was here. The urgency to see her, to gauge the extent of the wounds inflicted on her heart, surged within me. I sought permission to come, my desperation seeping into every word.

Her brother's voice, firm and resolute, halted my intentions. He urged restraint, recognizing the need for Y/N to find solace in her own time. Uncle's words resonated, acknowledging her need for space, and I acquiesced, though every fiber of my being yearned to rush to her side.

As I ended the call, a sense of helplessness enveloped me. The path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, and the distance between us seemed insurmountable. Yet, the ember of hope refused to extinguish. I vowed to give her the time she needed, clinging to the belief that, in the ebb and flow of our shared journey, we would find a way back to each other.

Few weeks later
Taehyung pov

Three weeks stretched out like an eternity, each day marked by the relentless pursuit of a connection severed. My attempts to bridge the gap between us resembled a series of failed endeavors, each encounter met with an impenetrable barrier.

The walls around her seemed impenetrable. I sought her at her workplace, but the fortress of corporate security shielded her from my reach. The familiar paths to her home were barricaded by a gatekeeper, a sentinel appointed by her brother. My calls echoed into the void, messages unseen, and the mere mention of my name prompted her to sever the line. Even the well-intentioned visits from Jungkook and Jin yielded no response.

Desperation clawed at my resolve, intensifying the yearning to see her, to unravel the knots that had bound us in this painful silence. The sense of missing her, of her absence echoing in the hollow spaces of my days, became an unbearable weight. I turned to the solace of alcohol, a reluctant companion that blurred the edges of my reality and momentarily dulled the ache within.

Attempts at solace from those around me faltered, their broken spirits mirroring my own. Each of them shared a bond with her, and their helplessness only compounded the collective anguish. Yet, amidst the chaos, a haunting thought repeated in my mind—it's happening again. The echoes of a past pain resurfaced, making me sick with the fear of a recurring nightmare.

Fueled by an unwavering determination, I found myself in the driver's seat, steering towards her. The pull to her side was irresistible, a magnetic force drawing me to confront the void that had swallowed us whole. This time, I vowed not to retreat, to stand my ground until she heard me, until she saw the sincerity etched in my eyes.

Y/N pov

In the solace of my room, the knock on the door felt like an unwelcome intrusion. Appa's presence, though filled with concern, couldn't ease the turmoil within me. As he handed me his phone, a silent agreement passed between us—I wasn't ready to face the complexities that communication with Namjoon would bring.

"I'm not speaking to Namjoon oppa too," I confessed, my voice carrying the weight of hurt rather than anger. It wasn't a deliberate choice but a consequence of the emotional storm that had left me grappling for stability.

"It seems important; hear him out," appa's stern yet caring advice attempted to pierce through the walls I had erected around my emotions. Reluctantly, I accepted the lifeline he offered—the phone—and brought it to my ear. Namjoon's voice, usually a source of comfort, now carried a tone of despair, words hanging in the air with an unspoken gravity.

"He was on the way to your house, but..." The sentence, pregnant with implications, left me suspended in a moment of dreadful anticipation. I knew what he meant, but the emotional tempest raging within me clouded my ability to think straight.

"Where?" The urgency in my question betrayed the turmoil threatening to consume me. The reply, "Red Cross Hospital," struck a chord, sending a shiver down my spine. A sense of foreboding gripped my heart, and the gravity of the situation manifested in the words that followed.

"Appa, I need to leave," I declared, my resolve cutting through the emotional haze. Without hesitation, I reached for my car keys, ready to confront the storm that awaited me. However, my brother intercepted, seizing the keys and offering a solution. "Let me drive; hop in," he suggested. Without protest, I acquiesced, muttering the destination that now echoed with a sense of foreboding, "Red Cross Hospital."

As the car sped towards the hospital, the rhythmic thudding of my heart seemed to synchronize with the vehicle's swift movement. The road ahead felt both too short and endlessly long, a paradox that mirrored the chaotic emotions within. The looming presence of the hospital became a symbol of impending answers and potential heartache. Confined within the confines of the car, I braced myself for the whirlwind of emotions that awaited beyond the doors of the Red Cross Hospital.

Little did I know that the words Namjoon attempted to convey concealed a truth that would shatter the fragile stability I clung to.

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