I do believe in your galaxy...

By NivethaBaranikumar

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Y/N and Taehyung find themselves bound by an arranged marriage orchestrated by their parents, but beneath the... More



26 16 1
By NivethaBaranikumar

Taehyung POV:

The car ride back home felt like a journey through a desolate landscape. The silence inside Jimin's car was thick, suffocating, and the weight of Y/N's unspoken words hung heavily in the air. I stole glances at her from the rearview mirror, but she stared out the window, her expression unreadable.

Jimin navigated through the streets with a tense focus, occasionally glancing at me, his concern evident. I couldn't shake off the worry that gnawed at me. Y/N's detachment was palpable, a stark contrast to the usual warmth that filled our shared spaces.

"Y/N," I ventured, breaking the silence. Her name hung in the air, unanswered. I turned my attention back to the passing cityscape, my mind wrestling with the events that had just transpired.The police's abrupt departure left a lingering unease. As we approached our home, I couldn't help but wonder how deeply this ordeal had affected Y/N.

The car pulled into our driveway, and Jimin cut the engine. The quiet hum of the car ceased, leaving only the distant sounds of the night. Y/N made no move to get out, her gaze fixed on the darkness outside.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I asked, my voice tentative. Her silence persisted, echoing louder than any words she could have spoken. I exchanged a glance with Jimin, a silent acknowledgment of our shared concern.

The door creaked open, breaking the silence, and Y/N stepped out. The air outside felt heavy with an unspoken tension. I followed suit, a growing sense of dread settling in the pit of my stomach.

Jimin and the others, my accomplices in the unspeakable crimes, hovered around, anxiety in their eyes. The need for explanation, for validation, was evident, but Y/N's gaze remained fixed on me, her silent plea demanding answers. We sat on the living room lifeless.

"Taehyung, we need to talk," Jimin's voice cut through the charged atmosphere. I glanced at him, a silent acknowledgment that the time for secrets had passed.

Y/N deserved to know the truth, no matter how damning it might be.Y/N's eyes flickered between us, a silent request for honesty. I took a deep breath, the weight of guilt settling heavily on my shoulders. "Y/N, there's something you need to know," I began, my voice unsteady.

"Jimin,  Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung, Hoseok hyung kookie, and I, we... we're responsible for the crimes they accused us of."A heavy silence followed my confession. Y/N's expression morphed from confusion to disbelief, then to a mix of shock and horror. The truth hung in the air, a suffocating reality that shattered the facade of our seemingly ordinary lives.

"Why?" Y/N's voice trembled as she spoke, the pain in her eyes mirroring the betrayal she felt. "How could you all...?"

"Y/N, we had reasons," Namjoon hyung began, his voice strained with the weight of guilt.But Y/N's reaction was visceral.

"Reasons? There's no reason good enough for what you've done." Her gaze flitted between us, seeking answers that none of us could provide. "I need to get out of here," she declared, her voice trembling.Before anyone could react, Y/N left the house without another word.

The door closed softly behind her, leaving an uncomfortable silence in its wake. I exchanged glances with the others, a shared acknowledgment of the irreversible damage we had caused.

Namjoon hyung sighed, his usually composed demeanor crumbling under the weight of our actions. "We never meant for it to come to this," he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else.

Yoongi hyung, finally broke his silence. "She's right. We messed up, big time."

Jungkook, the youngest among us, looked like he was on the verge of tears. "I didn't think it would end like this," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

The room felt suffocating, the echoes of Y/N's departure lingering like an unspoken accusation. The reality of our actions settled in, and the bond that once held us together now seemed fragile, on the verge of shattering.

As she disappeared from view, Jungkook, unable to contain his emotions any longer, whispered, "What have we done?" His voice cracked, and for the first time, the weight of our collective guilt sank in.

The house became a solemn stage for our shared remorse, the shadows of regret dancing in the dim light. The road ahead looked bleak, and as the echoes of Y/N's departure lingered, we were left to grapple with the aftermath of our choices, wondering if redemption was even possible in the wake of such irreparable damage.


Leaving my home, with its shattered illusions and unanswered questions, I hailed a taxi, the cool night air doing little to ease the turmoil within me.

The city outside passed by in a blur, its streets and lights seeming like an indistinct backdrop to the chaos of my thoughts. I wrestled with the decision of where to go, knowing my dad's house would bring inevitable inquiries I couldn't answer at this moment.

After a brief internal debate, I settled on seeking refuge at June's house. He had always been a steadfast friend, and his place felt like home away from the storm that had engulfed my life. Guiding the taxi to June's address, I gazed out of the window, lost in the labyrinth of my emotions.

Upon reaching June's home, I paid the fare and took a deep breath before approaching the door. With a mix of trepidation and determination, I knocked, hoping for the solace his friendship promised.

June opened the door, his eyes registering concern as he gestured for me to come inside.Within the confines of June's home, I felt a fleeting sense of security. The weight of the night's revelations pressed upon me, and June, understanding without words, offered a haven of quiet support.

As soon as I stepped inside, tears welled up uncontrollably, an outpouring of emotions I hadn't realized I was holding back.June, sensing my distress, didn't press for details. Instead, he offered a comforting presence as I found refuge in the solace of his home.

The living room became a haven for my unspoken pain, the tears flowing freely as if the walls themselves absorbed the weight of my sorrow.

After what felt like an eternity, the tears subsided, leaving me emotionally spent. It was then, in the aftermath of the storm, that I found the strength to share the haunting events of the night. Yet, the words seemed elusive, caught in the tangle of my emotions.

June, without uttering a word, pulled me into a warm embrace. His comforting arms wrapped around me, offering a sanctuary within the confines of his embrace. The silence was broken only by the soft whispers of solace he murmured, sweet reassurances that transcended the need for words.

"June, I don't know what to do. Everything fell apart tonight," I admitted, my gaze fixed on a distant point.

June remained silent, giving me the space to unravel my thoughts.Tears welled up in my eyes as I recounted the events, the betrayal, and the shocking revelations.

June listened, his expression a mix of empathy and concern. As I finished, there was a heavy silence, the weight of truth settling in the room.June, choosing his words carefully, finally spoke. "Y/N, I can't pretend to understand the choices they made, but I know this must be incredibly difficult for you. It's okay to feel hurt and angry."

I nodded, my emotions threatening to overflow. "I just can't believe th_they did this. How could they betray everything we had, June?"He sighed, acknowledging the complexity of the situation.

"Sometimes people make choices that defy understanding. It's not a reflection of your worth or the value of your relationship. They have their reasons, flawed as they may be."My eyes met June's seeking a semblance of clarity in his embrace.

"What do I do now? How do I move forward from this?"June paused, his gaze thoughtful. After a heavy sign, he replied "Take the time you need to process this, Y/N. Your feelings are valid. And when you're ready, consider what you want for yourself, independent of their choices. You deserve honesty and respect in your relationships."

"I know that you love having your hair touched and stroked, but for some reason you never admit to needing that, much less letting your hair down." Said June while gently stroking my hair.
"What the fuck...?" I defended.

"Because I know you," he says softly, firmly. "I've spent years trying not to learn you, and failing." He continued.

" Thank you for listening to my bullshit again" I said felling grateful that I have someone that I could lean on.

In the safety of his arms, I found a momentary respite from the chaos that had engulfed my life. The warmth of his embrace, the gentle cadence of his whispered comfort, created a space where the weight of betrayal momentarily lifted.

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