Path Forged by blood: a jaune...

By Takahashi999

41.5K 582 229

My name is jaune DOWNFALL after getting my transcripts were exposed my life went downhill I was kicked out of... More

jaune's bio
chapter 1: reborn
chapter 2
chapter 3: nothing but death
chapter 4:qrows investigation
chapter 5
chapter 9
chapter 6
chapter 10
chapter 7
chapter 11
chapter 8
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19

chapter 14

1.5K 23 9
By Takahashi999

My First person view

Glynda, visibly relieved by Jaune's decision, eased the sternness in her gaze.

Glynda:Jaune, if you're willing to return, we can work on rebuilding trust and finding a way for you to integrate back into Beacon.

I raised an eyebrow, the shackles on my wrists clinking as I did so.

Jaune:Rebuilding trust? I never knew you had much trust in me to begin with. But fine, let's talk contracts. What do you want from me, and what do I get in return?

Ozpin, ever the mediator, stepped forward.

Ozpin:Jaune, returning to Beacon is a step, but we need assurances that your intentions align with the values of our institution. We're prepared to give you a chance, but it comes with certain conditions.

A sardonic smile played on my lips.

Jaune:Conditions? I'm all ears, Professor. Lay them out.

Glynda produced a document, the details of the contract meticulously outlined.

Glynda:Firstly, you will be placed under close observation for a probationary period. This includes regular check-ins with designated faculty members and counselors.

I chuckled.

Jaune:Check-ins? Are you trying to turn Beacon into a counseling office? But go on, what else?

Ozpin maintained his calm demeanor.

Ozpin:secondly, you will actively participate in classes and training sessions. We want you to reacquaint yourself with the academic and combat aspects of being a Huntsman.

I feigned surprise.

Jaune:Classes and training? How novel. I was starting to think I'd be signing up for a spa retreat. Anything else?

Glynda continued, undeterred by my sarcasm.

Glynda:Thirdly, you will not engage in any unauthorized missions or activities. Your actions will be closely monitored, and any deviation from the agreed-upon terms will have consequences.

I raised an eyebrow.

Jaune:onsequences? You do realize I don't respond well to threats, right?

Ozpin nodded.

Ozpin:Jaune, this is not about threats. It's about accountability. We want to give you a chance to prove that you can change, but there must be boundaries.

As the dialogue unfolded, the terms of the contract became a negotiated truce between conflicting ideals. Whether it was a genuine attempt at redemption or a strategic move to keep a potential threat in check, only time would reveal the true nature of this agreement.

I shifted my focus, the mention of my daughter bringing a solemn tone to the conversation.

Jaune:What about Crystal?

I inquired, my voice carrying a hint of concern.

Glynda sighed, her expression softening.

Glynda:Jaune, we understand the importance of your relationship with Crystal. While you're under probation, she will be allowed to stay with you, but there will be conditions.

A defensive edge crept into my tone.

Jaune:Conditions for Crystal? She's just a kid. What could you possibly impose on her?

Glynda explained

Glynda:Crystal will be enrolled in a specialized program here at Beacon. She will be under the care of our child development experts, receiving both education and emotional support.

My eyes narrowed.

Jaune:so, you want to separate us?

Ozpin interjected

Ozpin:it's not about separation, Jaune. It's about ensuring a stable environment for her. Beacon has resources and personnel dedicated to nurturing young minds. This arrangement is in her best interest.

I leaned back, the weight of the decision sinking in.

Jaune:And what if I refuse these terms?

Glynda responded,

Glynda:Refusal would mean we cannot guarantee the safety and well-being of Crystal within Beacon's premises. It's a compromise, Jaune.

The negotiation continued, the fate of Crystal caught in the balance. As we debated terms, the reality of the situation unfolded - a complex dance of authority, trust, and the ever-present question of redemption. Crystal's future, intricately tied to my choices, hung in the delicate balance of the conversation.

Jaune:Well, at least I get to see her again

I remarked, a sense of relief in my tone.

Wait a minute

Jaune:But damn, my condo and car.

Seriously I've always wanted a condo and my Acura TSX has been my dream car I can't abandoned them

Glynda looked at me sympathetically.

Glynda:Jaune, material possessions can be replaced. Your presence in Crystal's life is what truly matters. We can work on finding you a new place, and as for transportation, Beacon can provide suitable arrangements.

I sighed, realizing the sacrifices and adjustments that would come with my decision.

Jaune:I just hope she understands why I did all this.

Glynda reassured me,

Glynda:Children are more resilient than we give them credit for. Crystal will understand, especially when she sees the efforts you're willing to make for her.

As we continued discussing the logistics of my return, I couldn't shake the mix of emotions, knowing that rejoining Beacon meant stepping into a world where my past actions would cast a long shadow.

As I finally signed it and was allowed to go, albeit without my weapons taking a bullhead I went back to mistral

Ashley's eyes widened as she saw me standing at the doorway. Crystal, who was playing nearby, paused and looked up.


Ashley's voice wavered, a mix of surprise and concern.

I took a moment before responding, my gaze shifting between them. "Hey," I finally greeted, a hint of uncertainty in my tone.

Crystal rushed towards me, her little fox ears twitching with excitement.


she exclaimed, throwing her tiny arms around my legs.

I awkwardly patted her head, a gesture that felt unfamiliar.

Jaune:hey, kiddo. Miss me?

Ashley's expression shifted, a mixture of emotions playing on her face.

Ashley : tell me everything now

she asked, her concern turning into a subtle hint of frustration.

I sighed, glancing around the room.

Jaune:Long story.

Ashley crossed her arms, a stern look on her face.

Ashley:Well, we've got time. Start talking, Jaune.

And so, in the dimly lit room, I began recounting the events that led me away and the journey that brought me back. The words flowed, carrying the weight of experiences, choices, and the internal battles that shaped my path.

As I spoke, Ashley listened intently, her gaze occasionally meeting mine with understanding, concern, and a glimmer of something else. Crystal, nestled against my side, listened with wide eyes, absorbing the fragmented pieces of my story.

The room was filled with the echoes of a past I was trying to reconcile with, a present I was unsure of, and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Crystal held onto me, tears streaming down her face.

Crystal:Daddy, I'm just glad you're okay. I thought you abandoned me

she confessed, her voice shaky.

I gently stroked her hair, trying to reassure her.

Jaune:I would never abandon you, Crystal. Daddy was just caught up in something big. I promise, I'm here now.

Ashley, looking at us with a mixture of relief and concern, joined the conversation.

Ashley:Crystal, your dad went through a tough situation, but he's back, and we're a family. We'll face everything together.

Crystal nodded, her tiny hands still gripping my shirt.

Crystal:I missed you, Daddy.

Jaune: I missed you too, sweetheart

I whispered, feeling a mix of guilt and warmth.

Ashley, sensing the need for a lighter mood, chimed in

Ashley:Well, now that Daddy's back, how about we celebrate with your favorite dinner? Pizza?

Crystal's eyes lit up, a smile breaking through her tears.

Crystal:Pizza! Yes, please!

As we sat down for dinner, the atmosphere lightened. Crystal chatted animatedly about her day at daycare, telling me about her friends and the drawings she made. Ashley joined in, sharing stories and trying to make the evening as normal as possible.

After dinner, Crystal insisted on a game night. We played board games and laughed together, creating a semblance of the normalcy we had been missing. Ashley and I exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the challenges ahead.

Later, as Crystal drifted off to sleep, Ashley and I found a moment to talk privately.

Ashley:Jaune, I know things have been tough for you

Ashley began, her eyes reflecting concern as she embraced me, I really needed that I felt her large chest press against my chest

I kissed her forehead

I sighed, feeling a weight on my shoulders.

Jaune Yeah, it's been a rollercoaster.

Ashley:I'm here for you, Jaune. Crystal loves you, and so do I, I love you so much jaune

She was on top me of me as we began to kiss more passionately

Ashley reassured, her voice genuine.

Jaune:I appreciate that, Ashley. It means a lot I love you too

I admitted, grateful for the support.

We lingered in the quiet of the night, contemplating the uncertainties that lay ahead. The bond between us, forged through shared struggles, provided a glimmer of hope.

As dawn approached, I realized that coming back home was not just a return to a physical space; it was a journey toward rebuilding the fractured pieces of our lives. The challenges remained, but with Crystal's innocent laughter and Ashley's steadfast support, there was a newfound strength to face whatever lay ahead.

The night turned into a new day, marking the beginning of a different chapter-a chance for redemption and a pursuit of a better future, not just for me but for the unconventional family I had come to cherish.

The next day

Ashley's POV:

As they settled into the living room, Crystal curled up on the couch with a stuffed animal, listening intently. Ashley took a deep breath, breaking the silence.

Ashley:So, Jaune, what now? Are you planning to go back to Beacon?

Jaune leaned against the wall, a hint of weariness in his eyes.

Jaune:Yeah, I am. But it won't be easy. There are things I need to take care of.

Ashley raised an eyebrow, curious.

Ashley:What things? And are you going to be okay going back there?

A sly grin crossed Jaune's face.

Ashley:i'll be fine. As for the things... well, let's just say if they try anything, they'll be resting in peace.

Ashley frowned slightly, sensing the underlying tension in Jaune's words.

Ashley:Jaune, revenge won't bring you peace. You need to find a way to move forward.

Jaune's gaze hardened

Jaune:Maybe, but they won't get away with what they did. I won't let them.

The room fell into a heavy silence as the weight of unresolved issues hung in the air. Crystal, oblivious to the complexities, hugged her stuffed animal, finding solace in her father's presence.

And so, the path ahead remained uncertain, marked by the shadows of the past and the challenges yet to come.

In beacon

Mr. Port, a teacher at Beacon, burst into Ozpin's office, his booming voice echoing with disbelief.

Mr port:Ozpin! Glynda! What in the world is going on? Jaune Arc is supposed to be rotting in jail, and now I hear he's coming back to school next week? This is madness!

Ozpin, sitting with his usual air of calm, looked at Glynda, who stood by the window, her expression a mix of concern and caution.

Ozpin:Mr. Port, please, take a seat. We have our reasons.

Mr. Port, still fuming, reluctantly sat down, his massive mustache twitching with irritation.

Mr port:Reasons? The boy was involved in illegal activities, and now you're letting him waltz back into Beacon like nothing happened? Explain yourself!

Ozpin sighed, adjusting his glasses.

Ozpin:Jaune has undergone certain changes. He's made decisions that warrant a second chance. We believe in redemption.

Mr. Port scoffed, crossing his arms.

Mr port:Redemption? Ozpin, this isn't a fairy tale. We can't just overlook criminal behavior. What message does this send to the students? That they can break the law and get away with it?

Glynda interjected, her tone measured.

Glynda:Mr. Port, we understand your concerns, but there's more to this situation than meets the eye. Jaune has agreed to certain conditions and is returning under close supervision. We believe in giving people a chance to change.

The teacher huffed.

Mr port:Supervision or not, this sets a dangerous precedent. What about the safety of the students? What if he relapses into his old ways?

Ozpin leaned forward, his gaze unwavering.

Ozpin: we have taken precautions, Mr. Port. Rest assured, the safety of our students remains our top priority.

The conversation continued, a clash of differing perspectives echoing in Ozpin's office. The fate of Jaune Arc hung in the balance, and Beacon Academy found itself at the center of a storm sparked by one individual's tumultuous journey toward redemption.

Mr. Oobleck, the energetic history teacher at Beacon, adjusted his glasses and took a moment to collect his thoughts.

Mr oobleck:Well, Ozpin, Glynda, this is quite the predicament we find ourselves in. Jaune , a student with a troubled past, returning to Beacon is not a decision to be taken lightly.

He paced around the room, his ever-present coffee thermos in hand.

Mr oobleck:On one hand, the idea of redemption is a powerful one. People can change, and everyone deserves a second chance. However, we must also consider the safety and well-being of the entire student body.

Glynda nodded in agreement, her expression serious.

Glynda:We're aware of the risks, Mr. Oobleck. That's why Jaune's return is being closely monitored, and precautions have been put in place.

Mr. Oobleck took a thoughtful sip of his coffee.

Me oobleck:Yes, precautions are essential. However, it's crucial that we provide a supportive environment for Jaune to truly reform. The students will be watching, and how we handle this situation sets a precedent for the kind of institution Beacon is.

Ozpin leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers.

Ozpin:Mr. Oobleck, your insights are valuable. We believe in the potential for growth and change. Jaune has shown remorse for his actions and is willing to make amends.

The history teacher sighed, his enthusiasm momentarily tempered.

Mr oobleck:I understand the complexities of rehabilitation, but we must tread carefully. We owe it to our students to provide a safe learning environment.

Glynda chimed in

Glynda:And we will, Mr. Oobleck. Jaune's return is a delicate matter, and we're committed to ensuring that it doesn't compromise the safety of Beacon Academy.

The conversation continued, a nuanced exploration of the challenges and responsibilities that came with allowing Jaune Arc to return to Beacon. Mr. Oobleck's perspectives added depth to the ongoing dialogue, highlighting the intricate balance between second chances and the duty to protect those within the academy's walls.

My first person view

I stared at Beacon Academy, memories flooding my mind as I recalled the times when I was part of a team, when things were simpler. A neutral expression masked the complex emotions within.

Glynda noticed my contemplative gaze and spoke

Glynda:Returning here must bring back memories, Jaune.

I nodded, acknowledging the weight of those memories.

Jaune:Some good, some not so much.

Ozpin interjected,

Mr ozpin:Let's focus on the present, jaune. There are matters we need to address.

As the security personnel swarmed around me, conducting meticulous scans for any trace of weapons, I couldn't help but question the necessity of such thorough scrutiny.

Jaune:Is all this really necessary?

I inquired, my tone a mix of curiosity and mild frustration. The scanning process seemed excessive, considering my intent to cooperate.

Glynda, with her usual composed demeanor, responded,

Glynda:Standard procedure, Jaune. Beacon has implemented heightened security measures, especially given recent events.

I couldn't deny the logic behind it, but the invasive nature of the security check left me uneasy.

Jaune :I get it, security's important, but it feels like I'm being treated like a criminal.

Wait hold up

Ozpin, leaning on his cane, offered a reassuring nod.

Ozpin:We understand your concerns, jaune It's a precautionary measure, given the circumstances. Once this is done, we can proceed with the necessary discussions.

I sighed, resigning to the situation.

Jaune:fine, let's get it over with then.

As the scanning continued, my mind drifted to the complexities of my return to Beacon. The once-familiar halls now felt like a battleground of conflicting emotions and unresolved issues.

Glynda, sensing my discomfort, tried to ease the tension.

Glynda:Once the security check is complete, we'll discuss the terms of your return. It's a chance for a fresh start, Jaune.

A bitter smile crept onto my face.

Jaune: fresh start, huh? I wonder how fresh things can really be.

The hum of scanning equipment filled the air, adding a surreal backdrop to our conversation. The security personnel meticulously examined every inch of my belongings, leaving no room for ambiguity.

Ozpin, breaking the silence, said

Ozpin:These measures are for everyone's safety. Beacon has changed, and we must adapt to ensure the well-being of our students.

Adaptation. A concept I grappled with as I stood there, undergoing scrutiny. The world had moved on, and so had Beacon. Whether I could find my place in this changed landscape remained uncertain.

Glynda, perhaps sensing my internal struggle, offered a supportive nod.

Glynda:Change is inevitable, Jaune. What matters is how we navigate it.

The scanning process concluded, and the security personnel stepped back. I felt a peculiar mix of relief and lingering unease. As we prepared to move forward, the weight of the past pressed upon me, leaving me to wonder if Beacon could truly be a place of redemption or merely another battleground for my inner demons.

I entered the dormitory, and to my surprise, it felt more like a luxurious apartment than a typical dorm. The walls adorned with neutral tones and tasteful artwork, creating a serene atmosphere. Plush furniture, including a comfortable-looking sofa and a sleek dining table, enhanced the overall aesthetic.

Glynda, noticing my contemplation, spoke up,

Glynda:Jaune, we've arranged this space to accommodate your needs. We want you to feel comfortable here.

I scanned the room, appreciating the attention to detail.

Jaune:it's quite different from what I expected. Are these accommodations standard for all returning students?

She nodded

Glynda:No, Jaune, these arrangements are unique to your situation. We want to ensure your transition back into Beacon is as smooth as possible.

I took a seat on the sofa, contemplating the events that led me to this point.

Jaune:I appreciate the effort, but I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this than just providing a comfortable living space.

Glynda sighed, her expression softening.

Glynda:Jaune, we understand that you have reservations, but we believe in giving everyone a chance for redemption. This is an opportunity for you to rebuild, not just for yourself but also for those who care about you.

I leaned back, staring at the ceiling.

Jaune:Redemption, huh? It's a lofty goal.

Glynda:We believe in your potential, Jaune

Glynda insisted.

Glynda:Beacon Academy can be a place for growth, a chance to rediscover your path.

I chuckled bitterly

Jaune:You make it sound like I'm on some hero's journey. What if I don't want redemption? What if I'm content with the path I've chosen?

Glynda approached, her gaze unwavering.

Glynda:Jaune, we can't force you to change, but we offer a chance for you to find a new purpose. People can surprise themselves when given the opportunity.

I remained silent for a moment before finally speaking,

Jaune: i'll play along for now, Glynda. But don't expect miracles.

She nodded, acknowledging the reluctance in my tone.

Glynda:Take your time, Jaune. We're here to support you in whatever way we can.

As Glynda left the room, I found myself alone with my thoughts, contemplating the unexpected turn my life had taken within the walls of Beacon Academy.

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