Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies...

By OutsidersAf

210K 2.1K 774

Amalia Zabini has never been one to rock the boat, being adopted made her the butt of all jokes, especially t... More

Don't Trust Me
In My Room
Come As You Are
In My Feelings
Be Quiet and Drive
Notice Me
Playing Dangerous
Kinda Out Of Luck
Fast In My Car
Bound 2
If u Think I'm Pretty
Teacher's Pet
Little Bit
feel something
Author Note
Night Shift
Good Looking
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots
Atlas: Touch
Tutto questo sei tu
It Will Rain


3.2K 37 3
By OutsidersAf

Malia, you have yet to write to me all summer! I am so sorry I told your mother about what had happened but you must understand, I care so much about you. I must say I could have went about it in a completely different way but you never tell me anything, you never let any of us in. I can't seem to understand why exactly you don't but I do not want it to continue.

Other than that, I overheard my parents talking to the Nott's about what is going on, supposedly he's back. I don't think he is but apparently the Malfoy's have been on edge, that's why Draco has yet to write me back, I hope that's the reason.

I want to see you this summer so hopefully we can move past this, you are still coming to the Nott's manor right? Oh please write back with the only answer being yes, I do not think I will be able to survive. Write to me soon.



I sat at the edge of my bed, rereading the same part of the letter Pansy had written to me. You never let any of us in. It's hard to admit, but she's right. I never realized how hard it was for me to trust anyone, I mean, can you blame me? My whole life I have been teased, ridiculed, belittled, and treated terribly by those who claimed to be my "friends".

Mattheo does not count, he has always been a true friend, even with someone as true as him, I could never let him fully in. If no one can fully know me, I can never truly get hurt, right? The taste of metal filled my mouth, without realizing I had been biting the inside of my cheek, so much to the point a small wound had now ensued inside my mouth. I stopped myself from getting too deep into thought at the fear that I may gnaw a hole through my cheek. Everything as of lately has been making me want to cower in fear at the thought of being so stuck in my mind.

It had been a week since the news of Cedric death and the message in the sky appeared for wizards everywhere. Rumors have been floating around that you know who is back. I do not fear him, since according to my family and friends, all pure-bloods are safe, I fear what he will do next. Many what if's have been fueling my mind, especially after the letter I found in the library which was the only piece of parchment in there that was not covered in dust.

I hope this finds you well,

I am sure you received the news of the boy from Hogwarts meeting his fate with the Lord. It is a miracle that he is back. I will not go into detail, I do have to say that I know Theodore can hold his own, especially since he is so passionate about our beliefs, I can not say the same about your own.

Your daughter, as my son has mentioned before, fraternizes with blood traitors, not to mention, mudbloods. I am sending this to you as a concerned friend, tell Amalia that it is not too late, she can be saved, a beautiful young witch such as herself should never think so low of herself. Be warned, the Dark Lord might not mind your children's participation, but I do.

Hope you have a lovely holiday and I hope to see you and your family once more this summer at our manor in France.

Tiberius Nott

I was never one to experience such violent night terrors, that was until I read the gut wrenching letter that my mother forgot to throw away. Instead she got piss drunk and passed out on the couch. She doesn't know that I had read it and I will make sure she knows I never will, if she does find out, she will never turn away from the bottle.

From downstairs a familiar voice was heard from the parlor. Grinning, ear to ear, I hop off of my bed, darting towards the parlor.


Smiling at the top of the stairs, my brother delightfully repaid the expression. The two of us met halfway on the staircase, holding onto one another in a much needed hug that we both needed. Neither of us had been away from one another this long, even though we would not hang around each other too much at school, we still were in each other's presence.

"Malia, I'm sorry"

"Thank you."

I briskly put an end to Blaise's attempt at an apology. Placing my hand on his shoulder, his demeanor softened.

Blaise had never been good at expressing words, in fact he has always been on to keep to himself, even if himself or his loved ones were going through a hard time. Expressing your feelings clearly runs in the family.

"Children, come, dinner is ready."

Our mother called us from the dining room, which was not necessarily normal, yet, not out of the ordinary. It was rather odd due to the fact that Blaise had now returned and my mother did not seem to have an ounce of worry about what could potentially be going on in the wizarding world, coming from her nonchalant response to her son returning home.

Blaise and I exchanged a wary glance at one another before advancing towards the dining room. As we near the dining room we could hear much more than our mother's voice coming from beyond the closed doors. Blaise and I were now more confused than ever. First our mother does not even seem to care the her son, whom she had not seen all year, has now returned home, let alone the rumor that may or may not be true.

Blaise shook his head, clearly disappointed at our mother's oblivious actions. As if on cue the door swung open, revealing a startled Draco Malfoy, nearly colliding into Blaise and I. The three of us jumped away from one another, as a consequence of Blaise and I's delay.

We stood apart for a few more moments just staring at each other, clearly Blaise and I were confused, whereas Draco seemed to have other feelings circulating in his head. He seemed more arrogant than ever, snorting at me, nodding at Blaise, just for him to run along towards the powder room.

As if Blaise and I could not be any more dumbfounded by the past five minutes, we were proven wrong.

"Children, is everything alright?"

Our mother spoke from the head of the table, distinctly speaking on the fact that Blaise and I had our heads tilted quizzically from the encounter with Draco, along with everything else.

"Uh, yeah, yeah we-oh, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, and Mr. Nott, how are you?"

Blaise spoke, prior to moving his eyes. With his response, my head snapped back towards the dining room, fixing my posture at once, mirroring my brothers.

The only thing that I wish I could mirror from my brother right now was his composure. Even the blind could see that I was on the verge of fainting.

There sat my mother, Lucius Malfoy to her right, Narcissa Malfoy to her left, and Tiberius Nott at the head of the table. A slight wave of relief turned up within me as I did not see Theo. In spite of the fact that I could not shake loose the dip my heart took at him not being here.

Blaise took a step forward, simultaneously I stood still, forgetting how to walk. No need to fear, Blaise promptly used wordless magic to jolt me forward.

Don't be daft, it's just our friends parents.

I shot a glare at Blaise.

Using Legilimency are we now?

"Apologies, I am feeling a tad bit under the weather."

Smiling towards the Malfoy's and Mr. Nott, following Blaise to an open chair beside him, not even bothering to give him another look.

Blaise cocked his eyebrow towards me at the fact that I was able to use Legilimency without needing to hold eye contact with him. It was a skill I decided to research more about whilst awaiting for his return from school. It also was a nice way to keep my mind off of Cedric's untimely death, in company of Theo, Pansy, Adrian, and...whatever rumors were spoken about you know who-

"Amalia, Draco has told me that you were friends with that Cedric boy."

Here we go.

I thought, smiling through my teeth at the pot Mr. Malfoy was attempting to stir.

"I was, that is correct."

"More than friends, if I'm not mistaken."

Draco was just on time, walking with his urbane walk he had suddenly obtained within the meer weeks of not seeing him.

"Well I hate to say it but, you are mistaken Draco. Cedric was an amazing friend, he always had my best interest at heart."

"That's likely."

Draco said, quiet enough for no one to hear but me.

What an idiotic response. I could not come to terms with how cruel someone could be, especially since it had only been a week since Cedric's death.

"Well. I am extremely famished, as must all of you be, Phargo!"

My mother could sense the tension that stormed throughout the dining room, she summoned our house elf to bring in the dinner.

I could tell was trying to be better, ever since the last interaction between the two of us. I have mentioned my mother's kindness, however, she can be quiet oblivious, and blood driven which has been hard, mainly due to recent events.

We enjoyed our dinner in utter silence, the only sounds that were made were by cutlery dinging the plates and a short and quiet moan coming from Mr. Nott's mouths between his bites. Although the sound of Mr.Nott's moans were not the most pleasing to listen to, he did know one thing, this dinner was amazing. I had yet to eat a full meal since the news broke on Cedric and my mother only talking about you know who every chance she had. I took this time to savor every last bite of my dinner, knowing this will be the only pleasant meal I can have without having to leave two minutes in.

"I know your mother isn't exactly the best role model but, could you be a lady for once?"

Hearing Draco's distasteful insult whispered to me only made me scrape my fork against my plate harder making sure I scooped up every last pea that was on my plate. Grinning at him proudly only made his face and body contort from the agonizingly painful sound.


Mr. Nott spoke. My ears perked up in interest.

He's going to dig into me for scraping my fork against my plate.

"Yes sir."

Wiping the corners of my mouth, placing my napkin back in my lap.

"How have you been? Theodore had mentioned to us when he came home today that you had left your academics early due to being unwell."

I was not sure if I the time alone had made me become crazy, you know being stuck in my own thoughts an all, but I couldn't help but wonder if Theo had told them of his encounter with Adrian or how I forced my way into his mind.

"Um, yes sir that is correct."

Mr. Nott gave me a sorrowful smile, I can tell he didn't mean it.

"Such a shame, it's probably because it may be the result of the half wit you call a Headmaster! HA."

Mr. Nott's hand hit the solid black oak table, manufacturing an Earth shattering jolt, creating the whole table to shake. Everyone at the table joined in, cackling at Mr. Nott's joke, if you would even call it that. It had been a while since I had felt any feeling I wasn't certain of, this time I knew that the rage that crept up inside me was to not be confused.

"No. Actually it's not."

The laughing ceased and all eyes were drawn to me, yet again. This time it was different, Mr. Nott did not seem affected by the hostility in my words.

"No? Well then, it must be the rotting stench that eludes from the mudbloods and half-breeds that like to crawl all over the school grounds."

He's just trying to get a rise out of you.

I told myself. My breath was rigged, struggling to say steady whilst the rage was poking underneath every pore in my body.

"Or could it be, oh Lucius what was the boys name, Cedric! That's it, could it be that the blood traitor Diggory could not have you, from what my son had told me, you only cared for Theodore."


Silence took over the group.

My breathing was erratic, loud and clear for everyone to hear. My eyes were focused on my plate, I held myself back from looking towards the man who was now grinding his teeth together, piecing together what he said that would cause to me react in such a way.

As for the rest of the group, they had not felt surprised, they felt fear, almost able to sense what Mr. Nott would say or do to my family.

Mr. Nott sighed, turning towards my mother.

"I always knew your daughter was troubled, ever since she was a young witch, now it almost seems like a serious problem."

My eyes met with my mother's, waiting for her to defend me, say anything, say something, alas, nothing. She sat their, sipping her wine, declining to cause anymore problems between us and the powerful Nott's.

This reaction out of my mother sparked fear inside me, not just your typical fear, fear that the tears I could detect fighting their way to break free from my eyes. I was not going to let that happen.

Do it.

I did not need to acknowledge my brother to know it was him talking to me.

Don't let him get away with it, he feeds on the weak.

"I am not troubled."

My voice was low, avoiding the reality that my voice would break if I spoke any louder.

"Speak up when you are addressing me Amalia, it's impolite."

Mr. Nott's voice was stern, much less than the relaxed tonality he had prior to my response.

"I said, I am not troubled. I will simply not sit here and allow you to speak down upon someone who is important to me."

Nice one.

Blaise's cheekish grin only fueled the storm inside. Not as much as the slight gape in Mr. Nott's mouth.

He's at a loss for words.

"More important than your bloody son will ever be!"

Okay, enough Amalia.

Blaise shifted in his seat.

"No! I will not!"

My voiced bounced off the walls, inflicting my rage at Blaise.

"Your son is an entitled boy who thinks that all he has to do is simply walk in a room and can have any and everything he wants!"

Resuming my attention back to Mr. Nott, I slowly rose from my seat between every word I spat, Mr. Nott copied my body language, a fearsome look crawled from his feet all the way up to his face. His jaw warped into a frown, some would say like a bulldog, he could not fathom to hear his son's name ripped to shreds by someone as "troublesome" as me.

"Is that all?"

Venom intertwined in Mr. Notts words, his eyes were slits, staring right into mine.

"Yes, in fact it is."

A weight that I hadn't realized was present seemed to not be latched onto me any longer. It was so much easier to stick my chin high in the air as I did so long ago, the natural poised posture I forced myself to have was now a thought in the past. It came so organically, I felt, powerful. With all of this combined it was so simple to walk away. Pushing the doors open I was startled, yet again by the person on the opposite end of the door. Everything I felt, vanished in a blink of an eye.

"Amalia. I believe I owe you an apology for being late, but it seems as though you're not the one who needs it."

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