Let's be Friends || Black But...

By joey_l0ves

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To Smile is To Love
The Grim Reaper
The Phantomhive, The Devil, and The Reaper
Learning to Love
Pretty Women
Blood and Blush
Out of Place
The Start, Again
The Carriage
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The Trancy and The Faustus
The Hopkins and The Dog
How to Upset an Angel
Art by Author 2
But a Child and Father
The Dawn Will Come Soon

How to Discipline a Phantomhive

3.3K 255 83
By joey_l0ves

"Well, if you don't mind, I'll be going about my business. I'd like to return to the manor as soon as possible, you see. I have a guest. Sebastian, have you memorized the papers?"

"Yes, my lord."

While you had examined the four bodies, which had been taken down shortly after Ciel spoke to Commissioner of the Yard, otherwise known as Lord Randall, Ciel demanded information. He begrudgingly complied, after much frustration.

He didn't seem to like Ciel much, as he angrily presented him with the details and his opinions of the case.

"Come along, Sebastian." Ciel commanded, turning his head to you. You were crouched down, staring down at the dead men. "Are you done, (Y/n)?"

Your head snapped up to his direction.

"Huh? Oh, yes." You timidly replied, cheeks tinted pink. "Yes, I'm done. . ."

You held your hands together, rubbing them nervously.

The Commissioner shot you a look, not caring much for your presence as he appeared to be able to connect the dots for why you were even here in the first place. He knew at least who you were, and the Phantomhive brat told him you were somewhat of an undertaker, and that was enough information for him. 

Besides, you were no secret. 

It had been going around that another one of the Aristocrats of Evil, the infamous Undertaker, had recently been seen with a child. Furthermore, it had also been going around that the Undertaker got himself an apprentice. A child apprentice

He was able to piece it together rather quickly, despite not knowing specific details.

Still, he wondered why a kind looking boy like you was willingly hanging around with the even more infamous, at least in the Underworld, Ciel Phantomhive. Or was it perhaps that you were being forced?

None of those questions mattered, though. He didn't want to get dragged into the matters of the Underworld. He despised the entirety of the Aristocrats of Evils, and he despised the Phantomhive name. He wished he knew nothing of the sort. Even more, he wished none of it existed.

The man next to him, however, was curious. The Commissioner suspected that this curiosity would one day kill the man.

So, as Ciel and Sebastian walked passed you all, leaving you to stand next to the dead men, the curious man, Chief Inspector, best known as Fred Abberline, asked the Commissioner, "Who in the world are those kids. . . ?"

You still stood by the bodies, so you were unfortunate to hear of what was to come.

The Commissioner stayed silent before taking a breath and explaining.

"Since you have seen for yourself, I guess I have no choice but to fill you in. . . Abberline, in this country exists. . . a secret agency under direct control of the Queen. It is known as 'Phantomhive'. "

"Oh, that was his last name!"

"Let me finish," said the Commissioner. "The Phantomhive Earldom has headed up this agency through generations. The earls themselves have been called 'Watchdogs of the Queen' or 'Aristocrats of Evil'."

Abberline was taken aback upon this information.

"But why 'evil'? If they serve the royal family, are they not the same as us-?"

"No!" The Commissioner snapped.

They stood in silence, Abberline in shocked.

The Commissioner continued after a moment, much quieter.

"That. . . is no such simple thing. . . In every civilization, there is a 'polite society' and an 'underworld'. Great Britain is no exception. The rogue organization known as 'Phantomhive' covers up any number of criminal acts carried out by the royals and will stop at nothing to eliminate any and all who may seek to harm the royal family.

"By all rights, they act as a royal shadow, or a 'phantom'. It should have never come into being. The underbelly of the East End. . . The criminals and black guards of other nations who congregate therein. . . So that these undesirables do not spill out onto polite society, they employ their monstrous authority to rule over all and police every inch of this country's underworld. . . "

He stared at Ciel as he continued to get further down the walkway of the city.

Then, his eyes landed on you, who still stood there with a look of distress and sadness.

"That. . . is the Phantomhive Earldom for you."

Abberline was too entranced with Ciel and his dark background to notice how the Commissioner was now focused on you.

Abberline continued to question.

"So basically, they're the opposite of the police department? For the reason that they use the powers of evil to carry out the Queen's orders? Those slip of children like them?"

"That Phantomhive boy. . . There is no child there. That is the Devil himself. That boy with him, however. . . I can't speak for him, but I have a clear prediction of what is in store for him."

That's when you looked up at him, surprising him.

And then, you approached them both.

Abberline panicked somewhat, though the Commissioner was patient, staring at you sternly.

Once you reached them, you stood there firmly. You held a sad little face, but your cheeks suggested that you were more shy than anything.

Nonetheless, you stuck your hand out to them, wanting a handshake.

"It was nice meeting you both. Thank you for letting me. . . Well, you know. . . My name is (Y/n), by the way. It was nice meeting you both. Oh, w-wait, I already said that!"

The Commissioner stared at you for a moment before giving you the tiniest bit of a sympathetic smile.

You jumped and placed your hands behind your back in embarrassment as he ruffled your hair.

"Don't become what should have never existed. Got it, boy?"

You let out a squeak, "Ah?"

Ciel turned around to look for you once upon realizing you were not following from behind.

He called out to you, "(Y/n), I don't suppose you expect me to leave you here?"

You turned around quickly, slightly yelling a "Sorry!"

You looked to the two Yard members, spewing one last, "I have to go! It was nice meeting you!"

You shook your head, a blush growing more evident.

"S-sorry, I said it again! Bye, and have a good day, Mister Lord Randall! Mister Abberline!"

Abberline was rather shocked at your respectful acknowledgment, which he hardly ever got, but nonetheless exclaimed a flattered, "Oh! Bye now!"

The Commissioner waved you away with a "You as well."

The two watched as you hurried to Ciel's side.

By the time you were gone, the Commissioner let that rare smile of his fall.

Abberline lightly laughed at the interaction, finding you amusing and sweet. You didn't see to be as bad as that Ciel Phantomhive kid. In fact, you didn't seem bad at all!

You seemed like the type that could make about anyone smile. Hell, you even managed to make the cold-hearted Commissioner smile.

But he wasn't smiling anymore.

Abberline noticed this, and in his usual curious nature, he asked, "Are you alright?"

Silence lingered before the Commissioner sighed.

"You would think a boy that sweet would be able to train and have some influence on that bratty dog of a child."

The Commissioner said nothing more to elaborate as he proceeded to walk away from the scene, allowing Abberline to follow in confusion.


The Commissioner groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Never mind what I said before. Let's go now. We have to do something before them, or I'll never hear the end of it."

"Oh? Alright then?" Abberline replied, dumbfounded.

"That damn Phantomhive brat. . . ! He seems to bring dread everywhere he goes! At least that other boy knows how respect a man of status."

The Commissioner wondered if he'd see you again, still sweet. He somewhat doubted that thought.

He knew just how monstrous that Phantomhive could be. Just as he knew that, he knew just how much of a monstrous influence the Phantomhive had on others.

But until then, he would have no way of knowing your fate. Not while you were in the hands of that boy, anyway.

And so things went on, unfortunately for you.

You looked around in thought, asking yourself just where you were all going now. Ciel said he was eager to get back to his manor, but his actions didn't seem to line up with that at all. He continued to take you around town. You sort of wished he had never invited you out at all.

You desperately wanted to enjoy this day with Ciel, one of your first ever friends after so many years of loneliness, but he confused you so very greatly. The way he acted towards you left you feeling alone and weak.

Yet other times, you found him to be so very kind and charming. . . so intriguing. . .

Perhaps you were not used to conversation anymore? It's been a long while since you've actually had conversations with people. . .

But then, you'd recall the way you easily spoke with the Undertaker, and you questioned why it could not be the same with Ciel or Sebastian. Why was it so difficult? Why were you so difficult?

Why couldn't you speak as easily as others? Why did you manage to get hurt by the littlest things? Why were you so. . . lousy?

You wished not to go through this anymore, simply wanting to go home.

But you couldn't bear the thought of telling Ciel that. He was so kind to bring you out in the first place.

So you dealt with it, all the while you wished to be back with the Undertaker, in his comfort, in his arms, to tell him all of your worries and feelings and knowing he would understand.

You shook your head. You mustn't think so negatively. Perhaps it really was only you? Maybe Ciel wasn't so bad?

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

You take that back.

You shrugged, not looking at Ciel and instead keeping your eyes steady on the ground.

"I guess not. . ."

He hummed, and from the corner of your eye, you could see him with a small yet contempt smile as he looked at you.

"Perhaps you won't need to become an Aristocrat of Evil, but it's best to always be prepared for such an event, don't you think?"

He smiled at you again, only for you to further avoid his gaze.

It was then that you noticed how his gaze was so persistent when he wished it to be, so unwavering. You had just began to realize those times that he seemingly interrogated you. The way he spoke to you, and the way he looked at you. . .

The way he looked at you. . . 

You thought you would love for people to look and smile at you, but you couldn't help but want none of the sort when it came from Ciel. Or at least, you didn't want it when it was like right now.

He still had yet to know of your more. . . demonic side, but he still looked at you in a way that you'd expect him to in the case that he did know.

Why did he look at you like that? It was so subtle, so put-to-the-side, as if underlying his words. . .

Mean. That was it.

You wondered how anyone could have such mean eyes.

No, no! You mustn't think of him as mean! That itself would be mean! You wouldn't and couldn't be mean. That simply wasn't you! You had been over this, you mustn't think negatively!

"Well?" He called out to you, looking at you still. No, it wasn't looking. It was examining.

You hesitantly met his eyes, a nervous line of a mouth on your face.

"I mean. . . I suppose so. . . "

"Did you collect any intel on the bodies?"

"Huh? Oh, well, it was- I mean- sort of- Perhaps I- It was. . ."

"Any time now."

Your shoulders sagged.

You wanted to go home.

"There didn't seem to be anything different from what you told me. . . There were multiple bruises and wounds. Lots of head beatings, but that was to be expected. These didn't seem to be the reason why they died, however. They died because they had been held upside down far too long. The head beatings only seemed quicken their deaths. Even so, that probably means whoever did this purposely left them to die. They left them too weak to struggle, to cry for help. . ."

The thought of someone so helpless made you more miserable.

You didn't want to think about dead bodies. You didn't want to think about anything being dead. You knew you were an undertaker in training, but you were still a child. It isn't normal for a child to be doing something like this. It isn't normal for you to be doing this!

You wanted to be an undertaker, but my gosh, that didn't mean you wanted to constantly think about it. You didn't want to be constantly confronted with the dead. You thought that was the whole reason you met up with Ciel in the first place! To forget about it! Clearly not!

Ciel let out a hum, mentioning, "We only have one more stop to make before returning to the manor, unless you'd like to return back to the Undertaker?"

You did not reply to him, as you were to busy being disappointed at such a turn of unfortunate events. You were disappointed in all that had happened.

You were disappointed in yourself, mostly. You were so embarrassed with yourself, too. You couldn't help but blush. So you stayed quiet, not quite being able to find the right words. You essentially ignored him.

That annoyed him.


His smile slowly became a frown at your silence, and he turned his gaze away to look at the path ahead of him. But from the times that he was looking at you, he could make out the embarrassed blush on your face. He decided to pressure you about it.

"Hm? Are you alright? Your face is very red."

You didn't reply to that either.

He didn't understand why he got so upset with the consequences of his own actions. Why would he get so annoyed at you for reacting in a way he wanted you to? He was the one pushing your buttons, being so passive aggressive, and you're reacting to it as he thought you would. So why? 

Surely, it wasn't because he was disappointed in himself deep down, right? Surely, it wasn't because he was annoyed with himself for hurting your feelings, right?

Why did it piss him off that you no longer looked at him with that same love you gave nearly everyone? That look you always managed to have? Was he really annoyed at himself that he managed to dull that look you always had? The look he loved?

Hold on a moment. 'Love'? He 'loved' that look you had? He 'loved' how you looked at him? Since when did he 'love' anything about you? That couldn't possibly be right.

He didn't even like you.

His eyes became half-lidded in annoyance, but he lit up immediately when you began to speak.

You ignored his last statement and instead quietly commented, "I do hope they get to an undertaker soon. The decomposition process has already begun. . ."

Ciel, seeing that he had an opportunity to cheer you up as he did before, replied in a reassuring tone, "I'm sure they will. You shouldn't worry. They'll be okay."

You didn't reply to this either, instead turning your head to the opposite side from where Ciel stood.

Ciel began to get more worried than annoyed, and tried harder.

He started slowly, and in a rare moment, Sebastian got to see his master become desperate

And it was hilarious.

"That's why we're here. These people were murdered, and we've come to enforce justice. In the name of the her majesty, we, the Aristocrats of Evil, will stop these murders from taking place, and allow society to return to it's peaceful state. The Aristocrats of Evil, are justice."

Sebastian nearly spewed out laughing at these mawkish words, and in an attempt to stop himself placed a hand to his mouth. His shoulders shook in a desperate attempt to hold in loudest laugh he may have ever laughed.

You finally looked at him, which excited him, but this was shut down when he saw your cringed and awkward expression.

You struggled even more to find a way to respond to such out of place words. Really, that came out of no where. It didn't even sound like Ciel.

You slowed down your walk until eventually you stopped and stood there, with both Ciel and Sebastian stopping after you. You were staring at him in embarrassment. But you weren't embarrassed, no, you were embarrassed for him.

At that moment, Ciel no longer had that mean expression in his eyes. You could just see him as a little desperate, but you couldn't understand for what. Why did he say that? 'The Aristocrats of Evil, are justice'. . . ?

Besides that sounding like something he'd never say, it didn't connect to anything Lord Randall had said. The Aristocrats of Evil weren't justice. They were evil! It was in the name!

Your stare was so unsettled. Uncomfortable. At this point, you had completely forgotten how he bought you a whole wardrobe.

That line made you cringe intensely, and that made you decide you should simply tell him that you wished to leave.

Ciel, who still looked at you in a desperate expectancy, internally berated himself. He didn't know how such a thing could come out of him mouth. It was so embarrassing.

He looked away from you and placed a hand to his face, acknowledging his desperation.

Internally he told himself off, "Oh my God. I'm terrible. This is terrible."

"Um. . . Ciel?" You began, unsure of yourself.

Ciel looked up at you and quickly, a bit too quickly and loudly, answered, "Y-yes!" 

He was going to bury himself alive. First, a cheesy line that backfired horribly, and then a stutter. 

He was going to die. He was currently dying. Sebastian could simply take his soul now, because he wasn't so sure he wanted it anymore.

You watched in uncertainty as Ciel's face became red entirely. As you glanced at Sebastian, you noticed how he was turned away completely, struggling with his laughter. You chose to ignore it.

"I. . . I think I'm going to head off. . ."

You think you audibly heard glass break within Ciel's head as you watched him process what you said.

". . . Huh?" His voice cracked.

Okay, well now he was sure he was just dead. He's deceased now. He was ready to be placed in the coffin the Undertaker had made for him.

Ciel tried to recover, clearing his throat and adjusting his collar, suddenly feeling hot.

"Ah, well in that case, we can give you a ride back to-"

You shook your head gently as you interrupted him, "No. It's alright. I can manage without you."

More glass broke inside of Ciel's head.

"A-are you sure?"

You paused for a moment, before tilting your head. You looked entirely neutral now. Not a tint of blush was on your face. It was as if the tables turned in an instant. When did you suddenly get the high ground over him?

"I'm sure. Perhaps you should head home too, Ciel. You must not be feeling well. After all, your face is very red."

And with that, you turned away and walked the way you all came from, bidding the both a brief thank you and goodbye.

Ciel watched you walk off. He was dumbfounded.

He stood there for a long time while he tried to process everything that had just occurred.

After a while, when you were far gone, he calmed himself and turned to Sebastian.


Ciel yelled at his butler, more humiliated than before. 

Sebastian was bent over in a struggle, using his arm to balance himself against the wall of a building. He was consumed in pure mirth as he convulsed with laughter.

"M-my lord-!" He started, before giving into his laughter.


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