A Fault In Our Time

By fanaticHazzel

294 75 5

They had their secrets, they had their reasons and in the midst of trying to hide their secrets, they realize... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 21

11 1 0
By fanaticHazzel

Hermit only stared at Fay as she ran a comb through her hair, her silky hair that he always liked to touch. Her face was relaxed as though he hadn't announced to her that they would be leaving tomorrow, it seems that she might have been tired of the palace and wanted to be in a different environment. Maybe it was the reason she started to grow thorns. She felt the need to defend herself but he is here to do that. He would use his life to protect her. Go to the edge of the world to save her and be her tent in the vast wild. She is his all.

She drops the comb before standing up and walk right up to him and sat on his lap. "Adam leaves today. Won't you see him off?" she questioned, her voice calm and her gaze settled on him. She wasn't thinking. He noticed as his hand settled on her waist.

"I'm not the type that welcomes or see people off Fay. I was thinking if we could take Kailyn with us." He spoke, changing the topic.
He wasn't the type that likes to welcome his father let alone his brother- a brother he hardly considers.

Surprise shone in her eye then she smile and relaxed her head on his shoulder. "it'll be good, at least I'll have someone I'm familiar with when we get to Cold Lair division." She wondered if the Cold Lair division will be just as cold as the capital.

Over the time she had in the palace as Hermit's wife, she had grown quite tired of the palace, its politics has begun to wear her off. She is tired of having to always watch her back, always had to be calculative. It was a chess world they were living in and they can't live without playing that game every single day. The chess game where the pawn and every other character in it are humans.

She wondered how the princes have live this long and are quite healthy or are they?

"I thought so too." Hermit's calm voice snatched her out of her thought and she smiled.

Although she sometimes gets terrified of Hermit, there wasn't anything or anyone that isn't terrified of him but at same time she knew he was the only one that could protect her the most and she feels safe with him. She feels safe with him in a kind of way she has never felt with anyone, not even with madam Kate.

She trusts Hermit to protect her no matter where they go or where they find their selves and she felt, she didn't have any life without him. Be it because she had obsessed over him since she got of age to know what attraction was or because she had survived their wedding night seeing a different side of him, but it doesn't matter.
Being with him matters.

"how is Cold Lair division?" she asked.

"I was there only when I was little, the memory I have of there is hazy." Hermit answered.

"I hope it's not as cold as the capital. I would want to escape this cold."

Although she was birthed here and have grown used to the cold here, any citizen of Cold Lair kingdom is quite used to it. Especially the capital. But the cold sometimes just gets tiring.

"we'll know when we get there." Hermit told her with a small smile on his face.

Adam stared at palace, he had never wanted to leave the palace, the king's chamber was supposed to be his. He had hoped their father would depose Marius after realizing Marius has caused them an impending war and then crown him the crown prince as he is the second son but alas, their father had another plan.

He very much cares that their father crowned Venus, even though Venus is his younger brother, birthed by the queen but... Adam felt offended. All his life, he has always been in the shadow of Marius, their father made sure he always obeyed every Marius' command and here they are, their father blaming him for not talking Marius out of approving the war.

War against a kingdom from the southern region was a reckless decision, it was as if Marius has brought death upon Cold Lair Kingdom.
Adam couldn't forget how the queen would tell him a story of how their grandfather fought the southern region and how much blood was spilled. It was as if there was no victory from both sides but his mother would say; it still favored Cold Lair most.

Now as he leaves the palace, he will make sure that when he returns, he'll have the throne for himself. Although Marius is smart and is the one to make all the connection but Adam knew that the throne was his.

"my lord. They are asking if we can proceed with our journey." Samantha asked him, snatching him out of his thought.
He gave the palace a hard glare before he turned to look at Samantha. "let's begin." He shouted from the carriage.
Looking at Samantha's eyes, he felt like ending the life of every prince, especially Venus.
He knew sometimes, Samantha stalked Venus but at some point it favored Adam, since she would hear something she wasn't supposed to and would run back to their chamber to relay everything she heard still, it angered Adam that his wife still stalks his brother.

He refuses to agree that he stole her from Venus because, the moment he saw her, he knew he wanted her. He used to hear Venus talk about her and he had always imagined what she would look like. Somehow, he and Venus have a very similar taste in women. So seeing Samantha, he knew he had to have her for himself. To at least know that for once he has deprived someone of something or someone. He hated having to hide in the shadow.

And in Samantha's eyes right at that moment- there was sadness. He knew she didn't want to leave the palace too.
His anger intensified when he remember hearing his father tell the Queen to convince Hermit to stay until his wife bring forth their child, giving the excuse that Fay is heavily pregnant.

Adam knew it wasn't the reason, their father loved Hermit most, favored him at some point and he would not push Hermit away, their father only wanted to chase he and Marius out of the palace. Emmett wasn't someone to cause much trouble.

So... Adam felt his hatred for Hermit intensify, after Venus, the next he would like to see dead is Hermit.
Because apart from the king loving Hermit most, Hermit doesn't know how to let vengeance rest in peace, he wasn't one to be played with and if Venus was found dead. Hermit will stop at no cost until he sees the end of whoever murdered Venus because Venus is Hermit's favorite. The both have similar attitudes. Two demons Adam couldn't wait to see dead.

Adam never had any feud towards Hermit at first but with time, things changed and now, Hermit is second in his list. Including that ill-mannered wife of his.
Since Hermit married her, he seems to have grown deadlier as he considers everything and anything a threat towards his wife. She is a witch! Adam concluded.

He made a promise to himself at that moment that he would either return as the king or die trying. He will never give up regardless of what their mother will see him as. His love for power has overpowered the approval he had always seek from their mother. Hell, she is his mother not their mother.

He watch the castle fade away from his view as they sped away from it. From the capital but not from the kingdom. There is still a chance of returning for what was his. He told himself.


Venus walked into the throne room to see his parent waiting- his father not so patiently while his mother- she had on her face a look that told him he isn't going to like what he'll be told.

"Greetings, father. Mother." He greeted as the king nods his head in acknowledgement, their father only does this when he is about to give out an order they might not like, he tries to show dominance. Power.

"your mother said she couldn't choose a bride yet and thinks you know the best for yourself. I need your choice so we can start the preparation because your wedding is in two week." The king announced and Venus inhaled sharply.

"it's too early. You can't just announce that without asking for my opinion. This is my life." Venus argued through gritted teeth.

"I'm the king, what I say goes. You wish to challenge me?" the king asked with a calm voice, a kind of calm that holds dark promises behind it.

"I choose lady Imogen.'" Venus answered as his eyes dart to look at his mother, he could see she was pleased with his choice but she was still hurt from how the king always decides their life for them or maybe she's hurting because her son's life is in gamble. "if you will excuse me please." He said, not caring for a bow as he strode out of the throne room angrily, his teeth clenched. His head hazy. He was lost in thought.

The first place Venus went to was the training room where he expected to see Hermit.
"you are angry." Hermit pointed out. His hand reaching for a dagger on the table.

"I'm marrying in two week time. Shouldn't I be angry?" Venus spoke as Hermit threw the dagger at the wooden target before turning to give Venus his full attention.

"father I guess and who was the unlucky lady?" Hermit wasn't one to sugarcoat things so it wasn't new when he had called the lady unlucky. She was unlucky as Venus has already given his heart to another woman, a woman he can never have. Never be with.

"Lady Imogen. Theodore said she won't trouble me much as I'm not her type of man." Venus spoke quietly.

Well, lady Imogen is in for some real battle it seems, only that, the ones plotting the war aren't here anymore but of course they have their people here. Even Hermit has his own people here.

Adam left in the morning and not too long, Marius left too. Emmett seems to be troubled by something, maybe troubled if to wait for his bride or leave and wait for her in his division. But her safety during her journey from the capital to his division wasn't guaranteed without Emmett accompanying her.
He might have not met his bride but have exchanged few letters and he seems enamored by her already which is quite good. Hermit thought.

"please take Kailyn with you before words leak out." Venus spoke but Hermit couldn't miss the plea in his voice.
"I'm leaving on the morrow.'' Hermit looks into his eyes with guilt. "I'm going to miss your wedding." It was hard to see Hermit's eyes hold guilt. It was new.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for depriving you of that." Venus apologized as though it was something he does every time.

"don't." Hermit's eyes are now void of emotion but Venus knew his brother enough to know Hermit was angry at himself for not being able to do better.

"I guess you'll come see me before you leave?" Venus asked. He was not going to expect Hermit to see him before leaving, he knew Hermit wasn't one to do such. Except that time he did because he was traveling and was leaving his wife in the midst of all those terror.

"the hallways to your chamber will be cleared, expect to Kaylin." Hermit told him. It was the last help he could offer Venus.
Because from here on, they all are on their own. There wasn't anyone to look out for anyone.
"protect Theodore." Hermit told him. It was what he will ask of Venus after all the help. Although Theodore is smart and knew a lot of things because of his over observant traits but he couldn't wield a sword.
Palace battle isn't all about smartness but strength too, at any moment there might be war and he needs to survive. He has to survive. Hermit promised himself to protect his brother no matter where he is.

"I promise." Venus didn't have to convince Hermit, he already knew Venus will protect their brother.

"thank you." With that, Hermit turned his back after picking a sword and walked farther into the training room while Venus stared at him for a moment.
Confused why Hermit saw the need to thank him when he is only doing what any brother would do for his younger one.


Hermit stared into their father's eyes, he had expected the King to summon him that night.
Adam and Marius had left, the king had called Venus and gave him an order. Hermit knew he was the next.
It was him or Emmett or Theodore; Theodore, the king doesn't strain even a hair for him since he realized he was a lost course. Emmett already have everything sorted out, have his bride on her way to Cold Lair and had reported that he's departing tomorrow even though he debates if to wait for his bride. Hermit, he was the one with the power, the one the king needs. The monster to order to war and what not. He knew what the King wanted without having to say it.

"I want you to stay." The king spoke. "Venus' wedding is in two week. Stay till then."
"I'm not staying?" Hermit said calmly, trying not to show his father he was angry.
"you'll stay. You will do as I say." The King bellowed. Though now, the king was smart and waited till the queen has left the throne room before summoning Hermit, he didn't want the Queen's wrath upon himself.

"since when did I start doing as you say. You have no leash on me and I am not your killing machine. I do things on my own accord...." Hermit's eyes narrowed at the king, showing no emotion.
"don't test me."
"I love testing you. You should be glad I'm talking to you now. It's an improvement."
"Fay will not leave with you."
"try. Me." Hermit gritted, turned around and walked out of the throne room, before he walked out of the throne room, he heard the King banged his hand on the armrest of his chair.


"my lord." Fay's soft voice called as he stepped into their chamber.
Hermit didn't say a word as he took fast strides towards her, pulled her into his arms and dropped an affectionate kiss on the crown of her head. A kiss that lasted for quite too long and Fay burrowed her face into his chest. Feeling satisfied.

Hermit didn't know why he felt the need to hold her or kiss her head but hearing his father threaten him with Fay, switched something inside of him. Something animalistic. Something inhumane...

"are you okay?" Fay asked. She knew he wasn't. She's been married to him for quite long enough to know when something bothers him. "you don't have to tell if you don't want to." She added and he exhaled.
She always knew when to prod and when not to.

Here's another chapter.... Don't forget to tell me what you think in the comment section. Don't forget to vote ;⁠-⁠)

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