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137K 2.8K 779

Oakley known as Central Cee gets a random girl pregnant and interrupts her life along with his. The start. More



3.8K 114 54


CLEMENTINE woke up to the warm feeling of another body, she looked up to see Oakley sleep as he leaned on the armrest of the leather couch with his right arm around Clementine's waist as she lays on him, Clementine slowly looked up to see everyone asleep. Clementine slowly gets up walking over to the bathroom, still being in the private jet, she enters a small bathroom. After walking out of the small bathroom she turns to see Oakley on his phone.

"Hey," Clementine lightly said giving him a small smile as she sat back down.

"We about to land, you okay," Oakley said in a raspy voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Clementine sat beside him.

"So um, you know how I have my appointment for the baby... When are we going back to New York," Clementine asked.

"Well your appointment is Monday we heading back on the night before, so we'll make it back in time don't worry," Oakley explained and Clementine nodded. There was a moment of silence that Oakley soon tried to fill.

"You feel okay," Oakley asked.

"Uhm," Clementine nodded as she looked down at her lap.

"You hungry," Oakley raised an eyebrow.

"A little," Clementine nodded.

"What do you want to eat when we land," Oakley got on his phone before looking out the window to see the jet lower down.

"I don't know what they have in London," Clementine shrugged.

"I'll get you something you might like," Oakley chuckled.

The others woke up and they all got off the private jet heading to a black BMW, on their way back to Oakley's house, they stopped by a food place that Oakley always went to whenever he was home. As they kept driving they stopped in front of a black Victorian gate, it opened wide and a beige England luxurious medium-sized mansion came into view along with multiple cars lined up, some vines went down the walls of the mansion. The driver pulled up to the front of the door and parked the car as he got out to get Clementine's luggage.

"Come on," Oakley smirked.

Oakley grabbed the bag of food and Clementine got out of the car wearing his black puffer jacket she grabbed her small bag following Oakley inside, Saint, Jordan, and Clint got out of the other BMW that parked behind Oakley and Clementines, and they followed them inside, entering the living room and sat in the couch as Oakley got Clementine settled in.

"I got a guest room or you can stay in my room," Oakley motioned behind him through a hall.

"I'll take the guest room," Clementine gave him a small smile as she took one of her suitcases, Oakley led her to the guest room

"Yo' Cench, your manager is about to be here in a minute, get ready," Clint said while on the phone with someone.

"Nah I ain't about to leave her here alone, clear my schedule," Oakley sat on the couch and Clementine sat on the armrest of the couch Oakley was on, he looked up at her and grabbed her by the waist pulling her onto his lap, Clementine quietly yelped at the sudden action and looked back at Oakley.

"What was that for," Clementine quietly asked him.

"I want you to be comfortable," Oakley shrugged still holding onto her waist.

"Okay look, you just can't put everything on hold because of her," Clint set his phone on the table in the middle of the living room.

"I get it this is your first baby, first baby mama, but she going to be perfectly fine by herself she's not the baby, the one inside of her is the one you need to worry about but until then you still got a career, it's only been a year since you had these millions, so I want you bruv to take a fucking shower and get the fuck in the car," Clint ranted.

"Damn," Saint chuckled.

"You might as well start getting ready 'cause he's getting you in that car one way or another," Jordan said, Oakley turned his head to Clementine who sat in his lap on the side of his leg.

"Will you be okay alone here," Oakley asked.

"I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself, and Clint's right, you shouldn't hold back your career because of me," Clementine gave him a reassuring.

"Are you sure," Oakley asked, and Clementine nodded.

"I'll just sit here and watch TV until you get back," Clementine sat on the empty seat beside Saint, Oakley scratched the back of his neck making a face as he thought for a moment.

"Okay, but I don't want you outside you can go in the back yard but know where else got it," Oakley gave her a stern look.

"Okay," Clementine rolled her eyes.

"You got 25 minutes, hurry up bruv," Clint slightly yelled.

"Okay," Oakley sighed while going upstairs to his bedroom.

"So, Clementine Ramirez, a student at Columbia University, Mother is a Surgeon, Father a Lawyer," Clint turned to Clementine as she turned on the TV.

"Did you research me," Clementine narrowed her eyebrows with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, had to find out about you somehow, see what clench was getting into, so what's your game," Clint asked.

"What?" Clementine raised an eyebrow.

"Are you actually pregnant with cenches baby or is it someone's else's, he might have thought you weren't lying but I do think you shouldn't be let off easy because your a beautiful piece of ass," Clint ranted.

"Excuse me," Clementine made a face somewhat offended.

"Damn," Saint looked down into his cup while swirling the ice around.

"I just don't want Cench to fall into your trap and make his career go downhill, you might've let him go to this shoot and I'll give props for that but I know that you're just a pretty face," Clint lectured.

"Well um, I get you care about your friend but why would I lie about having a baby with him, I-" Clementine got cut off by Clint.

"I don't know maybe you found this as an opportunity, knowing that he's famous and all," Clint shrugged.

"I didn't even know who he was! I didn't know who he was until a week ago, trust if I wanted to hustle Oakley out it would be obvious, I'm not using Oakley, what reason do I have to use him," Clementine ranted.

"I'm just saying you try messing anything up for him," Clint threatened.

"Was that a threat," Clementine raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm just saying," Clint shook his head.

"I promise I'm not here to ruin anything for Oakley, I'm just the girl that found him hot at a club and got knocked up by him, mind you I never knew who he was, he said yes to being in my child's life I gave him a choice he didn't have to say yes and if I have to I'll leave him alone," Clementine told them, and Clint gave her a serious look before looking at Saint and Jordan wondering what they thought and they nodded their heads in approval.

"Yo y'all ready," Oakley said as he walked in going up to Clementine sitting in between her and Saint.

"Yeah, let's go," Jordan gave him a nod before getting up off the couch along with Saint and Clint they all walked to the car in front of the small mansion.

"You know what I said, no going outside unless it's the back yard I don't have food in my kitchen so I'll have my other assistant bring some to you," Oakley informed as he got up walking to the door while Clementine slowly followed.

"Okay, do you think I could have my phone back," Clementine asked.

"No, not until my team has time to delete and deactivate all your socials, I might as well just buy you a whole new phone," Oakley

"Okay, but don't you think you're doing a little too much, I don't care what people think of me," Clementine rolled her eyes.

"But I do," Oakley gave her a stern look, and they stood there with eye contact before Clementine let out a loud sigh.

"Oakley, I want to talk to my friends," Clementine crossed her arms.

"I got a backup phone in the drawer in my room and you can use the iPad on the bed the password is 2300," Oakley said.

"Okay," Clementine mumbled

"I'll see you when I get back, call me if need anything," Oakley gently said Clementine nodded and gave him a small smile.

"I will, have fun at your interview," Clementine mumbled.

"Lock the door before I leave, don't answer the door for nobody unless I call you saying I'm pulling up," Oakley demanded.

"Oakley I'm not a child," Clementine rolled her eyes.

"I'm just tryna keep you and that safe," Oakley sighed.

"I know, thank you," Clementine smiled.

"See ya," Oakley pecked her cheek and walked out.

Clementine locked the door and turned back around to see an empty mansion. Clementine had never had a full house to herself she's had a penthouse which she grew up in and an apartment but never a house, never a mansion.

She walked up to the living room and put on a random movie, she slightly turned it up and went over to the stairs that came into eye view when you walked into the house, as she went up the stairs Clementine looked down both halls, seeing an open down the right hall she walked down passing a few doors and opened the door wider seeing that it was Oakley's bedroom, she looked around the room and breathed in the air smelling his scent, she saw his Ipad and a charger next to it.

Clementine sat on the couch and opened up Oakley's phone going to the phone app and pressing the keyboard as she typed in Chicago's number it being the only one she remembered fully, as it rang 3 times she finally picked up.

"Hello," Chicago said.

"Chi it's me, Clem," Clementine smiled hearing her voice.

"OMG CLEMENTINE!? What the fuck I've seen millions of things about you online what happening," Chicago yelled, her voice slightly breaking from concern.

"I went to a deli with Oakley and people saw us together so now it's all over the internet Oakley took my phone so I couldn't see what they were posting," Clementine explained.

"Oh my god, this is crazy let me add Mikey and Jordyn to the call," Chicago smiled, they waited until they joined and Clementine pressed the FaceTime button and set up the phone on the table in the middle of the living room.

"Clem! What's happening," Mikey yelled threw the phone.

"I don't even know what's going on anymore I'm in England right now!" Clementine sighed.

"You're in England, what are you doing in England," Jordyn questioned.

"I flew out with Oakley to England because he wanted to "protect me,"" Clementine quoted.

Clementine talked to them for a few hours and as Mikey was talking Clementine got a call from the phone, Clementine didn't answer it not knowing who that was plus that wasn't her phone, as the call ended it called again and Clementine pressed the red button declining the call and a few seconds later the number popped up again and she finally answered it.

"Hey guys I'll call you right back," She said leaving the call and answering the next one.

"Central Cee's phone how may I help you," Clementine said.

"Clementine it's Oakley," Oakley said through the phone, and her lips formed into a smile and her mood changed.

"Hey! Sorry, I didn't answer you the first time I didn't really recognize the number," Clementine slid a piece of hair behind her ear.

"It's alright, I called to check on you, and also I want to take you to my mum's for dinner," Oakley warned.

"Dinner with your mom?" Clementine narrowed her eyebrows

"And my little brother," Oakley mentioned.

"Um, Oakley are you sure I-" Clementine stuttered.

"Why wouldn't I be I met your mum, she seems to somewhat like me," Oakley shrugged.

"Uh Okay, your right I guess," Clementine huffed.

"Don't be nervous, my mum sometimes likes all the girls I brought home, just to be clear I brought 2 home," Oakley explained.

"Yeah, but I'm not just one of those girls I'm the girl that's carrying your baby, how can I not be nervous," Clementine sighed.

"Welp then she'll like you even more," Oakley smiled.

"Oakley this isn't funny," Clementine laid back on the couch.

"Ima come to pick you up in an hour, be ready" Oakley smiled.

"Okay bye," Clementine hung up the phone and started looking through her suitcase to find something to wear.

A/N: Sorry I didn't post this sooner! Also, half of this is not pre-read I tried going through the book and fixing all the mistakes. I really love that you guys like this book even though I barely post in it. THANK YOU LOVES💕, 78k READS IS CRAZY.

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