The Ghost of You

By fh_criedthewolf

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Samanun is a ghost trapped in her mansion from 20 years ago. Everything changed when she met the new owner of... More

Chapter 1 - The Mansion, The Owner And The Lost Love
Chapter 2 - I'll Die Once Again
Chapter 3 - Life And Death
Chapter 4 - The Book
Chapter 5 - The Line Between Life And Death
Chapter 6 - Time With You
Chapter 7 - Empty Space
Chapter 8 - First (Part 1)
Chapter 8 - First (Part 2) πŸ”ž
Chapter 9 - Photograph
Chapter 10 - Pillow Talk
Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 1)
Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 2) πŸ”ž
Chapter 12 - Home
Chapter 13 - One Last Time πŸ”ž
Chapter 14 - P. S. I Love You
Chapter 15 - The Ghost Of You
Chapter 16 - Past, Present, Future (Epilogue)
Story Breakdown (BTS, Fun Facts Etc.)
The Ghost Of You : Continuum
Chapter 1 - The Red String Of Fate
Chapter 2 - Quantum Entanglement
Chapter 3 - The Eyes Chico, They Never Lie
Chapter 4 - The Theory Of Colours
AUTHOR'S NOTE πŸ°πŸ§šπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Chapter 5 - Enamored
Chapter 6 - Down The Memory Lane
Chapter 7 - Dear Diary
Chapter 8 - The Moon Is Beautiful Isn't It?
Chapter 9 - I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter 10 - I Wasn't Yours To Begin With
Chapter 11 - Apocalypse
Chapter 12 - Post Apocalyptic πŸ”ž
Chapter 13 - Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Chapter 15 - Make A Wish
Chapter 16 - Mistletoe (A Christmas Special)
Chapter 17 - Butterflies And Fireworks (A New Year Special)
Chapter 18 - A Little Piece Of Heaven πŸ”ž
Chapter 19 - Heartbeats, Stars And... (A Valentine's Day Special 🌹🀍🏹)
Chapter 20 - Nightmares
Chapter 21 - Sweet Dreams πŸ”ž
Chapter 22 - Kiss Me, Heal Me
Chapter 23 - Blood, Sweat and Tears
Chapter 24 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Chapter 25 - Under The Rose
Chapter 26 - Not A Bed Of Roses
Chapter 27 - Kiss And Make Up
Chapter 28 - The Heart Wants What It Wants πŸ”ž
Chapter 29 - She Comes Undone πŸ”ž
Chapter 30 - Love Is In The Air
Chapter 31 - Ungodly Hour
Chapter 32 - Golden Hour
Chapter 33 - Burning Desires πŸ”ž

Chapter 14 - In Sickness And In Health

1.6K 91 16
By fh_criedthewolf

"I'll be leaving soon. I need to be at the airport in an hour."

The older girl said as she was checking for her things for the last time before leaving.

Becky came to Freen's apartment early just to say goodbye to her.


A very short answer from the younger girl.

"You seem a bit sad?"

"Of course I am. You're leaving me."

"Well.. To be fair, you left me before. You went to England. Remember? And it wasn't a nice farewell too."

"Freenky~ I said sorry so many times already for that."

"Hahaha I know I know~ I'm just teasing you. Will someone come and pick you up later?"

"Yes, I already told my brother."

"Great. Oh, here."

Freen gave something to Becky before she forgot.

"A key??"

Becky asked in confusion.

"That's my spare key. Just in case if you want to have a sleepover or anything. It's closer to the college, it will be easier for you. Feel free to make yourself at home anytime you want."

"Ohh.. That was nice of you."

"I guess this is it. I'm running late, I should leave now."

"You'll text me right Freenky??"

"If I'm not too busy.."

"Oh.. okay."

Becky was disappointed.

"Of course I'll text you. I promise. Even if I'm busy, I will at least text you goodnight."

"I don't believe you."

"What? Why??"

"Here. Promise me."

Becky lifted her pinky finger.

"Huh?? A pinky promise?"

"Yup. It says that whoever breaks the pinky promise needs to cut off their pinky finger."

Becky said seriously but Freen was holding back her laugh, amused with the girl childish behaviour. Probably one of the reason she loves to tease Becky sometimes.

"I promise."

Freen intertwined her pinky with Becky's.

They locked eyes for a while, until Becky asked for something.

"Can I.. get a kiss?"

"Bec.. I don't think we should."

Freen was thinking twice because she knows it will probably lead to something else which will make her missed her flight.

"It's just a kiss, I promise."

Becky's eyes pleading.

Defeated with the puppy dog eyes, Freen proceeded to give Becky a long, sweet kiss. Freen lick her own lips after the kiss, tasting the lingering sweetness of the other girl's lips probably wanting more of it.

"Goodbye Freen. Come home safely."

"Take care na kaa Becbec. See you in two weeks. Take your time thinking. I'll be waiting."

"I will."

Becky gave one last hug and it was a long one, not wanting to let her go.


Becky's POVs

I miss her. It's only been a week but I miss her like crazy. She kept her promise, she texted me everyday but it wasn't enough for me. Knowing that she was somewhere out there with another girl. They were just friends, I know that but I hate the fact that she's the one who gets to spend some time with Freen and not me. Seeing their Instagram posts and stories together didn't help either. It only poisoned my delusions a lot more than it should have.

But Freen was right, like she said before. I have no rights to be jealous of her. She wasn't mine and I wasn't hers. But why did it hurts so much seeing her with someone else? I don't know what's on her mind, but her being away from me with someone else making me want her more for myself.

What kind of game is she playing? Is this her plan all along? Making me jealous? Making me missing her presence? Making me craving her day by day? What is it Sarocha? It's been a week but still, I haven't made up my mind. Why is it so hard??


5 Days Later

Freen turned on the door knob of her apartment that night. She came back two days earlier than she was supposed to. As she steps into her home, she can feel the presence of someone else in her house, more accurately in her own bedroom.

She went upstairs into her bedroom, her door was left ajar as she peeks into it and saw a very familiar figure lying down on her bed, in a deep slumber.


She called for Becky but didn't get any response. She went closer to the petite girl and noticed that Becky was wearing Freen's very own sweater.

She kneels down by the bed as she stroke Becky's messy hair that was covering her sweet heart shaped face. Becky still in her sleep, unconsciously leans into the touch. As she stroke Becky's face, she can feel Becky's temperature was a bit warmer than usual.

"Is she sick? But it wasn't that hot, but still warmer than usual."

She thought to herself.

Afraid to wake her up, Freen left the room quietly after adjusting the blanket over Becky's shoulder.


As the next day comes, the sun spreads through the windows, painting the house with warm lights. Freen was still sleeping deeply with a light snores on the couch. The television was still on, she probably fell asleep last night or too tired to bother on where she slept.

Becky yawned and wakes up from her sleep still in Freen's sweater, rubbing her eyes while walking down the stairs. She heard the sound coming from the television and scrunched her eyebrows thinking.


Her voice was a bit too excited and loud enough for Freen to wake up. She was ecstatic seeing the older girl right in front of her.

"Ughh.. why so loud.. what happened.."

Freen was still figuring out, drunk in her sleep.

"Freen! You're back! But why are you sleeping on the couch??"

"Oh hey good morning Becky. I fell asleep last night while watching the tv *yawned*"

"Why didn't you tell me you're back early??"

"I wanted to surprise you a bit. Are you happy to see me?"

"Happy?? I fucking miss you, you idiot! Of course I'm happy!"

"Hey, I miss you too. What time is it? Shit, I thought it's still morning. It's already 2PM?? Wait, don't you have class Becbec?"

"I took a sick leave. It's been two days."

"Ohh.. So you ARE sick. Come here."

Freen said as she remembered Becky's temperature was a bit high last night.

Freen asked for Becky to sit next to her on the couch as she scooted over a bit. She put her palm on Becky's forehead and the back of her other hand on Becky's neck, checking the temperature.

"It's even more hotter than last night. Come on, let's go see the doctor."

"No need for that. I already did yesterday. Also, I already got my meds."

"Have you been eating them?"

"Well.. I just woke up, so not yet for today. *cough cough*"

"You'll need to eat something before eating your meds. Wait for a while, I'll make you something."

"That's alright, I'll just eat some bread or leftovers."

Becky proceeds to stand up but her body was too weak she almost toppled down.

"Yeah, right. Look at how weak you are. You need to eat something good. Don't be stubborn, just lay down here and rest. Continue your sleep if you can. I'll cook something good for you."

"O-okay kaa."


"Becbec, wake up. I made chicken porridge for you. Eat now while it still hot."

"Nghh.. I'm not hungry. I don't have the appetite."

Becky replied weakly.

"You need the energy Becbec."

Freen put her palm on Becky's forehead again to check on her.

"Shit, it's getting hotter."

"Becky wake up, it's getting worse, you need to eat your meds. Come here, I'll feed you some porridge."

Becky weakly gets up and leans her back on the couch. Freen blows the hot porridge a few times before feeding it to Becky.

"Emm.. it tastes.. so good."

"Of course it is. I'm the one who cooks."

Becky almost finished the porridge and a satisfied smile was painted on Freen's lips.

"Where's your meds Becky?"

"Upstairs in your bedroom. In the drawer."

"I think it's better for you to rest properly upstairs. Let's go."

Seeing that Becky is still weak on her knees, Freen carries her on her arms while Becky's holding tight on her neck.

"I don't understand Bec. You're sick, why aren't you at home? With your family? They can look after you and you shouldn't be alone. Why are you even here Becbec?"

Freen asked while she's climbing up the stairs with extra weights on her arms. She can feel Becky's high body temperature through her own clothes.

"I.. I am.. home.."

Becky clings closer to Freen, she probably didn't realise what she just said.


Freen lays Becky down on her bed slowly and took out her meds from the drawer. She took a few pills out and ready a bottle of water. Becky took her meds and lays down again. Freen opens a cool fever to help cool down Becky's temperature. As she stick it to her forehead, Becky shivers to the cool patch.

"*cough cough* Freenky.. I'm cold."

"I know, you're probably cold on the outside. I'll turn off the A/C for you."

Freen turned it off and pulled up the blanket over Becky's body.

"Better now?"

Freen asked but Becky shook her head left and right.


"You want me to stay here with you?"

Becky nodded to the question, with her eyes already closed.

Freen gets in the bed next to Becky, adjusting herself to get more comfortable.

"Oh, wait I forgot my phone downstairs."

Freen wants to get out of the bed again but before she manages to do so, Becky already pulls on her shirt.

"Well.. I guess no phone for me."

Becky adjusted her head to rest on Freen's chest while her hand still gripping on Freen's shirt not wanting her to go away leaving her. She snuggled into Freen's chest comfortably as Freen put her arm around Becky's body, pulling her close.

"I'm probably going to absorb your body heat if I stay like this Becbec. What if I get sick?? Who's going to carry me? I'm a bit heavier than you, you know? Who's going to cook for me? I know for sure you can't cook Bec."

Freen said jokingly but Becky was too weak to respond.

"Why did you suddenly get sick Bec?"

"It's because.. I miss.. you.. too.. much.."

Becky said under her breath, but loud enough for Freen to catch the words.

Seeing Becky so weak and vulnerable like this, making her thinks that she shouldn't be asking about Becky's decision for now. Plus, there's still another two days left before two weeks. She'll give it some time for Becky. Whatever it is her decision, she swore to her heart that she'll love Becky with no boundaries.

Eventually, they both fell asleep in the cozy embrace of each other, sharing one blanket. It was a little too warm for Freen and she was sweating but she bears with it. Sometimes she's awake hearing Becky's soft purrs like a little kitten and can't help but smile.

And the next day, they were both lying in bed as Freen was right, she was sick and caught a cold from Becky.

"I told you, I'm going to get sick *sneezed*"

"I'm sorry kaa~ We still have your leftover porridge from yesterday right?"

"Yeah, but *sneezed* who's going to reheat it, we both don't have the energy."

"I guess we'll starve to death."

"Oh.. to be on a death bed with a beautiful girl in my arms. What a dream Bec *sneezed*"

"Are you sure you're sick? You can still joke around. I'm a bit better today thanks to you. I'll go reheat the leftovers. I'll take care of you today."


A/N: Hello~ How are you? You get a little bit of cute scenes in this chapter hehe Did you like it after all the angsts??

You know I love and appreciate all your comments but it will be much help if you commented on what you think or how can I improve and all that. But hey, any comments given I appreciate it a lot!

So what do you think will happen next??


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