BLOODLUST - A BFB Fanfiction.

By DeanIsCookie

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BFB is over, and all the contestants have been freed from the clutches of the EXIT. After two years of endles... More

an unknown place. - prolouge
that's a great idea. - chapter 1
little miss alliance. - chapter 2
what's wrong? - prolouge no.2
why do you wanna know? - chapter 3
my very best friend. - chapter 4
the hotel. - chapter 5
a bad dream. - chapter 6
escapism. - chapter 7
maison de la mort. - chapter 8
intertwined. - chapter 9
a second chance. - chapter 11
lies and deceit. - chapter 12
wipe those tears. - chapter 13
hopeful. - chapter 14
fireflies. - chapter 15
just a waste. - chapter 16
world building. - chapter 17
bullet rebuttal. - chapter 18
temporary escape. - chapter 19
history of my life. - chapter 20a

plus one. - chapter 10

220 3 166
By DeanIsCookie


"I don't know... this place... is strange."

The clock in the corner of the room ticks, each one getting louder, and louder.

"Just think about it Tennis Ball, I don't wanna die here! If we have an opportunity to escape then I'm leaving straight away!"

Golf Ball, the typical angry one. Though most of the time, she has a point.

"Why don't we just get in contact with the rest of the others who are still in the grasslands?"

Tennis Ball thought to himself for a second. The idea sounded initially good, but how...

"How are we gonna do that?"

Golf Ball looked around, before something caught her eye. Something... useful. A... typewriter?

"Y'know... how about we use this!" She smirked, dragging it to the tall cabinet that stood before the both of them.

"Good idea! We could use the satellite connection from outside to communicate, but hmm... which one of the electronic contestants still out should we send the signals to?"



"Good morning everyone, we have 5 doors to get through today, so wake up quickly okay?!"

"SHIT!" Golf Ball screeched, quickly grabbing the typewriter before shoving it deep under the bunkbed.

"You reckon anyone will find that?"

Golf Ball shook her head, worry filling her mind as she walked to the door.

"Time for another amazing day of this horrible place..." She groaned to herself, tears filling her eyes as she thought about what could've been if she and him never, NEVER came up with that stupid hotel idea...

But... it's too late now, isn't it?

They're already trapped deep in the House of Death. There's no going back, is there?



"Pillow! Give back the remote!" Tree yelled, rolling his eyes as he reached for the control.

"Nope! This channel is boring, I know something better to watch!" Pillow smirked, scrolling through the channels as she leaned back on her bean bag.

Life on the grasslands Post-BFB was quite calm, despite the eerie and chilling emptiness that the contestants invited to the hotel left behind, other than that, the remaining 18 enjoyed themselves.

Just like how the invitees were enjoying themselves! Weren't... they?

"Y'know, I wonder how Pie and Remote are doing there! They haven't sent me anything since they left..." Tree pondered to himself, picking up his phone from the grass as he looked towards TV, who's screen was changing channels.

"Dunno, don't really care!" Pillow shrugged, smiling as she stopped on a certain channel.

"Now... time to watch some horror movies!" She uttered with a dark grin as she leaned back and got comfortable on her beanbag.

Tree ignored her, inspecting the lockscreen on his phone. He could feel such an ominous sensation in his gut as he looked at the wallpaper: a group photo of Death P.A.C.T. Him, Remote, Pen, Black Hole, Pillow, Bottle, Pie...

A feeling of nostalgia filled him as he stared. Just the competition. Just challenges. The ability to just... leave your life behind you for once and... compete.

"Maybe I should ring Pie up..." He said to himself, his feet anxiously tapping on the floor as he clicked on her contact.

His hands went shaky as he clicked on the call button, as if he was about to open an email for exam results or something.

Tree waited, drops of sweat trickling down his leafy face as it went into voicemail.

"Oh... maybe she's busy..."

But suddenly...

"Sorry, but either the number you have dialled is no longer in service, or no longer exists. Goodbye!"

And then it hung up, just like that.

"W-What?!" Tree hesitated, tears stinging at his eyes as he dropped his phone to the ground.

"Is the movie scaring you?" Pillow smiled as she turned to him.

Tree stayed speechless, shivers travelling down his spine as he turned back towards TV.

"This is the best part!" Pillow grinned, eagerly looking towards TV before suddenly, his screen went pitch black.

"Drat!" Pillow grumbled, huffing as she crossed her arms

"W-What's happening..." Tree uttered, his voice shaky as the dark screen began to display a huge letter.

And then another. And another. And then... it read...



"GOSH DAMNIT, JUST WORK ALREADY!" Golf Ball yelled, the typewriter letting out a loud static noise as she fought to type the letters.

A drop of sweat trickled down her face, the typewriter suddenly zapping her by the leg. She let out a loud and fearful shriek, jumping away immediately as the typewriter suddenly burst into flames.

"Shit... SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!"


And then in an instant, the TV went bright red, a loud and ear-piercing scream coming out of the speakers before it suddenly went back to Pillow's channel.


Tree froze, quivering as he turned to Pillow, whose expression was surprisingly shocked as well.

"What... was that?" Pillow pondered nervously, her hand over her mouth to cover the broad smirk that was quickly forming on her face.



"I know."




"FESS UP, OKAY?!" The speaker screamed on the top of their lungs, deep anger and rage pouring into their voice as they spoke.

The other stayed silent, scared to even utter a word.


They took a deep breath, their voice trembling as they huffed.

"Y-You know what..." They uttered out, their voice going cold.


The contestants let out a loud shriek, worried commotion filling the halls of the hotel.

Golf Ball looked towards her best friend, tears pouring down her face as she couldn't possibly fathom an outcome like this one.

"W-What do we do TB? This is our fault anyways!" She communicated to him in a tearful whisper, her body trembling with fear as she wiped her damp eyes.

"I-I... I don't know!" Tennis Ball stuttered nervously, his heart shakily thumping as he leaned against the wall.

Golf Ball stayed silent, facing towards the ground as her mind went blank. She looked back up at her friend, her eyes widening as she felt the sudden and nerve-wracking to say...


Golf Ball fearfully bit her lip, locking eyes with Tennis Ball as she felt her cheeks go warm and cold at the same time.

"TB, you know..." She smiled, nervously looking down to the ground before back at him.



"I... um... I haven't told you this before... but I... I..."


"I... um... this is a bit hard to say, isn't it!" Golf Ball awkwardly laughed, her mouth going dry with fear as she stared at TB, his eyes widening as he eagerly anticipated on what she was gonna say.


"I'd say take your time, but you don't really have any time!" Tennis Ball yelled.


"O-Okay... fine!"


"Tennis Ball, I really, really..."


Golf Ball pulled away for a moment, her heartbeats thumping loudly in her ears as she built up more courage to just finally say that she...


"Fine, fine!" Golf Ball whispered to herself before turning back to him.



"I DID IT!" A sudden voice called out from the crowd.

"COINY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Pin yelled at him, tightly and fearfully holding onto his hand as he looked towards her with a smug grin on his face.

"So you did it, huh? You really miss the others that badly, that you'd defy my own rules...?" The speaker said to him menacingly, their voice going low and quiet.

"I'm so sorry!" He replied, his face going exaggeratedly scared as he played dumb.

"WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT I'D LET YOU SLIDE WITH THAT, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" They screamed loudly with anger before a large spear came flying out of nowhere, gliding through the air before piercing right into Coiny's gut.

"COINY!" Pin cried out, her eyes filling with tears as she watched him fall onto the ground.

He looked at her, his grin only widening as he began to move his hand.

"W-Wha... are you..."

He clenched his fist, tapping at the ground before forming a... thumbs-up?

Pin's eyes widened, an expression of fear... or perhaps... realisation?

"O...Okay..." She whispered to him as he signalled with his hand for her to go.


"That was selfless." Tennis Ball said quietly before turning back to his friend, who had an awkward look on her face.

"What were you going to say to me Golf Ball?"

"Nothing." She snapped before quietly walking towards the door.



"Wow guys, wow! I thought that you all supported me- I mean, respected my rules!"

Majority of the crowd raised their eyebrows at that comment.

"Whatever! You know what... Just go back to your bedrooms." They uttered, irritated.

Liy then flipped the switch on her microphone, clutching it tightly in her hand as she slipped into her bedroom.

She grumbled, her mind fuzzy with rage as she locked the door behind her.

"Stupid, Stupid, STUPID!" She suddenly screamed on the top of her lungs, angrily kicking on the walls.

She put her hands over her ears, her loud shrills filling the room as the wall began to slightly crumble.

"Keep it down, will ya?"

Liy's heart jumped, her body trembling as she turned to face where the voice was coming from.

"You're pretty bad at hiding things."


"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Liy yelled, her shaky hand grabbing onto a knife before pointing it towards her.

Pillow let out a laugh, a quiet yet subtle one.

"That's your only trick? Please!" She chuckled menacingly before pulling out a...

"C-CHAINSAW?!" Liy gasped, immediately dropping her knife as she walked back.

Pillow nodded, a creepy smile forming on her face as she dropped the weapon.

"How did you get here..." Liy questioned the pillow, her voice trembling as she turned to face her.

"It was pretty easy, really!" Pillow shrugged.

Liy raised an eyebrow.

"I tied Two onto a chair and forced them to take me."


"I don't know why they were so scared, I was only pointing a gun at them! But they started trembling and begging for their life, and oh it was so funny!"

"Cut the chase, why are you here." Liy snapped, her fists clenched as her feet tapped at the floor distrustingly.

Pillow scratched at her chin curiously, humming to herself before suddenly turning back to Liy, a smile on her face so unsettling that even Liy herself felt fear.

"I wanna kill people."


"You know what I'm talking about, I mean, why are you doing this, huh?"

Liy scoffed, rolling her eyes before looking at her coldly.

"I suggest you back off, you don't know anything about me or what I'm-"

"You killed a girl in your school about 3 years ago."

Her face dropped.

"What are you-"

"24th April 2016. Her name was Pastel Highlighter, and from what I gathered, you pushed her down a flight of stairs and gave her severe head trauma by beating her with a baseball bat until she was unresponsive. You got away with no charges as police had a lack of evidence to use against you, therefore the only other culprit they could put the hefty blame on for your consequences was another boy in your class. Does that answer your question?"

Liy trembled and gasped in utter shock.

"How... do you know-"

"CD." Pillow smiled before pulling out 2 CDs and a laptop.

"There was only one though!" Liy shrieked.

Pillow stuck her tongue at her, laughing before opening the laptop.

"Here, take a look! She even recorded a monologue, hah! So corny!"

Liy stayed silent, walking towards the laptop as the face of her former enemy popped up on the computer.


{ VIDEO RECORDED ON: 4/23/16 AT 10:01 PM.}

"My life. I never really thought it had any meaning."

"I never thought I was significant at all. Most of my life I was just there... I served no purpose. So I tried to give myself a purpose so others could notice me! Hah... y'know, put on some lipgloss and fake your life story. It worked pretty well... I... I wasn't so unnoticed anymore. I became what you would call... the 'cool kids'! We... tormented people, how... fun!"

TEXT ON SCREEN: (I'm really trying my best not to sound like an asshole here!!!!)

"Like... what's her name... Liy. I think I overdid it with her. You know how it is though, right... You have to fit in! Bully people so they don't find a reason to bully you back! I think I may have broken her though. She isn't as bubbly and nice as she was when we used to be friends. Her now personality seems to be clouded by something thick, unnavigable. It seems that maybe... her real one is gone. I wonder why... It's like a toy that you've played with so much that one day it shatters into pieces and you can never be able to put them back together because they're lost, or missing."

"I'm only joking, I didn't lie about anything at all... haha! I'm not a liar... am I? Foldy doesn't think that at all... right?"

"What am I thinking. I probably don't even mean that much to Foldy at all... I'm probably just irrelevant to her, and Stapy. They're probably just pretending to be my friends to make my sorry ass feel better... I mean, who would want to be friends with someone like me? I'm horrible. I ruined myself. Foldy and Stapy are just wasting their time being around someone like me... Trash like me doesn't deserve people like them at all. I don't make anyone happy."

"You know, ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be an idol. I just want to make everyone happy. I don't want anyone to be as self-conscious like I am. I just want to spread positivity so everyone doesn't feel what I felt. So they don't feel worthless, useless, meaningless, rubbish, horrible, trash. Gosh, I could go on forever. Sometimes I just close my eyes and imagine a world of positivity and hope. I picture myself wearing a cute little bow and vocalising into the microphone as people passionately hold their glowsticks in awe."


"I just want to be noticed."

"Gosh... I sound so narcissistic when I do that."


"I'm not a narcissist... am I? I don't want anyone to think that... I'm not affecting anyone though... am I?!"

"I hope I'm not affecting Foldy. I hope my negativity isn't spreading to her. I hope my narcissism isn't affecting her. I hope I'm not... lying... to her..."

"Am I?"


"I'm a liar!"

"Every single word that has ever come out of my mouth is pure and utter bullshit. I lie about my feelings, thoughts, experiences. I've done it so much, I think that I've lost myself in the process!"

"I don't want to say this... I really don't. But... if something happens to me. It's for good reason. I deserve it. The world doesn't need some lying scum like me."

"I like to reach my hands up to the sky, and hope that the sky falls down on me until I'm crushed into bits."

"But sometimes, I don't think that way! 20% of the time, I like to learn dance routines, and sing cool songs! Me and Foldy do that a lot when I come over to her house. Stapy always has a radio with him,"

TEXT ON SCREEN: (I honestly have no idea how)

" -and I have the CDs! Afterwards, it's just me and Foldy singing our lungs out until we get tired. Then after that, we just watch movies, and record some videos on Music.y!"

"I haven't done that for ages."

"Seems most of my time now is spent on coming up with lies to use while constantly wishing I wasn't such a horrible person."

"Foldy and Stapy don't know this side of me. I mean, for all they know, I'm just some bubbly, cute girl who just adores dancing and singing!"

"I wish I could tell them. Be clear with them, no matter the consequence! But I can't, and I'll never. For if I ever tried, I'd probably just puke out my innards in the process."

"So I'm not gonna tell them anything..."

"And, for today, and tomorrow... I choose to lie."

"Even if one day it bites me in the back."



Pillow immediately burst out into laughter, holding her stomach as a tear dropped down her face.

Liy stayed silent, her heart thumping as the video replayed multiple times in her head.

"THE WAY SHE WAS ALL LIKE 'I'm so horrible, I wanna be loved', HAAH!" Pillow giggled obnoxiously, not a drop of guilt in her voice.

"Give me that." Liy hissed at her as she reached for the laptop.

"Ah, ah, ah, Liy. If you want to have your laptop back, you have to let me work with you!" Pillow smiled cunningly, tilting her head as she stared right into Liy's eyes.

It's not a bad decision... Liy thought to herself. I can't kill 29 people by myself, and I can't turn it down because she knows too much about me. More than I expected. I never thought that anyone would find out about Pastel, not except Foldy anyways. Maybe I could just use her to wipe the lot of them out, then kill her... Yes... The question is how...

Enough with the questions, just take her! She's a heartless killer, she'll destroy them in an instant!

Ugh... Okay...

"Fine Pillow, but I'm gonna make this super clear for you." Liy peered at Pillow, her voice going serious as she picked up the knife from the floor.

"One slip up... and I'll rip you into fucking pieces." 

"Sir, yes Sir!" Pillow quickly replied, grabbing the chainsaw before opening the door and running off.



"So... what were you going to tell me Golf Ball?" Tennis Ball asked teasingly with a large smile on his face.

"I told you, I'm not telling you! Why do you care anyways?!" Golf Ball blushed, looking to the side as she angrily furrowed her eyebrows.

"Because... it sounded quite s-"

"OPEN UP, BITCH!" Someone screamed from outside, banging the door forcefully as it started to rattle loose.

"NO, NO, SHIT!" Golf Ball screeched fearfully before climbing up to the top bunk.

"Wait for me Golf Ball!"

"I am, don't worry!" She replied worriedly as the door suddenly broke open.

And in came a sadistic Pillow, her face glowing with nothing but pure joy as she held tightly onto her chainsaw.

"Tennis Ball, TENNIS BALL!" Golf Ball screamed, tears filling her eyes as Pillow pounced onto him.

Pillow giggled, pinning the worried sports ball down to the ground before powering on the weapon.

"Don't worry, you won't feel a thing!" She smiled.

"NO, NO, PLEASE!" Tennis Ball screamed on the top of his lungs, his voice cracking as Pillow began to slice.

Her sick laughs filled the rooms, the screams and pleas dying down as all could be heard was the chainsaw.

Golf Ball froze, her body trembling as she felt herself break into pieces. Her long time friend. Her... only friend. The only one who would ever appreciate her, was being mercilessly taken away right before her eyes. Never to be seen again... ever... again...

"Oooh, I could recycle these!" Pillow smiled, picking up the ripped pieces of Tennis Ball before looking at his best friend with nothing but a heartless smile and a wink, the blood of her victim dripping down her face and onto the ground.

And then she left.

Golf Ball stayed silent, not a word coming out of her. A room that was once filled with chatter, plans, jokes, friendliness... was quickly transformed into nothing but a crime scene, her best friend's fresh remains scattered across the room. The blood dripping down the furniture and onto the floor as it formed a pool on the ground.

And then, Golf Ball closed her eyes, letting out a shrill and blood-curdling scream, her lungs aching and throbbing as she did so.

"TENNIS BALL!" She continued to scream, digging her head into the blanket as she began to contemplate everything.

"Why did someone horrible like me survive over you..." She muttered to herself, her screams quickly dying down as they began to be replaced with cries.



"W-Where... am I?" Pencil looked up, the fresh light stinging into her eyes as she rubbed them.

"You're back!" Match smiled, grabbing her hand and helping her up from her sickly state.

Pencil looked around in confusion, blinking her eyes before turning back to Match.

"Where's Ruby?" She questioned, immediately noticing her disappearance.

Match hesitated, taking a deep breath as she held her arm.

"I.. um..."


Match's breath went shaky, her hands trembling as she tried to keep herself in one piece.

"She... you remember what she did... right?"


"How she killed Bubble... Nickel, and Woody?"

Pencil looked at her, staying silent as her eyebrows furrowed.


Lie, Match. Just tell a lie, they don't hurt anyone... Lie, lie, lie, lie. You don't want anyone to find out about before... DO YOU?

Match held herself together, closing her ears as she tried her best to resist the urge.

But, it got the best of her... again.

"She got so scared... so she... took... herself... away..."

Pencil shook her head in doubt, her eyes watering as she looked down to the ground and back up at Match.

"No... she wouldn't do that... SHE WOULDN'T DO THAT, DON'T LIE TO ME MATCH!" She yelled as she got up on her feet, yanking Match's wrist tightly before pinning her against the wall.

"YOU SAW HER! SHE WAS FUCKING CRAZY PENCIL, SHE KNOCKED YOU OUT, AND IF IT WASN'T FOR ME OR PEN YOU'D BE DEAD!" Match screeched back at her, kicking her ankle in self-defense.

"STOP LYING TO ME!" Pencil snapped before harshly slapping Match in the face.

Match stayed silent, tears streaming down her face as she rubbed her cheek.

"Match..." Pencil fearfully walked back, her heart throbbing with guilt as she turned to face her.

"I-I'm sorry... I-"


Pencil, still on the ground, looked up at her friend, her sorrowful eyes tearing up as she got back on her feet.

"Match... I-"


The two gasped, cowering down on the ground as the door began to rattle.

"PENCIL, GET UNDER THE BED!" Match whispered as the both hid.

"UGH, OPEN UP!" Pillow yelled manically before the door broke open.

She looked around, breathing heavily as she clutched the chainsaw and an unresponsive Naily in her hand.

"No one in here...?"

She giggled to herself, her thirst for blood only growing as she looked around the room.

"You don't have to hide from me..." Pillow laughed, dangling Naily's corpse in her hand before launching it onto the wall, the room shaking and crumbling as she did so.

Pillow blinked for a second, dumbfounded, before shrugging.

"Welp, time to move onto the next room!" She smiled before leaving, slamming the door behind her shut.

Pencil peeked her head back out, looking around nervously before huffing and coming out.

"Look Match..." She sighed, crossing her arms as Match came out of under the bed.

"I... I'm sorry, okay! I don't know why I'm so violent... I guess I can't h-"


"Ugh! Who's at the door now?!" Pencil rolled her eyes as she approached it.


"Are you sure about this Foldy?" Marker asked nervously, scratching his head as Foldy continued to knock.

"I'm not gonna see my best friend in that state, and also Pillow is on a murderous rampage, so yes I am!" Foldy snapped, bashing violently on the door with her foot as a blood-curdling scream could be heard from the distance as well as the revving of a chainsaw.

"See what I mean?"

Marker shivered, leaning on the wall fearfully as the door finally opened.

"Y-You?!" Pencil uttered in shock as she looked at Foldy.

"Cut the chase, drama queen. Come on Marker." Foldy rolled her eyes as Marker followed behind her, locking the door shut before coming into their room.

"Ew! What is she, like, doing here?!" Match gagged, acting bratty once again.

"I dunno, they just waltzed in!" Pencil replied back as Foldy shot them both a dark stare.

"Look okay, I'm gonna make this very simple since you two assholes have a hard time understanding things. Pillow is on a murderous chase and we can't stay in our room anymore since she knows that we're there." She explained, lying a little.

Pencil cracked a laugh, covering it with her hand as she looked to the side.

"What about Stapy, where's he!" Match giggled obnoxiously before high-fiving Pencil.

"Awww... but what about Ruby or Bubble, where are they?!" Foldy pouted at them mockingly as they returned an eerie silence.

"Ugh... just look, I don't like you two alright?! I doubt anyone does anyways but that's besides the point... Me and Marker have nowhere to go so you're gonna have to put up with us for now whether you like it or not."

Pencil and Match both shared disgusted looks before turning back to the two who already seemed to be making themselves comfortable in their new room.

"Also what the hell is Naily's dead body doing on the wall?!" Foldy gagged, turning to Match and Pencil with a disgusted glare.

Match and Pencil both turned to her, shocked looks on their faces as they both began to rapidly shake their heads.




Liy grumbled, scrolling through the hundreds of articles that Pillow had opened up on her laptop.

"How did she even unlock this thing anyways..." She grumbled.

She quietly thought to herself, the silence piercing through her ears as the words of Pastel Highlighter began to replay in her head.

"I just want to be noticed."

Stop it... stop it...

"I like to reach my hands up to the sky, and hope that the sky falls down on me until I'm crushed into bits."

Serves you right.

"And, for today, and tomorrow... I choose to lie."


"I may think I've broken her."

"Her now personality seems to be clouded by something thick, unnavigable. It seems that maybe... her real one is gone."


"No wonder you killed me anyways, you had many reasons to do so. I'm a horrible person, and I've ruined your life too. I mean, look at you now!"


"Wow... it kinda still hurts though! Y'know... the baseball bat? My arm's still swollen, hah!"

You're not real, you're not real, you're not real, you're not real, you're not real, you're not real, you're not real.

"As much as I'd like to agree with you, maybe that's not true! You never know, I could just be lurking in your head... hehe!"

Liy's eyes widened, a blade of nostalgia slicing through her as the girl's voice echoed in her head.

"Shut up... stupid voices in my head..." She teared up, holding her face as she kicked her legs onto the mattress.

"Did I scare you?"


"Oops, sorry if I did, hehe! Today, me and Liy are gonna do this cool dance I learned, right Liy?"


Liy looked up to her computer, only to be met with an old version of herself shyly looking right back at her.

"Okay... okay! Here goes Liy! You remember the dance, right?"

The lightswitch shyly nodded, twiddling her fingers as Pastel grabbed onto her hand.

As she watched the video, Liy felt herself drown. Drown back into a sea of her own mistakes...

"Maybe if I didn't kill you... my life wouldn't be so horrible... would it?" Tears stung at Liy's eyes, her heart thumping she began to contemplate everything.

"Maybe if you just pulled through, everything would be different."

A glimmer of guilt glistened in Liy's heart, her stomach churning as the young voices in the video began to tear her apart.

"The sky shouldn't fall on you... it should've fell on me ages ago..."


"Why should I be alive while you lay on your deathbed..."

Liy trembled, tears trickling down her face as she slammed the laptop shut.

She got up on her feet, her hands shaking as she walked towards the cabinet.

"Maybe that's why mom and dad always despised me. I was never meant to be."

And then she grabbed onto the blade, her eyes slowly shutting as she pulled it closer to herself.

Her body loosened, the years and years anger and frustration pent up inside of her soul floating away the closer the weapon came.

"I'm sorry Pastel. You shouldn't have been the one who died... I should have."

As her final words came clear, she held the blade tight, a smile creeping up on her face before she-

"I'M BACK LIY!" The blood-stained Pillow barged in, her loud voice echoing through the room as Liy gasped, the blade quickly slipping out before the both fell to the ground.

Pillow blinked, placing her chainsaw down to the ground before walking closer.

"What were you doing Liy?" She smiled as Liy got back up on her feet.

"Nothing..." Liy sighed, getting back up on the mattress before placing the laptop on her lap as all the anger and frustration came toppling back onto her.

Pffft... you're such a moron! How could you forget your actual goal... what a rookie mistake.

You know what... you're right... why the fuck should I feel bad for some pathetic waste of life like her anyways?! She never spared me, so I returned the favour!

She really got to your head though... what's it with that girl, huh?! How can someone deceased have such an effect on you?!

....Dunno. She was always like that anyways. A psychopathic freak.

You resemble her a lot then, don't you Liy?

No. Don't compare me to some bitch like her, she's way below me, literally!

"This is so fun Liy! I don't know how you're not smiling, I killed Tennis Ball, Naily, Rocky, Loser, and I almost killed Foldy but she ran o-"

"Don't kill Foldy." Liy snapped, her expression darkening.

"Why not? She's like, the easiest kill!"

"Just don't, okay?! I'll deal with her on my own."

I have plans for her.

25/46 left.





Ever since she left us, I've been pondering my existence. Ever since she left us, I haven't felt the same. Ever since she left us, there's been a gaping void in my soul. A void so dark and clouded that not even the others could ever fill.

Pastel Highlighter. My best friend.

Why did she have to leave us? Why would someone dare take her away from us? What sort of wretched filth would dare? Oh, I know who it is now. I know what kind of disgusting murderer you are now, Liy. You scummy piece of shit. I'll get you. I don't want to see you on this Earth anymore. If Pastel's gone I'll take you with her. I won't go down without a fight. I'll get you, I'll make you pay...


Word count: 5330

OMG GUYS!!! ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY (as of publishing) 🎉🎉🎉😝😝😝

and in 3 days it's crimus 😋😋


Anyways, what do you all think of Liy's new accomplice? I think she's pretty cool 😎


- dean <3.

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