Hybrid's Fury Unleashed

By SapphirianJ82

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JAREK She's an abomination-a constant thorn in my side. She has no right to be sheltered so closely by my mot... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Trinity of Entanglement One
Trinity of Entanglement Two
Trinity of Entanglement Three
Trinity of Entanglement Four
Trinity of Entanglement Five
Trinity of Entanglement Seven
Trinity of Entanglement Eight
Trinity of Entanglement Nine
Trinity of Entanglement Ten
Trinity of Entanglement Eleven
Trinity of Entanglement Twelve
Trinity of Entanglement Thirteen
Trinity of Entanglement Fourteen
Trinity of Entanglement Fifteen
Trinity of Entanglement Sixteen
Trinity of Entanglement Seventeen
Trinity Of Entanglement Chapter Eighteen
Trinity Of Entanglement Chapter Nineteen
Trinity Of Entanglement Chapter Twenty
Trinity Of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-One
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Two
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Three
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Four
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Five
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Six
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Seven
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Eight
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Nine
Series Epilogue

Trinity of Entanglement Six

276 10 2
By SapphirianJ82


“No offense, Darcy, but could you hurry with that? Annalise needs her nourishment, stat.”

“You really have some nerve talking to me that way after you just had your way with me four days ago. What? You’re through with me, after pursuing me for several months. Is it because I’m an omega? The more you pester me about getting her food together, the slower I’ll become. I don’t take kindly to assholes being up my ass.”

“You didn’t mind having me up your ass the other day, did you? Little miss, I’m saving my virginity for my mate.”

Darcy grabs a butcher knife and if I hadn’t jumped back, she would have sliced me with it. “If you don’t get the hell away from me, I swear to the moon goddess above, I’ll slice off your favorite appendage and serve it on this platter I’m preparing for one of my best friends. I’ll take it to her. Get out of my face, Zane.”

For an omega, Darcy is fierce. It’s one thing that attracted me to her. Beyond her curvy ass and voluptuous breast of course. I would go for her again, but it seems I’ve overstayed my… um… I shouldn’t have tapped that. What the hell was I thinking?

Sprinting away, I charge up the stairs. It’s been a while since Xillon accompanied Annalise to her room, and he hasn’t returned to the festivities. He better not touch a single hair on her head or I’ll kill him.

Upon reaching her room, I hear them both cry out in passion and realize I was too late. The pheromones waft through the crack underneath the door and I almost kill over. Did he seriously fuck what’s mine?! No, she wouldn’t have done that to me after the conversation we just had. No, this can’t be happening! FUCK! At least I know she’s high again and unable to hear my thoughts. I have that going for me. I’ll just wait out here for the asshole to leave and corner his ass.

“Fuck, I’m sorry, Annalise. I don’t know what came over me. Shit, I’m no better than him. I’ve never. I’m sorry.”

‘Don’t just stand there like the fucking prick you are. Get the hell away from here before I get us both in trouble. I’m going to kill that little twat!’

‘You’re not the only one, Janus.’

Sprinting down the stairs, I claw my clothes off because Janus was pushing his way through. I’ve got to get outside before I morph, or Luna Celestia will have my ass. Everyones looking at me like I’ve gone crazy, but I don’t give a shit. Thrusting the exit door open, I transform just as I get out onto the deck.


I had only soaked for a couple of minutes before I heard a knock on my bedroom door. “I’ll be right there. Give me a second. I’m in the bath.”

Hurrying to rinse off, I pull the drain and cloth myself quickly and run to answer the door.

“Thank you, Darcy! Man, I’m starving my ass off. Did this happen to you when you first shifted? I feel like I can’t get enough to eat. Please, come in and keep me company. Xillon should be returning soon, but some girl time would be great.”

I take the tray from her and nod my head for her to come inside. She smiles and joins me.

“Zane just had some kind of episode and tore out of here like a bat out of hell. I think I might have overdone it with the butcher knife and told him I was going to chop off his favorite appendage.”

Thank the goddess, my desk was within reach or the dang food tray would have gone to the floor. For the second time tonight, I almost face-planted. The desk caught me this time.

“Um, forgive me. I’m all out of sorts tonight. Where did he come from, may I ask?”

“I passed him on the stairs, actually. He almost hit me. But I don’t think he noticed I was even there. I should have known better than to give in to him right. But he’s just so…”

“Mouth-watering, gorgeous and robust with those firm muscles and witty attitude. Yeah, I get ya.”

“So who were you shacked up with? The pheromones are potent. I could smell them before I even knocked on the door. Was it Xillon? OH MY GODDESS! It was, wasn’t it? Did you give up your vCard?! Please, please tell me you hit that?!”

“Uh…No… and yes. It was Xillon. He’s absolutely amazing, Darcy. It was like fireworks and all. I had that with Zane last night, but it wasn’t as exhilarating. It’s hard to put into words. Is having my wolf now why everything feels more exhilarating?”

Her eyes go wide and she shakes her head. “What?!”

“Zane was my first kiss. I have told no one, and he went down on me. It was quite nice. That was last night before my first shift. Xillon and I just… I guess you would call it sex with clothes on… Dry humping..? Well he had his clothes on. I was naked from the waist down because he ripped my sweats off. It was magical, though.”

“Oh, shit! Really! You haven’t so much as kissed a guy until now. Words of advice, girl. Don’t go down the Zane path. I didn’t give him my virginity…well…in a way…I gave up my ass to him. So I guess I gave him a piece of virginity. He’s an asshole afterwards. Don’t go there. I don’t think it would matter if you were his best friend. He thinks with his dick, not his brain.”

“Yeah. I understand where you’re coming from. He’s trying to sweet talk me into dating and being only his. Being his girlfriend and crap. I just don’t see that coming from him. I won’t fuck you, he said. It’s sad that I can’t trust him.”

“Don’t listen to a damn word that comes out of the guy’s mouth. Be smart. Xillon, would be a good match for you. I’ve got to get back downstairs. There’s a lot of cleaning up that needs to be done. Eat and relax. Don’t worry about the food tray until the morning.”

“Thank you, Darcy.”

We hug each other goodbye, and I escort her to my door. My mouth waters as I turn back to my food. A doe leg from the doe I hunted lays wait, along with some vegetables and other side dishes. It’s been skinned and only warmed to perfection, so it seems as if it’s a fresh kill. My heart sinks that Larissa can’t join me. Suppose I’ll need to chill with the voices and let her be free. I can do that for her.

A knock sounds on the door as I’m chowing down on the leg. None caring about the mess I’m most likely making. “It’s unlocked, come in.”

Jarek walks through the door. Not who I was expecting, but hey, I love my brother. He would go to the ends of the earth for me. “What’s up, big brother of mine?”

“Just wanted to give you a hug and congratulate you on your first shift and hunt, is all. I haven’t spoken with you since everything went all crazy. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?”

“Honestly, I’m freaking exhausted out of my mind. And I have to stay medicated on muscle relaxers so I don’t hear people’s thoughts. It hasn’t been the most amazing experience. But it’s been great as well. I don’t know what to say, actually.”

“Mom told me what was going on. I’m a momma’s boy. You know how it is. She tells me everything. With dad in tow, of course. You have dad and I wrapped around your finger, so… I’m just saying, you can come to me with anything. Depending on what it is, dad as well.”

He sniffs the air and grunts. Apparently, Xillon shut the window before exiting my room earlier.

“Sorry about that… um…”

Ending my scrumptious meal, I race over to open the window to allow fresh air to come in. Then plant myself back down in my seat and dig back into my meal.

“I’m fine with Xillon, not Zane. He’s not good for you.”

“So, everyone seems to say at the present moment.”

“He came to me and told me about what happened last night and apologized profusely.”


“Yeah, don’t go there. I love him. He’s one of my best friends, more like a brother. But please, keep me from killing his ass. Because I will. I know you both are close, closer than you and I even. But, please…” He huffs a breath and looks away from me. “Xillon is a better fit for you. I think you know that as much as me.”

“I’m warming up to the idea, yes. We have more in common with experience levels and so on. Come to think of it, he and I are similar in many ways. Yet, I’m still torn, which is nuts I know. Which leads me to think that I should ditch dating, or have any male interaction altogether until I find my mate. Three years is going to be a long wait. But I think I can do it.”

“Whatever you decide, I’m here for you. That’s all I’m saying. And I’ll kill any dumbass who hurts you. Even if it is Zane. Eat, we can talk more tomorrow. I know how tired you must be.” He reaches over to embrace me, stands, and leaves.


‘That was mind blowing. Thank you for letting me in on the action. See, I told you she is our mate.’

‘We won’t know for sure for several years, Xavier.’

‘I can feel the pull from the mate bond. You can’t tell me you don’t feel the same thing.’

‘I can’t scent her like you’re supposed to scent your mate. Arousal doesn’t count. Our affection towards her is clouding our judgment. We need to take things slow and wait until the mate bond takes hold.’

‘You want to wait three years!’

‘Technically, we only have to wait a year for our mate to come along. Unless she is our mate. Then yeah, three years. We can do that for her, Xavier.’

‘Aren’t you going to go back to our mate? Or are you going to sit here and talk to me all night?’

‘She’s not our mate! If she is our mate, we will make it known in good time.’

Just like that, Xavier sulks, tucks his tail between his legs and whimpers as he vanishes into the far recess of my mind.

Upon leaving Annalise’s room, I took a shower, and I’ve been conversing with Xavier for quite some time now. Thought it would be best to give her some time to relax before I went back to her. Now I’m wondering if that would be a good idea or not. My restraint completely slipped away, and I was so close to stripping and having my way with her. What would happen if we slept in the same bed together? Would I be able to keep my hands off of her?

Maybe he’s right, and she is our mate. I’m sure everyone thinks I’m gay because no other girl beyond Annalise has ever caught my interest. I’ve only always wanted her. Well, and Zane has ruined women for me. I’ll be damned if he hooks his claws into Annalise. On second thought, maybe I should get back over there before Zane attempts to go back to her.

“Come in.”

I open her door and walk inside to find her reading a book in bed.

“I was wondering when you’d come back to me. I was about to go to you.” She smiles and pats the bed beside her.

“Wanted to give you some time to yourself.” Climbing into bed next to her, she lays her book down, turns off the lamp, comes over to me.

“Aren’t you going to get hot? You can take your t-shirt off and relax. I promise I won’t bite.”

“I might though. That’s what I’m afraid of. Besides, you have more clothes on than I do. You’re wearing sweats and a t-shirt.”

“Well, I can remedy that.” She pulls the sweats off to reveal she has on some silky red underwear on and my erection goes from half mast to full attention. “I’ll need to keep my t-shirt on though, because I have nothing on underneath.”

Deciding I would much rather feel her skin on mine, I pull my shirt off and throw it to the floor, then pull her on top of me as we both get comfortable inside the covers. “What do you use for shampoo? It smells good.”

“It’s supposed to smell like green apples. I guess it’s close. Thank you. I’m glad you like it.”

It smells nothing like green apples, more like watermelon, mixed with hum… chill bumps form on our skin, so I do my best to warm her by caressing arms. But instead of helping, they seem to accumulate more. “Are you cold?”

“Not at all. You’re so warm and comfortable. I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight. You know Zane was here earlier, right? I think he heard us. Darcy said he took off outside like a bat out of hell and that he almost ran her over.”

“At least he did the right thing and left instead of causing a scene.”

“Well, I’m honestly too exhausted to worry about it now. He might unexpectedly show up in the middle of the night. He randomly came to my bed last night. Fell asleep alone, then woke to a brick wall caging me in. Uh… I should lock the door to be on the safe side.” She jumps out of bed, locks the door, then gets comfortable on top of me again. She either doesn’t notice my erection or she’s ignoring it. Which is fine by me. Soft snores come from her within moments, and that was enough to lull me to sleep.

Pounding and growls coming from the door wakes me from my slumber.

Writers Note

Hello everyone, and thank you for reading! I hope that you all are enjoying your reading. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think of Trinity of Entanglement so far. Have a fantastic day everyone. 😘

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