Screw Ups (Jake x Johnnie)

By jakesrednailpolish

44.5K 568 727

i hate myself for writing something so cringe but this is the story i add onto when im bored in class!!!! More

hi giys


2K 32 54
By jakesrednailpolish

im trying my hardest to make this realistic and the conversation as awkward as it would actually be so ik STRUGGLING.

im just gonna say it. no. i cant. i cant ruin what we have.

"Im just gonna be honest with you okay?"

"I mean.. yeah.."

God what do i say? i cant just tell him i like him like that. i cant just play it off as a drunk mistake?

"im sorry." is all i can think of.

"no jake. im so sorry, this is my fault."

"No its not. its mine. im the one who asked you to kiss me first."

"i didnt stop you." he looks away.

"But i- i shouldnt have taken you outside and- god. im just sorry" wait what did he say?..

"stop this wasnt your fault. Im the one who did most of.. of everything. Im the one who wanted to." The panic in his voice grew, i could tell he wasnt thinking before he spoke.

"wait.. you wanted to?"


holy FUCK. why did i say that? hes going to be so disgusted. i cant do this. my heart is pounding faster than i imagined it could. i felt my face getting warmer by the second.

"I mean like-" i turned away.

"no. i did too." he stares blankly.

"Jake. you were drunk.."

"no johnnie. i didnt drink anything."

ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod!?!3$38?&2

"Shit.." Jakes blushing so deeply right now, im sure i am too. I look back down to the hickeys on his neck, remembering he had done the same thing to mine.

Another moment of awkward silence passes before i start the conversation again.

"So you? really?"

"um.. yeah.."

i cant help but smile.


Is johnnie smiling? oh my god he is. wait is he laughing at me? no. hes happy. OH MY GOD HES HAPPY

"Jake..ive wanted that for a while, im gonna be real." he catches his breath as he speaks.

"johnnie are you fucking with me?"

he looks away once more

"no.." Johnnie mutters, so quietly it's barely eligible.

My chest is fucking pounding. what do i do? what do i say? should i tell him i feel the same way? or maybe im reading him wrong and he doesnt like me like that? fuck.

"Johnnie. I..I- have too. wanted .. this i mean.." i stutter

Johnnie looks back up at me, a new sort of glimmer in his eyes, and a dark blush spread over his face.

"Jake we.. we are best friends.. and i just- i.." Okay nevermind. my heart dropped again.


I couldnt get out the words. Jake seriously likes me? no. im not falling for it.

I continued my sentence, "I.. i dont want this to ruin what we as f-friends." what the fuck am i saying?

"oh. i thought you- i thought"

"No Jake. i- i do. im serious. i just.. im scared"

"Johnnie listen to me. I- i do too. I cant fucking lie anymore Johnnie. I like you so much more than a fucking friend i dont know how or when or-" he starts rambling on. So he does? Could this work out?

"Jake. Stop." I grab his arm.

"I like you.. alot." i finally say it.

Neither of us say anything after that, just stare into each others eyes. I can feel his heart beating from here, and im sure he feels mine too. Its almost as if we didnt need to speak right now. A mutual understanding washed over us.


The moment was perfect. Its almost as if i could read Johnnies mind, having no doubt that our feeling was mutual. after a few more seconds of silence, he gives me a certain look that finally triggers me to act on my thought. I slowly leaned in, giving him time to pull away if he wanted.

he didnt.

My lips met Johnnies after a short second. This time was so different. Less desperate, less rushed, like nothing else in the world mattered but us. Gently he put a hand on my face, pulling me closer.

Words cant explain the feeling. It was like a scene out of movie, but somehow we managed to get everything perfect on the first take. My heart beat out of my chest, and my stomach was flipping. All ive been able to think about for the past month, finally in reach.

After what felt like both an eternity and no where near enough time, Johnnie pulled back, taking his hand off my face.

"So.. i guess we um.."

"Johnnie I cant just be your friend anymore."

"Then be something more."

He quickly answered, before going back in for another passionate kiss.

My anxiety faded. All of a sudden i wasnt so scared.

k bye ill update tmrw
800 words 🤷‍♀️

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