OMEGA (Kaisoo)

By sugarwtter

4.1K 254 39

When kyungsoo escaped the abuse of his latest pack he finds it difficult accepting that the pack he stumbled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Axe
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Kill or be killed
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter 15 The Pack
Chapter 16 Part of the Pack
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 School
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Jay
Chapter 21 Temper
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Shared Night
Chapter 27 justice Js
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 chanyeol
Chapter 30: Return
Chapter 31 busted
Chapter 32 Eujin
Chapter 33 waterfall
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 TentTalks
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Craving him

Chapter 28.5

78 8 2
By sugarwtter

[This chapter was deleted so I killed a pillow and forgot bout it. Now I'm too lazy to change numbers so YES ITS 28.5 ]

[Btw ik last chapters note made me sound like I am not ok and I'm actually not but I'm kinda vibing on that lol

Anyways, I'm not a murderer thanks for supporting. dont report me. I didnt bury my pillow. enjoy]


kyungsoo exhaled as he looked to the grass beneath him. He was sitting at one of the tiered rows of benches facing the field of grass before him somewhere at the back of the school.

there were still a couple of students who'd pass by to head home. even the last classes must be done soon or at least he'd hoped so. He was growing irritated by sending back glares to every student that would look at him weirdly as they passed by and talked about him. They always did that, people around here liked talking about him. Sometimes they'd recognized him and other times they would call him weird for looking mad or being alone as an omega. 

he glanced down to his hand that was carrying the ripped cast around his wrist and backhand. there were several old and already dirtied seams from when he previously had ripped it during training or other things and he could already hear yixing complain and beg him to just use that hand as little as possible and he would reply saying he would try just to please alpha sojoon.

He couldnt understand how that would do good. From his view it had already healed up, he could use his hand just fine. It wasn't like he couldn't handle a little pain after all and at least fighting was making him use his hand more efficiently than carving useless lines into woods.

He blinked, turning his hand around again to stretch out his fingers and watch them tremble.
Mostly, Even if he followed yixings orders and only used his hand for the carving exercises, he didnt believe in it working. He wasnt blind or stupid, he can see the damage that had been done and he can see that he can't regenerate what he lost, he was never gonna be as strong on that hand as he used to beand he was never going to be able to fully stretch his fingers back like he could on the other hand.

Kyungsoo sighed at that thought, balling his hand to a fist again before he pulled it back to himself. It didnt matter, strength was never something he relied on to begin with. He will just have to learn to move faster and more precisely, more thoughtout and making a fist was more important than stretching his fingers back. 

"  hey.. " jay appeared by his side, stepping up the benches to join him.
" how your hand ?"

The omegas eyes wouldn't meet him, he never liked being asked these kind of questions, it made him uncomfortable " why is there a field this big but nobody uses it ? Its completely empty" he shifted the attention elsewhere instead.

" well " jay adjusted his seat beside him, exhaling as he looked over the field " its mostly for matches, competitions "

With a frown kyungsoo finally turned to him " I thought that was immoral? I dont see any of these pimples being able to actually compete"

Jay chuckled shaking his head " its not dangerous mostly, its just games for fun.. mostly" his unsure explanation only confused the omega further so he hummed " you've ever heard of catch the flag ? " the shorter looked down " football? Volleyball? basketball? Baseball-"
" why the obsession with balls??"

The answer seemingly amused jay who pursed his lips as he folded his arms and leaned back
" idk something bout them.. right ?"

Irritated the omega held eyecontact seemingly confused as jay had kept his smirk, pressing his lips together innocently until at last kyungsoo sighed, catching on to threaten" I sure like kicking them "

Jay pointed his finger at that "you have heard of football !" His other hand moved slowly over his crotch afterward " and ouch "

Kyungsoo lost a little laugh at that, shaking his head " yeah I've heard.. but I only say them play it once or twice with the head of a hunter, I assume thats not the case here though ? "

The beta swallowed, own amusement fading lightly as he looked over the omegas expression, so unfathomed by what he'd just said himself.
" no its not " he nodded leaning over his knees
" you know, only you manage to look this pretty while saying disturbing things "

Kyungsoo sighed at that " I also like chopping things off, jay "

With lips pressed together the beta nodded to himself and leaned back, head turning to the side just in time to see jongin start climbing over the benches to get to them aswell.
" move " he mumbled and jay threw his hands up without understanding only to groan as the taller showed his golden eyes in warning and he rolled his eyes standing up to go one row to the back while Jongin took a seat in his place instead " you couldve just sat on the other side " jay mumbled.

but the other beta simply ignored him and pulled a cooling pack out of his jacket pocket as he reached his hand out to kyungsoos without another word.

The omega figured it be best not to discuss or argue uselessly around as they did so often and instead decided to hand it to him, displeased by the fact that it had still ben shaking. But jongin didnt seem to comment on it allowing Kyungsoo to watch him as he slowly opened the cast and slipped the cooling pack under.

The cool made him grimace little at first but soon he found it somehow relieving the pressure he'd felt on the hand before, specially since the metal of the cast wasn't pushed against his skin tightly anymore. " thank you.. "

Jongin glanced at him at that but paid no mind in replying which he appreciated. The beta glanced over to the cabin instead " they still didn't come ?"

" nope.. " jay shrugg behind them " but they should come soon.. I know him he always hangs here, maybe he had detention with his guys "

When they had arrived earlier to question this hiran guy, supposedly having stolen the purse, all they had found was a locked door and no signs or sounds of anyone inside. Jay explained they must not be here yet after all so jongin said he was going to go back and put the bags in his car. Clearly he must've stopped by somewhere to get that cooling pad whilst jay said he would look around, Kyungsoo only took a seat.
He understood it had meant waiting and he didnt particulary mind or care for it.

He frowned to himself, no he didnt mind but he wondered.
Why did jongin take a stop on the way back? He looked at the side of his face. He looked irritated and annoyed and he was moving little everytime he said something back at jay, prolonging the bickering that kyungsoo couldnt bother to listen to. the 2 of them always disagreed and argued over useless things.

Jongin could've at anytime just given kyungsoo his hand back and turn fully toward the other beta to land a punch or shove like he usually would but he didnt and it made the omega glance down to his hand still laying in jongins.

His hand was smaller than the betas and it didn't make it look better that jongin also hand his other hand on top to keep the cooling pad in place. his knuckles were wounded, dry and split at several spots. He heard eujin previously tell him to cream his hands because they were turning into sandpaper  but kyungsoo didnt mind his hands. Part of him liked the way they looked, it was just how jongin was, he didnt bother to put in the extra care for looks or skin and he didnt need to either. he had plently of boys and girls look after him as it is. 

kyungsoos frown hardened as he looked away from jongins hands, he just randomly had noticed it. it wasnt like he had examined or been interested. Suddenly confused and being much more aware of it, kyungsoo found himself hating the touch and he swallowed hesitant, unsure as he pulled his hand back finally. Jongin hadn't even noticed much of it when instead his hand had now moved up to point at jay for a moment clearifying a point he was making.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes then, getting up and stepping one row down the benches to take a seat again and hold onto the cooling pad himself, eyes back onto the field with the bickering voices behind him.


" there !" Jay exclaimed, hand tapping jongins shoulder, causing him to slowly sit up and look himself.

" which ones the pervert ?" Kyungsoo asked at the front, eyeing the 3 guys who were standing by the shed, smoking while they opened the old wooden door.

" can't tell from here "  jay squinted but the other 2 were already moving to get off the bench and head for the shed without discussing further. kyungsoo didnt peck them for dangerous people from afar but the fact that the shed was far from school and it wasnt technically allowed to be in there, showed that they were exactly one of the scared students who wouldnt go against rules or violence. 

" how're we going to go about this ?" The omega asked then. Jay was catching up to the 2 as kyungsoo handed Jongin the cooling pad back, closing the cast on his own, listening to the said beta explain " I tell him to give it back and if he doesn't I punch his face in-" " no no no no " jay waved his hand stepping in front of him to stop them from continuing their walk to the shed.

" we're not gonna hurt anyone or at least try ok"

Jongin frowned " he won't go to anyone. The guys a pervert and a thief and the shed is barely school territory.. theyre wont care "

" no no listen to me jongin you always do this. You punch first and then ask questions "

" he deserves a punch-"
" no no" jay waved his hands again causing jongins eyes to darken
" I will break your face instead if you cut me off again"

Jay shifted in his stance, seeming a little awkward or nervous now and kyungsoo eyed him at that as the beta folded his arms at last " remember theo ?"

Jongins frown hardened as he looked over the betas eyes confused and annoyed
" theo" he'd repeated but still the taller struggled in catching on causing him to sigh loudly
" you broke his arms cause he threw a paper at you ?"

At last the betas confused frown faded lightly and he glanced to kyungsoo awkwardly before shrugging " It was a long time ago and he had it coming "

" well after that we didn't have anyone approach us for like a month cause they got scared of you ok. You do that jongin you scare people " he explained further " we're not hitman, we're just friendly people solving problems for our fellow students alright"

Kyungsoo lifted his eyebrows biting back a smile. Part of him wanted to laugh at jay, the other found it funny that Jongin had previously lectured him on being too violent and not thinking things through when it seemed like the beta himself wasn't as calm as hed like to be himself.

" I'll do the questioning, you 2 just stay behind me and look threatening but we're not hurting " he looked to kyungsoo now " or specially killing anyone alright.. me and Hiran go way back this shouldnt take too long"

With that jay cleared his throat and went to continue on his way letting the other 2 follow him behind displeased. Sometimes kyungsoo had to prevent himself from opening his mouth or becoming violent whenever teachers or others of the pack commanded him to do things.
Hed learned that orders and commands had a different meaning here. Its not something absolute, its not something insulting, not a test to see whos more dominant and who fears who it was just a matter of.. convenience.

There was music coming from shed as they approached it, a couple of laughs inbetween followed and a weird smell made kyungsoo wrinkle his nose. He'd recognize the smell, many of his previous owners had it as well when they smoked.

jays knuckles knocked against the wooden door of the shed in a rhythm, before he pulled them down to sink into his pocket. he cleared his throat shifting in his stance as the volume of the music was lowered and steps approached the door from the other side until at last the door opened to reveal a well built beta looking at jay and briefly the other 2 behind him.

" hey..y-youu ! " jay cheered obviously having forgotten a name again but by their expressions kyungsoo could tell they'd met before " so nice to see you, wow what a tan-" " what do you want ?" 

kyungsoo squinted at the stranger. he didnt seem particularly pleased at the sight of jay and judging by the tone of him, jay knew it aswell. there must be bad history, he concluded and glanced over to jongin to see if hed been aware of it but all he could see from his expression was that he didnt feel threatened or even bothered.

"we just want to talk to hiran for a bit, be a dear and let us pass mh ?" Jay patted his shoulder, pushing him lightly aside as he entered into the shed with jongin following and kyungsoo keeping his glare directed at the stranger as he passed by himself to stand in the middle of the small room, instantly facing the 2 other guys sitting on the couch that took half of the rooms space. It was filled with smoke and it made kyungsoo grimace disgusted while jay waved his hand at the clouds " well..isnt it nice in here " he coughed " love what you did with the place "

kyungsoo frowned as he looked around in disagreement. The wood was molded and unstable looking and They decorated it lazily with a few light strings and posters of barely dressed girls with guns on the walls. A big stained couch was placed at the other side of the room, reaching from one wall to the other and and another old couch table made out of wood was placed by it. Snacks and old cigarettes were scattered over it. A board game underneath it all and a couple of bottles on the ground beside it and in other corners. Definitely something he could grab and injure someone with if it came down to it. he could also reach one of the light strings and chocke someone.

" you got some nerves showing your face here" the one leaning over the table said, exhaling air as he finally looked up to jay. he had hair just long enough to tie together in a little ponytail. That must be hiran, he looked behind jay to jongin and then kyungsoo before huffing out " and with your bodyguard and new boyfriend  " 

kyungsoo lifted his chin lightly to look down on him, showing he wasnt intimidated if the stranger tried anything, hirans knuckles were red indicating he was ready to use them and they'd stepped into his shed after all. The beta that had opened the door seemed well built and the balled one sitting by the couch while he drank from a bottle and looked at them was more lean but carried a scar from his nose to his ear, showing he knew of pain. " yeah, well what can I say feels safer to have some around doesnt it?" jay nodded, resting his hands on his hips. " listen I know we got some bad blood between us but hey.. if it makes you feel any better, she fucked me over too " he nodded, a hand landing on his chest as he shock his head.

hiran seemed unamused by this as he shock the ash off his cigarette on the ashtray. the well built beta from before stepped closer from behind them and kyungsoo noticed jongin glance at him slightly " youre right.. that makes me feel so much better " hiran turned his cigarette off and his friend on the couch shifted to sit beside him, more aware of the tension but not necessairly seeming threatened yet. 

" we didnt come here to fight-" " too bad thats would the only reason for why I would ever want to see you fuckface again though" jongin growled at that and hirans friend on the couch moved to stand up as he returned it " guys " jay interrupted " come on.. we're not wildlife alright.. we came here for june.. we were told you may have her purse ?"

hiran looked at him at that, glancing lightly to the beta that had opened the door earlier before he dropped his head and laughed " you came here.. for that bitch? and what ?" he leaned back " you think you just come in here ask nicely and I'll hand it to you ?"

jay exhaled at that ignoring that the omega and beta behind him had shifted their gaze to him now " well " he shrugg voice becoming thinner " little part of me was kinda hoping that.."

" you're fucking serious ?" he snapped " you fucked my girlfriend " 

" come on it was an accident, I didnt know and it was so long ago" jay sighed and hiran stabbed a knife into his table at that, Eyes glowing golden.

" you shouldnt have come " he motioned his head to the friend behind the 3, causing him to move and close the door. " you think bringing jongin would intimidate us ?" 

" perhaps a broken hand would " jongin titled his head at him but hiran only looked back at him in anger so jay moved closer to the table showing his hands to his friend nearly stepping between " listen.. you dont wanna fight. lets be honest.. Even if I just brought Jongin you, one-punchman and hulk over there wouldnt stand a chance. " he looked behind himself to the omega " and that's kyungsoo.. so not only do you not stand a chance, you'll be on the floor faster than you can count to 3 too mh?" Jay lifted his eyebrows.

Hiran frowned at that, looking up to the omega, who folded his arms at the new tone of jay. "just give us the purse and we're gone.. no one has to get hurt and you wont ever have to see me again unless.. well in detention " he nodded " kinda cant avoid that.. you get it right " he winked but hiran still looked at kyungsoo before to jongin and huffed. 

silence followed and hirans friends visibly anticipated what he would decide to do as he stood up and looked from kyungsoo to jongin and then at his friend by the door. the omega eyed his hand disappearing into his back pocket carefully. He could tell he wasnt simply going to hand it over as he looked to jay also looking to the side like he aswell as jongin could tell but stayed still as if to give them the benefit of the doubt. or more to not throw the first punch to begin with. 

At last hiran nodded at his friend by the door and a growl errupted. Jongin turned around at the shifted wolf jumping him and kyungsoo rushed foreward as jay was also jumped by the balled friend and Hiran pulled a gun from his back, barely able to raise it higher than his middle before kyungsoo had kicked it away, turning to swing his other foot into his jaw. 

Hiran tumbled sideways to the ground with a yelp, clinging to his mouth in struggle as his other hand reached out to hold onto the table only to have a knife be stabbed into it, pinning it down and he screamed in pain.

His wide eyes stared up to kyungsoos threatening irises, while his friends were on the ground in the back themselves, trying to recover. 

" wheres the purse ?" kyungsoo asked and hiran tried getting air into his lungs in shock as he stared inbetween the 3 of them, several hair strands were hanging out from his messed up ponytail. 

the omega twisted the knife at the lack of response and he screamed again, tearing up with wet breaths as he reached for kyungsoos gripp on the knife only to have the omegas other hand grab it and twist his finger enough to earn a crack and another loud cry " where ?"

" I-I sold it to the markler !" he sobbed barely able to keep himself upright for his hand still stabbed into the table. 

at that kyungsoo glanced over to jay, who had his hands reached out seeming a little shocked himself as he then nodded quickly.

" I catch you stealing or looking under skirts again, I'll scoop your eyeballs out with a spoon got it? " the omega twisted the knife again at that causing more tears to trail down hirans cheeks as he screamed while nodding " yes! yes! I'm sorry !"

jongin watched by the door as kyungsoo pulled the knife out at last, allowing hiran to collapse to the floor and cling to his hands in pain as he cried. The omega tossed the knife to the table, turning to the other betas. " They attacked first right ?" 

jongin huffed as he nodded " yeah.. lets go"

jays mouth was still slightly open before he exhaled in a little laugh of excitement as he looked after kyungsoo stepping over the other 2 friends " I am so turned on right now " 

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