Path Forged by blood: a jaune...

By Takahashi999

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My name is jaune DOWNFALL after getting my transcripts were exposed my life went downhill I was kicked out of... More

jaune's bio
chapter 1: reborn
chapter 2
chapter 3: nothing but death
chapter 4:qrows investigation
chapter 5
chapter 9
chapter 6
chapter 10
chapter 7
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19

chapter 8

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By Takahashi999

Amidst the aftermath of the brutal clash, the air thick with the scent of blood and the remnants of ethereal resonance, I stood over the wounded form of Qrow Branwen. The katana, now a symbol of both mastery and brutality, remained unsheathed, its blade gleaming with a malevolent glow that seemed to echo the intensity of the battle.

Observing the battered and bloodied huntsman, I couldn't help but acknowledge the surprising resilience he had displayed. Qrow, renowned for his combat prowess, had weathered the storm of ethereal-enhanced strikes with a tenacity that defied expectations. The alley, now bearing witness to the aftermath of the relentless clash, seemed to resonate with the echoes of a confrontation that had pushed the boundaries of conventional combat.

Jaune:You know

I began, my voice carrying a detached calmness that contrasted with the visceral scene around us

Jaune:I expected a seasoned huntsman like you to put up a decent fight. But you've exceeded even those expectations. Impressive.

The katana, held with a casual ease, seemed to vibrate with the lingering ethereal energy. Shadows, like silent spectators, clung to the blade, their dance mirroring the aftermath of the ferocious battle. Qrow, still conscious despite the evident toll on his body, met my gaze with a mix of exhaustion and a lingering defiance.

Jaune:As for what to do now

I continued, my tone betraying a hint of contemplation

Jaune:that depends on you, Qrow. You're in quite a predicament. You've faced the power of my ethereal resonance sure I was holding back and yet, you're still standing—albeit barely. What's your move now, huntsman?

The alley, now transformed into a battleground marked by the convergence of shadows and brutality, seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of the next development. The symphony of combat had quieted, leaving only the distant echoes of a struggle that had pushed both combatants to their limits.

Qrow, struggling to rise, managed a wry smile despite the pain.

Qrow:You talk like you've got all the answers, kid. But this fight... it's far from over.

I tilted my head, acknowledging his resilience

Jaune:True, the fight may not be over. But your chances of turning this around? They're dwindling, Qrow. I could end this here and now, or we could continue dancing in the shadows. Your call.

I shrugged

The katana, still bathed in the ethereal glow, remained poised—a silent threat that hung in the air. Shadows, as if awaiting a verdict, seemed to cling to the very essence of the decision that would shape the fate of the wounded huntsman and the aftermath of a battle that had etched itself into the confines of the alley.

Amidst the lingering echoes of the battle, I found myself reflecting on the profound solitude that had become my constant companion. The katana, held with a steady grip, seemed to embody both the mastery over ethereal forces and the brutal reality of my existence.

Jaune:Why all this blood, Jaune?"

I mused aloud asking myself the words hanging in the air like an unanswered question. The alley, now silent in the aftermath of the clash, held the weight of the unsaid, as if the very shadows were privy to the inner turmoil.

A bitter chuckle escaped my lips as I continued, the resonance of the ethereal forces still palpable.

Jaune:Friends abandoned me, family disowned me, society tossed me aside. Do you expect me to beg on my knees, to grovel at their feet? Life handed me a deck of cards, and I played the hand I was dealt.

The katana, once a symbol of honor, now seemed to carry the weight of a forsaken destiny. Shadows, like silent witnesses, lingered around as if sharing the burden of a story etched in blood and solitude.

Jaune:When life gives you lemons, they say make lemonade. But I call bullshit on that

I declared with a hardened resolve.

Jaune:Nah, when life gives you lemonades, jam it right back into life's fucking eyes. Let it feel pain, let it taste the bitterness it threw away.

The alley, now a canvas of scars and shadows, bore witness to a monologue that echoed the sentiments of a soul estranged from the comforting embrace of camaraderie. The ethereal resonance, still lingering, seemed to respond to the raw honesty in the words spoken.

Jaune:Society paints this rosy picture of redemption, of finding solace in the face of adversity. But reality is far crueler

I continued, the bitterness in my voice reflecting the scars etched into the very fabric of my being.

Jaune:You don't rise from the ashes; you embrace the flames that forged you. Redemption is a mirage, a distant oasis that mocks the parched wanderer.

The katana, now an extension of my will, gleamed in the dim light, its blade resonating with the shadows that clung to its edge. The echoes of the battle seemed to resonate with the somber notes of an untold saga.

Jaune:Abandoned, disowned, thrown away—these are the labels society slapped on me. And in return, I offer them a symphony of shadows, a dance of blades that reflects the solitude I've come to know

I concluded, the bitterness in my voice giving way to a quiet acceptance.

Jaune:Life may have dealt the cards, but I'm the one playing the game. And in this game, the rules are written in blood, the stakes are measured in solitude, and redemption is but a distant whisper lost in the echoes of a forsaken existence.

As the katana remained poised, the alley embraced the aftermath of a dialogue that spoke of defiance in the face of societal abandonment—a testament to a soul that had chosen to wield shadows as both weapon and companion.

Qrow, his battered form reflecting the toll of our relentless clash, stood there in stunned silence. The alley, now a stage for the aftermath of our struggle, seemed to hold its breath as the echoes of my declaration lingered in the air. The katana, held with an unwavering resolve, remained poised, casting shadows that seemed to dance to the unsung melody of solitude.

Qrow:Kid, don't go down this path

Qrow's voice cut through the heavy silence, a plea laden with a weight that mirrored the scars etched on his body. His gaze, a mix of concern and an understanding born from years of battle, locked onto mine. Shadows, as if sensing the gravity of the moment, clung to the edges of the katana, as if awaiting my response.

I met his gaze, the echoes of my bitter monologue still resonating within me.

Jaune:Path? What path, Qrow? The one society abandoned me on? The one where family disowned me? Or perhaps the path where so-called friends turned their backs? I'm not on a path; I'm forging one with the shadows that have become my only companions.

Qrow sighed, a weariness etched into his features.

Qrow:I get it, Jaune. Life's been tough on you. But the path you're talking about... it's a one-way ticket to darkness. I've seen people take it, and it never ends well.

I chuckled, a bitter edge in my tone.

Jaune:Darkness, light, it's all a damn illusion. Society wants you to believe there's a righteous path, a beacon of redemption. But tell me, Qrow, where was that beacon when they cast me aside? When they left me to navigate the shadows alone?

The katana, still bathed in the remnants of ethereal resonance, seemed to respond to the intensity of the conversation. Shadows, like silent witnesses, clung to the blade, as if entwined in the very essence of my struggle.

Qrow, his gaze unwavering, took a step closer.

Qrow:Jaune, I've seen people consumed by the very darkness they thought would be their salvation. It's a path of no return, and once you step onto it, there's no coming back.

I raised an eyebrow, a defiance in my demeanor.

Jaune:Coming back? To what, Qrow? A world that tossed me aside? I'm not seeking redemption. I'm embracing the shadows that have become my refuge. Society may have its rules, but in the shadows, I write my own.

"Jaune," Qrow's voice softened, a genuine concern surfacing.

Qrow: I get your pain, but this path you're talking about, it won't lead to anything good. Trust me; I've seen it too many times. There's more to life than vengeance and solitude.

I chuckled again, the bitterness resurfacing.

Jaune:Vengeance? Maybe. Solitude? That's become my reality. So, Qrow, spare me the lecture on righteousness. The world I knew has no room for those who walk in the shadows.

The alley, now a backdrop to a clash of ideologies, seemed to absorb the weight of our conversation. The katana, still held with a steely resolve, cast shadows that intertwined with the very essence of the dialogue—a clash not of blades, but of perspectives on a world that had pushed one soul into the embrace of shadows.

The weight of the conversation hung heavily in the air, the aftermath of our clash echoing in the dimly lit alley. Qrow, a seasoned huntsman, regarded me with a mix of concern and resignation. Shadows, like silent spectators, clung to the edges of the katana, their dance reflecting the intensity of the words spoken.

Jaune:Now you know why all my heart has turned so cold

I murmured, a bitter admission that lingered in the air. The katana, still bathed in the remnants of ethereal resonance, seemed to absorb the very essence of the revelation.

Jaune:armies fall before me, Qrow. You can't fight alone. Tell me, what would you do now?

Qrow, his weariness apparent, sighed and ran a hand through his disheveled hair. "Jaune downfall," he said, the weight of the name echoing with the struggles etched in the very fabric of my existence.

Qrow:You've chosen a path that leads to darkness, and no matter how many armies fall, it won't fill the void that solitude brings.

I met his gaze, the katana held with a silent defiance.

Jaune:Void? Qrow, the void was already there. Society, family, friends—they all contributed to it. The shadows, at least, offer a sanctuary where I write my own rules.

Qrow shook his head, a mixture of understanding and regret in his eyes.

Qrow:Jaune, I've seen people walk this path. They start with noble intentions, seeking justice or revenge, but the darkness consumes them. You might think you're in control now, but eventually, the shadows take over.

A bitter smirk played on my lips.

Jaune:Control? Qrow, control is an illusion. The world made that clear when it abandoned me. Now, I embrace the chaos within the shadows. It's the only constant in my life.

Qrow:Embracing chaos won't bring you peace

Qrow countered, a conviction in his voice.

Qrow:you may wield shadows, but they'll also bind you. There's more to life than vengeance and solitude, Jaune. You can still find redemption.

I scoffed at the notion.

Jaune:Redemption? Qrow, redemption is a fantasy sold to those who still believe in fairy tales. I've outgrown such illusions.

Qrow's gaze remained unwavering.

Qrow:No one is beyond redemption, Jaune. Even in the darkest moments, there's a choice. You can still find a way back.

I leaned against a nearby wall, the katana now a silent companion.

Jaune:Way back? Qrow, I've walked too far down this path. There's no turning back. And even if there were, I have no desire to return to a world that rejected me.

"Jaune," Qrow's tone softened, a plea beneath the weariness.

Qrow:You're still young. There's more to life than the shadows you've embraced. You can choose a different path.

A bitter laugh escaped me.

Jaune:Young? Qrow, age has nothing to do with it. I've seen the world for what it is, and it's not a place that welcomes those who stray from the beaten path.

The alley, now a backdrop to a clash of ideologies, seemed to absorb the weight of our dialogue. Shadows, like silent witnesses, clung to the edges of the katana, their dance echoing the internal struggle that unfolded in the heart of Jaune downfallen—a soul defined by solitude and

As the echoes of our intense dialogue reverberated in the dimly lit alley, an unexpected image flashed in my mind—the faces of Crystal and Ashley. The mental image brought an involuntary sigh, a momentary interruption in the stoic facade that had characterized our conversation.

Jaune:in fact

I began, the weight of my words carrying a sudden shift in tone,

Jaune:I'm no longer in the mood to kill you, Qrow. Consider yourself lucky.

Qrow, his weariness apparent, raised an eyebrow in a mix of surprise and caution. The katana, once poised for combat, now hung at my side, its ethereal glow dimming as a moment of contemplation settled in.

"Lucky?" Qrow responded, his gaze searching for any hint of deception. "Jaune, you were just talking about embracing darkness. Now you've changed your mind?"

The mental image of Crystal and Ashley lingered, their presence a reminder of connections that, despite my stoic exterior, held a profound significance.

Jaune:Changed my mind? No, Qrow

I admitted, the weight of honesty in my voice.

Jaune:I've simply chosen to spare you for reasons that go beyond the shadows I wield.

Qrow, still cautious, crossed his arms.

Qrow:Reasons? Enlighten me, Jaune. What's changed in the span of a few moments?

The katana, now lowered, seemed to carry a different weight—a subtle shift in purpose. "Crystal and Ashley," I replied, a sincerity underlying the words.

Jaune:Their faces flashed in my mind, and for a moment, the shadows receded. I realized that there are connections worth preserving, even in a world that has forsaken me and plus I'm kinda bored beating an old man isn't what I planned today

I yawned stretching my body

Qrow's expression softened, a flicker of understanding in his eyes.

Qrow:Family, loved ones—you mean that much to you, even now?

I nodded, the echoes of our intense dialogue now giving way to a more introspective revelation.

Jaune:They do. Crystal, my daughter, and Ashley, the one person who sees beyond the shadows if not for them I'm pretty certain I would have wiped out the arc clan or destroy beacon in the midst of solitude and darkness, their presence lingers as a reminder that there are aspects of life worth protecting.

Qrow took a step forward, a cautious curiosity in his demeanor.

Qrow:So, you're not the heartless warrior you presented yourself to be a moment ago?

A faint smile touched my lips.

Jaune:Heartless? Perhaps not entirely. The path I've chosen may be shrouded in shadows, but even in the darkest corners, there's a flicker of humanity. Crystal and Ashley represent that flicker

I acknowledged Qrow's skepticism with a nod.

Jaune:True, it might not mean much to you, Qrow. The world has a way of interpreting actions based on its own judgments. But for me, in the confines of my own reality, those connections mean everything. They're the threads keeping me from being entirely consumed by the shadows.

The katana, now in a state of rest, reflected a subtle resilience—a testament to the intricate dance between the solitude I had embraced and the flicker of humanity represented by Crystal and Ashley.

Jaune: it Doesn't mean anything to you, perhaps

I continued, the weariness seeping into my voice.

Jaune:But in my world, where alliances are transient and darkness is a constant, these connections provide a semblance of purpose.

Qrow, still cautious, observed my demeanor.

Qrow:So, what now, Jaune? You spare me and walk away into the shadows?

A contemplative pause hung in the air before I responded.

Jaune :spare you for now, Qrow. The shadows may be my ally, but I'm not blind to the fact that some battles are better left unfought. Crystal and Ashley, their faces linger in my mind as a reminder that not everything in this world deserves the touch of the katana.

The alley, a witness to the clash of ideologies and unexpected revelations, seemed to settle into a momentary calm. Shadows, like silent observers, embraced the aftermath of a dialogue that navigated the complexities of solitude, familial bonds, and the ever-present dance with darkness.

Jaune:Consider this a reprieve, Qrow

I concluded, a faint resolve in my voice.

Jaune:But don't mistake it for weakness. The shadows may recede for now, but their dance is far from over. The path I walk, it remains shrouded, and not every connection can withstand the encroaching darkness.

With those words, I turned away, the katana at my side, and began to fade into the shadows, leaving Qrow in the alley—a figure at the crossroads of light and darkness, contemplating the complex nature of Jaune Crestfallen and the threads that tethered him to a world that had forsaken and embraced him in equal measure.

Qrow'a first person view

Battered and wounded, I staggered into Ozpin's office, my every step weighed down by the toll of the intense battle with Jaune Crestfallen. Ozpin and Glynda, startled by my disheveled appearance, looked up from their conversation, concern etching their faces.

Qrow:He's too powerful

I admitted, the weight of the realization evident in my voice.

Qrow:Even when I didn't hold back, Jaune proved to be a force to be reckoned with.

Ozpin, his customary calm demeanor momentarily disrupted, rose from his desk.

Ozpin:Qrow, elaborate. What happened out there?

I recounted the clash in the alley, the ethereal resonance of Jaune's semblance, and the unexpected shift in his intentions. The description painted a picture of a warrior who had not only embraced darkness but wielded it with a mastery that surpassed my expectations.

"He spared me," I confessed, the admission lingering in the air.

Qrow:Said something about connections and walked away into the shadows. Ozpin, he's not the same Jaune we knew at Beacon. He's become something more, something darker.

Glynda, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity, listened intently as I detailed the battle. The echoes of ethereal resonance seemed to resonate within the confines of Ozpin's office, a reminder of the power Jaune wielded and the enigma he had become.

Ozpin, after a contemplative pause, spoke with a measured tone.

Ozpin:Jaune downfall, a name that carries more weight than we anticipated. Qrow, we must be cautious in our approach. His mastery over his semblance, the Ethereal Resonance, suggests a depth of understanding that goes beyond conventional training.

I nodded, the gravity of the situation settling in.

Qrow:I've never faced someone like him. The shadows are his allies, and he wields them with a skill that surpasses anything I've encountered before. Whatever he's become, it's not something we can take lightly.

Ozpin, his gaze thoughtful, turned his attention to Glynda.

Ozpin:We need to gather information, understand the extent of Jaune's capabilities. This goes beyond the conflicts we've faced in the past. His actions, sparing you, indicate a complexity we need to unravel.

As the discussion unfolded, the office became a strategic center, a hub for planning and analysis. The echoes of the battle lingered, a testament to the formidable adversary Jaune Crestfallen had become. The shadows, like silent witnesses, seemed to seep into the very fabric of Ozpin's office, a reflection of the enigmatic warrior who now navigated the blurred lines between light and darkness.

Glynda, usually composed, couldn't contain the emotions that welled up within her. As I detailed the encounter with Jaune, an involuntary sob escaped her, hidden behind a facade that had momentarily cracked.

With a deep breath, she composed herself, but the lingering pain in her eyes betrayed the weight of the situation.

Glynda:What do we do now?

she asked, the question hanging in the air like an unspoken plea for guidance.

Ozpin, his expression reflective, leaned against his desk.

Ozpin:We need to gather more intelligence on Jaune, understand the extent of his newfound abilities. This is no longer a matter of mere conflicts between hunters. Jaune  has become a variable we can't ignore.

I chimed in, my weariness evident.

Qrow:We should be prepared for the fact that he won't be easily swayed or captured. His mastery over Ethereal Resonance is not something we can underestimate. He spared me today, but I doubt he'll show the same mercy again.

Glynda nodded, a flicker of determination in her eyes.

Glynda:So, we gather information, assess the threat, and formulate a plan. Jaune Crestfallen may be a formidable adversary, but we cannot allow his actions to go unchecked.

Ozpin, his gaze fixed on the window as if contemplating the vast complexities of the world beyond, spoke with a sense of gravity.

Ozpin:Continue monitoring his activities, gather intel discreetly. We need to understand his motivations, his alliances, and, most importantly, any weaknesses he may have.

The office, once a hub of strategy and planning, now took on an air of somber resolve. The shadows, like silent witnesses, seemed to weave into the very fabric of our deliberations—an acknowledgment of the enigmatic warrior who had emerged from the shadows.

Ozpin:We proceed with caution

Ozpin concluded.

Ozpin:Jaune downfall is a force to be reckoned with, and our next moves must be calculated. The world we knew at Beacon has changed, and we must adapt to the shadows that now shape our reality.

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