Bills - Heejakehoon

By Deja_Vu_053097

10.8K 697 815

Sunghoon and Sunoo's breakup wasn't the prettiest. But... Sunghoon got over it. At least, he thought he did... More

Teaser/Prologue: The End & A Beginning
Chapter One - Day One
Chapter Two - Mind
Chapter Three - Fashion
Chapter Four - Marks
Chapter Five - Wild
Chapter Six - Stupid
Chapter Seven - Call
Chapter Eight - Talk
Chapter Nine - Thinking
Chapter Ten - Truth
The Letter
Chapter Twelve - Distraction
Chapter Thirteen - Questions
Chapter Fourteen - Comfort
Chapter Fifteen - Maybe
Chapter Sixteen - Carnival
Chapter Seventeen - Choose
Chapter Eighteen - Park

Chapter Eleven - Leave

510 24 54
By Deja_Vu_053097

A/N: *hides*

Sunghoon unlocks the door to his dorm and walks in, just to be met by the stares of two strangers.

"Um... who are you?" He asks, frozen in the doorway. The taller one speaks first.

"I'm... I'm Riki, Jake's brother." He says. Sunghoon doesn't even try to hide his disbelief.

"I'm adopted." Riki explains. Sunghoon nods slowly before looking at the other boy. He was cute.

"This is Jungwon... uh..." Riki hesitates for a moment.

"His boyfriend." Jungwon states simply, linking his fingers with the taller boys. Sunghoon just stares at them for a moment and then closes the door.

"Okay. Well, nice to meet you. I'm Sunghoon, Jake's roommate."

"I know. I've heard a lot about you." Riki says. Sunghoon tries not to blush. Jake talked about him to others? Right... friends could do that.

"You really are handsome..." Jungwon mumbles. The comment does make Sunghoon blush. Talking about him was one thing, but describing him as "handsome" to others...

"Don't worry, you're the most handsome." Jungwon says, looking up at Riki's slight pout.

"Where is Jake?" Sunghoon asks.

"He said he was taking a shower." Riki shrugs and sits back down. Sunghoon nods and starts walking towards the bedrooms. Jake comes out of the bathroom just as he's walking by, and Sunghoon's eyes immediately drop to Jake's bare chest. Jake stands there in only his sweatpants and a towel on his head. Sunghoon's eyes inch downward against his will.

"Take a picture, pervert." Jake says, a small smirk on his lips. Sunghoon looks up to meet his eyes, his face growing red in embarrassment as he realized Jake had watched him... check him out.

"Sorry." Sunghoon mumbles before quickly disappearing into his room.


Sunghoon is startled awake by a knock at his door. He checks his phone and sees that it's almost one in the morning. It's obviously Jake, but Sunghoon couldn't think of a reason for Jake to be knocking on his door.

He gets up anyway and unlocks his door. He opens it and sees Jake standing there, his sleeping clothes fit loosely on his small figure, making him look even smaller.


"Did I wake you up?" Jake asks quietly. Sunghoon smiles softly and nods.

"Oh." Jake looks down, fidgeting with his fingers, "Sorry."

There's a few moments of silence before he continues.

"I had this really... weird dream. And when I woke up, I heard a noise. I'm sure it's just the people next door, but I'm a little paranoid." Jake says shyly, keeping his eyes down.

"Do you want me to check?" Sunghoon asks, slightly amused by Jake's timidness. Jake shakes his head and finally meets Sunghoon's eyes.

"It's fine. I don't know why I came here, sorry for waking you." Jake says. Sunghoon reaches out and grabs one of his hands.

"Sleep with me tonight. Your story has me paranoid too." Sunghoon lies. Jake's eyes light up but he tries to act casual.

"Sure, okay." He responds with a shrug. Sunghoon moves to let Jake in and then closes the door back.

"Your room is really... clean." Jake says quietly, looking around. Sunghoon shrugs. He slides back under his blanket and looks over at Jake, who stands beside the bed hesitantly. Sunghoon has to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling.

"Come here." Sunghoon whispers. He lifts the other side of the blanket, offering Jake the space.

"I'm not your boyfriend, but I'll keep you warm and safe." Sunghoon whispers, already closing his eyes as Jake gets under the blanket.

"Shut up." Jake grumbles. There's an awkward amount of space between them but Sunghoon is too tired to care. He falls back asleep almost immediately.


Sunghoon wakes up again, feeling a foreign warmth against his side. He looks over and sees Jake curled up beside him, Jake's forehead rests against his arm. It takes another few seconds before he realizes they're holding hands.

When did that happen? Sunghoon had no idea.

He knew that Jake's hands were soft though, and his fingers fit nearly perfectly with his own. He rubs the back of Jake's hand with his thumb a few times before pulling away. Sunghoon slides out of his bed and grabs the clothes he had laid out the night before.

He goes to the bathroom, taking a shower and changing before returning to his bedroom. Jake is still asleep, and Sunghoon studies him for a few seconds. Jake looks really... pretty while sleeping. That's the only way for Sunghoon to describe him. He turns away and goes to the kitchen to find something to eat before heading out.

Maybe Jake was lucky and didn't have any classes today.

He eats quietly, spacing out as he stared at nothing in particular.

"Hey..." Jake's voice is soft and quiet, making Sunghoon's stomach feel weird. He looks over at the older, who is rubbing his eyes with the ends of his sleeves.

"Good morning, sunshine." Sunghoon smiles back. Jake rolls his eyes and sits down at the table across from him.

"What time did Riki and Jungwon leave?" Sunghoon asks.

"Around 10 pm. I didn't sleep long before waking up. Sorry for bothering you." Jake sighs and runs his fingers through his bed hair.

"It's fine. Didn't know you liked to be held when you sleep though."

"W-What-" Jake looks horrified, cheeks heating up, "Did I do something weird?"

"No." Sunghoon lies, "You were just pressed against me when I woke up."

He decided not to tell Jake about the whole hand-holding thing. Jake looked panicked enough.

"Sorry. I think I'll just hide under my blanket next time."

Sunghoon laughs softly at his comment; he cant help but smile at Jake's embarrassment.

"You're so cute." Sunghoon mumbles without thinking, and they both sit in awkward silence afterward. Jake scratches his head and smiles awkwardly, staring down at the table.

"Uh... thanks. You-"

"I'm actually gonna be late if I don't leave right now, see you later. Like, really later. I'll be back really late." Sunghoon speaks quickly before rushing towards the door to avoid the strange tension.

"Bye, Sunghoon..." Jake calls quietly, but the younger is already gone. He sighs and decides to text Heeseung. Hopefully he's available this evening.


"Hey..." Jake says quietly, opening the door a little wider. Heeseung smiles and enters the dorm, taking a short look around before his eyes land back on Jake.

"You could have texted me while you were gone. At least once." Jake pouts softly. Heeseung swallows and nods.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm really bad with communication, I'll try to get better." He says softly. Jake is quiet. Heeseung always said that. I'll do better. I'll try harder. Yet, nothing changes.

"I've missed you." Heeseung whispers, reaching for the younger. He wraps his arms around his waist and pulls him into a hug. Jake hugs him back, already forgetting the anger he felt towards him a few moments before.

How could he stay mad at him, when he did things like this?

"What do you want to do?" Heeseung asks. He moves his hand to Jake's hair, lightly caressing it as he moves them towards the couch.

The two of them sit down, Jake still wrapped around Heeseung as he buries his head in his chest, taking in his familiar scent. He hadn't smelled it in a while, but it automatically made him melt.

"Can we just snuggle?" Jake asks, his voice muffled by Heeseung's sweater. Heeseung nods and leans back so that he was laying down with Jake on top of him. Heeseung held on to him tightly, soaking in Jake's warmth. He puts his hand under Jake's shirt and rubs his bare back gently. It's been too long since he felt his skin.

Too long since he felt him at all.

"Hee?" Jake whispers lightly.


Jake was silent. He didn't want to ask the questions he needed to ask. He wanted to avoid it. Like if he avoided it, then it wouldn't be true. Heeseung also had something to say...something he was too afraid to say.

They both had something on their minds, but neither of them wanted to ruin the comfort they had in each other at this moment.

Jake sits up a little bit and looks into Heeseung's eyes. They watch each other quietly for a moment before Heeseung leans up and connects their lips in a gentle peck. Jake blinks a few times and stares at him, taking in all of his features.

His brown eyes, fully focused on him. His cheekbones and sharp jaw. The curve of his mouth and soft looking skin.

He's so...perfect.

Jake leans down this time and connects their lips again, for longer this time. Heeseung kisses him back, his hand moving to Jake's neck to pull him closer as they close their eyes.

Has he always been this gentle?

It was like Jake was seeing a new side of him. Heeseung had never been rough with him, but it just seemed like he was being extra careful, like he was worried Jake would shatter.

It wasn't enough.

Jake deepens the kiss, and Heeseung goes along with it, sucking gently at the youngers lips.

Both of their bodies were getting hot as the minutes passed by. Soon, Jake pulls away and begins planting kisses on Heeseung's jaw. His lips move down, but is stopped by the turtle neck. Jake goes to pull at it but Heeseung suddenly grabs his hand.

Jake had already seen the marks on his neck. They stare at each other for several seconds before Jake moves off of him, standing and moving away from the couch as Heeseung sits up.


"No. I don't want to hear whatever excuse you're going to give me." Jake hisses.

Heeseung looked down and swallows.

It's really not what you think it is...

"Am I really that low to you? Am I so worthless that you can disrespect me like this and not feel bad at all?" Jake asks, angry tears forming in his eyes.


"You fuck someone else and then come to me after? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I didn't..."

"Is that why you never talk to me anymore? I've only seen you five times in the past two months, and when we text, it's always short and you're extremely elusive. You have someone else, why continue to string me along?" Jake is shouting at this point, and the angry tears were rolling down his cheeks. Heeseung couldn't do anything but look at him.

"I don't have someone else, Jake. I've only ever had eyes for you." Heeseung says softly, his voice is desperate.

"Forget what I said before, I want to know what dumb excuse you thought of. Explain those marks on your neck." Jake growls. Heeseung's mouth fell open. He wanted nothing more than to explain everything...but he just wasn't....he couldn't....

"I...can't." Heeseung says weakly. He looks away from Jake, "I'm not ready to talk about it yet, I'm sorry."

Jake scoffs and crosses his arms. He shakes his head and wipes his tears away.

"Get the fuck out." He says lowly. Heeseung looks up at him in alarm.


"Get the fuck out, Heeseung!" Jake shouts, pointing towards the door. Heeseung stands slowly and forces himself towards the exit, there's a knot in his throat and it almost feels like he can't breathe as tears brim his eyes.

"Don't come back. And don't worry, you don't have to force yourself to text me anymore, I'm not going to answer." Jake says, walking towards the door. Heeseung stood in the hallway as he looked back at the other.


"I can't do this anymore. We're done." Jake growls, then he slams the door and locks it.

Locking himself in.

Locking Heeseung out.

A/N: Anyway~


ALSO, IMPORTANT QUESTION (you may be deciding the fate of this story)

Who is endgame? (Please comment y'all)

Heehoon (Heeseung + Sunghoon)

Jakehoon (Jake + Sunghoon)

Other (Who?)

Okay, i'm tired now... BYE-

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