Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️

By Winterlanessss

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"𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐬, 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐥�... More

Author Note & Depictions


1.5K 37 10
By Winterlanessss

"Do it!"

"I cannot, isn't right", Xander pleaded. But it was useless to his father, as the swift hand came down onto his cheek. Sent to the ground, his collar picked up by the man, he spit out, "You will do this, from orders of your family. Do not let empathy cloud your mind, son, it is a useless feeling for us."

I could feel the hatred Xander had for this man, his father. I didn't understand. What did he want him to do? I watched as Xander walked into a cell, the smells of mould and damp water flooded my senses but also a scent I didn't realize was until I saw a man chained to a chair.


I could smell it as if I was an upir as well. The sickly sweet scent flooded the nose of the man I was inside.

The man was beaten, bloodied and bruised as if a violent hand had brought so much pain to his body. I could feel the hesitation Xander had as he watched the man, but I could feel his father enter the room. His scent was close to Xander but it was tainted in a sense. Ruined.

Is this why Xander lives on Knox's estate? To be away from this family?

With a shaky breath, he focused his powers, feeling the energy surge within him. Closing his eyes, he tentatively reached out, touching the man's mind like a door waiting to be opened. As he entered the man's thoughts, he was immediately engulfed in a tempest of memories and emotions, navigating through the tangled mess of his consciousness. The man screamed in pain, the process wasn't pretty. The man's eyes began to bleed, crimson dripping down his cheeks into his mouth staining his teeth red.

They always said that the eyes were windows to the soul...

Xander stood there breathing heavily as his mind swirled into his, coating each piece of happy memory with pain and despair. These powers, are rare for an upir but are used against others by his father. The power to break the mind renders the person affected useless and feeble. He truly could tear apart the physic, crippling the individual brain-dead.

And he had done this many times. I could hear it in his head, these images of Xander's memories flowing into mine. Women and men, both in this same chair were torn apart physiologically until they were gone.

He haunted the individuals, plaguing them with false memories and visions until they broke apart under him. He felt the man's fear, his confusion, and a desperate plea for innocence echoing in his mind. Xander winced, feeling an overwhelming surge of empathy as if he were experiencing the man's anguish himself.

Xander sank to the floor, his breaths coming in ragged gasps, his body shaking with the emotional toll of the experience. The world swirled into inky darkness once more.

The memory left me as quickly as it came, leaving eyes widened as I stared into my beloveds. The words were lost from my throat, only tears pouring into my eyes as I stared into his. Xander's hand clasped against my cheek as his lips twisted into a saddened smile, while he petted my hair. He whispered to me with a tightened throat, "I do not wish for others to do what they did to me, to you."

Xander picked my sore and aching body off the floor, cradling me in his chest as I sobbed quietly. I could hear Knox coming closer to us as Xander walked towards him. I felt another hand sweep up my chin as I looked into Knox's eyes, guilt flooding me as I realized what I did to him. I cried lowly, "I am so sorry."

"You'll have to try harder than some wind to get rid of me," Knox joked as he wiped the tears off my cheek making me laugh with my tears. I pressed my body further into Xander's chest mumbling quietly, "Why is this happening to me...why now?"

My whole body ached, and my mind felt clouded and fuzzy. It felt as if these powers drained me, mentally and physically. I looked up at them both as Xander smiled softly at me as if trying to give some reassurance. "We will explain everything to you, no more secrets. But let us go somewhere else," Xander said taking in the state of the office after my little outbreak.

Their footsteps echoed softly as they guided me down the familiar hallway, each step a reminder of Nora's cryptic evasion. The mention of the peculiar door only fueled my curiosity, its secrets beckoning like a siren's call.

"What is this place?" I inquired.

"This is the lord's and their lady's chambers. When I met Xander, it was only a matter of time before you entered our life. So, I made some renovations to cater to three people. This is our chamber, my beloved. Only ours," Knox explained as he pulled out a key from his pocket. Twisting the golden lock, the door creaked as he opened it.

Xander carried me down the hall, leading towards the hidden room from the locked door. Knox opened the next door easily, and my jaw dropped as we entered. The room, now revealed as their shared sanctuary, exuded an intimate aura, adorned with carefully selected furnishings. A large, opulent bed stood at the room's center, draped in rich, silken sheets of burgundy and gold, clearly meant for shared slumber. Intricate tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of ancient lore interwoven with modern motifs—a reflection of their enigmatic union.

There was a fireplace, adorned in cravings in the stone as seats with a table laid before it. The room itself was probably the amount of square footage my old home was entirely. My eyes scanned the room as Xander let me down, and my eyes widened in surprise. However, beside the fireplace on the next wall was a red door. Different than the closet and bathroom opening, this one was covered in gold trim, and wooden designs along the corners.

"What's behind that door?" I gestured toward the peculiar door.

"Like I said, some renovations have been made. But since we are spilling all secrets, we could show you," Knox offered with a mischievous glint in his eye as his orbs flickered to Xander for a split second. Xander leaned down to my ear, "After all, you were made for us as we were for you. I doubt you'd have any distaste for it," Xander added.

Curiosity swirled within me, yet other pressing questions held precedence over exploring mysterious doors at the moment. With a sigh, I voiced, "I'd prefer to wait and see."

Then Knox removed his shirt, and I couldn't help but admire his physique.

He possessed a striking form, sinewy muscles rippling beneath his skin, suggesting both strength and grace. Each muscle seemed to hold a story of dedication and resilience, etched with lines and curves that hinted at hours spent training.

Was it wrong to be so captivated?

The tattoo on his back was a masterpiece, Nordic symbols intricately woven in an ancient design. It depicted a saga, from a Viking ship braving tempestuous seas to intricate knotwork symbolizing life's cycle.

The craftsmanship was impeccable, the tattoo almost coming alive with every movement, adding an air of enigmatic allure to Knox's already mysterious origins. As our gazes met, there was a fleeting boldness in my glance, an unspoken appreciation that didn't escape Knox's notice. It was a shared moment of acknowledging his physique and the artistry of his tattoo.

His reaction was not offence but a sense of familiarity, as if he understood the curiosity and found it amusing. Our exchange spoke volumes without a word—a connection between us.

When Knox teased about fetching nightwear, there was a playful undertone in his voice, hinting at a deeper understanding.

I eyed the T-shirt on the floor, which made Xander smirk. "I believe she wants to sleep in your shirt, Knox," Xander teased, subtly acknowledging the emerging connection between us.

Their intense gazes made me blush, and I felt a mix of frustration and light-heartedness. "I can't think when you both look at me like that," I half-complained, trying to steer the conversation back to the promised information.

Xander's tender reassurance and Knox's silent agreement with a shake of his head hinted at their shared understanding, nudging away from playful banter to focus on my concerns.

As Xander asked where I was going, I calmly replied about changing in the washroom, trying to keep the situation light despite the unexpected turn.

Knox's playful comment about seeing me naked was met with a chuckle from Xander, emphasizing the comfort and shared experiences within their dynamic.

A playful pillow fight ensued, a moment of spontaneous fun amidst everything, leaving a sense of joy in the air.

The opulent bathroom felt fit for royalty, offering a sense of indulgence and relaxation. Changing into Knox's T-shirt brought comfort and a feeling of belonging within our trio. Efficiently attending to my routine, I was cautious about privacy, unsure of their sensory capabilities. Emerging from the bathroom, I interrupted their quiet conversation. Their warmth welcomed me back into our shared space.

The unexpected sound of a knock echoed through the chamber, momentarily breaking the tranquillity that had settled within the room. It was an interruption to the quiet exchange between Knox, Xander, and myself, adding an element of surprise to the otherwise serene atmosphere. The atmosphere in the room shifted with the arrival of Freya, her sudden appearance drawing attention. As she entered with a platter of refreshments, Xander swiftly greeted her at the door while Knox's gaze lingered on me, a dark intensity emanating from his stare.

Caught in the moment, I blushed furiously, feeling an unexpected rush of self-consciousness. Hastily, I sought refuge under the covers of the opulent bed, wrapping myself in the warmth of the duvet, and observing the unfolding scene.

"Thank you, Freya," Xander's voice echoed in the room as he directed her to place the tray by the fireplace, engaging in conversation with her. The brief exchange did not escape my notice. Freya, with her brunette locks framing her face, had a faint blush adorning her cheeks. Our eyes met fleetingly, and I sensed an unease in Freya's demeanour, an unspoken embarrassment lingering in the air.

Freya's arrival briefly disrupted the tranquillity. As she left, I couldn't help but notice her unease, mirroring Nora's reaction earlier.

"Why is she flustered?" I wondered aloud, only to be met with mischievous smirks from Knox and Xander, leaving me puzzled yet curious about their shared secret.

Knox's revelation about the room's usual purpose caused a rush of shock and confusion, leaving me speechless and flushed with curiosity.

Xander's calm voice urged me to ask whatever I wished, addressing me affectionately.

Grasping the weight of the moment, I stumbled over my words, embarrassed and confused. "What is... the mating process? I thought only the mark was what you do when you...y'know."

Knox's softened gaze held understanding. "The mark is just a part of a larger connection. The mating process is a deeper union, a physical and spiritual joining that solidifies the bond between an upir and their beloved."

My mind raced, struggling to grasp the enormity of what I was hearing. The revelation completely reshaped our relationship, shattering everything I thought I knew about our connection.

"I...I had no idea," I whispered, feeling the weight of our shared history settling around me like a heavy cloak.

Knox and Xander exchanged a knowing glance, acknowledging the depth of what remained unsaid between us. The room crackled with tension, a mix of discomfort and a newfound understanding of the intricate dynamics in our world.

As Knox matter-of-factly explained, the room seemed to pulse with charged tension. My cheeks burned with a blush that rivaled a wildfire as each revelation unfolded before me.

"The mating process involves steps?" I trembled, my eyes widening at each new detail.

Xander, composed as always, continued the explanation calmly. "Think of the mark as acceptance of the bond between us, our beloved."

My eyes darted between them, seeking confirmation. "Which I've done, right?"

"Yes," Knox confirmed. "But the next step involves... physical intimacy. It's about sealing the bond more deeply."

Shock rippled through me at Knox's straightforwardness. "When we mark you, that's step one, accepting the bond and your beloved. But the next step is to have sex. During this, we fill your womb with our seed—"

"WHAT!?" I sputtered, my voice reaching a higher octave in disbelief, my face now an intense shade of red.

Xander's attempt at humour tried to lighten the tension. "I think she may explode from her blush."

The room hung heavy with an awkward yet charged atmosphere, the weight of the revelation sending my mind reeling in astonishment and embarrassment. The tension in the air only heightened as I grappled with the shock, leaving an unsettling pause in the conversation.

As Knox continued explaining, trying to navigate the discomfort, I cut in abruptly, my cheeks still flushed from earlier revelations.

"Yeah, yeah, I got that part," I interjected, trying to move on from the subject.

"We will bite into the mark once more, drinking from you while you drink from us," Xander explained, his voice carrying serene confidence amidst the unexpected discourse.

"Entwining our blood and our bond as one, all night," Knox added, his words carrying the weight of ancient traditions.

Wait... All night?

"Usually, this is all done in one night if you were an upir. They like to get things done very fast," Xander chimed in casually, hinting at a deeper significance.

"What do you mean, all night?" I asked, my confusion evident.

"You're a smart girl, Adelaide," Knox teased, skirting around the details playfully.

"How does that even work with, you know... two of you?" I asked, my curiosity tinged with embarrassment.

"Should I give you an anatomy lesson?" Knox teased, catching a pillow I hurled his way effortlessly, making Xander eye the door quickly, making me wonder what was behind the red door.

"I'm not curious about the door anymore," I feigned nonchalance, a slight lie slipping through.

"Oh please, darling, I can smell your arousal from here," Xander teased, causing a gasp to escape me.

"Next question!" I blurted out, attempting to change the subject.

Among shared laughter, Knox and Xander, amused yet understanding, acknowledged my discomfort while respecting my attempt to steer the conversation elsewhere. The room, still laden with unease, now held a hint of laughter, softening the weight of the unexpected revelations.

"What are Plaetives?" I asked, looking between the fire and my beloveds. "Why is this happening to me, and why now? Wouldn't I have noticed if something like this was happening before?"

Knox softened his gaze as he spoke, offering explanations. "Plaetives are witches with an extraordinary gift. They can unearth memories of those they touch, delving into the depths of the past. With guidance, they can navigate specific memories they seek."

Knowledge poured forth as Knox stepped forward, a comforting presence amid my whirlwind of questions. "Power courses through lineages, an ancient current weaving through generations. But not everyone can harbor this sacred gene. It often awakens during tumultuous times, especially after brushes with death."

"It was always within you, Adelaide," Xander interjected gently. "But it lay dormant until this pivotal moment in your life."

My mind spun with implications. "Was my mother a witch?" I asked, recalling an earlier conversation in the greenhouse.

"Your mother had powers, a practitioner of herbal magic. But I don't believe she possessed the abilities of a Plaetive," Knox explained. "Sometimes, the power skips a generation, following unforeseen paths through the lineage."

"Why not?" I trembled, grappling with the newfound truths.

"Sometimes, the power skips a generation, traversing unforeseen paths through the tapestry of lineage," Knox explained. "Besides, if she held the gift, her magic would have been untamed, much like yours."

Uncertainty hung in the air as I pieced together fragments of my identity. "Like me?" I ventured, feeling vulnerable.

Xander's assurance cut through the unease. "We can guide you, help you wield your magic without succumbing to its whims. I've called upon a mage, a trusted friend from across the seas. He'll aid you in this journey."

As my thoughts drifted to a troubling question, I voiced my concern. "What if this is discovered by someone... untrustworthy?"

A tense silence settled in the room, hinting at the dangers that could await me if my abilities were exposed to the wrong eyes.

"I will kill anyone that tries to take you away, so will Knox," Xander declared solemnly, his words echoing in the chamber.

My mind reeled, grappling with the weight of newfound revelations. "And this power? It's not just memories; it's the elements around me. I made a tree burn from lightning!"

"Plaetives have access to various sources of power. It varies from person to person," Knox thoughtfully explained. "It seems you can connect with the elements, implying you may be an Elemental witch as well."

"From your experience? I thought they were extinct?" I questioned, intrigued.

"Not entirely, at least not in my lifetime," Knox replied, his gaze reflecting ages of wisdom.

"However, they were mostly extinct for the duration of my existence," Xander added, a touch of mystery lingering in his words.

"How...How old are you both?" I asked, disbelief colouring my voice.

Their laughter filled the air. "I am the oldest among us. Born in 1376, making me almost 600 years old, but I've stopped counting," Knox revealed with a serene smile.

"And you?" I turned to Xander.

"I am not as ancient as this grandpa," Xander chuckled. "I was born in 1832, making me 141 years old."

"That isn't even grandpa's! That's great-great-great-great—" I stammered, interrupted by Xander's gentle gesture.

"Drink your tea," Xander urged, handing me the cup.

Sipping my tea, the rush of thoughts caused a dull ache. Xander stoked the fire, shedding light on the room's corners before joining me on the bed, shirtless.

I watched, surprised, as he took my teacup and set it aside. Knox, too, joined us on the bed, sandwiching me between them.

"Come," Xander beckoned softly.

I settled between his legs as he delicately gathered my hair, brushing it with his fingers before skillfully braiding it. "Where did you learn to braid?" I asked, amazed at his dexterity.

"From the horses in the stable back... back at my old estate. I used to braid their hair before riding, something my father hated. But my mother always told me my beloved would cherish it," Xander confessed.

"I do," I whispered, feeling the warmth of the moment envelop me.

Knox, nestled among the pillows, observed us with a serene smile as if etching the memory into his heart. I turned to him, a lingering question in my eyes.

"I have one last question," I began, my voice uncertain.

"Yes, Elskling?" Knox prompted gently.

"Can a witch become an upir?" The words hung heavy in the air.

Silence fell, palpable and heavy. Xander's hands froze in my hair, the room seemingly still as Knox averted his gaze to the crackling fire, his expression pained.

"No. They cannot," Knox replied weakly, a profound sorrow lingering in his eyes, causing an ache to settle in my heart.


Thoughts of the chapter?

Is their relationship doomed from the beginning?

We finally see Xander's gift, how do you feel about his father?

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