Multiverse of Madness

By TheAnonymousDragon

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[I Feel A Void Now That It's Over..This Was Fun And Took Like 2 Years But Also Sad..It's All I've Worked On F... More

Information on stuff. (⁠・V・⁠)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Note on Grian and Scars newest episodes
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty +we made it yay+
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty (yay)
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine +eyyyy+
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred (what?!)
Chapter One-Hundred-And-One
Chapter One-Hundred-and-Two (Finale)
Incorrect Quotes <3

Chapter Seventy-One

47 3 0
By TheAnonymousDragon

Grian whispers to Pearlescentmoon: are you up for a prank?
Pearlescentmoon whispers to Grian: Depends. On who? And what did you have in mind?
Grian whispers to Pearlescentmoon: You'll know who if you agree to it. And I was thinking of a scare from the watchers duo?? Please?
Pearlescentmoon whispers to Grian: Hmmmm. I don't know Gri.. Just tell me who you want to do it to and maybe I'll consider it
Grian whispers to Pearlescentmoon: alright alright I was thinking Dream? I have a good reason for choosing him. He deserves it.
Pearlescentmoon whispers to Grian: Is 'he deserves it your good reason?
Grian whispers to Pearlescentmoon: Part of it. So will you help me?
Pearlescentmoon whispered to Grian: fine. Come to my base, Im fixing all of my tools and armour
Grian whispers to Pearlescentmoon: omw. Thanks Pearl

"You actually managed to get someone to help you?"

"Indeed. And I ain't telling you squat."

"I will find out later right?"

"Yes. Also if Suma asks you're involved."

Mumbo sighed, he knows there's no changing his mind on that. "I'll stay here with Scar. If he wakes up I'll just tell him you're getting more food?"

"Yeah that'll do. I'll be back when I'm done"

"Okay. Have fun. Don't die and don't kill anybody"

"You're no fun" Grian smiled at him before leaving to meet up with Pearl.

+With Pearl+

Pearl was fixing her armour and tools when her anvil broke in the middle of fixing her boots. Now she has to go all the way to her storage for iron. Pearl headed to her storage area for more iron. She didn't have enough. She was missing a whole block of iron.. *I thought I had so much more.. I should probably stop using anvils as decorations* Pearl thought.

"Hey Pearl!"

"Hey Grian. Again"

Grian wore a smile

"Well you're excited for this prank"

"Yeah of course I am. Like I said he deserves this."

"You said that's only a part of your reason? What's the rest?"

"He hurt the buttercups. He can't get away with hurting the buttercups"

"The who?"

"Me Mumbo and Scar. He's attacked us on three different occasions"

"When did he attack Scar and Mumbo?"

"Scar was not even an hour ago. Mumbo was a few days or a week ago, something like that"

"So he's targeting our friends because?"

"I think it's because he can't go after me. But I'm not sure."

"I thought he already did go after you?"

"He knows I'm a watcher Pearl. He's not gonna stop after one time"

"Let's get on with this prank then shall we?"

"Yes! We can't kill him because X will know and then we'll both be screwed so I'm suggesting we scare the absolute life out of him. He knows one watcher is allowed on the server but he doesn't know there's actually two"

"I'll help you with this as long as you owe me an IOU and nobody finds out I'm the one that helped you"

"Suma might if you go through with helping me"

"I trust Xisuma. He's fine but nobody else. I mean it Grian"

"I understand. No one will know. Your secret will be fine"

"Let's just go and scare him"

Pearl and Grian went off to Scarland to find Dream. They looked around for a while but couldn't find him. They did find Phil and Tommy. Phil decided it was about time he gave Tommy some attention

"Hey Uncle Grian, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for your admin. Happen to know where he is?"

"Why would you be looking for him, G? You do remember what he did to you right?" Phil said.

"That's kinda the reason why we need to find him. Revenge"

"You're getting revenge on him for hurting you?" Tommy asked.

"And my friends. He's targeting my friends while he can't go after me"

"You're never alone. He only ever targets me when I'm not around others" Tommy remembered how exile went. And how fake Dream could be when Sapnap and Ghostbur were around Vs when it was just him and Dream.

"He's smart but we just happen to be smarter"

"So do you know where he is?"

"He's talking to Techno inside"

"Before we go inside though, Phil where are your wings?"

"I've decided to hide them for a while. You've seen their condition. And then I see yours and False's and I can't keep up"

"Keep up?" Pearl looked at Grian, confused on what he was talking about

"You don't have to keep up. That's not the point. Your wings are fine, they'll heal."

"Big Q's didn't" Tommy nervously spoke up.

"Things take time to heal. Your friend didn't give himself enough time and clipped them."

"It's been years uncle Grian, they aren't healing. Big Q's wings didn't heal. Phil's wings aren't healing and mine just won't grow any bigger than this." Tommy extended his wings. They were small, no bigger than a chickens.

"G, we can deal with this later. We have a current task at hand remember?"

"We just have bad genes is all. It's okay!" Tommy tried his best to be positive. He sees how happy Tubbo used to be when he flies around, or how happy and free these hermits look with elytra.

"We'll continue this talk later if you want Gri. Like she said you have a task at hand to be getting on with" Phil waved them goodbye and walked off to who knows where. Tommy soon left and headed back inside to whoever was in there.

"You okay?" Pearl asked.

"There has to be a spell in that book from the watcher realm or something that can help them"

"Grian you can't mess with you know what magic anytime you want"

"Xelqua is there, I might as well use him for good."

"Grian, listen to me. You don't know Watcher magic. You don't know how powerful it is. You can't mess with it"

"Why not? I used it to fix my wing, why can't I use it to fix theirs"

"Wings for hybrids are complicated so is the code. Please don't mess with any watcher magic"

"Fineee. I promise. I'll only mess with it for NPG"

"That creepy thing is still around!?"

"Of course he is. You remember him?"

"Unfortunately. Let's just do this prank"

Pearl and Grian walked inside of one of the houses that Phil had pointed to.

"Hey Uncle G"

"Hello Techno"

"What's up?"

"I think Phil needed you for something. Something about a baby zombie. You might wanna go check that out"

Techno ran out of the room screaming "Philza!" when he heard 'baby zombie' and 'Phil' in the same sentence.

Dream came out of his room to see why Techno was screaming when he saw not one but two Watchers standing in front of him.

"If this is some kind of fucking trick! You'll realise fear is not in my vocabulary"

"Perhaps. But it's in your eyes" Grian or better yet Xelqua walked closer to him, towering over him. Pearl walked closer as well, standing next to Grian. Dream tried to back up and exist the room but he was just cornered instead. Grian extended his wings and so did Pearl. Dream shut his eyes tight and braced himself for an impact. Grian and Pearl took this as an opportunity to leave. Pearl left first.

Grian decided to say something before leaving. He could hear Dream's heart pounding. Was he afraid? He was. He was actually scared of little ol' Grian "stay away from the hermits. They won't hesitate to rip you limb from limb. With a little from the Boogeyman Curse of course." Grian's watcher urges grew as Xelqua picked Dream up by the neck and chocked him until he almost turned blue. Then he dropped him and scattered before anymore else came into the room. Dream was left there on the floor panting, heart racing and blood boiling. He knew Grian was a watcher. But he didn't know who the other one was. But he intends to find out.

"You're not homeless here, why are you on the floor?" Techno asked coming back into the room to find Dream on the floor.

"Was Phil actually in need of help?"

"No why? He was confused about why G lied to me"

"Cuz he and a friend of his were in their Watcher form's and threatened me"

"Ha. What are you gonna do about it?"

"Snitch to their admin of course. I have feeling he only knows of one watcher on his server. Not two"

"I can't say I'm surprised you wanna expose him or snitch or whatever but he won't even believe you. You've lied about enough shit around here"

"That's why, you're gonna tell him instead" Dream remembered a certain favour Techno owed him.

"And why the fuck would I snitch on my own uncle?"

"Because you owe me a favour"

Techno already knew the favour he was talking about. "You sure you wanna cash that in now?"

"Why not? Plus it's like it's not the only one you owe me"

"How many more of these until we're even?"

"Only a few. I'll see if I can use them all up before we get back, but his admin has to believe you and punish your uncle."

"Fuck you. Dream just fuck you" Techno walked off and sighed.

Words: 1637
((Remember to stay hydrated and eat if you're able to. Hey Superstar I Know It's Probably Been A Rough Week But Hey It's Okay. Everything Will Be Okay In The End. If It's Not Okay, It's Not The End. I'm Proud Of You For Making It Through Yet Another Say/Week/Month. Just A Little Bit Longer To Go Until The Year Is Over!))-Author<3

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