Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney X...

Od AllisonLange

558 16 2

This is the story of Ryan Kagura, a brand new defense attorney who joins Wright & Co. Law Offices during a ca... Více

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Male Oc Info
Case 1: Turnabout Samurai Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 2
Turnabout Samurai Part 3
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai part 5
Turnabout Samurai part 6
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2
Turnabout Samurai Final Part
Turnabout Samurai Final Trial Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Final Part 2
Case 2: Turnabout Goodbyes Part 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 2
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 3
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 4
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 5
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 6
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 2

Turnabout Samurai Part 4

20 0 0
Od AllisonLange

October 18
Wright & Co. Law Offices. 

One hour after the crazy first part of the trial of Will Powers, Phoenix leaned back in his chair as he sighed exhausted. 

Phoenix: Whew, what a day. 

Ryan: You can say that again. That was such a crazy morning.

Maya: This is no time for relaxing, Nick! Fake Nick! 

She yelled as she entered the office as she saw the two males as she sat down on the other couch. 

Maya: Say, you two think WP’s got a chance? 

Phoenix: I guess that really depends on the people we found out about in today’s trial. 

Maya: The director and producer…? 

Ryan: Yeah, them. 

Maya: Well, what are we doing here then?! Let’s get to the studios! 

She shouted as Phoenix decided to stop at the Detention Center to check up Powers, as the large man was happy to see them. 

October 18
Detention Center

Will: Oh, Mr. Wright! Thank you for earlier. 

Phoenix: Not at all. We got lucky, to tell the truth. 

Maya: You can say that again! 

Phoenix: Let’s not. 

Ryan: I agree with Phoenix. 

Maya: So, WP! Do you have any leads that might get us going in the right direction? 

Will: Hmm… S-sorry, but no. 

Maya: Be sure to tell us anything that comes to mind, no matter how small. 

Phoenix: We can’t rely on getting lucky again tomorrow. 

Will: Y-yes… *sniff* 

The man said as he tried not to cry as Phoenix decided to quickly ask him questions that wasn’t related to the case. 

Phoenix: Do, er, “fanboys” sneak into the studios often? 

Will: No, not that I know of. That security lady’s pretty strict with them. 

Maya: But in today’s testimony, they were often hanging around? 

Will: The kids really, really love the Steel Samurai. They sneak past when she’s not looking, I guess. 

He said scratching his head remembering the many kids that snuck past Oldbag as Pheonix asked him about the producer being at the run-through the day of the murder. 

Phoenix: Was the director present at the morning run-through? 

Will: Y-yes, yes he was. He was directing how the Steel Samurai and the Evil Magistrate should move. 

Maya: Why didn’t you tell us that before!? 

Will: W-well, just, the studio asked us to keep quiet… 

Maya: That has nothing to do with this! I hate to repeat myself, but Nick and Fake Nick here are newbie lawyers! Fresh off the bar! When they lose, they’re going to lose big! 

Will: I.. I see. *sniff* 

Phoenix: ‘Whose side is she on!?’ 

Maya: You aren’t hiding anything else from us, are you!? 

Will: N-no, I sure hope not. 

He said while sweating in fear as Maya puffed her cheeks in anger as Phoenix lead her out of the Detention Center before she argued anymore. They head over to Global Studios to find any new clues for Tomorrow’s trial. 

October 18, 2:16 PM 
Global Studios
Main Gate

As they walked through the gate, they noticed how the security lady wasn’t in the security room as Maya smiled. 

Maya: No one’s here. 

Phoenix: Right, now that they have Oldbag in custody. I guess they don’t have anyone else to replace her… 

Maya: H-hey! In the guard station! Look! She left her donuts! … … 

She said excitedly as she noticed the look from Phoenix and Ryan as she quickly changed her thoughts on the donuts. 

Maya: What? I wasn’t going to eat them! 

She shouted as they walked away from the entrance before Maya could steal any donuts as they arrived at the Employee Area. 

October 18
Global Studios 
Employee Area

Maya: Look, it’s that assistant girl. Hey! 

She shouted as she noticed Penny there as she just finished putting tape over the duct as she noticed them. 

Penny: Hi… WP’s lawyers, right? I heard about the trial! Great job, guys! 

Ryan: Heh! 

Phoenix: Oh? Oh hoh hoh. Don’t mention it. 

Penny: Is it true they caught the security lady!? 

Phoenix: Oh! Oh… oh hoh hoh! 

Penny: Actually, she just called me. She told me to cover up that drain… 

Phoenix: You mean that one? 

He asked as he pointed to the covered up drain as he sweatdropped by the look of it. 

Phoenix: ‘Wow, what a mess…’ 

Penny: I…I know… I’m not so good with handiwork. Some assistant, right? 

Maya: Yeah, but you do work on the props, and the back-drops, right? 

Penny: R-right. Just… lots of times they end up looking worse than they did before I fixed them. 

Maya: Oh? Oh! Well, I’m sure these things happen. Nothing to worry yourself about! 

Penny: You’re right! I won’t! 

Phoenix: ‘Personally, I think she should worry at least a little bit more…’ 

Penny: Um, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to the guard station. I’m supposed to fill in for Ms. Oldbag. 

Maya: Right! See you later, then! 

Penny: Good luck with your investigation. 

She said as she left for the guard station, and a few seconds after she left, Phoenix walked over to the covered up drain. 

Maya: So, the fanboy they were talking about in the trial today… He came in through that drain? 

Ryan: I’m more surprised that a kid that’s around 2nd or 3rd grade is able to fit through that. 

Phoenix: So it seems. I guess they covered it up in a hurry. 

Maya: Hey… Hey, Nick! Fake Nick! If that drain’s covered, the boy won’t be able to get in. 

Phoenix: Uh, yeah. I think that was the idea…? 

Maya: I feel kinda sorry for him, though. Don’t you? 

Phoenix: What, you want to rip the grate off? 

Maya: Really, Nick! We can!? 

Phoenix: ‘Whoa… she’s serious? Uh oh…’ 

He thought in fear by the look Maya was giving him as he decided to rip the tape off the drain and open. 

Phoenix: Well, I guess some things are just made to be broken. 

Maya: Yay! You know, Nick, you’re pretty swell sometimes. 

Ryan: ‘Why sometimes…?’ 

Maya: Hii-ya! There. That should make the kids happy. 

Phoenix: The things we do… 

He said after Maya smiled happily with the drain gone, they decided to see how Penny was doing at the guard station as Maya quickly spotted the girl, as she noticed them. 

Penny: Oh… hello. 

Maya: Ho hoh! You look a little out of place. 

Penny: It’s the clothes, isn’t it? I thought my camo vest might do the trick… Kind of an “Alternative guard fashion” thing.  

She said as she looked down at her clothing as Phoenix started to ask her some brand new questions related to the trial from this morning. 

Phoenix: So, how are the studios doing? 

Penny: There’s police wandering around everywhere, it’s terrible. They won’t even let me clean up. Don’t want me “disturbing evidence.” I haven’t even cleaned up our lunch plates from the day of the murder! 

Phoenix: You mean those plates with the steak bones left over on them in the employee area? 

Penny: Yeah. Can you believe it? 

She said as Maya decided to ask the next question about the fan boy that was mentioned by Oldbag. 

Maya: Do kids sneak in here a lot? 

Penny: Well… I don’t think there’s that many of them, but I do see one in particular a bunch. He’s always gawking at the sets, or snapping pictures. You should see Old Windbag’s eyes flash when she sees him. She has a bit of trouble catching him though… 

Phoenix: I heard something at the trial today. They said that the director and producer were here the day of the murder… 

Penny: Oh, sorry… I was in the prop storage room, so I didn’t see them. I guess they were here, though. The studio head seemed pretty eager to keep us quiet. 

Maya: So they were trying to protect the director? 

Penny: More the producer, really. The producer’s our real star here. She saved these studios from the brink of disaster and kept them running. I don’t think we’d still be in business if it weren't for that producer! 

Ryan: ‘The producer, huh?’ 

He thought as they left Penny to continue with her job as they arrived at Studio One, there was no sign of Gumshoe there. 

Maya: Hey, Nick. Fake Nick. It looks like Detective Gumshoe isn’t here today. 

Phoenix: You’re right. He’s probably up to his neck in paperwork after the commotion at today’s trial. 

Maya: So, Nick, Fake Nick… Remember that “Studio Two” we heard about at the trial today? It was down that path with the fallen tree, right? 

Phoenix: Yeah, I think that’s what they said. 

Maya: Maybe the director and the rest of them are there today? Now’s our chance, Nick, Fake Nick! Let’s check it out! 

She said as they walked down the path where the fallen tree was, as they arrived outside Studio Two, where it had a gate for vehicles to enter and exit, a small heater and some tables. 

October 18 
Studio Two Entrance

Phoenix: ‘This place is deserted…’ 


Maya: Eek! N-Nick! F-Fake N-Nick! W-w-what was that noise!? It sounded like it came from inside the trailer… 

Phoenix: Someone must be inside… 

He said as they slowly approached the door as Maya hesitated to knock on the door as she knocked once. 

Maya: H-Hello? … 

Ryan: There’s no answer. 

Maya: Pretty suspicious, if you ask me, Nick, Fake Nick! Let’s go in! 

Phoenix: I’m not sure we should be barging in… …Huh. It’s locked. 

Maya: What? Don’t we have a key? 

Phoenix: No. But there’s probably one in the guard station at the main gate. 

Maya: Then what are we waiting for? Let’s borrow it! 

Phoenix: ‘If they let us…’ 

He sighed in his head as they left Studio Two as they went back to Studio One as they entered the dressing room, they heard a voice suddenly scream once they entered it. 

???: WTF? Who are j00 d00dz!? LMAO!

Maya: H-huh!? W-we are… Wait, you first! Who are you!? 

She screamed as she spotted the owner of the voice, which was a male that was a bit round as he was sweating as he wore a hat that had a hairpiece that resembled the Steel Samurai. 

Maya: You look pretty suspicious to me! 

???: Whatever, l4m3rs! How can j00 not know the great Sal Manella!? I make teh L33T SH0WZ! The Steel Samurai? Mine! RTFC! (Read The Film Credits!) 

Maya: R-really!? You’re THE Sal Manella!? I’m so sorry! I, just, you looked so… Sorry! 

Manella: No no, quite alright. Really. It’s fine. ROFL! … 

Maya: W-what is it? 

Manella: You know, on closer inspection… Mmm… Yeah… Hot! Hot! Hot! *slobber* Hey, do joo do a lot of “cosplay,” coz that costume r0x0rz!... *drool* 

Maya: Rocksores!? Wh-wh-what… Hey! You’re drooling! 

She screamed as the man placed a hand under his mouth and saw that he was indeed drooling as he stepped back from her. 

Manella: Huh? Mmph! LOL! Buffer overrun! *pant* You’ve triggered my CR34T1V3 POW3RZ! Yes… yes, it’s coming to me! “Pink Princess”! The sequel to the Steel Samurai… “Pink Princess: Warrior of Little Olde Tokyo!” ROFL… LMAO! 

Phoenix: P-”Pink Princess”...? 

Ryan: Seriously…? 

Maya: Why’s it gotta be “Little” Olde Tokyo!? Why can’t it have a cool name, like “Neo Olde Tokyo”!? 

Phoenix: Maya, we really need to talk about “cool”... 

He groaned in annoyance before he turned to Manella and started to ask him a question about what he was doing on the day of Hammer’s murder. 

Phoenix: Did you notice anything unusual on the day of the murder? 

Manella: Oh, I know who j00 doodz are. That security lady told j00 about us, eh? 

Phoenix: That’s right. 

Manella: It was a pretty regular day. We had a run-through for an action scene in the morning. Then a meeting from lunchtime in the Studio Two trailer. Heh. I was so busy I didn’t even get a chance to eat lunch! :( 

Phoenix: A t-bone steak, was it? 

Manella: Yeah… sux0rz! I hate missing out on food… 

Maya: Nick, Fake Nick… what does “Sucksores” mean? 

Ryan: Don’t ask me… 

Phoenix: No idea… 

Manella: Anyway, I was in a meeting from noon till after 4:00. With the producer, and some bigwigs from the network. 

Phoenix: ‘Mr. Hammer’s time of death was estimated at 2:30 PM. If he’s telling the truth, that meeting gives him an alibi…’ 

He thought that it seemed strange that they didn’t notice Hammer’s death during that time as he continued to ask the man more questions. 

Phoenix: About the producer who was at the meeting with you… 

Manella: Oh, you mean Dee Vasquez? She’s a genius. M4d sk1llz, all the way. Scary, though. *sweats* She brought these studios back from the brink of destruction. She’s the one who made it possible for me to make the Steel Samurai! 

Phoenix: You had a meeting with her on the day of the murder, right? 

Manella: Yeah, we were together from noon to 4:00 Pm, the whole time. 

Phoenix: Who exactly are these “bigwigs” people keep mentioning? 

Manella: Oh, the boss over at the network, and some sponsors. Also a few production guys.  They piled into a limousine and got here right around noon. Major tension! *sweats* 

Phoenix: Were all of them with you the entire time? 

Manella; Yeah, unfortunately. They’re all gray-haired geezers… *scowl* 

Phoenix; ‘Hmm… sounds like they’d all be reliable witnesses.’ 

He thought as they left Manella for him to work with his ideas, and as they left Studio Two, they were stopped by Oldbag, who was angry over what they did earlier this morning as she stormed through the gates, to them. 

Oldbag: Ah hah! You again! 

Maya: Eeeek! 

Oldbag: How rude, acting like you’ve seen a ghost! 

Phoenix; You… certainly got back to your post quickly. 

Oldbag: Oh the police took me away, they did. They pulled out a spare Steel Samurai costume! Told me to “put it on.” Can you imagine? How could I, a sweet little old lady, wear a giant suit like that? 

Ryan: Isn’t Mr. Powers is taller than you…? 

Oldbag: As soon as they saw there was no way I could wear it, they let me go. 

Phoenix: ‘I guess that would rule out her being the murderer.’ 

Oldbag: Anyway! Know this, whippersnapper! This old lady NEVER forgets a slight or insult! And you won’t get any information out of me! My lips are sealed! 

Maya: You sure are talking a lot for someone with sealed lips. 

Oldbag: Starting now! One, two, three, mmmph! 

Phoenix: ‘This lady’s too much…’ 

He groaned inside his head as he decided to try and get Oldbag to answer some new questions about the trial. 

Phoenix: Umm, about that kid you said you saw… 

Oldbag: If I see him again, I’m taking him down! 

Maya: Nick! Fake Nick! Look at her eyes! She’s serious! 

She screamed as she saw Oldbag’s eyes change to anger as she started to huff in anger over the mention of the boy as Phoenix decided to change the topic away from the boy. 

Phoenix: About the director, the one who was here on the day of the murder… 

Oldbag: If I see him again, I’m taking him down! 

Maya: Nick! Fake Nick! I think she’s losing it! 

She said as they left the old lady by herself as she continued to huff. And as they went back to the Employee Area, the so-called fanboy was seen crawling out of the open drain as Maya spotted him. 

Maya; Hey! H-hey! Wait! 

She yelled at the boy, who ran away from them as Phoenix glanced over to the drain that the opened. 

Phoenix: ‘I’ll bet he came in right through that drain…’ 

Maya: Hey, umm, kiddy-o! What’s yer name, sport? 

Fanboy: I’m not a kid, so don’t talk to me like that! 

Maya: H-huh!? But you… You are a kid! What a rude little brat. That’s no way to talk to an adult! 

Fanboy: I don’t see no adults here! Hippie fashion chick! 

Maya: H-hippie fashion… Nick… Fake Nick… I think I’m being mocked. 

Phoenix: ‘You got to hand it to Maya, she’s pretty sharp. And pretty mad…’ 

Cody: I’m Cody! Cody Hackins. Call me “kiddy-o” again and I’ll cut you down where you stand, evildoer! 

The young boy shouted as he grabbed the fake sword that was on his back as Phoenix decided to try and ask some questions to him, carefully. 

Phoenix: So, you’re a fan of the Steel Samurai? 

Cody: How dare you utter that name, evildoer! 

Maya: What do you mean? We’re on the Steel Samurai’s side! 

Cody: H-hah! Hah hah! You can’t fool me! 

Maya: Okay… then what’s the last line said by the innkeeper in Episode 8? 

Cody: Hah! Easy! “Like some fries with that?” 

Maya: Hmph… not bad, kiddy-o. 

Cody: Watch it! 

Ryan: ‘What am I even watching?’ 

Phoenix: “What are they doing!?’ 

He shouted in his head watching the two talk about the show while Ryan was confused about what was happening before them. Phoenix calmed his thoughts as he asked Cody one last question. 

Phoenix: Say, you heard anything about the incident the other day? 

Cody: … 

Maya: You were here, weren’t you? 

Cody: … 

Phoenix: Did you see anything…? 

Cody: He… he… 

Phoenix: ?

Cody: He… always… The Steel Samurai always wins! Always! Yeah, I saw ‘em! I saw everything! 

Maya: What!? 

Cody: But… but no way am I telling you losers! 

Maya: Wha- -!? Wait… 

She said as she blocked Cody’s path as the boy was trying to leave them as that made the boy more angrier. 

Cody: Lemme go! 

Maya: … He’s gone. Huh? 

She said as she spotted something on the ground next to the table Cody bumped into as the boy was long gone. 

Maya: Something fell off the table when he bumped into it on his way out. 

Phoenix: A… bottle? Why was this sitting there, I wonder? 

He muttered as he handed the bottle of Sleeping Pills to Ryan to put into a baggie as he turned to Maya. 

Phoenix: Anyway, what was that kid saying? 

Maya: He “saw everything”... 

She muttered as they decided to leave Studio Two as they arrived back at the main gate as Maya noticed someone was gone.  

Maya: Huh? Where’s that old windbag? 

Phoenix: Odd of her to leave her post… 

He said as they suddenly heard Oldbag’s voice shouting at something that was far back. 

Oldbag: H-hey!!! 

Maya: Nick! Fake Nick! That was her! 

Oldbag: S-stop! Whippersnapper! 

Ryan: Yeah. It does sound like her. 

Phoenix: Sounds like she’s chasing after that boy. 

Oldbag: Natch! 

Maya: Uh, oh, she tripped! 

Phoenix: ‘Maya sure looks happy…’ 

Maya: Hey, hey, Nick, Fake Nick. Now’s our chance! Let’s check out the guard station! 

Phoenix: Good idea. 

He said as they quietly went into the guard station to search for new clues as Maya was searching around a shelf. 

Maya: … Oh! This is it, Nick, Fake Nick! The “Trailer Key”! 

Phoenix: The key to that trailer in Studio Two! 

Maya: We’ll be borrowing this, right, Nick, Fake Nick? 

She asked Phoenix as he slipped the key into his pocket as they left the guard station as they went back to Studio Two to get the trailer open. 

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