Rise Of The Red Dragon Empero...

Oleh Dustinsage

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Ain't doing a description Lebih Banyak

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 19

chapter 18: a fucked up reunion

1.8K 31 19
Oleh Dustinsage

Issei's POV

I leaned back in my chair, savoring the meal Ophis had prepared.

Issei:Life's surprisingly calm lately, Ddraig. No crazy plots, no impending doom. It's almost... mundane.

Ddraig chuckled,

Ddraig:Well, Issei, not every day can be a battle for the fate of the world. Sometimes, it's nice to just enjoy a peaceful evening with loved ones.

She smiled as she too ate turns out ophis has been

I nodded, glancing at Ophis, who was engrossed in her own meal.

Me:Speaking of loved ones, who would've thought I'd end up dating the Ouroboros herself? Life's full of surprises.

I embraced her from behind

Ddraig grinned

Ddraig:Ah, Kyoto, where you unleashed the Boosted Gear's power like never before against the hero faction Those were the days when every battle was a struggle, and we didn't know if we'd make it out alive.

I wonder what they are up to know

As I reminisced

A mystical circle materialized, revealing a stunning girl with light brown hair adorned in divine attire – it was Athena. Her smile radiated warmth as she held a scabbard in her hands.

Athena:Bow before you, brother

Athena greeted, her voice carrying a regal tone.

Athena:Your valor in thwarting Hera, Poseidon, and Hades from seizing Olympus is renowned among the gods. I come bearing gratitude and a gift.

I nodded, acknowledging her words.

Athena:Big brother, your heroics have saved our divine realm

she continued, a genuine sense of appreciation in her eyes.

Athena gracefully lowered herself in a bow before continuing,

Athena:As a token of Olympus's gratitude, Hephaestus himself forged this divine sword. It's a symbol of our appreciation for your bravery and dedication.

She presented the scabbard to me, and as I unsheathed the sword, its divine radiance illuminated the room. "This sword," Athena explained

Athena:is imbued with the essence of Olympus, a weapon of unparalleled strength crafted by the hands of the gods.

I marveled at the intricate craftsmanship, my mind flashing back to the moment Ascalon met its end when I unleashed my Draconic Nexus form. A bittersweet feeling overcame me.

Athena's eyes gleamed as she observed my reaction.

Athena:Fear not, big brother. This sword, named Aegisblade, is not a replacement but a new chapter. Hephaestus poured his craftsmanship into it, ensuring its power rivals that of any celestial weapon.

I thanked her, genuinely moved by the gesture.

Me:It's an honor to receive such a gift from Olympus

I expressed, tightening my grip on Aegisblade.

Athena smiled

Athena:May this blade serve you well, big brother. Let it be a reminder of the bond between mortal and divine, forged through valor and sacrifice.

As our conversation continued, Athena shared tales of Olympus, weaving a narrative that transcended time and realms. The divine sword, now in my possession, symbolized not only victory but the enduring connection between humanity and the gods.

Athena's gaze shifted, her eyes widening as she noticed the presence of Ophis and Ddraig. A hint of fear flickered across her expression, and she instinctively bowed before them, showing her utmost respect.

Ddraig chuckled, exchanging a nonchalant glance with Ophis.

Ddraig:No need for the formalities, Athena. We're all family here.

Ophis nodded in agreement, her demeanor surprisingly relaxed.

Ophis:Issei sees you as his little sister, so consider us family as well." She waved off Athena's concern, as if dismissing the need for any reverence.

Athena, still in a respectful bow, hesitated before straightening up.

Athena:I appreciate your understanding. It's just, in the realm of gods, hierarchy is ingrained.

Ddraig grinned

Ddraig:Well, lucky for you, Issei doesn't care much for divine hierarchy. He's more about treating everyone like equals.

I nodded in agreement,

Issei:yeah, Athena, relax. No need for all the formalities. Ophis and Ddraig are practically family too.

Athena's demeanor eased, and a small smile graced her lips.

Athena:thank you, Issei. It's heartening to see such niceness

Ddraig nudged Ophis playfully,

Ddraig:Guess we're officially part of the family now, huh?

Ophis rolled her eyes, but a subtle smirk played on her lips.

Ophis:I suppose so. Family dynamics are amusing.

As we all shared a light-hearted moment, the room seemed to be filled with a sense of unity. Athena, having set aside her initial apprehension, joined in the banter.

Athena:I must admit, Issei, your chosen family is quite unconventional, but the bond is undeniable.

I laughed,

Me:Yeah, it's a bit chaotic, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Family is family, divine or not.

And so, in the presence of gods and dragons, a unique bond formed – one that transcended celestial realms and embraced the essence of camaraderie among beings from different worlds.

I felt my phone vibrate, indicating an incoming call from Azazel. Curiosity and a hint of concern crept in as I answered.

Me:Hey, Azazel. What's up?

Azazel's voice came through, a mix of seriousness and something else I couldn't quite place.

Azazel:Issei, your parents are in town. They want to meet you, and they're at the ORC.

A frown creased my forehead. My parents weren't exactly involved in  my life I did remember me leaving their house and plus they're not my real parents

Me:they want to meet me at the ORC? That's... unusual.

Azazel chuckled,

Azazel:Well, they seem to be eager. I think they've got something important to discuss.

I sighed, glancing back at Ophis, Ddraig, and Athena.

Me:Guess I should head over there then. Thanks for letting me know, Azazel.

I excused myself from the trio, promising to catch up with them later. As I made my way to the ORC, thoughts swirled in my mind. What could be so important that my parents wanted to meet at the Occult Research Club?

As I entered the Occult Research Club, a peculiar gathering awaited – Team Vali, Rias and her peerage, Azazel, Rossweisse, and to my surprise, my parents. Their embrace upon seeing me carried a mix of warmth and concern, but an undercurrent of anger surged within me.

Mom:Issei, my dear, we were so worried about you

my mother expressed, her voice laden with genuine concern.

However, frustration overwhelmed me, and I pushed them away, a sharp command escaping my lips.

Me:Stop it. Just stop.

The room fell into an awkward silence, eyes fixed on me, questioning and puzzled. Vali's sharp gaze

Rias's concerned expression,and the rest – all bore witness to my sudden outburst.

I took a moment to collect myself, then spoke with a tone laced with pent-up frustration.

Me:The last memory I have is when you all chose those girls.

I pointed, singling out Asia.

Me: your daughters, over me

A perplexed look crossed Asia's face, but before she could respond, I continued.

Me:And when were you planning on telling me that Gorou and Miki Hyoudou aren't my real parents? In fact, 'Issei' isn't even my real name.

The revelation hung in the air, a heavy truth that no one seemed prepared for. Shock etched across every face in the room – Vali, Kuroka, Bikou, Arthur, Lefay, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Gasper, Azazel, and Rossweisse.

Irina: Mr and Mrs Hydohou is this true

Akeno: I don't believe it

Arthur: wow

My parents exchanged uneasy glances, the weight of their actions now glaringly apparent.

Father:Issei, we had our reasons

my father began, but his words were cut short by my rising frustration.

Me:I deserve to know the truth

I asserted, my anger demanding answers.

Me:Why keep it a secret? and who are my real parents?

The room held its breath, the tension reaching a breaking point as the concealed truths yearned to be unveiled.

Mom: how did you know

Rage surged through me as I confronted my parents.

Me:How did I find out?

they asked, confusion and guilt etched on their faces.

Me: The memory gap below five years of age had haunted me, but a fragment lingered – my real mother dropping me off somewhere.

I pointed accusingly at them, demanding the truth.

Me:Now tell me, who the hell are you two, and why have you been lying to me for most of my life?

They exchanged uneasy glances, hesitant to reveal a truth they had concealed for so long. Finally, they spoke, admitting they found me near a shrine, childless and decided to adopt me.

Me:So you two were planning to hide it for as long as I lived? Keeping away my true heritage HOW COULD YOU

My anger flared again, frustration boiling over. The weight of their deception fueled my fury.

Azazel: issei calm down

Koneko: issei please they're still your parents

Gasper: big bro please you're scaring us

As the others attempted to calm the situation with words of reason, I unleashed my aura, sending them flying.


I roared, my emotions turning into a storm that echoed in the room.

The air crackled with tension as my power surged, a manifestation of the betrayal I felt. My parents, the ones I thought I knew, were strangers harboring a secret that shook the foundation of my identity.

Rias stepped forward cautiously,

Rias:Issei, calm down. We're here for you.


But my anger raged unabated, my frustration lashing out at those around me.

ME:You don't understand! None of you do!

I bellowed, my aura pulsating with unrestrained intensity.

Azazel, Vali, and the others exchanged worried glances, realizing the depth of my turmoil.

Azazel: issei, we can help you through this

Azazel offered, attempting to bridge the gap between my fury and their concern.

But in that moment, reason drowned in the sea of my anger. The revelation, the deception, tore at the fabric of trust, leaving me engulfed in a tempest of emotions that seemed impossible to quell.

With a bitter resolve, I withdrew into my magical prowess, mending Miki's womb effortlessly.

Me: you you can have kids

I announced coldly, the words hanging in the air as a stark testament to the drastic change in our relationship.

Me:I only did you good by keeping the Issei name
I continued, my tone devoid of the warmth that once defined our connection.

Me:But from now on, we're strangers and nothing else.

The room, still reeling from the earlier revelations, fell into a heavy silence. My parents stood there, faces marked with shock and realization. Miki, now healed, looked at me with a mix of gratitude and confusion.

Rias, ever the diplomat, cautiously stepped forward.

Me: rias issei, I understand you're angry, but cutting ties like this—"

I interrupted her with a sharp gaze.

Me: No 1 this doesn't concern you you BITCH and No 2 Cutting ties? No, I'm setting things straight. I don't appreciate your concern, but this is my decision.

My aura flickered with a cold intensity, a manifestation of the emotional distance I was enforcing. The others exchanged glances, grappling with the profound shift in dynamics.

Vali, usually unyielding, spoke up

Vali:Issei, think about this. Family isn't just about blood; it's about the bonds we forge.

I scoffed,

Me: SHUT THE FUCK UP this isn't your family Vali and neither mine Bonds? The only bonds here were built on lies. From now on, I define my own path.

As the weight of my words settled, the room remained ensnared in a tense silence. The truth had severed the ties that bound us, leaving behind a fractured semblance of what once was.

Me: I declared, my words a finality that echoed through the room. Turning away from the group, I walked into the uncertain path ahead, leaving behind the remnants of a connection that had shattered beyond repair.

As Miki and Gorou broke down, their faces etched with a profound sorrow, tears  the gravity of my decision hung in the air. Rossweisse, Xenovia, and even members of Vali's team joined the collective plea for forgiveness, their expressions a mixture of empathy and desperation.

Rossweisse:issei, please, reconsider

Rossweisse implored, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Rossweisse:Families face challenges, but there's always room for healing.

Xenovia nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a genuine desire for reconciliation.

Xenovia:We've been through so much together. Don't let this tear us apart.

Vali stepped forward, his usual stoic demeanor showing a rare hint of vulnerability.

Vali:Issei, I understand your anger, but cutting ties like this is a drastic step. Give it time, and we can work through this together.

My frustration flared again, a tempest of emotions threatening to engulf me I almost lost control of my powers

Me: you don't get it, any of you

I retorted, my voice sharp.

Me:This decision is final, and I won't be persuaded otherwise.

As their pleas persisted, I grew more resolute.

Me:if any of you question my decision again," I warned, my tone darkening,

I won't hesitate to sever ties permanently with the three factions  If I have too, This is my life, and I'll navigate it on my terms.

Tension gripped the room as my threat reverberated. The gravity of the situation sank in, and a reluctant acceptance settled over those gathered. The fractures in our bonds were now irreversible, and the path ahead was one of solitude.

Gazing at the faces of those who once stood by me, I felt a mixture of regret and determination. With a final, unwavering look, I turned away, leaving behind a trail of shattered connections and stepping into an uncertain future.

As I stood by the shrine, the place where my real mother had left me, the weight of the truth pressed down on me. "Kibo," I whispered, my real name carrying a profound significance – hope. Yet, instead of comfort, it stirred a deeper sense of unease, a stark contrast to the hope it symbolized.

In the midst of my emotional turmoil, I felt the presence of two beings approaching. Ophis and Ddraig embraced me, their silent support offering solace in the face of my internal storm.

Ddraig spoke first, her voice a soothing resonance

Ddraig:issei, facing your true identity is undoubtedly challenging. But remember, hope isn't just a word; it's a force that can guide you through the darkest of times.

Ophis, usually reserved, added,

Ophis:You're not alone. We understand your pain, and we're here to share the burden.

I nodded, appreciating their presence.

Me:It's just... everything feels so different now. The name, the truth about my parents. It's like I've lost a part of myself.

Ddraig offered a reassuring smile,

Ddraig:Sometimes, in discovering the truth, we undergo a transformation. It's a painful process, but it can lead to newfound strength and understanding.

Ophis chimed in

Ophis:Your journey doesn't end here, issei. Embrace the changes, and remember that hope can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth.

As I absorbed their words, a mixture of gratitude and sadness settled within me.

Me:I just wish it didn't hurt this much.

Ddraig patted my back

Ddraig:Pain is part of growth, . Allow yourself to feel it, but don't let it define you.

Ophis, her presence calming, added,

Ophis:And when the storm subsides, you'll find a stronger version of yourself on the other side.

We stood there in the shadow of the shrine, a trio bound by shared pain and hope. As the weight of my identity settled, I knew that this journey, though fraught with challenges, was an opportunity for transformation and self-discovery.

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