Narnia: The Lost Wolf

By Latrice_M

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Brooke Barwin isn't your ordinary teenage girl. She is a werewolf in this world called Narnia. What happens w... More

Narnia: The Lost Wolf
Chapter 1: Flashback
Chapter 2: Professor's House
Chapter 3: There's No Such Thing As Narnia
Chapter 4: Narnia
Chapter 5: The Wolf
Chapter 6: Story Time
Chapter 7: Father Christmas
Chapter 8: The River
Chapter 9: Aslan's Camp
Chapter 10: Can't Sleep
Chapter 11: Knight Of Narnia
Details + Stuff
Chapter 13: A Sad Walk
Chapter 14:The Battle
Chapter 15: The Coronation
Chapter 16: Going Back
Thank You!!

Chapter 12: The Witch

7.8K 202 15
By Latrice_M

Peter and I walked out of my tent and saw Orieus. He looked up to the rocks and we followed him seeing Aslan talking with Edmund. Soon Susan and Lucy came out of their tent and saw Edmund.

"Edmund!" Lucy said before trying to run up to him but Peter stop her. Aslan and Edmund noticed we were all standing there and finished their conversation before they both came down from the rocks and over to us.

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what has past." Aslan said before going back to his tent. There was some awkward silence between everyone before Edmund spoke.

"Hello." He said not really looking up at them. Lucy came up to hug him and then Susan while me and Peter stood there next to each other.

"Are you alright?" Susan asked him.

"I'm a little tired." He replied.

"Get some sleep," Peter said nodding his to the direction of his tent. Edmund started w walking over before he spoke again,"And Edmund. Try not to wander off." Edmund smiled a bit before going to Peter's tent.

- later at breakfast -

"Narnias not gonna run out of toast Ed." Lucy said watching Edmund stuff his face with toast.

"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back." Peter said next to me. I looked at him confused and a little shocked.

"We're going home?" Susan asked.

"You are," he said getting off the rocks we were both leaning on and walking over to them, me following, "I promised mom I would keep you three safe. But it doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help."

"But they need us. All four of us." Lucy said.

"Lucy it's too dangerous. You almost drowned, Edmund was almost killed!" Peter said.

"Which is why we have to stay," Edmund spoke, "I've seen what the White Witch can do, and I've helped her do it. And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it."

"Well I suppose that's it then." Susan said getting up and going over to her stuff.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked.

"To get in some practice." She replied grabbing her bow and arrows.

"I'll come too." I said following her. Lucy came too.

We walked over to the archery range and stood in front of a target. I stretched out my hand and made my bow appear in my hand and my quiver full of arrows on my back.

"Now I don't normally use archery as a strategy in a battle but I do know that the key to archery is focus." I said as I pulled up my bow with my arrow in it and let go. It landed just outside the bullseye.

Susan took a shot and hers landed just about where mine did. Lucy was amazed and took out her dagger and threw it at the target. It hit the bullseye. Susan and I were shocked.

Soon the guys came and were sword fighting on horseback through the field. Peter was on the unicorn Arthur and Edmund was on the horse Phillip.

"Come on Ed. Swords up, like Orieus showed us." Peter said making me smile knowing that Orieus was the first one to teach me sword fighting on horseback. I prefer regular sword fighting though.

"Peter! Edmund!" Mr.Beaver yelled running up to them. "The witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan! She's on her way here! Where's Brooke?"

I quickly made my bow and arrows disappear and change form to a wolf and started running towards the camp passing Peter and Edmund then leaping over Mr.Beaver because he was in my way.

Soon the rest arrived and we were standing next to each other. I was back in human form and holding Peter's hand. We watched as the witch arrived on her throne being held by Cyclops.

"All hail the queen of Narnia!" The little midget dwarf said walking in front of the witch. When she got in front of Aslan, her Cyclops people put down her throne and she walked up eyeing Edmund then looking over to Aslan.

"You have a traitor in you midst Aslan. And as well a girl that should have been my property a long time ago. Instead I have her stupid older brother who I'm surprised isn't dead yet." She said. Now I'm angry.

"Call my brother stupid again you little-" I spoke before lunging forward but Peter held me back.

"Enough Brooke," Aslan said to me before turning back to the witch, "Edmunds offense was not against you."

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" She asks.

"Do not cite the deep magic to me witch. I was there when it was written!" Aslan growled.

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property." She said. Peter then draws his sword and points it at the witch. I grab his arm holding him back before he gets any closer.

"Try and take him then." He says.

"Do you really think that meere force will deny me my right, little king?" The witch says. Peter lowers his sword have being defeated.

"Aslan knows that unless I have blood as the law demands. All of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. That boy will die on the stone table, as is tradition!" She yells, pointing at Edmund, "You dare not refuse me."

"Enough. I shall talk with you alone." Aslan says turning to his tent. Not without me your not.

I quickly changed form into a wolf so Peter couldn't stop me and sprinted inside his tent before Aslan even got in. I turned back and saw that he just sighed and continued into the tent with the witch in after.

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