Withering moon lit rose

By Anzu1103

40K 1.3K 458

Ryuunosuke Akutagawa was spending the early evening with his sister Gin in their shared apartment. Ryuunosuke... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Author's note
Extra 1
Extra 1.2
Extra 2
Extra 2.2
Extra 2.3
Extra 2.4
Extra 2.5
Extra 2.6
Extra 2.7
Extra 2.8
The wedding - part 1
The wedding - part 2
The wedding - Part 3
Author's final words

Extra 2.9

250 11 1
By Anzu1103

"Atsushi, where is Akutagawa!?" Yosano cried as he entered the office a little later than he usually would.

"He's at home, sleeping." Yosano gave him a confused look.

"Why is he there and not the infirmary where I can keep an eye on him?" Akutagawa honestly made the doctor's job ten times harder than it needed to be.

"He didn't want to be in there. That and I kinda gave him a cold after last night." He gave an awkward laugh and began to make his way over to his desk, leaving Yosano in shock. She groaned slightly before going to retrieve her coat from her office.

"Where's your apartment at, I'll pay him a visit?" Atsushi shook his head at the woman's question.

"Yosano he's perfectly fine, like I said, he's just got a cold. We both stood outside for so long last night." The doctor paled at him.

"Why would you let him stay outside for so long after just waking up!?" Yosano looked like she wanted to strangle Atsushi.

"Reasons. By the way, where is Dazai?" Yosano refused to answer his question and stormed off into her office, throwing her coat on one of the beds. Atsushi turned to Kunikida and tried asking the question again.

"How should I know, he was supposed to be here an hour ago. Same as you. Does no one care about being on time anymore?" Kunikida complained, he sighed before continuing on with his work. The sound of a text message alert then sounded from Kunikida's desk. He quickly read it before exclaiming.

"I need to leave a few hours early today." Kyoka looked up from her desk at the man shouting.

"But you never leave early?" Kyoka questioned as Ranpo leant against the back of her chair stealing one of the sweets off her desk.

"Yes well it's Aya's birthday, me and my partner promised to take her out for a meal." Ranpo gave a light laugh before annoying Kunikida.

"You mean your 9 foot tall boyfriend who has a vampirism ability, who is basically your husband at this point?" Kunikida began to panic and fumble with his words. All he managed to spit out was a series of noises that were supposed to be words. Just then Dazai made his way into the office, with a jacket that wasn't his usual one.

"Ooo what are we doing? Are we annoying Kunikida?" The male leant on Kunikida's desk, his face in his hands as his elbows rested on the desk.

"So Kunikida, why are you all flustered?" He pressed leaning closer and closer until he pushed Dazai off his desk and walked into Yosano's office and slammed the door shut. Now they had two angered agency members.

"Aww, no fun." Dazai whined as he got to his feet dusting himself down. Atsushi took this as his moment to grab his mentor's attention.

"Dazai I need you for a minute." Without giving his mentor the opportunity to give an answer Atsushi grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the cafe downstairs. When he saw Lucy he immediately told her he had to discuss something private with Dazai and asked if she would leave them alone. She said she would but secretly hid behind the counter eavesdropping, Atsushi could hear her breathing from behind the counter and left her be. After all, if she listened in she might finally take the hint.

"So what is it Atsushi?" Dazai questioned as he removed his 'borrowed' coat and leant against the seat of the chair.

"Um it's about me and Ryuunosuke..." Atsushi answered shyly, he didn't know how to explain this. Dazai tilted his head in confusion. A thought crossed Atsushi's mind and he quickly grabbed his phone and showed Dazai the most recent photo on his phone. It was Akutagawa curled up on the bed. Atsushi had taken the photo this morning thinking he looked cute like that.

"I don't understand, what does showing me a picture of him do?" Atsushi pointed to his hand and then to the phone. Dazai looked at the photo again, he quickly scanned over Akutagawa's hand and saw the ring. The dots connected almost instantly.

"Well I'll be damned. You actually did it." Atsushi nodded, taking back his phone and hiding it away in his pocket.

"I need help planning the whole thing. That and I'm kinda broke." Atsushi gave an awkward laugh at his last comment. Dazai nodded to his words, he would be happy to help the couple. After all, when he and Chuuya got married it wasn't exactly a celebration. It was just the pair of them getting some documentation as proof of their marriage, they then requested a week off afterwards in which they just mainly drove around going to places they knew they probably wouldn't get the chance to see again.

"I'll let Chuuya know, he'll be over the moon about this. I imagine he'd offer to pay for it as it's Akutagawa after all." Atsushi nodded, he felt a little guilty expecting a Port Mafia executive to foot the bill for this whole event.

"Are you going to tell anyone else?" Dazai questioned, Atsushi shrugged his shoulders.

"I haven't had a chance to discuss it with Ryu yet. He kinda passed out last night when we got in, and when I got up this morning he had a high fever and wasn't exactly in a fit state to be discussing things." Dazai laughed at that. The ex mad dog of the Mafia taken out by a little cold.

"I won't utter a word to a soul, except Chuuya." Atsushi gave a little bow in thanks, Lucy then deemed this her moment to pop out of her hiding spot.

"Ah ha! You're keeping a secret from the agency! Tell me what it is or I'll tell them you're hiding something!" Atsushi looked to Dazai, the elder just shrugged his shoulders. He was never fond of her in the first place, she was always so irritating. That and she had a habit of flirting with his husband when he paid a visit to the agency, it ticked him off.

"Lucy, I'm getting married." It was so straight to the point it shocked Dazai slightly. Atsushi usually worked his way around his answers. Lucy was so shocked she sank back beneath the counter again.

"Well that quitentend her." Atsushi shrugged his shoulders as he rose from his seat. He had a few documents to fill in before he would return home. He wasn't even supposed to be in today, he was just covering some work Akutagawa hadn't finished.

But he was relieved. It was finally happening. Atsushi and Ryuunosuke were finally getting the ending they deserved.

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